/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 16:53:26 Id:7bfb82 No. 117897
Comical Weapon Thread VII
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anyone have bottomless pit
can anyone update CW's kemono please and thank you
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Is the Pyra and Mythra pic worth uploading here? Just asking...
>>137075 May we see a sneak-peek?
Can someone update Kemono/upload the new pics here?
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>>136597 here you go
>>137367 thanks and do you also have newer pics
>>137367 Thank you...could you please upload the recnt Pyra and Mythra pics?
>>137412 thanks
>>134456 >>137412 you have any more?
>>137412 >Chocolates that cause inflation instead of weight gain Garbage. Wasted potential as usual.
>>137472 Blame the suggestions for that, also the theme was inflation and TF
>>137367 …i’m gonna lose gallons to this.
>>137412 anyone have more new pics to share
These are too good
Can anyone upload dual blades pls?
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>>137834 Thanks...chances of seeing Jester´s Kingdom - Mai Shinarui, please?
>>137896 it's just a suggestions post
>>137896 Mai Shiranui win
I Was kinda hoping more sexy toon transformation or bimbo I found two scenarios that I loved Spring of Sexy Toon Girl: Mai takes a dip in the kingdom hotsprings, each one said to have mysterious effects. The one she bathes in turns her into a toon with an exaggerated chest and bottom and changes her clothes into an evening dress, making her a sexy toon girl. An idea that's always been stuck in my head: toony momentum. Perhaps after she's subjected to other Toon Antics (or is Toonification'd), some large weight or force swings into her back. The resulting "momentum" on such an elastic body causes her chest to stretch out to comical proportions. (Perhaps the continued momentum of her chest then springing back towards her then causes some " excess mass" to swing back and forth down her elastic body, before settling down in her now-expanded rump, giving a full hourglass expansion...) Bimbo Fan: Mai picks up a new fan after her old one breaks. The moment she unfolds it, pink magic surrounds her as her hair turns blond with her breasts and butt growing in an hourglass. The end result being that she becomes a bimbo.
>>137961 I know...but could we see what the people suggested and how many hearts each one has, please?
Here are some of my favorite suggestions: Her body being inflated buy evil hands, Causing her ass to get massive. Before she could strike in revenge. A piston comes down flattening most of her body except for her lips, eyes, boobs and especially her ass which bulge out even more from the pressure of the piston. --- Art of Expansion: Rewatching episodes of Naruto, Mai gets an idea to try out the ninjitsu skills of Choji and his family. Each attempt to replicate it has a different result, head, belly, butt, upper half, lower half, before reaching Uber inflation. --- Someone stuffs an air pump in her mouth and starts inflating her. As she swallows, it travels from her breasts, to her belly, then her ass, until her entire body is inflated. --- Mai is walking home after a long day of fighting, on her way home she finds a balloon stand, she sees a helium tank and discides to have a little fun she puts the hose in her mouth then her breasts starts to inflate, she loves the feeling of it and cranks the valve to max, this then inflates her butt and knocks over the helium tank, the valve breaks off and inflates her into Uber, next she can't take anymore and pops, she's then on the ground next to the helium tank knocked out. --- Soda of Fury: Mai is enjoying her time in the kingdom in a soda fountain tasting some of the beverages while being careful in how much she drinks due how carbonated they are, that is until the evil hands show up and begin to force all the soda is available until they are cut short due the supply being too little but is more than enough that they begin to shake Mai wildly and effects of the soda begin to take effect and Mai's breast and butt begin to expand but seeing that is taking too long to continue to shake until all air in her is distributed to all her body until she ends up in a uber state. --- The evil hands fills mai with tons of water giving her a bottom heavy look, in anger she prepare to use a immense fire attack. However the intense heat of the flame turns the water in her body into steam and Mai uber-inflates.
>>137961 https://www.patreon.com/posts/re-inflated-mai-123733192 First pics of Mai are out. Could you upload them here, please?
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>>138097 Thank you :D ... By the way, could you please upload here the rest of the upcoming Mai pics when they come out?
Do you have any belly-raft pics ?
>>138097 Is "Fast on Her Feet" worth uploading here?
>>138187 Thanks :D
>>138187 >>138097 Boiling point- Mai Shiranui, please
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>>138268 Wow. Amazing and thank you. Also, this is the first time CW draws a fully visible “down part”, is it?
>>138268 Thanks
>>138269 I believe it is
>>138272 Bald headed and small feet niggas only ones hating.
>>138268 If he did more shit like this I'd stay subbed, this is peak
Indeed is peak.
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this is me right now
>>138268 Is Pear Correction worth uploading here?
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>>138531 Thank you, and is Boppin - Pison also worth uploading here?
>>138531 Could you please upload the Poison pics?
