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Little moments from videos that live in your head rent free Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:21:45 Id:0d36f9 No. 56561
Post whatever you want, my first list i all feedist/weight gain oriented. Include links when you can! 1. Miley in this video, about halfway through she looks at the guy and goes "what are you gonna do if I get any bigger?": https://stufferdb.com/picture?/425213/category/475 2. Jae almost being unable to fit through her bathroom door in the last weigh-in and then being visibly rattled when she realizes she's pushing 700 pounds. 3. In one of PurpleWings long-lost YouTube vids, she's stuffing herself with a huge fast food order in her car, looks down at herself and goes "look at my belly, it's growing so much already". She then laments that she won't be able to drive or turn her steering wheel if she keeps eating (she keeps eating). 4. The infamous Ash double weigh-in where she's less than a pound away from 600 and Kellie Kay taps in to give her cookies and push her over the edge. I don't care if this was fake/planned, it basically altered my brain chemistry when I was younger. 5. Juliet Summers. Twelve-ish minute in: "It's like foreplay, I'm so ready to fuck right now." Enough said. Base64 link: aHR0cHM6Ly9zcGFua2JhbmcuY29tLzhqbGJvL3ZpZGVvL3doYXQrYSt3b25kZXJmdWwrZGF5K2ZvcitwaWUrdXNzYmJ3K2p1bGlldCtwaWUrc3R1ZmZpbmcg
>>56723 Here's the whole thing for context: https://gofile.io/d/O37UIQ
>>56590 >>56636 What happened to her?
>>56662 For anyone who hasn’t seen here’s the weigh in: https://gofile.io/d/fXiSVU Hate to beg here but she is one of my all time favorites and her stuff is hard to find, I’d be super grateful if anyone could share some of her videos especially at her largest
>>56743 I used to have it all, but now this is all that's left: https://gofile.io/d/TPHPt8 (still uploading) I wonder where the rest went. Might have to do a downloading day on Bigcuties some time during the holidays to save many things I lost before it goes all down the drain.
>>56743 >>56745 I'll upload what i have on the weekend!
>>56738 Disappeared without a trace 20ish years ago. A lot of rumors like WLS or being kept by a feeder but no proof either way. Thing is she'd disappeared twice before and then come back, years later, so you still have people holding a candle for her.
>>56743 >>56745 Man, I really didn't appreciate MizzPuss enough when she was around. What a sultry, alluring girl. Size of a fucking house at the end, too.
>>56640 Brie was one of the GOATs. It's a shame so much of her content was never shared. I don't think she ever did anal either, which with an ass like hers would have be heaven.
>>56745 Here's the videos I have, excluding the ones 56745 posted. It's not a complete set, missing most of her earlier stuff. https://gofile.io/d/fFDHPL https://gofile.io/d/qrg5cm https://gofile.io/d/1YGGyQ https://gofile.io/d/OoCzoc https://gofile.io/d/8nwVOV
>>56766 Why is this a better sharing thread than most actual sharing threads?? Sick drop, much appreciated man.
>>56770 Because we do it for the love lol. YW man, enjoy.
>>56745 >>56766 Man thank you guys for these awesome drops, you are heroes!
>>56662 Damn any idea what set number that weigh in is from?
