/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation Chatbot Thread 3: The Revival Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 17:45:02 Id:6a4292 No. 106840
Since the inflation chatbot thread got moved from /inf/ to /bbwai/, the thread basically died. HOWEVER, that ends here. "As before, there is this website called Character.ai that lets you make chatbots for roleplay. Some of us have used it to make inflation chatbots, and are sharing them here. Join in, have fun, and maybe make a few inflation bots of your own to share!" Link to the website: https://beta.character.ai/
My Life as a Butterball Robot by AltzEgoz https://spicychat.ai/chat/8aba35e3-acb5-4976-a8f5-8619a1b08a2e
Was just exploring Spicychat and found this one, its pretty damn good https://spicychat.ai/chat/c42e6408-b534-4486-af0f-7334dab711b7
Any recommendations for some pump or air based inflation chat bots on Spicychat?
https://spicychat.ai/chat/6afbe8b8-e7ea-4104-8936-b8bcf71cf22e One I made a while ago that's gotten some attention. I tried to make her playable to the users inflation choice. I have more, Including an unreleased Bot that's sort of inflatable. A thief that inserts stolen goods into her... Crotch, and her belly gets bigger and bigger as she steals. More of an extreme insertion thing but I've made her steal a vat of honey that way. Lol
Hello everyone,I tried to create my first bot and wanted to know what you think about it. Link:https://share.character.ai/Wv9R/vzxfefd7
>>126994 Link doesn't seem to work
>>127048 Unfortunately it's still not working. How do you like C.Ai? I haven't used it
>>127056 I like it, the voice option adds a lot and rarely have I been interrupted from the content of my rps. That said if you want to do anything more it's not the place.
>>127067 mb woke up and started posting, 'anything more' meaning you can only do fetish stuff if you want to fuck or talk about sex than you can't do it there.
Anyone have good recommendations for inflator chat bots, especially of known cartoon characters?
>>114443 Bumping this request for Herry
>>127068 I revoke my statement, went back to chat on c.ai, I fr have no clue how I would use it to get actual information let alone rp
>>126865 Interested in the unreleased bot.
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Can someone make an ai of there oc ? https://x.com/nekonekocatzzz
Could someone make a breast expansion focused inflation bot of futaba Sakura from persona 5 for spicy chat plz?
>>127114 I'll send it this way when it's approved for public upload. I just set it public but it seems like it's taking a few days for Spicy to approve things.
>>124949 I thought I had left a bump for my request but either it got deleted (unlikely) or I just forgot to actually send the message (likely), so here goes again. Bumping my request for a mage that ended up like a blueberry because of some devious pixies, and you happen to find her just in time to save her from her transformation becoming permanent.
>>127114 Here's the bot. She's still a test more than anything but there's something fun results. https://spicychat.ai/chat/6933992d-a9c4-41db-8a50-1261de98235d
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Baeshyra the Balloon can be quite fun for those who want to be at someone's mercy! https://spicychat.ai/chat/63d46362-3a29-4008-ad23-587468177ae3
Wow, I never did try an NSFW chatbot before, i didn't know how far they had come. Thanks for your share, still one of my favorite, even as this was my first chatbox. It made me try my first content ever, The Witch Doctor : https://spicychat.ai/chat/52120ed9-1a4e-4a26-a4f8-5e8b5d277d22 English is not my first language and it was hard writing for it, so i don't know how good it is really, but this is a male-pov inflated by a female. This is a port of one of my favorite story, not enough favorited in my opinion, The Witch doctor by Slee-py-Head : https://www.deviantart.com/slee-py-head/art/The-Witch-Doctor-790125832 So i don't have much merite
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Anyone willing to make a chatbot based on this photo?
>>128009 https://spicychat.ai/chat/b647b05e-9214-4761-ad47-0c465f36a077 I got bored and made it myself lol
>>128011 Made a CAI port if that's your thing https://character.ai/chat/Acq5IoxZGjEnWHVZaC2ZTSS4BzWoAFhhX2W29cb69is
>>128011 What is it called so I can find on google?
