/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Help with AI, Please? Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 00:20:16 Id:0e3a01 No. 105284
I know this thread will pretty much be useless and end up being clutter, but I need help with something and I've not had much help or any responses on other threads. I want to do AI images like the one that's pictured, I'm showing one from we-are-not-ready on deviantart as an example of what I'm trying to achieve. What AI and prompts would I have to use to generate an image of a woman/celeb who's going through these following scenarios: Full Body Inflation (Fat/Air, including fat face/puffy cheeks, swollen hands and feet, fully round or round with inflated boobs and ass with stubby limbs). Breast Expansion Ass Expansion Belly Expansion Turning into a SBBW Head Inflation (I know that sounds weird, but there were some AI images of that in the Head Inflation thread I liked) Blueberry Inflation (05 style) Aunt Marge Style Inflation Pig TF Giantess Growth (I know it's an inflation board, but I could mix the two up, like a female hot air balloon) Legs Growing Longer (Again, I know it's weird) Muscle Growth Foot Growth Also with clothes ripping, shoe busting, buttons popping or full nude? I know if seems like I'm asking a lot, but if someone can help me with this, I'll be very grateful and we can let this thread die afterwards.
(254.94 KB 521x474 Screenshot 2025-02-08 031437.png)
>>136014 Good shit anon
(9.18 MB 1280x720 Arcade Blowout Animated.webm)
Anyway, this all lead to me stringing a bunch of these together to bring a morph i did last year to life.
>>135218 can you post the vid from the tweet in your screencap?
>>136108 I'm speechless. This is absolutely fantastic
(4.91 MB 996x720 Pawg H.webm)
>>136451 hey thanks haha. Here, have a lightly updated and slightly longer version!
>>136491 Btw how did you make it? I mean, what prompt u used? Also Pixverse is good for make inflation vids tho
>>136108 >>136491 AMAZING do you take requests or commissions?!
>>136493 This is several clips with different prompts all from Vidu that i stitched together with additional audio in a video editing so I don't think I can really help you with prompts haha. >>136506 Not really, sorry. This was just a little labor of love that took days to put together after getting inspired from some decent vidu prompts cherrypicked from dozens of failures. If i ever do something like this again it won't be for a while haha.
>>136510 well, maybe one single prompt, cuz every vid i try to do in Vidu, their clothes dissapear and turn into blobs..., so what you did for maintain the clothes still?
>>136512 Oh i ran into that constantly haha. First of all, i had a premade morph with her pants on as the end point of the video. Beyond that, I just kept emphasizing the clothes in the prompt, especially bringing up the "black pants" whenever i could. Even then, probably a good 75% of what i got still ended up with her butt turning pink or red before the pants snapped back on to match the end photo. Only reason i got what I did was because i just kept running the same prompt until it eventually gave me what i want. I'm not joking when i say what i ended up using was cherrypicked from dozens of vids that turned out bad.
Btw someone knows any good prompt for Pixverse? I feel like mines are too long, and dont even work as intended
(51.65 KB 704x832 stuffer.ai-30449062.webp)
(61.51 KB 736x832 stuffer.ai-30474473.webp)
(46.73 KB 704x832 stuffer.ai-30869531.webp)
:3 Ai stuffer is fire
>>137190 Indeed, but they look too flabby for the forum...this fits better for BbwchannAi but good find. Btw it can make sequences or nah? Cuz if it can, we can make very great vids using pixverse or other vid generators
>>137213 Stufferai is based on Stable Diffusion, with a bunch of models you can choose from. SD can do a single pic with before/after, or maybe a set of comic-style panels -- if you're patient. But it has no "memory" from one generation to the next to be able to do a sequence. You can use the same seed number and modify the prompt to sort-of make a sequence, but keeping everything you want the same to stay consistent is challenging. Since you can run SD locally if your GPU is up to the task, it's a little easier and faster to do it that way then to use a shared service like stufferai. On the other hand, if you have the time to let SD kick out batches of images, some models like BiggerGirls V2 tend to put out a lot of sameface. Combine that with consistent prompting, and you can cherry-pick images into a sequence. For an example, I've put his one up on DA. It was assembled from several images that popped up after making batches here and there. There are captions to go along with each pic... A girl goes to an interview for an internship at a company that makes body inflation products, and she goes through stages of interviewing and getting pumped up to capacity. (I have some better ones on tap, but I need to finish up the captioning text and then I'll post them to my DA later, so there's more coming.)
>>137257 Another couple of images that came out independently, but I stitched together in a sequence with captioning... A performance artist does an installation that lets visitors inflate her boobs, belly, or butt according to their ideas of "beauty" -- which leads to her being massively inflated. So much that they have to move her out into the park/sculpture garden outside. (The face, hair and expression came out nearly identical -- and they were generated weeks apart.)
hey someone knows how to tell Pixverse to transform a thing to another? i been trying to make a inflatee transform into their inflated form for have more control about how it would look...but for an strange reason it ends up with the inflatee minding her business and then the inflated inflatee appears like a second character
btw Pixverse 4.0 doesn't support body inflation :<
>>137353 Mind sending pictures?