>>56790 That would be set 213!, the one here >>56743
For me a moment that always stuck with me is Roxxie's fuck me fatter video "by the time you're done fucking me I'll be at least 830 pounds, if you stop. If you don't stop, you'll just have to deal with the consequences" she says with the most adorable smile. Roxxie can be one of the best talkers because she get so visibly turned on by her fantasies. The other one I would just listen to was one of her fat chats "I just wanted to show you how chubby I'm getting" and "pretty soon I'm going to be 500 pounds, then 600, 700, pretty soon I won't be able to lift my arms to feed myself. I'll need you to bring me bags and bags of food. Stuff myself while you're fucking me"
(479.92 KB 869x504 Kyra.png)
Normally like my models more in the SSBBW territory, but early Kyra Kane really stuck a cord for me. I don't like inflation/bursting scenarios much, and thankfully here "Big Girls Don't Pop" series don't deal with it much outside of the final few seconds, but I really liked the opening fat chat/roleplay she did during it. Something about her saying "and I heard him say 'another plate? she's gonna pop' and I'm like *fuck you*, I know I'm a big girl, and I know I like to eat, but to *pop?*" and "And yeah I'm pretty full, but I'm definitely not gonna pop!" does something wild for my brain The Clip: https://gofile.io/d/Z3P7pI
There was a vid of a certain model of Scandinavian descent where she was talking about her life at or nearing 700 pounds and there was a moment where she pursed her lips in a kind of "well, fuck" face after basically admitting she was too massive to even leave her house very often. I'd like to see it if anyone's got it, but I realize how difficult her content is to come by anymore. Here's one of my favorite videos of her that I think is relatively rare, she's in the high 500s or 600s here. The way she sells the act makes me think it might not be a complete act. https://gofile.io/d/Q60ZNk
>>56794 Oof I have rewound that little "500, 600, 700" moment countless times. I think she goes up to 1,000 and has a hard time stifling her laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of it but it's so hot, lol. She is possibly the best pure talker we've ever seen. >>56806 Yes!! I usually don't prefer this sort of sadsack/I am helpless style content but she sells the shit out of in this video. Her 700 pound weigh in where she needs a walker just to stand up and take a handful of steps to the scale is nuts.
>>56794 >For me a moment that always stuck with me is Roxxie's fuck me fatter video "by the time you're done fucking me I'll be at least 830 pounds, if you stop. If you don't stop, you'll just have to deal with the consequences" she says with the most adorable smile. I’ve never understood what kinda of mental illness leads a man to jack off to a woman describing “what if magic was real”.
One of Boberry earlier big cuties video. It was one where she was in a hotel room putting one a skirt than showing herslef off when suddenly *riip*. The way she just laughs it up and then rips the rest of the skirt was just my neuron activation moment. My ex even did it on our 4 year anniversary. She made a surprise of bringing one short of hers that got really tight, changed to it and just let me rip it during sex. I miss her. Another was Anna Oli eating a cake on all fours wearing a pig outflit. Always liked cake eating videos but when she oinked... It was like I got something I never knew I needed until that moment. My ex then got to oink during sex when she reaching climax.
>>56828 When Bo wants to she can be the sexiest woman on the planet, but yeah sometimes her best moments are total accidents. In that livestream she did on the cruise ship a couple weeks ago she’s drunk as hell and looks at the camera and goes “my ass is so fat right now” and it’s better than almost her entire Bigcuties career.
This fucking Echo video >She casually mentions using an oxygen cannula as if it were nothing >Her heavy breathing >The way you can hear her footsteps when she's near the camera https://gofile.io/d/MfjxTS
>>56837 I know it's fucked up but yeah one of my faves too. 132 is another good one. Her legs are so bloated in that set and she's basically too fat to even sit on her bed comfortably. Serious behemoth and I'm here for it
>>56806 I would very much like more her peak content. Watching her balloon during covid was insane. Thanks for the share, I hope others follow through.
>>56837 I almost forgot the part when she says "oh my knee almost gave in" when going up the steps to get back in bed. I love this video so much. >>56845 Sharing 132 for context. https://gofile.io/d/o5imxv >>56806 Is it one of these videos? https://gofile.io/d/TeFnqQ
>>56872 Ah, yup. The last/largest one. Thanks dude. Got a favorite vid of hers? Love talking bout how immense she got.
