/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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0pik 0ort Thread Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:15:24 Id:bcc7be No. 125325
Post Opik Oort comics and art right here
>>135692 I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but that page was already here >>134538
>>135692 lol fuckin retard Internet Explorer has entered the chat folks
Oh sorry I didn't know the page was already posted🥺
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>>136273 Do you guys think she's gonna round out soon?
>>136305 I think it’s possible but for some reason I have a feeling the pants will rip and she falls over and we get a bit of an expansion.
Someone can make a timeline of the comics?
this thread reads like stockholm sindrome happening in real time
New Page?
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Guess I will do it ^^
>>125325 I miss when he did sequences. Just a sexy lady inflating into a mound of boobs,belly and booty. Three or four pictures, then on to the next one.
>>136916 He seems more like a cuck. His poses is subservient with hers dismissive.
>>136939 you have never felt the touch of a woman
>>13696 NGL dude is right. The guy is acting like a cuck. He had kinda sigma vibes when looking for her but his fucking play school car and his needy look gives him the name Cuckold.
>>136925 First two pictures in the OP sequence are gold, so I can see that. Or just snapper comics. Pick Don't Eat I think is the best blueberry comic ever made imo. She's swelling up by page 2 or 3 in that one, continues to swell throughout the entire comic gradually with amazing shots. Opik will never reach that pinnacle again because like most fetish comic writers, put their apparent magnum opus writing in their eyes over the actual kink drawing itself.
>>137039 Listen buddy I know your Jimmies are rustled but relax. It’s all in good fun to look at it and poke fun. Is he a cuck, SURE. Does that detract from the hotness of the berry-girl who seems to be getting bigger, no. Just chill the fuck out. You’re acting like we are calling you a cuck
>>136997 I mean...his girlfriend's turning into a giant blueberry. Unless you're into that you'd probably be a little bashful around her. More importantly, why ISN'T he into it?
>>137052 cause fat girls are gross
>>137059 Where do you think you are?
>>137069 Anon is the guy who walks into a mcdonalds and goes "I don't eat fast food"
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The fact that they are supposed to be in a relationship in the story makes all of his weak behavior complete nonsense.
>>137389 something tells me the loompettes are sneaking around inside the house
>>137395 Thank you >>137389 And thank you as well for this wonderful addition. Theory: His isolation of the transforming agen is going to back fire spectacularly. Like it will work at first but it will come back with a vengeance.
>>137423 Lactate juice on them and use them as balls and sit on them until they pop
>>137423 You might actually be right. >>135650 Look in the corner of the mirror there. You can faintly see the head and ears of the loompettes.
>>137513 I see them! Are they hanging around and expanding her at night? She's fatter than before it seems like.
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>>135673 I'll give you that but at the same time wouldn't your libido because docile over time of being in the scenario constantly? not unattracted but needing the right scenario with flirting or something truly lustful to get the neurons firing. But that would also depend on how often they're in contact with each other? Is it often or is this the first time there meeting in years or months. If so he should be much hotter and bothered. I don't know if it were me for example maybe I'm trying to keep things on the down low because you got lonpettes and a corporation after you, everything is super tense, I wouldn't wanna make the guests uncomfortable being too horndog! Yet at the same time I'm only human. The other gals/guests are chilling, settling in a different rooms. Tensions and stress high as ever again fearing our future and all now on the run. And I'm left alone in the master bedroom with This stepping up to greet me! >>135650 Teasing me even though granted it's not her intention. And I bet you 5 bucks she's pent up too! Stress emotional trauma festering. Not knowing what to truly feel yet the one emotion filling both our minds that isn't animosity fear of what's to come! The only emotion that offers joy at the moment is happiness we have each other. And raging horny! So yeah some back and forth conversations while she's in the shower, her stepping out. Getting stuck in the door, asking me for help as we both blush. All that blue ass taunting me!, all her thoughts boiling looking for stress relief from the torment and giving time passed maybe even deeply missing me. App that would inevitably boil over into some of the raunchiest hot blueberry bbw girl sex you're heart could ever imagine! Gifs for examples of just LUST! pure happy ass squeezing pure blueberry cream ass filling sex! I gotta say when I first ever saw this girl in her manager form hiding her curves and playing it strict I was like meh but this character has grown on me down to that big bbw ass! I get exactly what you're saying! I could see timidness and restraining at first slots going on but get in the bedroom the stress causing her to fill up and fill out like the sweet blue bbw queen she is, just again her stepping out of the shower and seeing my once thinned girlfriend/wifeie a big ballooned mess of pent up stress tensions would rise to a point id HAVE to play! We both would as in high stress a good nut release relieves and offers a good stress deduction for both parties! Again you can only jiggle those blue soft cheeks so long in my face before I go feral! And if bet the sight of me barely holding by at thread my lust of her a blushing emotional mess she could feel it and her honest thoughts become the same. She misses me. She needs someone to embrace right now in this time of stress. And seeing me desperately trying to hide my throbbing meat gets her licking her lips desperate for a taste after so long being apart. It would take a moment but we both meet at this feral ground in which we both become helpless to the urge and call! You can resist awhile but you'd be stupid not to take a bite of those delicious blue cheeks! And I bet 100% she's just as pent up! The scenario writes itself!
