/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Edit Request Thread VIIIii: Return of the berry pie! 🥧 Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 07:33:48 Id:a8b3bf No. 108570
Another thread has burned once again and yet another thread needs to be birthed so you know the usual drill of the threads that have been created in past! Same rules as those who made them before one to two or three tops requests at a time. Characters must be adults Any gender allowed. And you may suggest more if you find something interesting but it's up to the artists at the end of the day on what they want to draw and when So let's make it a good one hopefully with more artists involved this time around. Let the blimping begin!
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Can someone edit inflate Fluffy from Johnny Bravo?
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Can someone please color in this drawing by MaxedMan because there is no colorization thread on this board? Here’s a screenshot to help get the right colors for both. Also, I’d like for bloated Alexis to have red panties.
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Alts of Fluffy inflated and blueberries with 2 different outfits
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Can someone edit Sunset Shimmer to remove the bondage?
I wanna see more of Sibella from Scooby-Doo and the ghoul school inflated and bloated like this please?
>>133595 don't forget about ghouloween by sb99
Edit Request: Wander inflating Lord Dominator instead of Hater
>>133351 >>133035 Mm. Requester here. Don't mean to be rude or rush you, but any progress?
>>133631 Honestly I just don't have any ideas
>>133699 Hmm. Ok. Try some basic shit for the blueberry side. >"Juice me" >"Roll me" >"Stick me with a pin." Etc. As for the viewer side of things: Simply refer to (you) as the subject of her inflation-based lust. Don't stress it. I'm happy with what I got already.
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Edit Request: Squidward replacing Spongebob in Squirrel Jokes
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>>133609 True. And here are some pics to make Sibella as round and puffy like she is in >>133595
Speaking of Sibella there's a comic of Sibella helping a Scarecrow scare away the crows by blowing him up like a balloon. Don't get me wrong...it's kinda cute...
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can someone do a blueberry edit of this sequence?
>>133546 hey I don't want to rush you but how's my but any progress on my request? >>132677
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Got a full body edit idea of internet personality noteasybeinwheezy who's age is 25 based on a animation from artist punkeydoodles8 in which someone edits the puffy cheek image of her into her getting inflated into a big beach ball by her inhaler. Just look at that puffy angry face can't you imagine her wiggling her puffy hands in anger?
Hello? Does anyone edit this? >>133549
>>134303 Patience.
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Edit Request: Sari Sumdac Tire Inflation Blowback
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Request: Can someone please remove the vomit stains from Ms. Marvel. I'm NOT into emetophilia, I just like the inflation aspect of this. Just the scenario of Ms. Marvel's body inflating to the point where her cheeks are puffing up while trying desperately to hold it in is what gets me hard.
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>>135465 I would like to see inflated Ms. Marvel canonized
May if I request Anne Boonchuy Luffy inflation?
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I wish Porky and the ears were edited out
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Edit Request: Millie inflated
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>>135465 Wasn't sure what that black thing above her head was, so I made a version with and without.
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Anyone feel like taking a crack at editing her into a blueberry instead of an orange?
>>135500 Same. >>135628 Thank you, it looks less gross now. That was Miles Morales's knee btw
(725.30 KB 2048x1479 Untitled2198_20250131110815.png)
(938.72 KB 900x900 BerryKinky.gif)
Not OP, but I screwed around with a berry version.
>>135738 Requester here. And hot damn, thanks anon. Two outta three is pretty good.
>>135738 Added an extra touch
>>135746 Truly, based. Thank you. I don't suppose I could push my luck and ask for an edit where the text specifies what she'll do to the viewer? Purely air inflation-focused, mind. Not blueberry.
Edit: Mega Shiny Gardevoir
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Could I get this garnet colored please.
Edit: can anyone edit Lori to inflate like Blizzaria?
Can anyone do an edit on this? https://www.deviantart.com/bluesarts92/art/Miku-s-balloon-suit-743923615
(618.29 KB 3120x3620 Shinyvoir.png)
>>135977 Hey thanks mate.
>>135979 No worries, Colour edits are simple enough for me to do, Thought I might as well give it a go
Waiting on someone to do a re edit of this
May I request Luna and Luan edit like Lori and Leni are plz? Luan as Leni and Luna as Lori.
>>127636 >>128237 Are you the editfriend who made the orbtastic girl in the link in >109462?
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Can someone do some group inflation edits of these screenshots of Livewire and Heatwave from an episode of "My Adventures with Superman" please? Thank you.
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I figure you do only full body. Do your magic.
would anyone be willing to edit all the lumps and shit off her body? please and thanks
>>108570 Please consider >>/bbwalt/80924
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Can someone edit Nami's Bra,please? I'll provide some references for the bra design.
