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Drama/gossip/rumors/shit talk/town square 4.0 Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 20:00:56 Id:e177d6 No. 55694
Last one bumplocked. Have at it, boys and girls.
>>58177 She's been trans widowed?
>>58168 Dude. I've jerked to kelly kay countless times. I have a regular boner, not a hate boner. It's just OBJECTIVELY trashy to tag a brand in a memorial post, under any circumstances. There's no reasonable explanation for it.
>>58177 Top lol
>>58178 Seems like shes’s going along for the ride
>>58179 It’s trashy to do a lot of things the models do. Its trashy to fuck your freind s husbands, It’s trashy to shit in the tub, it’s trashy to sit on a cat, it’s trashy to sell freaky nudes online for money
>>56320 What a shock that this exact scenario is playing out. Her OF is already on coomer and it's even worse content than her BigCuties stuff.
>>59531 It was obvious to anyone this was a misguided cash grab. She genuinely doesn't understand her own appeal but is more than willing to charge $6 here and $8 for just regular activities on top of the sub price. Someone needs to sit her down and tell her if she wants to think of herself as a model, she needs to do more than just fat girl things. I read on this site that Jenni Bombshell thought of herself as a model that just happens to be fat and frankly, that seems to be what Sadie is going for. And I thought Jenni's content was boring too.
>>59536 Yeah there’s some misguided Jenni worship going around this place lately. You have to do more than just be fat and stand there.
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This is a real experience citation on a prominent model’s LinkedIn résumé/profile that got leaked in another thread. I’m not gonna say who, but this is really fucking funny. >Hint; it isn’t Beccabae
>>59689 Adeline. That reads like a white women with a psych degree trying to get a PM job bossing around India ad-tech workers
>>59692 Correct.
>>59693 Yeah, idk, this worked for the last 10 years brilliantly because gender quotas and all made any team of brownskinned tech workers need a lady on the team and no white woman ever did any actual work they all got away with “designed and executed strategy”…no you didn’t and prove what you did. Not sure if daddy Trumps forcing companies to hire BA degree ladies to boss around the MS H1b holders.
>>59689 She owned a smoke shop at one point, why on Earth isn't she putting that instead? Instead she's putting all her eggs in one basket that no one is going to follow up on her self-employment experience. I get that being in your 30s with no real paper trail is concerned, but Jesus. Not to mention, she has to compete with people younger than her with more tangible experience and accreditation, that also are at most half her size. I just don't see what this is going to accomplish. Maybe a gig at betterhelp?
>>59689 >>Hint; it isn’t Beccabae Coulda fooled me. I can't think of any other long-standing model (other than >>59692) that looks like they don't have an actual job and are "young" enough to be pursuing a career.
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>>59705 Replace Both 'Scrolled on Instagram' categories with 'Checked BBW-Chan and Feabie daily' and I think you're golden
>>59705 >>59689 >plus-size communities Fat Admirers...?
>>59536 Jenni can still move around well enough for being an ssbbw in her 50s. Sadie has been pushing immobility in her 30s. Seems like she does more feedee content than Jenni who barely did any on camera eating and when she did it wasn’t at all sexual >>59552 She gets a pass because she has one of the greatest asses of all time but she did alot more than just stand there. I feel like people who complain about fat women’s content being boring either want the fat women to do hardcore, talk dirty, or be a feedee or play into the fat pushing immobility angle. If the ssbbw don’t do any of that, their content is considered boring by yall. Smh. Where is the “misguided Jenni worship” around here lately?
>>59689 I honestly give her a lot of credit for being able to transcribe "I gained 300 pounds and made porn about it" into LinkedIn jargon/technobabble. Assuming she had some kind of ChatGPT type help with it.
>>59774 I know everyone thinks she's dumb or whatever because she put on a bunch of weight for the sake of this fetish. I used to talk to her pretty much all the time, and she's really intelligent and super cool. I've talked to normies who aren't niche internet famous with way worse attitudes. The fame has not gone to her head at all. Great taste in music as well. I hope she's doing good.
>>59819 That's the thing - she's not dumb. There's plenty of ditzy models around her size or getting close to it, and there's women mentioned in this thread already who have the same level of education and higher and they're *pleasant*, but the jury is out on if they're intelligent. The thing is, the LinkedIn experience thing is laughable because we know the whole story. It could conceivably fool a recruiter who doesn't know better (even if there's too much jargon to be believeable) but we know she's trying to dress up fetish modeling as something else. She's technically self-employed but I'm curious to see how she justifies it when held up to scrutiny.
>>59823 >>59819 She’s smart for a white woman. It’s not like she’s going to ever produce more value in the world than she’s consumed or even the caused damage.