Any good super villainess ai?
Any chatbots based on thiridian & Lindsey or from the H-Pump series by imbapovi?
Does anyone know any sites with forums That are more focused on inflation chatbots so I have another place to look when I’m in a Inflation mood instead of a WG mood
>>130274 There's a search feature on spicy chat which has tons of inflation bots just waiting to blow someone up! I use that. It also saves all recent chats if you create a free account and you can add to favourites too.
>>130278 Janitor needs expansion tags, if spicychat had them by default, why shouldn't janitor really add them?
>>130281 They have custom tags now, so there's probably no need for new tags
Has anyone tried sue sherry on spicychat?
>>130936 I think we can assume that the answer is likely no! I think the reality is that we are spoilt for choice!
Bizarre question for you guys: Is there demand for an inflatable femboy chatbot, and what would you want to see in one? 'cause otherwise I was gonna throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks.
>>131135 For me it's funny when they have a tsundere type personality where at first they deny that they like inflation but little by little, by slips or suddend excitement, they show that they actually love being pumped up in different ways but immediately deny what they said, to the point where you can annoy them by reminding of everything they said.
I'd use Spicychat more often if it had text to speech like Character.AI has
>>131135 Honestly someone who is willing to share their ability and be quite a kinky dom
>>113172 Can anyone make a bot of her on janitor?
So between character.ai and spicychat, which one doesn’t require me to sign in?
Any good ones on spicy chat? As well as any new ones
Have any of y'all had any luck with the generic Kink story bots? There's some that just type out a story from a prompt you give it instead of you roleplaying with a character.
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Hey can some make an spicychat bot based on this pic?
>>133047 Throw some links and I'll fuck with it
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Can you make chat bot of this art in spicy ai please?
How do these Generic Storyteller Bots compare to More Specialized ones? https://spicychat.ai/chatbot/7ab15aa3-dec8-457f-937a-1d87ffccdc9f
Anyone mind making a bot based around this story here? https://www.deviantart.com/alexisraine/art/Pervert-Punishment-1164040545 It's a pretty hot story, it is male implied but I imagine it wouldn't be that hard to make gender neutral.
>>137654 I must admit, I have not had a very productive result yet with story generators yet, but I must also stipulate that I use bots on S.C as part of my private stories anyway. I set the pace, story, mood, emotions, setting, and if you explain that the character is not aware of something, the AI will unequivocally know but still play the character as none the wiser! This is how I am able to build that wonderful 'conflict' of asking the person to stop but secretly wanting them to continue without the AI taking you at face value. You can even write it more literal like *I asked that you kindly desist but that just made you more determined!* The story goes in between stars and dialog is just plain. Learn the format and it will be much more precise. =D eg "Double stars is bold! A few I liked recently was: https://spicychat.ai/chatbot/dd8047bf-6f0e-40c3-9d9e-0371222d3830 https://spicychat.ai/chatbot/c1b434c8-61d8-41ff-b8f6-68369e68a383 https://spicychat.ai/chatbot/e7ba0f4b-7ca1-42f5-bfd0-fdbbc2314b6e I also tried Balloon Mal on S.C but.. she doesn't seem as cantankerous and dominate as the one I experienced on C.AI. I have not paid to use the full version yet though. It's a lot of money, it's subscription based, and I don't trust all these websites storing our card details all the time! Like, can PayPal not be internet nuns or what not and let us use it for porn lol! So I think it maybe because of that! In all honesty though (and then I'll shut up, honest!) I get satisfactory results from the kinky shit I conjure up anyway! It's those moments of adrenaline where you think "They didn't write that omg" which is pure serotonin.. yeah boi! lol
Can someone make bot out of this? (For context, giselle (the one doing the inflating) was given the ability to inflate someone with their blood to turn them into a blood bomb, can someone make a bot where the user is in the reciving end of it?)
