/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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inflation animation 2 Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 00:07:28 Id:38b695 No. 104319
the last thread was bump locked so time for a sequel
>>133834 speaking of, who animated that?
>>133843 that's not an animation, it's a comic by bigbig
Does anyone have a new video of ikki fenix? kemono hasn't been updated for a long time either.
seeing this animation made me sad that it didn't have any sound. would someone be able to add some to it? (spoilered for potential furry not taking any chances)
>>133950 I'm really sorry, but I missed this. Could we get a re-up?
>>134711 https://mab.to/t/HEEcCIE1c80/us3 yeah np lmk if it's missing any I'm kinda disorganized with my files
>>133695 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rt6ukQDwvUnp8t2Y_fq0oCin5n3yEBwD/view
Can anyone get all the Yuakri bonus vids by aphro pls
Does anyone the animation of LadyLuckFate Summer Job?
My favorite
>>134969 Golden age of punt
>>134969 >>134972 too bad he gave up and moved on to shitty political animations
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How come there isn’t a decent 360 VR blueberry inflation video? All the ones I find on YouTube are just a bunch of poorly rendered drawings, not fluid animations with 3D models like they use in the giantess 360 videos like this one. https://youtu.be/kHOChc52UrA?feature=shared If they can make something like that four years ago, then the technology has to have only gotten better. Imagine being able to watch an imbapovi animation from a pov that is inside the video itself. I’d do it myself if I wasn’t broke as shit and didn’t know how to animate or edit. But someone should do something for Charlie & The Chocolate Factory’s 20th anniversary this summer. That blueberry inflation scene is basically required reading here in our community. And if you don’t wanna make a time-consuming 360 VR video of blueberry Violet because 2005 Anna-Sophia Robb was a minor and you can’t just “age her up” because she’s over thirty now because “YouTube’s stupid policy violation doesn’t allow huh-blue-buh” then just make her mom, Scarlett, the blueberry because Missi Pyle wasn’t a kid in that movie.
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>>134979 And before you say how schizo or retarded this idea is, they made a reanimation collaboration for 1971 Violet. It was 2/3 hot garbage, but YouTube still hasn’t taken it down and it still got made back in 2019. A Violet/Scarlett 360 VR video doesn’t seem so impossible years later. https://youtu.be/ixDxFrYYIiU?feature=shared
>>134979 >>134980 As much as I don't wanna say it,if an inflation artist does animate something for the 20th anniversary (which seems unlikely with how weirdly fucking puritan a lot of artists have become) it'll probably just be with their own OCs or something. At that,it'll probably just be a still picture as opposed to an animation. We can only keep hoping I suppose.
>>135139 Don’t know why it won’t let me post this kinda basic GIF here
>>134979 The CGI isnt the problem. We can get realism with ease. The problem is capturing the shapes and weights of the inflation. You need a detailed human form with realistic anatomy. And you need to be able to manipulate it in a way to bloat and expand without distortion. You need it to occur in an uneven way, bottom heavy before rounding out. And then you need it to become fully spherical with sunken head and limbs, again, without distortion. The main issue is here, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory cheated. Every cut they have a new model. Once she gets really big, they arent even full CGI, they are using a rig to suspend her, and motion capping that to drive the shape of the expanding CGI double. For the proper fetish art people want, we cannot cheat. Every cut means a new model, which doubles the time, and cheapens the value of the finished result. We want a model that can seamlessly go from a realistic deforming human, to a sphere, and all the potential steps inbetween. It would have to be the ultimate inflation rig. Likely with bones absolutely EVERYWHERE in order to compensate. And because of how complicated a rig like this is, it would take forever to create derivatives for other models, like OCs. The only other alternative is hundreds of shape keys. But that restricts your movement heavily. And you are forced to work high poly, which means you need a finished model before you can even consider shape keys. Fluid/cloth sims dont work, they are too finicky. Regular rigs tend to be good at expanding in one dimension, but the more complexity and the worse it gets. We want accurate to real life, skin colliding with skin. Not mesh phasing through mesh. I would love to undertake this project, but I am busy too much of the time.