>>59823 She speaks v e r y s l o w l y which is why people think she’s dumb imo
>>59906 Amanda is my bitch. Fuck off.
>>58112 The fat white chick dating two black dudes is trashy you say?
"The incident reportedly occurred in early January in the city of Detroit. Demoss claims that when the Lyft driver pulled up in his Mercedes-Benz sedan he immediately locked his doors and rejected her based on her weight. The driver told Demoss that she would not fit in his car to which she responded with can fit in this car." He followed with "Believe me, you can't." The driver apologized for the issue, saying his tires wouldn't be able to handle the weight. He told Demoss that he would cancel the ride and ensured she would get a refund, suggesting that she may need an Uber XL." Latest update I've seen from her in a while and it's a wild Instagram post with her in it.
>>59949 Isn't Lyft the go to for fat black women who don't like taking the bus or subway?
>>59949 Did no one teach this dumb heifer about Arbitration Clauses? As soon as she signed up to use the service, she waived away her right to take them to court. She also better shut up before she gets blacklisted from getting rides lol. No one's going to want to tow this loud mouth whale around and fuck up their score and suspensions.
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Any idea who this former big cutie is who lost weight and is making vids bashing feedism now? I thought of Britt but i couldn't find anything recent from her
>>59952 bro if i was uber driving and a girl like dank demoss was my pax i'd be trying to get her number and a date the entire time
but yeah arbitration fucks both the customer and the driver lol
>>59954 Trysta? Only former Big Cutie to become a skinny recently unless Asshley?
>>59996 As far as the Bigcuties who've dropped all the weight you have Sami, Nova, and Verona, so I think it's one of them, Asshley and Trysta both had a good experiences working for Heather and even though they've lost a lot of weight I wouldn't call either one "thin".
Does anyone know what's going on with or what happened to Beccabae? She just randomly retired from BC but is still active ish online.
>>59954 Are we certain the model in question was a former bigcutie? From the syntax of this post, and their responses in the comments, I'm getting the feeling this person isn't the most reliable source for exact information. It reads either like someone stupid or a girl, neither of whom would be guaranteed to know for absolute certain if a model was or was not a bigcutie. Like, I could easily see some random girl seeing a post from skinny model bashing feedism, and her just assuming the model used to be a bigcutie.
>>60074 She broke up with her boyfriend of like 10+ years and was living with Brianna in Indiana. She’s since moved back to Oregon, originally with her parents but she quickly found a new bf.
>>60135 I'm almost certain I remember hearing Nova was antagonistic about the whole experience after she quit.
>>60136 So she's just done now?
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CurvyGothGF just came back from another long hiatus (this time she was gone for a year). Her previous hiatus was because she got doxxed; I don't know what the reason for this most recent hiatus was. Doesn't look like she's gained any weight but she has some new tattoos. Does anyone know if she's still with that really fat German guy? If you're not up on the lore: She started out as an FFA (going so far as to move across the world to marry and live with a guy she met online just because he was so fat) and ended up unintentionally gaining a bunch of relationship weight. She decided to capitalise on this and ostensibly became a feedee. I'm wondering if they're still together because if they are, I find it odd that she's still the same size.
>>60713 man I hope they're still together. They were so cute.
Dani Pumpkinz/Pumpkin Cakez, Princess Pawg/COA, Chelsea Higley, Mal Malloy, Jexkaa, etc how/why did these and so many other all star bbw pawgs fall off so hard?
>>60790 I mean, Jexka is clearly a drug addled loser (hard to "fall off" when you're bad at porn to begin with IMO) and Mal's middle aged with kids.
>>56916 Bumping this convo because I have been bored and horny lately and looking into this. Vivienne Rose, Julie Ginger, and Eliza Allure are on Tryst but those are the only recognizable names I've come across so far.
>>61374 I heard a bunch of sex workers and pornographers are looking to offshore their work because they’re scared Americas Theocratic nature is getting out of hand. I’m a Christian so, idgaf if we outlaw prostitution and crack down on the LGTBQ thing.
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4chan is down.
>>61405 Well then you aren't a real Christian then, just pond scum
>>61405 You're what's wrong with this species
>>61405 If your a Christian why are you here ?
>>61405 sex workers and pornographers are absolutely the type of people to expect fascist panic overreactions from. the less of them here involved in our elections the better
>>61500 Maybe it’s because they are the first ones to be targeted by laws that censor their existence, because so few will defend them or be upset when they are affected despite most of the USA consuming porn in some form. Ex. SESTA/FOSTA. Restricting their expression online is just a way for gov to get their foot in the door and censor everyone else too, because at first it only targets sex workers nobody bats an eye. The first amendment is good actually, censorship is bad regardless of how you feel about porn.
