/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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vtuber balloons 3 Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 14:20:38 Id:2434a2 No. 125347
second thread was bumplocked so time for another one
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I’m just gonna…put these here
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>>136243 >>136245 >>136756 thats a guy btw
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>>136821 thats still a guy
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Zen is Zen, we could not care less >>136853
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>>136860 you clearly care
>>136853 Zen's model is of a cyborg/dragon lady with big tits and ass You can keep crying if you want But I'm all for more art of the toaster woman being made into a blimp, and I'm probably not the only one thinking this way
>>136874 that means you're gay
>>136874 No you're not I mean probably not a good idea to talk about for inflation but for example nerosama is technically a ai piloted by a femboy guy named vedel so yeah female but male vtuber technically? Same thing her the character is definitely female unless you want something futa action then it's whatever the heck you want point is fetishes can make any number of and I mean zero offence to this abominations you can concoct imaginable (for example vore + futa+ morbidly obese+ prolapse+ I don't know for good measure let's add messy and heath problems to make it extra cursed. Let's also make it a robot like Optimus prime or something and also give us every type of gentaila imaginable and have it shopping for wonder bread and someone at least 00000.1 percent of the population will probably nut to it. THIS IS FACT! so male, female, it all doesn't matter don't like it move on as someone probably will and believe me they won't be the weirdest person in the world as some I guarantee can out freak any person here and your willing to open a freak off thread if you like to prove my point and try to prove me wrong if you wish! Point is I'm gonna go eat ice cream enjoy the cursed thoughts. A punishment for for bot level comment behavior.
>>136880 So of all the reasons you could call me gay, you call me gay for liking an avatar that's clearly a Dragon/Cyborg woman? We did it boys, liking woman with big tiddies is now gay
>>136937 its a guy tho
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I heard SunHee is probably getting an inflation model as well, in case that happens, who would be the alpha Inflation-Tuber (this post is cringe, sorry😭)
It's just a joke for Bao, I could see Sunhee actually saying some stuff for us fans
>>137009 >>Joke for Bao >>Looks at her "Baolinfornia Girls song, AND her new gamer supps flavor with inflation alt art Is... That a fact? Leaning into it AWFULLY hard for a "joke".
>>137236 It's a joke to her, but also she knows that we eat that shit up. Have you listened to the Baolifornia Girls song? Have you listened to her talk about it and about "fans" of the baoberry at all? As someone who has this fetish, do you honestly think that she sounds like someone who finds it hot? Or is it just wishful thinking?
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>>137009 I mean debatable because baos into a lot of kinks! Hard to find it that she at least doesn't have a passing fancy for it it not full blimp I almost guarantee belly like shy Lilly because pregnancy and cum inflation is a big kink side for a lot of people and breast,butt, and hourglass has to be a interest or intrigue to almost any normies you introduce them to it! The idea boobs can inflate bigger! Just gets guys and girls neurons firing because obvious reasons. For some it's envy like a woman with a smaller chest who dreams of big oppai, for some the bigger is better line comes in play where it gets to a point not it or ass size is too big and they dream to be crushed by excessive fat flesh expanding around them. Point is unless she says so no guarantees for if she likes full blimp inflation at least or berry virus infection. But I wouldn't doubt the idea of a shade of blue infecting you spreading as you try to avoid it or are intrigued by it as it inevitably starts swelling you're insides with sloshing delicious blueberry juices as you belly, breasts, butt, thighs even you're pussy lips probably get tender and squeeze together just growing indefinitely helplessness of flapping around as the sloshy liquid fills you into a human water balloon caricature of what you once were your body in constant on and off arousal as you orgasm and lactate fluids maybe your own? Maybe just juice. Either way you're left there until friends like maybe a intrigued numi find you soaking her living room floors and have to help tenderly squeeze and caress out the juice until you're back to normal or left alone or maybe even too big to deflate left to endlessly grow dooms to inevitably blast numis walls with a new blue paint job from your orgasmic explosion! Air inflation has a similar vibe but with benefits of no juice stains yet the air swirls and swells your insides all the same. Air leaking from your crevices like your naughty holes especially air squealing out of your nipples as whoever finds you again for example sake numi is