>>135149 Original requester here, God bless you for taking the time to go into extensive detail the minutia of how much leg work such a project like that would take to complete. Even though you aren’t willing to make it happen, maybe someone will read your notes and take the next steps from there. Thank you
>>135149 With regards to a "realistic" rig that fully inflates with little to no deformation and no cuts with a different model, the only one I can really think of was made by a furry artist... SuffleWeasel. I'd post some of his videos, but its furry and I don't think its allowed. I'll just say his video with Lola is peak, it even has clothes that inflate too and don't look half bad!
>>134980 Oh my god lol, that collab was hillarious. Ridiculouscake had to make like 60% of the shots because not enough perverts wanted to animate audio of a little girl for fetish purposes. And as soon as it came out people like Mabo immediately denounced it
>>134972 Who's that?
>>135168 Watching their stuff. While that kind of animation is the end goal, this is still very much far from it. They have very simple stylized models. Im sure their body polycount is nothing more than 100. Its very easy to stretch and move that many polygons because its only a few steps away from a circle already. The clothes are mid, you can clearly see in the Lola video that they are clipping through the stomach. We want it riding up realistically, snagging, tearing, flesh pressing against it. Textures could have done the same job better with that level of stylization. The animation was also mid. Fast paced, no real time to let it soak in. Its part of what made the Violet scene so good is that it took its time to build it up. It was intended to be body horror, but it applies even to the fetish angle. We need a rig that can accurately deform not just to capture the shapes, but also to capture the fluid dynamics and weight of the body. The shift of the bodies mass when moving, the wobble, jiggle. That animation captures none of it. And if the model in question was more detailed or realistic, would have been far harder to pull off. With humans its actually easier. With furries you need to account for fur, scales, or feathers. And then becomes the problem of do you have the fur "generate" to cover the expanded body, or make it stretch out and become less dense? How do you pull it off to look good in either case? Many furries opt to ignore this and draw fur with skin texture overtop of it, or continue drawing the fur pattern without fur, but with skin instead. If not outright ignoring it entirely and having it stay dense fur.
>>135175 mabo only denounced it afterwards because the more spergy followers threw a shitfit over the morality of it all if he actually cared he wouldn't have signed up in the first place >>134978 god damn it, I was wondering why he seemingly dropped off the face of the earth
>>134969 >>134972 at least kemono has all of his stuff archived https://kemono.su/patreon/user/49164995
Can someone grab any new Blurmple animations pls
Whats the code to this https://mega.nz/folder/oHM0iBQJ#undefined
>>135229 Check his Twitter, after he announced he's leaving he uploaded an archive of all his content, both public and patreon stuff
>>135495 Kinda hard to help you if you don't tell us where it's from or what post it's from
>>135613 Its Kaepora's MEGA archive
>>135591 the archive is missing some content
How to I upload a video here?
>>136895 you gotta convert it to webm first.
https://zuizui.fanbox.cc/posts/9431234 We got another ZuiZui content I'm requesting. Despite the thumbnail this video has inflation
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>>137323 got you. Wish the inflation shape was like Ellen's and Shiroko's but I can't complain.
Anyone have a creeperraptor40 archive? I’m looking for the 2B blueberry animation.
>>136258 What's that second video from?
>>136258 Maybe we should make a thread of those blank featureless characters like this one on the 2nd video and other YCH art or just art in general. I think the fact they can be anything is what makes me attracted
Does anyone have a video of ikki fenix?
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(146.17 KB 854x476 ikki fenix - belly_inflation.webm)
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(5.29 MB 1280x720 mabel2.wmv.webm)
>>138318 Spoiler for popping
Can someone post a video called: Blimproot - Rising Star
