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Body Positivity and its Consequences have been a disaster for the Feeder race Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 19:56:36 Id:78b317 No. 54367
Things were so easy back in ~2014-2016. Being fat was still a universal mark of unattractiveness, so if you've had this fetish, it was like a gift from god. Fat chicks were SO easy to get, and they were always so grateful for finding someone who found them attractive (as long as you weren't a fucking creep about it). Now 10 years later, and everything's fucked. There are more fat girls around than ever, but being fat isn't something to be ashamed of. Women in the 30-35 BMI range think they're hot stuff, and the chubbies of 25-30? They're "hot" now. This also might be anecdotal, but this fetish seems weirdly common among zoomers. It used to be a taboo thing, now it feels like a good 5-10% of young guys are into chubby girls. When I admitted to my first gf that I actually like the fact she's chubby, she was so grateful and happy. She stopped trying to diet and it was so awesome. Now I went on a 4th date with this girl who, by any REASONABLE standard would be considered a fucking whale, yet she's described herself as "curvy". I grabbed her belly during sex and afterwards she out and asked if I had a thing for that, and I said "yes", and she got all surly and shit and told me it's not going to work out. Why? Because she's had a bad experience with another fat fetishist guy who tried to manipulate her into gaining weight. Thank a lot, asshole. I hope you're reading this. Because your retarded moves just clockblocked me through time and space.
>>>>54520 The schizos you disparage are the only people with the skills to count the ballots and work the polls on election. The board of elections aren't going to give up their Dodge Rams, Dodge Dakotas so the peasantry can win. I don't see the left winning people are tired of Greta, AOC, they're driving fat men into the the arms of the MAGA Cherokee, Seneca, and Shinnecock
Trust me, the internet is now sanitized and there's no more crazy.
>>54444 Checked.
>>54520 Newsmax is NY conservatism, created by a Catholic who's temperamental, but doesn't wade into the culture war. Newsday was conservative before it started indulging in sugary liberalism.
>>54529 Trump will win and die in office. Vance will be so repugnant it will inspire an even more powerful wave of Democratic support than the one that got Obama into office, and the Dems will rule for decades. They'll fix the broken supreme court, pass some laws to stop the rampant Republican election fraud, and get the ship back in track for us to sail safely into the climate apocalypse.
>>54530 Trump is behind schedule cause JD Vance has the charisma of a special needs child. I find it odd cause Ohio is just like Upstate where it's rust belt and drugs central. Republicans are losing, even Ted Cruz is losing to Democrats cause he's flat out unlikable. At best, I say people are going to split the ticket and vote Trump with Democrats at the Senate
If there's any reason why women into body positivity look down on us, it may be because they are people who don't want to just be our sex toy but a human being. They may be into us if find them hot, not fattening them up into immobility, or wanting to control their lives 100%. If we want to have dates, we should stop blaming new ideologies for being the reason why we are dateless. We are becoming incels when we say that feminism/body positivity is why we can't date anymore instead of acknowledging that women are people and have a choice with who they want to go out with. Body positivity can be good for us, we just have to treat them better and be nicer and then we can get laid.
>>54541 Body positivity doesn't sell. If anything, corporations are losing money thanks to DEI because the left doesn't buy their products and conservatives are the ones who buy the stuff. Rainbow haired Tumblrista doesn't buy John Deere, Bud Light, or listen to Taylor Swift. Just look at how Lizzo disappeared cause she was a degenerate.
>>54541 le upvote!
>>54541 I do know what you mean. Vance is right that the crazy cat lady vote is killing fun. Notice how unhappy Travis Kelce is now that Taylor Swift endorses Harris. Women haven't articulated why gamers should care about abortion and gynecology, both of which appeal to middle aged women. Yeah LI is conservative, but MAGA going to touch abortion cause women won't admit they visit that totally obvious Planned Parenthood which looks like a print works shop. If the left really cared about health, they would be funding Creedmore instead of closing down shop so everyone goes to the big city for their checkups. Their strategists are salty now cause the left is full of chicks but these college educated women now have the personality of a school teacher and faculty. I've seen older women attacking younger women for not thanking the husband opening the door. I argue the future of feminism is going to be girl boss millennials vs gen z on TikTok over who is hip.
>>54367 Hard disagree, with the average woman being overweight these days its easier than ever to date actually hot fatties instead of the ugly whales of old
>>54541 knows. A friend once told me that a person can become ugly, even if they are attractive. Because of a shitty attitude. And even though I like huge girls and I fantasize about watching them eat in one sitting what I consume in 1 or 2 days, and feel that it is like being with an insatiable animal. It is despicable to want them to kill themselves, and to see them only as an object or property, forgetting that they are people.
