/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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things that piss you off 5 Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 18:32:15 Id:956978 No. 135290
Letting steam out edition >Everything counts >Remember! Don't be pety!
>>136934 I'm kinda the opposite, I find the idea of a permaberry citizen living their life in spite of their condition appealing, the problem is that she's too big, it becomes hard to register that it's a person in that sphere, for lack of a better description. Same reason I don't gel with a lot of planet/galaxy size inflation.
Serious question, how many people here are actually that triggered by trans people, because it sounds like the same two or three assholes every time. Like I see you Darbo, this act is fucking old. Hey maybe trans people wouldn't have to be activists all the time if there wasn't this kneejerk "51% yourself" reaction every time a woman looks just slightly unlike a supermodel.
>>136934 Well in that case, I am 100% not that guy.
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>artist makes concept that’s both comedic and incredibly sexy relating to the fetish it’s about >immediately goes full retard and makes the entire concept about political bullshit that has nothing to do with fetish art >when given shit for it, artist just self nukes his entire gallery and leaves the internet >now no artist is willing to do anything with said concept because of its association/connection to said retarded political bullshit Fuck you ilikeapie. Preggnochio is forever ruined because of your stupidity.
>>136934 I usually like the idea of permaberry stuff, mostly because I find the idea of someone doing the mundane (going through doorways, walking down the street, etc.) while extremely inflated/fattened hot as shit, but sophia does literally nothing for me. First off, the fact that shes a perfect sphere is incredibly fucking lame. I feel if a berry doesnt have some folds or sag to them like a waterballoon, or at the very least puffy cheeks/hands, it's just kind of boring. Not to mention a lot of art of her mentions hugs and her being soft, which is weird considering every piece of art of her has her looking taut as a drum. Second is the fact that damn near every pic I've seen of her is the most saccharine, overly positive stuff ever. It reads like something off of sesame street sometimes, to the point of being boring as hell. Honestly, this feels like whoever made this character is trying to make this as sfw as possible, which is weird as hell consider this is obviously based off of blueberry fetish shit and he comms a lot of pic of her from nsfw artists. Overall, the idea of a college prof permaberry is hot, but they just do the most boring, sanded-off shit with it. Tl;dr, good premise, boring character
>>135291 These freaks have zero self awareness while starting flame wars with other fetishes that don't even affect them.
lmao, surprised it took this long >>136825 the only artist I miss who I know is uploading new art is allanchorsaweigh >>136934 I like the concept but all of the art I see of her lacks spice >>136951 >Hey maybe trans people wouldn't have to be activists all the time if there wasn't this kneejerk "51% yourself" reaction every time a woman looks just slightly unlike a supermodel. hyperbole like this is why everyone is sick and tired of it all ngl
>>137014 >@dj_bapho is temporarily unavailable because it violates the X hate Profile Policy. How high was his power level?
>>137018 very angry shitlib like not andrew "directly send threats to the president" dobson level but the same aura a lot of the time
>>136951 I don't like troons because they are always narcissistic mentally ill autogynphiles who think everyone should kowtow to them and indulge in their degeneracy. Troons wouldn't be such insufferable faggots if they stopped pretending that their choice of lifestyle wasn't a thinly veiled fetish.
>>136934 Good premise, good clothing, but too large/tall, too mobile. I find the idea of blueberry inflation changing a person's natural height to be a bit weird if it goes more than double. Also the best part for me was when Violet got rolled, so not having that feels like a missed opportunity. Would like to see some teaching aids roll her around the campus and squeeze her through tight doors. The fitted suits are a nice tough and the teacher/librarian aesthetic with the bun has a very cool feeling where you know she's smart but a bit reserved and uptight. Overall, 6/10.
>>137026 And I don't like you cause your a failed abortion
>>137065 He had a failed abortion?
>>137026 This mf smoked too many mushrooms in the back. You know not all the lgbt community or trans people are like that twitter blue sky folk make up a 4% majority of the human population at most seams small but is pretty big compared to how many humans exist on Earth! But to break it down there are those who are apart of the lgbt and trans community who find certain edgelords like twitter folk just as cringe as everyone here! So don't lump everyone in a majority that's the problem in this society when a minority of idiots do something cringe 99% of that population or culture gets blamed for it. To put it in words you might understand you see that cringy person over there with their obtuse misinformative opinions? We don't claim they're crazy! Think about it if the lgbt community or trans folk were really that cringe why in hell in the almost 40 to 30 plus years going back to the old 90s has not a single issue of note stir up controversy before? It's simple because before there wasn't idiots causing infighting among communities with they're dumb opinions. Gay culture isn't bad blame bad actors who are really responsible for everything you hate
Literally all the scenes i found are m a l e, worst part? They are good!, 6!, Scenes, 6, male. And smt tells me this is in part maybe sexist or smt, cuz when i try to find horror movies where ppl stomach bursts, if are male are by gas, water, etc, but when i search for female, it's only p r e g n a n c y. Ksnskenwlkdkskwsls, and its very hard to find good scenes!
