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Asexuality Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 02:15:16 Id:e42c4e No. 55316
I identify myself as an asexual because I never wanted to fuck anything, not even a fat girl, even though I can get sexual arousal from seeing feederism and fat stuff. Anyone else in the same boat or something similar? This thread is for discussing asexuality in the realm of fat fetichism. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences on that.
>>55419 Sounds like you and I have had very similar experiences. Only one girl called me boring in bed but she was a hypocrite because she was shit in bed too. Maybe we just weren't compatible. I never thought I was aromantic but I can relate to only having friendly/sexual feelings for girls. I've been on a lot of first dates and most of the time I don't feel anything and just feel like I wasted my time afterwards. Like you there was one girl when I was younger (22 at the time) who I still think is the only one I ever had an actual connection with, despite going on lots of dates since then. >Also by experience I'm definitely not attracted to men, moustache against moustache was a repulsive feeling. 100% exactly the same here dude. Here is the full story. I never tell anyone about this so this is me getting it off my chest. We were teenagers. I was older than him (18 vs 17, 17 is legal here) but he was bigger and stronger than me. One night we were hanging out smoking weed at his house and he told me he was bi. I was a virgin at the time and very lonely, had zero luck with girls etc so I thought "fuck it, let's try it". We kissed a bit and I didn't like it for exactly the same reason you said. Then I tried to suck his dick but it smelled and tasted so bad that I threw up. He tried to suck mine (yes, even after I threw up) but I couldn't get hard. Then he got REALLY pushy about wanting to fuck my ass; he wouldn't take no for an answer and eventually I just sucker punched him in the face and ran home. Even though the encounter started off consensual, I'm not sure if it's accurate to say that he was basically trying to rape me at the end. I was deeply ashamed about this for years. I still am, I suppose.
For those on this board, if you get turned on by fat women and fantasize about the features and get hard from thinking about it, you're not asexual. If you find the fat form appealing but don't get a hard on from it, you are asexual. I would say for the dudes on this board who get off on fat women but don't want to be with real fat babes, you're probably not asexual, you just have gotten so used to porn, you don't seek real women. Rather than believe you are asexual, ask out real women and get used to the gross parts of sex, not being used to certain things isn't asexuality, it's not being used to real physical sex. I thought for those asexual, they don't find anything sexually interesting and they can masturbate, it's just how they do it is less touching yourself while thinking of a sexy fantasy and more just enjoying the sensation of it. Like they wouldn't mastubate while thinking of women nude and wrestling each other. Guess I want to put out the difference between those that are asexual and those who have looked at so much porn on the internet, they prefer that to a real woman. Just if those who claim to masturbate to fat women but don't want to date in real life are just dudes who spend too much time on site like this and need to speak to real women.
everyone in this thread is a delusional faggot.
>>55444 >>55449 Whatever you say, bro.
It's true, though, pretty much everybody in this thread just has porn brain to one degree of severity or another.
>>55452 You're reducing our life experiences to a sweeping generalization without understanding what it's actually like to be asexual or even knowing anything about us beyond what we decide to reveal here. You can't speak with any sort of authority on this under those circumstances.
>>55489 No but who cares we are on a fat fetish pirate porn board. I don't give a shit, by all means be asexual but we all life different but die the same who fucking cares.
>>55489 As far as I'm concerned we are all cosmic dust and none of us have any worth or value anyway.
>>55522 I wouldn't be able to get hard or cum if I was dysfunctional. You just can't fathom the idea that I don't want my dick anywhere but in my pants or my hand.
>>55489 Lol, half the people here literally just watched too much porn and are working with a fucked up perception of real sex. We've got a guy here who thinks not being into anal is an identity. That and hormone disorders is most of y'all. Eat better and stop spanking it so much, you'll be cured.