>>54367 Yeah its fucked. Dumbasses went on youtube years ago and portrayed feedists as scum who want their gfs to be immobile so we can abuse them. Its way worse than it used to be back in the old days when liking fat chicks was considered weird but harmless. Now we're seen like pedophiles. It's also ironic because those women who say "i had a bad experience with a feeder" act like men havent manipulated women for sex for millenia. Its not about the kink its about the guy not being a shithead but even a vanilla man could be a sociopath.
>>57117 >>57103 It’s not that big of a deal. Women complained about rich men abusing them for years and it’s never slowed down gold digging. Metoo didn’t slow down the popularity of the casting couch. Women are advertising feedism by talking about abusive men force feeding them to immobility, I’ve never met more young women into that specific fantasy than now.
>>57124 I know my reputation as a sociopath, but I find your views on women revolting
>>57124 Ehh I'm not into women who want to be abused or have rape fetishes. It's never an isolated thing. There's always a lot of baggage there. Too much for me to responsibly handle. I want a woman who's into feedism because she likes the combination of hedonism and masochism while appreciating the aesthetics of fat bodies. Not into someone who is so extremely masochistic that they're into feedism because they think I'm gonna or am actively abusing them.
>>57117 There seems to be a lot of women out there who had a bad experience with a previous feeder boyfriend. I can't tell you how many times I've disclosed my fetish to someone I was dating only to immediately follow up with why I'm not a goddamn psycho. Whoever is stuffing women from the get-go, knock it the fuck off. Ease them into it. You'll ruin them for the rest of us when they inevitably find out what a creep you are.
>>57131 Look on the bright side, you might have avoided a neurotic girl.
>>57131 > There seems to be a lot of women out there who had a bad experience with a previous feeder boyfriend. The bad experience was when Chad didn’t marry her for gaining 25 lbs. 9/10 times they’re only calling it abuse because they got dumped and need to rationalize their simphood as abuse. > Whoever is stuffing women from the get-go, knock it the fuck off. Ease them into it. You'll ruin them for the rest of us when they inevitably find out what a creep you are. God, how jelly are guys like you that there are men who can easily and readily convince normies to try out feederism. These women ask what I’m into then volunteer to try it out. They’re the eager ones dipshit.
>>57145 >readily convince normies to try out feederism >try out Read my shit again, numbnuts. There are perfectly good fatties out there who will absolutely gain more weight without being coerced but won't stuff themselves during sex because some maniac wanted them to cram themselves silly and went overboard. There's nuance to feedism IRL and it doesn't start with an entire sheet cake.
>>57153 Dramatic stuffings are an important part of humiliating a woman enough to break her spirit and feed her to a truly behemoth size. Have you never had any feeder experience child?
You guys can't honestly think it's become hard to bag fat girls. If you're not hideous, take care of yourself, have a job, and aren't a miserable asshole in conversation, you can fuck the majority of fatties. Granted, this is a website for sharing fetish porn, so that might be setting the bar a little high. This fetish is still easy as hell to indulge in because most of the dudes trying to fuck fat girls just aren't impressive. If anything it's gone in a good direction because it's nowhere near as taboo for slim girls to put on a few pounds and eventually give up and get fat.
>>57153 I've found the best course is to just soft enable them and worship their bodies. Make offhand comments about liking different features when they complain or express insecurity. Offer them food in a nurturing tone that suggests you like spoiling them. Otherwise basically never mention feedism and they'll usually put on weight and feel comfortable with you. After you've been together for a long time you might be able to indulge in some of the niche kinks like seeing them in tight clothes. touching their belly, and if you time it right fucking them after a big meal. But the more extreme stuff like funnel feeding, feeding during sex, and intentional weight gain is HIGHLY unlikely if you want them to stay attracted to you and not get cold feet about being comfortable with their size. In a way its better that way. Full bore feedism is probably terrible for their health and honestly for your sex life.
.>>57169 Honestly, its not that its hard, but its just not worth the effort. 95% of the time, these girls are fat because they’re lazy, self-centered and entitled, including the ones that are supposedly into feederism. Its ironic how you can't look "hideous", you have to take care of yourself, and not act like miserable assholes, yet many fatties do the exact opposite with their egos inflated by social media validation, fueled by desperate and pathetic simps and porn rotten men. What made fat women so great in the past, at least here in Brazil, was how fun, easygoing and approachable they were. They knew how to focus on being kind and engaging, often compensating for their size with great personalities. Now, it feels like that charm is gone, replaced by entitlement and unpleasantness..
>>57187 Food is terrible. Just look at the garbage in NY setting up shop: Jollibees, Hobby Lobby, Raising Caine's. All the slop that used to be unacceptable but now making way cause Americans can't take a hint their stuff suck.
>>57189 >Jollibees Their chicken isn't "garbage". >Hobby Lobby People eat at Hobby Lobby? I thought they were just an arts and crafts store like Michaels or Joann.