>>137072 Devils advocate here! And I haven’t read this thread yet, just your response! No controversy? Really? We are just going to ignore the disproportionate (per capita) amounts of disease, suicide and pedophilia from said community? And that’s just based off of the “gay” numbers. The “trans” numbers are on average at least 12 -17% higher in each. Pulled all this info from NIH as well. Though it could differ slightly from country to country. Not throwing shade as you’re part of the community, I get it. Do your thing. Don’t sit there though on an high horse and act like “oh it’s because of some actors or *insert person here*” that you get a bad rep. There are case studies that date back to 1910 (first one I could find with credibility at least) so it’s not like people are just making this shit up out of thin air.
>>136961 I agree with all these points and still find it cringe. Also why leave the internet over being right about so many things? Chudcoin is on the rise, you’d figure he would be in smug heaven right now.
>>137072 If you are a right wing tranny who understands that there is zero need for trans activism because trans people are already equal in the eyes of the law and have been for ages and don’t need to take any ground in a cultural battle becuase nobody cares who you are online until you tell them and anyone who does care offline is never going to have their mind changed by the culture since it’s a disgust reaction, then you can consider yourself sane. If you believe that trannies are actual women, that trans rights are somehow different to everyone else’s rights, and that there is a major need for “representation” everywhere, you are just as bad as the activists because you believe all the same caustic bullshit they spew you’re just quieter about it. The fact that you feel the need to respond to us about this point is proof that you hold this positions close to the core of your personality. If you were one of the sane ones you would hate the lgbtq+ alliance just as much as the rest of us for besmirching your rep.
>>137072 Also what the fuck are you on about “”””4% globally”””” the US has near the highest concentration of this bullshit due to social contagion and we’re sitting at less than 1%, and that shit has doubled since 2014. Global is gonna be closer to 0.2-0.4% and of those the majority is gonna be people under 30 who have been propagandized by internet overexposure.
>>137065 At least I'm not a gay tranny pedo who tries to groom kids. Why don't you join the 41% and get it over with already?
>>137077 Disease exists in every community! Stds especially are a thing in general you can get from any sexual activity if you're not careful. Yes there are those few that are related specifically to being gay but again diseases are a unnatural part of life that's sadly unavoidable. So what's your idea to stop that stop being gay? Stop doing anything that could cause a disease in general? Hell you could treat your body like a temple and still catch Cancer. So that argument is invalid alone off common sense if you want diseases to stop find a cure because no lifestyle choices will save you from the disease that inevitably claims us all in the end, Death. So why I see it why not enjoy yourself with a harem of beautiful women and men?: you're not getting any younger and death can claim you any second of your life so why not have some lustful fun before you go so long as it's with adults who cares about the rest! You get one Life after all. Speaking of pedo bear stuff again those are again bad actors pretending for a cause to suit their own needs not all lgbt people are into that crap! To loop so loosely and wide a net over any community is equivalent to old tiny racism and it's watermelon chicken bullshit stereotypes. FYI not calling you racist I'm using it as a example ignorance is made via carelessness. You don't have to be a moral busy body but if you're a lazy bum about things like that generalizing a entire trait to a entire group of people of any kind is bad. Because what if whatever you're talking about is just a minority a spec of one person's beliefs or to broaden it that's even say it's a hundred people's beliefs that's still 100/1,00000000 so yes still a minority. Again another example. People on Twitter who stereotype white people two yes racism can come in that form too hate can build in any community. You can't say otherwise because it's just a natural fact. Anger envy loathing all natural emotions that inflict conflict. But this isn't necessarily a topic about hate. More so ignorance. Generalizing all gay people are pedos is like insert any misinformation in any topic about any community whatsoever! I'm not saying you're wrong to the degree I'm not saying there isn't pedos in the lgbt community but the thing is pedos exist in every single community. Communities are made of good and bad people and bad actors want you to believe that it is just a trait of the entire community in a whole! Maybe that's not what you're trying to say maybe you're not generalizing a stereotype to a entire community