>>137409 I mean, my issue is h o w. Its very hard to make a consistent two images of a inflatee and their inflated version, and i rather to use pixverse full text
Ok, now pixverse detects when someone uses a tempmail. Someone knows any other Text To Video Generators that can make inflation?
hey i think i dig it, the prompt formula is "scene from a movie, cgi (scenario), (character description)(character task) meanwhile swells up and becomes huge extremely obese inflatable latex woman wearing (same character wardrobe), glossy skin for example for this vid i used the prompt "scene from a movie, cgi, in a circus, a strong muscular beautiful black woman with short hair with red eyeshadow with deep eyeliner with deep black lipstick wearing a red swimsuit with a hose in her mouth meanwhile her body inflates"
>>137739 also, tip, if the inflatee deflated and inflated version are hot, but the process can get some improvement, just download the vid, take the first frame and last frame, and paste them in the video image sequence generator (Version 4 despite sucking at making inflation by its own its surprisingly good for make inflation if done by images) and generate the vid
When you realize now that ai streamers exist it's only a matter of time before ai streamer inflation happens
(1.82 MB 888x1478 03-05-2025 05-34-00_1.webm)
(1.52 MB 888x1472 02-27-2025 20-37-35_1.webm)
>>138057 how??
Tried my hand at some as well. Used the transition effect on Pixverse with some Hellresident sequences and then a few images I made using Bing's dall-e. Open to sharing prompts or if anyone has any tips that'd be helpful
>>138123 Sorry they were too big to add all to one post
(1.43 MB 1408x768 1.jpg)
(1.57 MB 1408x768 2.jpg)
(1.54 MB 1408x768 3.jpg)
(1.67 MB 896x1280 4.jpg)
(1.74 MB 1280x896 5.jpg)
(1.61 MB 1408x768 6.jpg)
>>137740 tried doing that but it only accepts one photo at a time so i couldn't enter both of these screenshots. sadge.
>>135218 >>135220 unfathomable autism ruins a lot of things. bro literally makes fetish edits of real people without consent and is acting like he's a marvel hero or luke skywalker. he reminds me of Dobson.
>>135160 ngl this is one of my favorite wg scenes in media (as sparse as it is)
>>138210 Where the fuck you made those images?! Looks awesome and usefull! Also, Pixverse in the part where u put a prompt there are also tabs, one of them is called sequence (or if the name doesnt appear, the symbol is a rombus/diamond) and in there put frame 1 and 2 and the prompt, then frame 2 and 3, then frame 4 and 5, and then 5 and 6. And honestly with those images i think it will gonna look awesome Warning: due the Ai generating different vids for each two frames, it may cause some incoyerent in movement, like abrupts changes of movement from vid 1 to 2, but with some frames being deleted in a video editor u would be good
(114.55 KB 832x1216 IMG_7054.jpeg)
Now that’s a pair
>>138210 i still dont know how you made such images, like, what ai you used? Also btw the frames needs all to have the same size or else it will crop in pixverse
>>135220 This is so ironic coming from someone like jinglevellrock, who started off by actually stealing people's artwork
Didn't want to make a separate thread and there weren't others better but I made a.song using AI, and then made a quick music video around it (chopped up from other music videos). It's centered around Butt Expansion and Hypnotism. https://mab.to/t/mRrhRJbHFLF/eu1
>>138298 a.i. inflation song analog horror was not what i anticipated the future to hold.
>>125850 >I'm actually not sure if Pyrocynical would make fun of this or be genuinely upset by it. he said before in a different context while watching a youtube horror video, that he doesn't mind a.i. unless its corporations using it.
(4.71 MB 1280x720 globo gorda.webm)
i made this vid using suno ai, pixverse and capcut. Its supossed to be a kind of latin trap about a woman bloating up like a balloon, the lyrics and traslation are "Barriga redonda, logra horizonte, Masa curva, rompe cada monte, Se expande cada kilo en mi piel, Inflada y poderosa, me siento tan fiel. Me quiero más gorda, sin contener, Rollos en mi figura, quemando el Edén, Más y más peso, quiero alcanzar, Globo gorda, lista pa' explotar" (Round belly reaches horizons, curved mass, breaking every mountain, each kilo expands in my skin, inflated and mighty i feel so within. i want me fatter, without restrains, rolls on my figure, buring the Eden, more more weight i wanna get, Balloon Fatgal ready to burst)
>>135807 >>138487 something about it having a song attached makes it extra cringe and hot at the same time. I don't even want to use A.I. I want to see if I can comm an animator and also ask a nsfw voice actress to sing over stock music.
>>138524 i feel like the lack of lypsync makes them look odd too. But yeah, i mean, im trying to make "fake" scenes, and the easiest context are music vids. good luck with that :3. im just trying to dig and analyze how Pixverse works and thinks for finally make live action buff women inflation, honestly all the other vids are just like failed experiments that still looked hot
btw now that are we talking abt it, someone knows any good ai image generator that can make "frames" and good body inflation? I mean cuz i have to rely on what pixverse understands from my prompts, wich a lot of times doesn't do it right, and is frustating. Any recomendations?
>>138528 none that i know of, i don't keep up to date on what is available i just look around here occasionally. anyone got more fake music videos?
>>135807 "About to burst like a damn unchained." is certainly one of the lyrics of all time.