>>57190 Jollibees is garbage and cannot compete with Popeyes or home cooked. Koreans already got the Asian fried chicken and Japanese have the iron chefs, Jollibees has no discipline and is Kennedy Fried Chicken for Asians. I don't want your welfare chicken. Hobby Lobby is opening cause NY took the Dodge Ram MAGA pill.
>>57187 I'm curious where you try to meet women and how you do it... because I've never felt like fat girls were top entitled or had inflated egos unless I was trying on feabie, and even then I've done recently well. Hell I have had great connections with girls who have modeled or otherwise been popular content creators content, just on other platforms besides feabie.
>>57200 In my university mainly. rarely in bookstores or coffeeshops, since I go to them only 2-3x a month. I start small talk with them based on the situation, if it's in a bookstore, then I talk about the book, or it's genre, as a starter. If it's in a coffee shop, I talk about it or a specific item in the menu that caught my attention for being super tasty or somehow unique. If it's in uni, If I get to know them by sitting besides them in a class, it usually starts by me helping them with an exercise given by the teachers or something like that.
>>57203 >>57200 I'm not a retarded degenerate that talks about how fat they are or anything sexual, specially out of the blue. I usually can build a rapport and keep the convo going smoothly if I want to, but most of the time they just give oneword replies or extremely bland answers, which is boring and possibly shows that they are uninterested, so I stop the conversation short. That's if they aren't straight up rude and/or extremely dismissive. I'm 24 now. I did the exact same thing when I was 16 until around 19 without any trouble, but after that there seemed to be more and more "resistance" and uninterest in chatting from them. I genuinely can't pinpoint a possible trigger for it. I haven't changed my appearance at all (I just look a bit older now) nor have I changed my approach... it's the same as always has been. The only thing that might be different is the depth of the topics I want to talk about. For example, if I notice she's reading something like Twilight these days, I just won't approach her, because I know we won’t vibe, and the conversation won’t be interesting.
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>Israeli >Terrible person Yeah that tracks.
>>57204 Art is not appealing anymore. I argue that cartoons are too ugly to look at and artists are just too unhinged to work with.I rather cut my losses and not be Kisame17. Maybe Trump will get rid of the degeneracy and make art more disciplined.
>>57233 Watch out buddy. That’s antisemitism. Just like it’s anti-germanism to call the Nazis bad. They ran the trains on time and had the right to self defense against Jewish grandmas and their thieving banker sons.
>>57233 It’s disgusting how they’re allowed to participate in polite society with the rest of us
>>57258 I don't know what Americans are trying to infer. Assad's forces collapsed to jihadi rebels without Yellowstone posturing. I find myself wondering what to do with the next 4 years of my life since Americans are timid and afraid of anything resembling opposition. Netanyahu is still going to jail since neocons have no justification for their actions
>>57421 Kisame, a schizophrenic clock is right at least once, most likely... if you ramble enough incoherent nonsense, you'll eventually say something that's actually true. If he isn't arrested, Netanyahu will certainly be killed, and probably by the US. It's a pattern as old as the CIA. We team up with some wannabe dictator, spend a bunch of $$$ on our military, then kill him and pretend he was the bad guy the whole time. Same exact thing happened to Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, the list goes on. If any of you young bucks don't believe me, it's all out in the open, just check wikipedia. It's like these guys never learn. Don't team up with the CIA, you won't be the exception to the rule. They WILL kill you afterwards.
>>54367 Oh, and to OP, do the world a favor and kill yourself. It will help balance out the karmic scale of the universe. Your existence is immoral.
>>57423 I don't follow and am not good at linear thinking. I am in the middle and f debating a new hobby to do with my free time.
>>57423 I am not Kisame since I don't have art
>>54367 I understand your sentiment. There is definitely an allure to a bashful fat chick who's a little ashamed of her body and also doesn't mind being teased for it
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>>59311 Voters are getting tired of counter culture and like Disney nowadays. There's this perception among Gen Z that Dan Schneider was too overt about their fetish. It's the same reason nobody watches Anime that isn't DBZ or Sailor Moon. I argue Dr Eggman is the popular fat man character thanks to Sonic 3
>>59320 I mean, can you blame them. He's hot as fuck.
>>59311 >Ridiculing people's bodies because their personality's bad is never justified. lol you're fat fucking tripled chinned motherfucker can't even see their toes under their gay ass belly apron lmaooooooo get owned bitch
>>59473 Kisame here, I don't mean to be mean, but fetish art is revolting now. I am glad Zoomers are disgusted by gross out stuff.
>>59478 shut the fuck up and take your meds, old man
>>59479 Nobody wants your garbage my dude. The problem with artists is they have yes man who never told them their ideas are bad.
OP is proof 6 million wasn’t, you know the rest
You're completely wrong. You don't want to be with someone who hates themselves or their body, it just sucks for everyone involved
>>59525 Normies are turning against influencers in the wake of the LA fire arguing they don't know what it's like to be an everyman.