and just pointing statistics which is fine and fair! But again I know someone will! I know someone is gonna take the chicken and watermelon approach and generalize a entire trait on a group of thousands of people worldwide. Just because of a few hundred bad actors. Stop blaming lgbt people or any community for that and blame the bad actors themselves. Again your statistics have merit but remember it's a fraction of a population this world is vast filled with good and bad! Not all typhlosion! As for suicides well mental health plays a big part all this fear mongering about this and that in today's age doesn't help, bullying and helplessness and all that adds to it. Honestly suicide rates could be from a hundred different benefactors could be from things related to lgbt? Could be from anything really! It all depends on the traits of the person and what they're going through at the time to lead to such a depression. And my point being why not hold out a hand for those who need it rather than spew venom and walk away? Punish the bad actors again comes into play but knowing who is and isn't is a big problem in itself a Wolf in sheep clothing can easily infiltrate anywhere at pleases.. But again to be human, give compassion. It's something easy to forget about in the mess of things. But the only way we can combat such things is love compassion a open hand to help those in the darkness that struggle as well as good advice like example this world is vast wild beautiful interesting with so many sites to see! Instead of mopping about whatever the reason even yes a tragic kind. Don't let disparity claim you because as easy as Danganronpa makes it look there is a brighter path that flows over the rainbow! Again like I said plenty of things to experience from food journeys different interesting things to learn and if all else like I said before sexual activities with a harem is at least something you should consider before kicking the bucket! I mean how do you know if it's the be all and all if you don't try? Granted there's some things like illness cancer stuff like that when you're not really giving a choice. Pain can become unbearable.. but still I've seen people struggling through that too. Then it's all a subject of opinion if you want to fight for something if you have the willpower strong enough do it or at least try and tell yourself that when you face death in the eyes that you'll do it with a smile! Point is exactly everything above life is short! Most Things are trivial (outside of pedo shit yes that's serious) so why are we fighting about crap that doesn't even matter in the end? Hug you're wife and child, fucking live a little, and go touch grass lgbt people aren't the problem twitter and blue sky political vultures are and this message goes for them too! This petty crap doesn't matter! Live live enjoy what little time you're blessed with loved ones and family and overall don't let anything get in the way of what's precious as politics and stuff aren't worth fighting for not as much as the things the people and hobbies you cherish. They'll always be problem's they say a meteor could kill us all in 7 years! Life could poof and pop tomorrow so no matter what your rebuttal is it doesn't matter not in the eyes of deaths grand plan You get one Life. Enjoy it before it's gone! Be kind be happy spread love fuck the rest!
>>137112 4% is a random guess of things it's a generalized percentage yes I know hypocritical which is fair I don't claim to be perfect. But still makes my point whatever percentage you throw I'll guarantee it's a fraction and not the whole of the community and most likely it will always be less than 25%. My tone still stands bad actors again are responsible for messing with the entirety of the community. and you all let them. This is exactly why 4chans racist tests like the ok symbol and pepe exist. 4chan had a simple goal how hard would it be to take a simple topic and make the world believe it's related to hate bigotry or whatever they want due to the thought experiment humans are stupid in today's age and like sheep who can be molded. And the results are people still think pepe is a alt right whatever symbol to this day! Some even compare him to the Nazi salute! This is what we like to call a industry plant and it worked so well why? Because everyones minds were easily molded to it! Now I'm not calling the general population dumb it's a simple science of being dense which makes us more gullible which at the end of the day eads to what is essentially a fish hooked on a fishing pole lured into whatever through whatever means and by using this tactic to create misinformationand generalization essentially getting one side and the other both calling each other names like children until there blue as a berry. The only tactic that even stands a chance against this is again common sense so the only winning answer to the game is simply not to play. again live life, touch grass. That's what I'm gonna do as petty squabbling I couldn't care less anymore and I prefer not to go bald early in life thank you!