left with a moaning inflatable air bed to play with for the night until morning in which said person helps deflate you after some fun one night stand of sexual weirdness that you both agree never to talk to anyone about as it's too strange yet question whether you set it up to do it again sometime because it's so fun. Point is I highly doubt bao would be against the concept of inflation even full blimp should it happen to her spontaneously if everything we know about bao being beyond zesty is at least at the minimum half true hourglass and belly I guarantee she's into blimp she'd probably have at least a fantasy or two maybe even a good but if explained in horny details like above because at its core the helplessness and filling feeling and semi loss of control is very kinky and appealing with inflation.. But to this day the only person we know who is definitively into inflation like full blimp and is not a joke is snuffy who admits she likes it if muk would fill her like a water balloon slime being her preference. That and fun fact she's also into foot jobs giving she gave a ex boyfriend one and really enjoyed it one day and says it's a preference to this day. So there's another little fun fact about snuffy. But with bao I call cap that like most girls cum inflation isn't in at least a category or maybe breast and hourglass as again mass sex appeal for even normies. But full blimp or blueberry? I honestly don't know. But I'd assume again she'd probably enjoy the helplessness and swelling feeling of being filled to the bring and the pressure causing constant bouts of arousal. I mean come on. It's BAO! you think she wouldn't be but she's a super gooner and honestly probably would under the right circumstances. If a dirty roleplay hits just right which inflation definitely can hit those marks.
>>137302 >>she's into blimp she'd probably have at least a fantasy or two maybe even a good but if explained in horny details like above I meant good nut not but 🥜. But sadly inflation isn't realistic by any means the human body outside of belly expansion being real is not possible. But there are alternative simulated scenarios like a fun one is suits for example not that crappy blimp suit bao wears but like a legit high grade fetish kink one like those balls and squish you or the tmc rubber condom route which swells nicely in some loose pajamas and a big T-shirt. But I question if bao would even find that sexy? Inflations mass appeal is the fantasy itself and it's hard to ever truly simulate blimp inflation outside of roleplay or smut fiction. But even though I can't definitely say bao would be into suit play it would probably still be funny for those with the disposable income to I don't know po box her one of those giant inflatable ball suits that squish you and see what comes of it? Let fate do whatever is next but that would be like what? A $300 to $500 gamble! I mean to those willing to risk it on what could either be the best content ever or a fart of nothing is a statement in itself. But would be even if for the funny and memes to see a short cutiepie bao helplessly flapping her arms and feet around inside one of those things. Keywords on short as well wikis say 152 cm or around 5′0″ I don't know a fun idea at least but I doubt it would lead to her spontaneously aroused by it. You'd be wasting and donating $400 to a meme gift.
Although tmc suits are custom made I believe by squeak latex and can be what $1,000? You're best bet is honestly one of those blueberry balls I referenced much cheaper than that! But your money do what you want with it. Yet still again this is a hypothetical not saying anyone's ever going to be crazy enough to do it but maybe. Again think of the fun funny content! Bao berry in it's true final form! Eh maybe it's a weird pipe dream.
>>137304 Ok one last quick note! I don't know why you can't see the face in the video? I think the person is deliberately hiding it by sinking into it but you can see someone's face in it! It doesn't sink in that far usually but these suits can vary whatever you do if you were to get one to gift or for your own personal use I recommend removing or asking for the ball itself over that horrible fake shit overlay that clearly looks like cheap plastic I think the balls are all the same underneath some just come with a yellow button up plastic bag shirt sheet thing with buttons so you can burst out of it. Il just clearly looks better without it Just felt mentionable.
>>136860 >We Speak for yourself and die of aids faggot
Shut the FUCK up. Zen fuckers want to fuck the model, not some supposed male behind it. Like wanting to fuck Neuro-sama, rather than her creator Vedal. Who gives a flying fuck if there's a guy behind Zentraya, we can't hear the voice, most people assumes they're female, calling it gay makes NO GOD DAMN SENSE, YOU WEAK PROJECTING CRYBABY, DESPERATELY TRYING TO HOLD ON TO YOUR FRAGILE MASCULINITY! (Where's your evidence anyway? You're just try to start shit to piss people off, quit trolling.) Can we PLEASE drop the zen/male bullshit. And for the record, I DON'T want to bang Zen. Model's hot, but they ain't my type, I prefer cuter VTubers like ShyLily. And I'm Bi, so I literally couldn't care less even if zen being a guy was true(on the contrary, the dick would make it better)!