>>56873 This is easily my favorite out of her post weight loss videos. The way she struggles to lift her body up the last step for several minutes at the end is peak. It's very rare to see an SSBBW model genuinely struggle like that on video. https://gofile.io/d/PMSGOz
>>56815 Couldn't see the R0xxie Fuck Me Fatter video uploaded (it may have been sorry). Happens at about 8:30. For reference: https://gofile.io/d/4oxvlO
>>56815 I mean, the whole idea of being turned on by and masterbating to morbidly obese women is a mental illness in itself. It means you are basically attracted to a girl who is considered "sick" and "needing of help" by the medical community; a girl who 95-99% of society basically considers repulsive / bottom of the totem pole because they let themselves get an undesireable aunhealthy state of being; a girl who is super out of shape and slowly but surely physically crippling herself from ever growing copious amounts of fat if they don't stop, suffering from lethargy/laziness and from uncontrolled gluttony and eating disorders (driven by some combo of food addiction, depression and other mental illness). No one wants to be want so to be feedee and desire to be this way? That's even double crazy. This whole fetish boils down to being attract to physically and mentally diseased-type woman.>>56815 >56815
When destiny was at one of her bigger peaks, sitting on the edge of her bed trying to put on socks after talking about how it was getting hard to change herself, then said that in the most pathetic, out of breath whiny voice “I need a little help”
>>56847 That last growth spurt is seriously one of the craziest things we'll ever see. I didn't think she had another level after 600 but it was like I blinked and she put on another hundred pounds.
>>56561 > In one of PurpleWings long-lost YouTube vids, she's stuffing herself with a huge fast food order in her car, looks down at herself and goes "look at my belly, it's growing so much already". She then laments that she won't be able to drive or turn her steering wheel if she keeps eating (she keeps eating). Fuck man, this. I remember buying two of her videos on clips4sale. It was the one where she ate 20 McDonalds cheeseburgers and the other where she ate two loaded subway footlongs. Like the moron I am, I forgot to download them and she purged her account a few months ago. Fucking hell. Really any video of models eating a ludicrous amount of food is prime. Purplewings was the best at it
>>56561 This ash video sounds so hot, anyone have a link?
There's this certain model of Celtic/Hispanic descent many people seem to like. Here's what I have of her: https://gofile.io/d/RMgHKP PS: Please don't tell, she might be shy!
>>56568 Vanilla Hippo has one video where she takes her measurements and when she’s done with her belly she says something like oh if I keep eating like this I can add a some more inches to that… iirc she never really did fat chat style videos or even put on the whole feedee persona but I wish she had
>>56956 HOLY CRAP! Thanks
>>56956 Holy shit. Thank you.
>>56956 This was an absolutely sick drop. Shame it got taken down. Appreciate you dog.
>>56997 The one where she lays a small fraction of her belly on a man and that almost completely covers him.
>>57063 Was indeed an epic drop and glad I was able to grab it in time. Whoever took the time is a gentleman of the highest calibre
>>56956 any chance of a reup?
There was a HugeNHot video I used to have where she was force fed. She protested at first and it felt genuine, but the part that stuck with me was how she IMMEDIATELY snaps into a more complacent, docile mood when her mouth is full. It’s amazing and I want to see that happen with my girl.
>>57069 please please reup the PPV sets (with a $ sign) to mab so they can't taken down.
Switching gears a bit, right at the beginning of this Demora Avarice vid, fresh from her latest tit job: "I want you to see how big I've gotten". Dick straight to the moon every time. https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/demoraavarice/post/1151425136
>>57650 wow, epic share. thank you sir
>>56829 Theres an early bc vid where she nonchalantly remarks “I have been getting bigger and bigger and bigger” with a little smile. This was way before she even broke the 500 pound threshold and I would kill to see her do a vid with the same attitude now
Can't take credit but someone in /ssbbw/ posted the Purplewings car stuffings I talked about in the OP. The Taco Bell one has the "I'm growing so much" moment: https://gofile.io/d/IEWj3v
https://cdn.stufferdb.com/picture?/352502/category/8498 It’s short and terrible quality, but this celestial vid was incredible to me, since at that point, she had only been naked like once (iirc), and she was visibly so huge in this one.
when I was just a kid, I saw this video of Stuffer31's Cambria sat on the floor with her tummy out, talking about eating, getting fat. Then she lets out some burps, and I feel like that changed the chemistry of my brain. I don't even know how to find that video anymore.
Jodie scoffing when her mum walks in Never seen anything like that before