>>137514 I mean she's a permanent blueberry. She's need to squeeze herself every so often to deflate and she's probably just been lazy about it as late with everything going on, and again stress is probably causing hormones to go wild and like a blueberry equivalent of acne she's swelling up faster as a result. Imagine hulk when angry. I mean they could be trying to manipulate her but she's probably just stressed and turning bbw as a result. I doubt what they're doing is leaving that much a impact there just waiting and watching if anything they probably trying to kidnap the watermelon girl she's probably unguarded at the moment?
>>137513 I feel it’s a little bit of a stretch, not saying you are wrong. Sure there is some foreshadow but they are never that subtle. Personally the video game is probably more of a foreshadow than a smudge in a mirror
>>137552 Go with me on this, what if it’s not one of the bad loompettes, what if it’s the one from the spin off comic that was actually really helpful and didn’t fit in with the others? Maybe it ran off and might join the group? Could be a good way to infiltrate the facility.
>>135650 Knowing Opiks mindset, do you think he's gonna take this and lead into a blueberry pandemic on the scale of Raccoon City? >>136939 >>136997 The whole being the reason they went berry picking while looking the way he did, wasn't the tip off? >>137389 How the fuck is he both a hacker, spy, and a geneticist?! >>137423 Aren't they hiding away in the middle of nowhere? Why would they go the sneaky route instead of going full alphabet soup loli meme? >>137558 But it has no reason; the person it's attached to is totally into becoming a giant marshmallow and the loompette is into feeding her.
>>137577 *Loompette Maybe they got separated? Gun to my head can’t remember the villains name but maybe they locked the marshmallow girl away and now the good loompette took off to find the main characters for help?
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>>137618 >maybe they locked the marshmallow girl away and now the good loompette took off to find the main characters for help But they're borderline retarded, Anon; the most I saw them doing whenever they weren't following orders, were going out like lemmings while trying to follow orders. I imagine the groups have different jobs, and she's part of the one focused on maintaining the crop and would have to get one of the recon or hunting teams to help her out which would likely only end with her becoming blue goop being cleaned off the floor by another.
>>137636 Eh you might not be wrong. Just thinking ahead on the vein of how story driven Opik is right now I’m like “what would stretch this comic out so much more than it already is? Ah how about a factory turncoat and an infiltration arc”
>>137577 >geneticist Eh, could be as simple as buying a bunch of wacky candy, seeing what ingredients they all have in common, a bit of googling, a bit of process of elimination and bingo.