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>>137305 >>137306 Squeak themselves don't make suits AFAIR. They're just a middleman agency that helps with the patterns and commissioning actual crafters. The price itself depends on the size and the material though, if you go directly through Latex Catfish for instance (like I did) a suit like the pic (not mine but same suit) cost me about $850 plus shipping from China after the 9 month crafting time. PVC is a much better option because it's significantly cheaper. I went through Candy Coated before I found out that they just commission the same vendors you see on Aliexpress and my 6 foot beach ball suit still only cost me $650. It'll be even cheaper if you go direct through the Ali vendors. Bao clearly did the cheap suit as a gag for a con. I don't doubt she'd probably use an actual suit in private or post pics after she got it but I doubt she'd do something like that regularly. An extra benefit though because Bao is so small it'd make her look extra huge if you sent her a normal suit. All things considered, a long game of around 8-9 months and $600-ish would probably be worth it in and of itself as a joke. Also that flap that sits overtop those suits is just an extra layer of the same stuff the suit is made from, just attached at the sides so it still hangs loose. I think they're supposed to be able to pop open but because it's the same material it always either rides up as the suit gets bigger or it just stretches with it. It's definitely better off without it.
>>137451 Isnt a downside to beach ball suits that they're made from actual beach balls? Even with reinforcement that would probably make them less durable your best option is a blue PVC like >>137304 if you're gonna send bao anything besides you'd probably want it blue or the joke falls flat! But I wouldn't see why she wouldn't wear something like that on stream? As a joke at least. I guess there's no guarantee she would wear it. The closest thing I could think of is bring it in person to a fan meet when she's unboxing stuff? At least it be on camera that she has it and fans Will probably egg her on to do something goofy with it but either way I definitely think she'd at least mention it on stream if she got a giant inflatable ball with a $400+ invoice of its cost strapped inside. Or at least some sort of indication that it's custom and not a random toy off Amazon someone spent a cheap buck $25 on if it were me I'd at least figure it would be conversation Worthy so I'd at least probably mention something like that! Imagine it kind of an example like a fan sending you a dick pounding 3000 machine. Like how do you not mention someone sent you a damn dick pounding sex machine? It's too conversation Worthy! But again I guess you could always mention or donate a super chat on screen anonymously if you really wanted to make mention of it or anything of the sort if she ever does a unboxing video or something. To at least go over specifications like price that it's custom the last thing you want is her thinking it's a Amazon cheap bumper ball! But not going to lie if I had disposable fund I'd consider it just for the funny. At worst she gets a laugh at best we get to see her play with it on stream and wobble about all funny and nervous as someone like one of the girls teases rolling her. Btw those PVC suits are rollable! It's why I'd recommend those over the rubber ones. But I wish whoever's nuts enough put that kind of money into a joke luck!
>>137451 Also are there some companies that are pre-made that doesn't take the 8-9 month wait? I'm assuming Alibaba based suits would probably come quicker? That is provided they're not scams. What's your recommendation on legitimate sites I've actually been having a friend ask me about those PVC balls lately and where to officially get them?
>>137466 I'm sure there's some probably? Hard to gauge the demand for it since but usually it's because there's a queue if it's a reputable dealer, that and you never know if somebody might want a custom part/placement/color, or certain thickness. Or any other number of factors like waiting on materials, etc. Candy Coated PVC is based in the US, while they do craft their own stuff sometimes most of it is crafted in China and sent over. I believe their main one is Beile Inflatables since they have a shitload of patterns that CCPVC markets a lot too, and blueberry suits are only around $300 on their Alibaba. It couldn't hurt to go directly through them since someone else is going to charge you double for the same thing from the same place anyway.
>>137304 Wow. Now those are some HUGE blueberry suits. I would love to see Bao inflate into one of those.
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>>138149 Get some new material fella
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