>>55522 Ace people do exist, a lot of people have come out saying that they don't find anything sexually attractive. I would say for those that are Ace, they like the aesethics of fatness but don't find it sexually attractive, they don't touch themselves looking at images of fat people. They look the look of fatness but like how someone can appreciate a work of art or a thing of natural beauty. What most of dudes on here are saying isn't that they are asexual. If they were, then why are they touching themselves to porn? The problem with most dudes on this board isn't that they're Ace, rather they've gotten so into porn they don't find real relationships interesting and should quit this site and go out to find real women.
>>55542 I agree that a lot of people who claim to be asexual probably aren't and are just victims of the alphabet people phenomenon and just want to latch onto something to feel special. It's why I don't interact with that community of people or identify myself as part of them. Reading some of these descriptions, it's pretty clear that that's what's going on. However, that does not mean that there are not people who genuinely are asexual. Literally the only difference between me and a straight person is that I haven't ever felt the desire to participate in intercourse. I don't even think about it 98% of the time, just like normal people don't think about being straight. It's just the way I've always been, even before I discovered porn. That's the difference between real asexuals and people who are just into the whole LGBT community thing, they make it their entire personality instead of just treating it as a footnote. >>55545 You can still have functional sex organs and not be aroused by intercourse.
>>55571 I think that sums it up pretty perfectly.
>>55571 > agree that a lot of people who claim to be asexual probably aren't and are just victims of the alphabet people phenomenon and just want to latch onto something to feel special. Wow you really found a way to make random peoples sexuality out to be victimizing you. Acting like hetero culture isn’t trying to brainwash people into thinking pink = gay. You sound like a weak little faggot.
>>55571 > You can still have functional sex organs and not be aroused by intercourse Sex organs yes, brain is probably autistic tho if not asexual. Unrelated but you do seem like some kinda autistic if not inbred, FAS, or other user error caused retardation.
>>55584 > you do seem like some kinda autistic if not retarded I *think* that sums it up *pretty* perfectly.
>>55583 I'm not playing a victim, I'm just explaining why I have nothing to do with those types of people. What did I say that makes you think I personally am acting like a victim? They can believe what they want about themselves, but there is a reason why most people who think they're asexual as teens or in their early 20s grow out of it as they get older and mature. And let's not pretend like a lot of the people who ARE heavily involved in the LGBT crowd and are obsessed with identity over character got into it and participate in it in online circles where groupthink is extremely pervasive. There is a reason why that community has a reputation for grooming, particularly on platforms like Discord. These places are so "tolerant" that it comes back around to hate, and when you add impressionable young minds with very little life experience into the mix, it can lead to pressure to fit in and find their own special little label to slap on themselves, whether it's accurate or not. Judging by how you lashed out about "hetero culture" like it's some sort of monolithic boogeyman with a child's interpretation of how straight people think of gay people, I'd say you're probably familiar with and involved in those circles to some degree. There is no "hetero culture," it's just normal society. The overwhelming majority of people are straight because it's the factory default. Why should upwards of 80% of the global population conform to the societal outlook of ~3% of the population? It's ironic that you're playing more of a victim than you're claiming I was. >>55584 The brain is what causes the genitals to function. I see fat girl, neurons activate, I get hard. I just don't think about fucking her. Like I said before the *only* difference between me and a straight person is my aversion to penetrative, oral, anal, etc. sex. I still think about having an intimate relationship, just without the sex. I really don't know how much more clear I can be. Again, as I said previously, I realize that that is a huge barrier that most women aren't willing to deal with, which I entirely understand, and that why I haven't and won't date. She wouldn't get her needs met and I would more than likely end up getting cheated on, so I figure it's probably for the best for all potential parties involved. If you think I'm autistic, that's your prerogative. I've looked up the indicators and I'd say that I definitely display some of them, but only slightly more than the average person. I am extremely meticulous in my attention to detail and I retain information much better than most people, though I would say the former is more a combination of my analytical mind and rigorous self-discipline than anything else. I work in aircraft maintenance, so those traits are good to have anyways. I have no issue understanding social cues, reading people's body language and expressions, making direct eye contact, dealing with disruptions to routine, or public speaking (to a certain degree). If that still makes you think I'm retarded or have some sort of birth defect, by all means, do so. The only thing I'll say to that is that if I'M retarded, compared to some of the other people who frequent this site, I look like a fucking savant, so I think I'm still doing pretty well for myself.
