/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Blueberry Faces 2 Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 21:45:16 Id:0b24fb No. 112023
A new thread to post morphs of women turning blue!
>>126315 https://dis(delete this)cord.gg/7W67bdhn
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with halloween coming up we should be on the lookout on instagram/tiktok for anyone doing the makeup for a costume
>>126016 The last one came out really well! ^-^
>>126677 where is this video from??
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here’s a quick one i just made of boberry
https://dis(delete this)cord.gg/vBhB2KnH
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It's that time of year again
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this one is AV1
bump, reenactments coloured blue with original film audio is my favourite subgenre of morph https://gofile.io/d/7XYWr2
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>>129366 It's not there
i remember last thread there was two pics of a blue girl wearing a juicy fruit top and bottom does anyone still have it
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Does anyone know if someone has made any form of blueberry content with @little.warren1_?
>>127737 Could someone help me or guide me on how to create a nose rash like that? I use Photoshop but I'm having trouble figuring it out. I know how to mask things, but I don't know how to make the color fade out like that or make it look more realistic overall.
>>132657 you'll want to use the feather function of the lasso select and for the colour you'll want to go to layers/new adjustment layer and then add a hue and saturation layer, depending on the look you want you can either use the colourise function or not and you can adjust the hue and saturation as needed. This is just a basic guide though to make some rough recolours just play around with it
>>132662 Thank you so much that helped me alot :D
>>132684 happy to help! :)) You should post your results
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>>132693 I also did the one above, i still need alot of practise though. But much better then my previous edits :)
>>132657 I made the pic you’re asking about I like to color the whole photo using the channel flipping method (turn the blue channel red and red channel blue, then lower the curve, increase the shadows/highlights, add 3-5 to the hue and (usually) decrease the saturation. Then I add a black mask to everything and use a white brush to turn what I want blue. I set the edge of the brush to soft and the opacity to like 10%, and go over everything I want. Since the opacity is so low, most things are a pale/faded blue, and then I go over other parts repeatedly to make them darker (like the tip of the nose). If you go over one part 10 times with opacity 10%, you get 100% through the mask. Using this technique you get a lot of control over what’s blue and what’s not, and you get that nice fade. Feel free to ask any follow up questions if anything isn’t clear
>>132849 Why exactly do you flip the red and blue channels? What is that doing to make the edits good? Thanks
>>124593 >distressed step mom vibes
>>132871 It maintains a lot of the skin detail. Skin is mostly red toned so swapping the channels makes it mainly blue toned without losing details or texture
>>132849 Thanks for sharing! I will try to see if I can figure it out and then post my results.
>>132849 How do you flip the channel? Is it under channel mixer and then you simply turn the slider red to -200% and then blue to +200%?
>>132919 Oh I think i finally figured it out. Set output channel under Chanel Mixer to red and set all to 0% except blue it needs to be on 100%. And then just the opposite for blue channel. Correct? :)
>>132924 That’s right, set blue to red and red to blue
https://dis(delete this)cord.gg/RnMQRsPa
>>133066 Who is the second girl?
>>133084 Sara Brooks on ig
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>>133072 >>128246 >>126531 Does anyone have an invite to this disc-ored server?
Is it possible to get a decent blue rash edit that consumes all of Kaho Shibuya face in this uzaki cosplay? Bonus points if boobs grow and wobble/slosh about and or leak im just looking for a really good and fun edit of this underrated video clip. I mean Kaho is practically the irl uzaki! I mean if one person wishes to tackle rashes and the other the screen filling breast expansion thats fine too part it out if need be but I'm hoping for sure at least one of those really good full skin rash video edits I keep seeing in these threads all the time some of you do some got tier work!
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>>134610 Bonus strictly for the still frame editors and Morphers to try and do something crazy with the puffy cheek image frames from a breast and skin edit to a full berry morph whatever you desire! My goal of these requests is not only to get some amazing things from this Kaho cosplay but also get more uzaki inflation and blueberries out there! Bonus bunny pictures I found just go nuts people! Let's bring some fun activities in the thread!
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>>134610 >>134611 Where does one learn to speak like this? Also this would've probably been better off in the morph request thread.
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Blueberry-Paradise-2 on deviantart
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highly recommend morphing foodie influencers who love showing off their food babies lads
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Found this on tictok don't know much about it outside of its from a account called laughing poker face and doing further digging through kanji and translations tells me she's a actress named Saki Takamizawa. The inflation effect is meh but the rash is really good! Original link https://www.tiktok.com/@laughingpokerface/video/7066721683847007490 Mab file HQ download expires in 3 days because I had to compress the original.
>>117314 This is jade chantilly, she was around on the inflation subs and some other porn subs on Reddit around 2018-19? Think she retired since her accounts are wiped now
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