No you're not I mean probably not a good idea to talk about for inflation but for example nerosama is technically a ai piloted by a femboy guy named vedel so yeah female but male vtuber technically? Same thing her the character is definitely female unless you want something futa action then it's whatever the heck you want point is fetishes can make any number of and I mean zero offence to this abominations you can concoct imaginable (for example vore + futa+ morbidly obese+ prolapse+ I don't know for good measure let's add messy and heath problems to make it extra cursed.
Let's also make it a robot like Optimus prime or something and also give us every type of gentaila imaginable and have it shopping for wonder bread and someone at least 00000.1 percent of the population will probably nut to it.
so male, female, it all doesn't matter don't like it move on as someone probably will and believe me they won't be the weirdest person in the world as some I guarantee can out freak any person here and your willing to open a freak off thread if you like to prove my point and try to prove me wrong if you wish!
Point is I'm gonna go eat ice cream enjoy the cursed thoughts. A punishment for for bot level comment behavior.