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>>137636 Possibly but again why show a good loompette? If not to show complexity of emotions? If not her could be more that feel the same way vibe or indifference? Could be maybe she sacrificed herself to save someone that witnessed it now they carry they're debt like a gunslinger in the West? I don't know but them having complex motivations as a species is something I wouldn't mind exploring gotta have some serious mental debates with yourself knowing your existence is a job that will most likely ends with you a horny blue mess erupting into a untimely morbid end at the had of a bad food allergy mind you one you're forced to work around daily! >Be me anon. 20 plus loompette hottie with a body could do anything with my life? Could start a onlyfans? Could take up pottery! Instead I work a dead end job at a peanut factory. Everything is fucking PEANUTS! to say you get sick of it is a understatement! Worst thing about it. I'm deathly allergic to fucking peanut! Fucking why am I such a dipshit? Anons am I sped? Maybe I should tell my boss to Stick there peanut in their hole and leave? Should I rally the masses? Eh knowing my luck they'll probably just be the one with the stuffed peanut in my ass and leave me for dead.. why anons isn't life peas and carrots and peaches? I'm fucking sick of PEANUTS! I'm gonna nut in someone's ass if I have to take another second of it! I don't know something like that? Gotta be some existential doomer mindset crisis going on inside all those heads at least once in a existence so tragic and sad. A whole life just to blow up and burst at the slightest inconvenience! I generally feel bad for the loompette. Still.. I wanna see a comic mini series or the occasional mini story or short sequence of them over inflating and popping in unique ways because I'm a sadist probably? Suffer the balloon gremlins! If anything less for the love of blimp we need more fanart of these cuties!
>>137691 God, you type like an autist.
>>137714 Don't get cunty >>137691 Eh, I wouldn't look far into it. Opiks loompettes appear to be depraved alien lesbians that take pleasure into turning women into immense fatty blobs of food, whether 0pik will dive into it more or not, who knows. Can't complain either way. The only thing I'd want answering is; why are all of them curvaceous? 0pik isn't okayok so it's not going to just be for some unexplained fetishy purpose that has one or two lines of explanation, Hopefully we see an answer in the future.
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Next page ^^
>>137869 Thank you kind anon She looks so freakin skeptical I’m just sayin the game has some foreshadow Ok so here is my crackpot theory: The loompetts are aliens I think we can all agree on that their race is having some kind of crisis with their birth rates And they need to clone themselves (see that day in the life of a loompett comic). The Transforming agent is some sort of amniotic fluid or active site for their bio genesis. Now Aunt Mina first encountered these aliens and she tried to help them but there were complications. Her transformation was not as extreme but it did leave her blue. Now she is their spokes person and has essentially risen though the ranks and become their leader to help keep their race alive. Feel free to poke holes in my theory or agree. I am all about these theories we keep putting out in what will happen next or what the overall story is.
Waiting for the screwball comedy type storyline where the gang has to deal with transporting/storing/hiding a fully inflated Katie
Reading this guys art mimicks the feeling of being friendzoned. Its like hanging around your sexy friend whos exactly your type but she doesnt even notice you're attracted or maybe shes turned you down once. And nothing ever happens. This guys newer art never quite gets sexual enough for it to be as satisfying as it could be.
>>137887 Its like an artist drawing fetish porn and forgetting to put the fetish porn in it.
>>137691 This artist clearly stopped drawing porn so whatever the hell this post is supposed to be, I'd stop wasting your brain synapses on it cause you are clearly thinking way too hard about it.
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>>137891 Are you sped anon? Get hit too hard by the stupid tree? If this isn't porn. I don't know what is? Softcore still counts as porn. Hell technically if it gets a shaft tight porn is technically in flight and since practically everything in this world gets somebody hard to some degree that makes everything porn to somebody even you anon! I bet someone here's probably got a fetish for usernames or words and is jacking off to our very conversation!
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>>137882 So what? Loompettes are candy craving xenomorph hybrids >Pulls out drawing of cute loompette cosplaying a xenomorph queen. >>137869 wait adipose accelerants? Is this fucking story set in a doctor who timeline? That's legit a doctor who reference to the fat parasite alien things! So that's a key ingredient to wacky candy weight gain formulas? What do they like suck some dna out the creatures butt and stuff it in a chocolate bar? >>137661 Phew thought you said genocide! I'm last thing we need is a bunch of exploding fruit people in a supermarket accident.
>>137905 Kind of. I mean we see them birthed from some pod like amniotic thing fully formed. There has to be some reason/motivation for them transforming so many into fruit, pastries, and candy. Based on their understanding of story structure very little is done in their comics without reason.
>>137869 Looking forward to his cure accidentally speeding up the transformation instead of reversing it!
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