>>55640 I’ve never seen autism so retarded.
>>55640 There’s no reason to address any of the projections and copes you’ve written here. You are clearly repressed homosexual who’s convinced himself he’s “asexual”. You’re clearly projecting your own attempts to force your gay ass to be straight on LGBTQ propaganda or whatever you’re victimizing yourself over. Just suck some dick you know you want to.
>>55642 >>55643 Big mad.
>>55645 > Big mad. Shut up faggot. You know you’ve never touched a woman and have no right to call yourself hetro until you do. Short, out of shape, broke losers needing to find a way to feel victimized by the “alphabet mafia” is the smallest dick energy I’ve seen.
>>55640 > There is a reason why that community has a reputation for grooming https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2024/10/22/sexual-abuse-of-children-by-priests-was-known-at-all-levels-in-catholic-church-says-archbishop-of-dublin/ > "hetero culture" like it's some sort of monolithic boogeyman with a child's interpretation The tone deaf hypocrisy here just screams autism, just the low functioning kind.
>>55640 > I've looked up the indicators and I'd say that I definitely display some of them, but only slightly more than the average person. I am extremely meticulous in my attention to detail and I retain information much better than most people, though I would say the former is more a combination of my analytical mind and rigorous self-discipline than anything else. I work in aircraft maintenance, so those traits are good to have anyways. This may be the most autistic paragraph ever written. Do women run in terror of your overpowering ‘tism or do they bow down in awe of your special brain.
>>55658 Kisame here, this is how Gen Z types. They don't seem to like art
>>55642 >>55643 >>55645 >>55648 >>55657 >>55658 >>55659 >>55665 I don't know why I expected anything resembling a mature response, but this is even more sad than I could have imagined. Serves me right for approaching this topic in good faith.
>>55674 Dude you’re a bigot on top of a repressed homosexual retarded autist. If this is your attempt at good faith, your more retarded than anyone thought. I’m sorry you feel victimized by everyone but I’m sure the people around you make it clear that your misery is entirely your own fault.
You must be on the spectrum if you’re letting this obvious bait get to you lol. I do think the heckler has a point though. How many times per week are you wanking to fat bitches as an asexual? If the answer is more than once or twice, it’s probably a long standing porn addiction. Sometimes the simplest answer is correct.
>>55675 See, their beady eyes and burning hatred for civilization. Whew, schizos must be freaking out for MAGA winning. Thank God I am going to see Venom.
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>>55677 >heir beady eyes and burning hatred for civilization
>>55678 I dunno, you guys are mentally retarded. Are there any vocabulary aside from bigot? I am too high to care
>>55680 >you guys What do you mean by "you guys"? I'm a heterosexual man who thinks you need to lay off reading /pol/ for a day. That board is fucking with your head, bro.
>>55681 The hell is /pol/!? I care about watching Venom, not the Hunger Games or the Handmaid's Tale. I get a kick out of feminists wanting hyperpreg
>>55681 Journalists already had their Hollywood movie and their role is pretty much meat shield for the military. Gen Z didn't care when Sasuke joined the Akatsuki, or Uryu joined the Vandenreich.
>>55676 I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. And as I said, I've felt the exact same way since before I discovered porn or jerking off. I find genitals repulsive and always have. I once quit porn for something like 90 days and nothing changed. It's just how I am. To me the simplest answer is that I've always been like this since it's true. It's everyone else searching for some deeper meaning because you just can't fathom anyone not having the same urges you've always had yourselves.
>>55755 The more you write: it’s clear you’re a repressed homosexual who’s been brainwashed into thinking he’s an asexual heteo. I bet he gets stiff for muscular men or fat dudes.
