/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Hatsune Miku Thread 2 Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 22:30:29 Id:4e8904 No. 114744
There was a miku inflation thread before so I decided to make a sequel to that dead thread Inflated miku as always
>>114757 experience?
>>114755 Bruh you just hate miku and the other vocaloids don't you.shut the fuck up and quilt being a goddam asshole. All I wanna see is people post inflation of miku or the other vocaloids but no your being a dick to me cuz we can't fucking have nice things
>>114775 Because last time i made a thread called vocaloid inflation and some dumbass said "delete your shit faggot" or something like that I just want to see vocaloid inflation.
>>114773 you do realize i meant from others most get butthurt over threads that have only one focus
>>114773 Most of them are vocaloids and I want to see inflation art of them and not just Miku.
I made a Miku thread back then and everybody was posing images now I see this shit happening.
>>114784 Thank you kind Savior
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Is there a video of this image? Looks like it came from one.
>>114792 That's from one of Imbapovi's videos. It's an older one, but it should be on their Iwara page
>>114744 They're is already a animation thread we didn't need more of your stupid cartoon threads God 🙄
>>114744 Miku isn't cartoon she is anime and why is that this is a animation thread this thread is just for images. Why are all of you just not wanting to do any Miku inflation c'mon.
>>114792 I checked but couldn't find it Is their a link to the video or something?
>>114792 Is their a link to that video?
>>114792 I meant to reply to this one
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>>114807 Your threads trash, and whining about it makes you look pathetic >Miku isn't a cartoon! >t. Weebfag
Looks like I need to make a new Miku thread sometime later on
>>114777 Trips of truth. But you can't expect to make a super specific thread and not get slack for taking up catalog space.
>>114865 Nah, you need to buckle up and stop making hyper specific threads is a good idea;)
Miku and Rin compete to find out who's the biggest diva of them all. It looks like we have a winner!!!!!! 🩵💛
>>114852 Still it's sus as hell that the creators mark her age as 16 even though she's 30 years old at this point will just just finally bump that shit up 2 years and call it a day. I don't get the point of having a fictional idol being underage especially when she's designed as product placement and eye candy?
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A very good Miku's breast expansion session
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This is the rest
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>>114809 https://www.iwara.tv/video/bag3oswoqys3zjx55/miku-lindsey-balloons-and-blow-kisses-inflation I believe this is the video, but it is too old and not working. I'd honestly check one of the old imbapovi threads or dig through their kemono. There should be a Google Sheet with links to all their old works. If it helps, this was posted in 2018
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Miku by DeviantSeiga + a random inflation pic of Rin I wanted to share
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Brazilian Miku... or Original Miku? Who's wins in twerk battle? whose buttocks and thighs will be more stable? All I know is that the clapping will be loud!
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(469.84 KB 2474x2198 Vocafruits 1.jpg)
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(457.55 KB 4096x2454 Vocafruits (Blueberry).jpg)
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>>129824 Source on all of these?
>>133433 Here: https://x.com/mmd_imbapovi/status/974287347964575744 https://x.com/mmd_imbapovi/status/1005516111184527360
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Artist:@KinkoftheL on Twitter.
>>135331 i love nonfatal popping more than i love being alive.
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>>135352 I hear ya! I think there's something so erotic about going all the way, knowing full well it's provocatively dangerous, so enticingly lewd, and can result in something forbidden yet lecherous; pushing the limits.. knowing you should perhaps stop but being unable to resist.. just.. a. a bit... mmmMOR.. *BANG!* ...[GASP] ..."Again?!
I dunno why I love this