>>55763 You really have to feel bad for these guys living in denial about being born gay, who are trying so hard to be straight to appease their parents, church, friends, often from some backwards immigrant culture that doesn’t support mental health. And these are usually guys failing at other masculine norms: girly interests, shorter, not athletic, nerds without the good grades, etc. So it’s not like they have anything positive self identity to stand on if they wanted to come out to themselves as gay. It’s easier for him to imagine the reason he doesn’t want vagina is related to some Alex Jones conspiracy theory that the gay agenda is trying to brainwash him to want dick.
>>55755 Hey man, I’m being nice by even replying lol. I’ve felt the same way as you before, but like some other people have said in this thread, when I actually took the leap and started dating I learned to get over the parts of sex that grossed me out. Sex is supposed to be a generally mutually pleasurable experience for both parties, and having to focus on the other person’s pleasure to some degree is obviously going to take more effort than just flicking your bean spread eagle naked and alone in your own house. Yeah it could seem to you like you’re asexual if you’ve been grossed out by pussy from day 1 and settled into a pattern of just jerking off to fat girls on the internet, but you say you’ve never actually been in a relationship, so how would you know if you’ve never even tried?? Have you never even met a fat girl in real life that you find attractive enough to make you want to jerk off? To answer your earlier question about how relationships like that work, sometimes when I’m not in the mood to deal with having penetrative sex or when we’re in a hurry, I play with my girlfriend’s tits and belly while I jerk off and she fingers herself. The fact that you can’t intuit such a basic idea for a sexual encounter perfectly encapsulates how your inexperience is just reinforcing itself over time. Also, I’m sorry but 90 days is just not long enough to both break a long standing habit and also find someone you actually want to have a sexual relationship with, especially if you’re this neurotic. You keep dodging people’s questions about how often you’re consuming porn, but both that and your refusal to even try to date a girl who you find attractive are going to factor heavily in whether or not people are going to indulge your identifying as asexual, no matter how you personally feel about it. >>55452 said it best imo. Also, the fact that people like this are maintaining airplanes makes me terrified to fly. Hopefully you only work on cargo jets.
I can’t believe that even on a site like this you fuckers are falling into the exact same arguments, and the exact same responses, and the exact same terminally online asexual discourse as Twitter, tumblr, etc. it’s almost funny how fucking prevalent and samey this shit is. Personally I call myself ace because I think fattywank is hot, I don't jerk off, and I have no interest in partaking in either sex or romance. Whether that makes me a “real” asexual or just a poor son of a bitch who got brain-blasted by a mix of wonka being child me’s favorite movie and finding deviantart at 11, I don’t care, I’m asexual in all practical applications anyways.
>>55776 >wonka 71 or 05?
>>55778 05, child me watched the 05 one a fucking lot and I remember the violet scene always was a point of fascination for young me (which is almost certainly what lead to my focus on consequences and growth). Add in an inherent fascination with bigger girls, a bit of body dysmorphia surrounding weight, and generally being a shy introvert, and there you go. Overall my condition is a bit of nature and nurture.
>>55316 i consider myself fatsexual. nothing turns me on unless it involves fat
>>55444 agreed. also, if someone was genuinely asexual it's highly unlikely they'd ever be on this site
this thread has made me realize why my life sucks. thank you all. i think im gonna take a break from this site.
I thought I was proper ace, I'm grey ace at best but what that really translates to is low libido. I'm happy to have vaginal sex with my wife, but tbh prefer fucking her tits, thighs, or recently since I found the right positioning, her belly/thigh/ pelvis crease. Let me tell you, that last one is fucking primo. I think part of it is fear of pregnancy, whenever we do vaginal sex I have a small celebration when her period starts. I tried oral for her once and she told me to stop I was so bad. She's given me kral a few times and it was nice,but. I don't care about it.
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>>57795 Is the Fatsexual flag a flag that looks like a hamburger?
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>>57795 No Patrick, your fetish is not its own sexuality
>>57795 I consider myself ridersexual, nothing turns me off more than a rider who refuses to fight.
>>59390 Roasted chicken would make more sense.
>>59390 The most commonly used fat fetish / fat pride flag is actually supposed to look like Neapolitan ice cream