>>137150 The thing isAIDS/HIV and the most recently Monkeypocks are and were 100% unavoidable. They even had PSA for gays as early back in the 70’s saying “if you have sex, have protected sex” or at the very least, test your partner. Nobody listened and instead sucked off 6 random strangers in a gay clubs bathroom causing HIV/AIDS/etc to explode and take out almost kill 15% of the total gay population. To this very day, 71% of ALL HIV/AIDS infections are in gay males. That’s not 71% of the gay population, that’s 71% of the ENTIRE population. I wonder what the defining factor is? Hmmmmm? Because that’s how you spread STIs and disease. You basically just proved my previous comment to be true saying that. I never said that they all were. I said it was disproportionate in numbers per capita. Similar to how black people only make up 13-15% of American population but commit over 50% of the crime. Doesn’t mean that all black people are criminals but statistically it is against them. I’ve never denied there isn’t racism. Racism against ANY race is bad and not acceptable. But also, you’re on Twitter. You kind of have to take what people say on there with a grain of salt. It would be like someone taking something personal in a Call of Duty lobby or something…..Typhlosion? Like the Pokemon? I agree. Mental health is a massive issue in today’s world. Instead of just coddling or enabling those with mental health issues we should be trying to help them. Therapy or anything along those lines to bring down the 51% suicide rate.
>>136934 shitty retarded character >>137065 tranny spotted
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>>137168 I mean Fair but again what are you suggesting date women end the gun violence King von? It's not a solution the solution to disease is finding cures. It's that simple that and making awareness of the triggers. Fun fact if you have ever had a cold sore you have pre set herpes. Cold sores are unavoidable and are practically random at least from everyone I've seen in my lifetime has had them at least once. But that said it's simple don't eat ass with a cold sore and you pretty much should be good that and other factors. As honestly germs like that are prime benefactor in spreading such stuff I'm pretty sure. That's it I am no doctor. My point is again I doubt men gonna stop butt fucking and women gonna keep scissoring. The goal shouldn't be telling people stop the gay as much as it is fixing the disease. What if tomorrow a new method of evolution happens and if finds a non gay way to spread? Then everyone is effected that's basically what happened with COVID it was a existing virus that grew worse. Point is I don't know if this is what you're trying to say or not but I will say anyways telling people stop being gay to end std death isn't probably gonna do much.
>>137168 True on the grain of salt bit it's twitter after all. But at the end of the day it's a statistics game and statistics change all the time. Point is again analyzing that stuff is fair but to prove my point again I think majority of the bad stuff can be summed up to bad actors don't have to be black to commit crime don't have to be gay to be a weirdo or even a pedo all I'm suggesting is we need to be careful with stereotypes and this data around impressionable minds of today as if the youth don't learn these things properly then the next generation just gonna grow stupid than us and make worse mistakes! My point isn't meant towards the reasonable who understand common sense like us my point into those who point fingers and say stupid stuff without thinking. But I think I'm done with this Ted talk again life is short live it well people. That's the final bit of advice I offer. >>137175 This mf is definition of what I speak of what's wrong with the random blueberry teacher oc thing? It's breedable and female what makes it crap? Please teach the class?
>>137168 > Similar to how black people only make up 13-15% of American population but commit over 50% of the crime. Doesn’t mean that all black people are criminals but statistically it is against them. >I’ve never denied there isn’t racism. Racism against ANY race is bad and not acceptable Imagine being this much of a retarded faggot. If you want to be a white supremacist it’s ok to own it now with papa Elon in charge. But literally, white peoples are retarded inbred faggots who committed one of the worst crimes against humanity across the last 490 years of slavery followed by 100 years of apartheid that needed SCOTUS and the armed forces to enforce the law that white people let black taxpayers into public schools. You’re just a retarded faggot who’d rather wallow in some self enforced loserdom than attempt to be a ubermench or be a decent person. I’m sure your short, fat and an autistic faggot who any white supremacist would consider a blight on our gene pool.
>>137191 No you’ve got to understand white people are the victims here. Black people should have been able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps after 500 years of race based terrorism that killed millions of people in brutal conditions while attempting to eliminate any culture and humanity in the population. White people are the victims here, like how the Germans are victimized by the pesky Jews.
>>137026 you should learn how to swim in lava
>>137184 We have cures but disease will never go away. There will always be part of life. It’s preventable diseases like STI are that completely avoidable. You can’t just pick and choose. Nobody has ever sat on a public toilet seat and contracted gonorrhoea. I never said to tell people to stop doing it. I said to be safe while doing it and don’t pick up random people you don’t know and fuck them in a bathroom. You’re basically begging to catch something doing it that way. And on top of that, much like during COVID. When your president went out and said “if you get the vaccine you can’t catch COVID” people went out and overreacted and just spread the it even more. For the third…or fourth time. I’ve never claimed to say people should stop being gay. I’m rebutting your claim that the only bad things that happen in the gay/trans community are because of “bad actors” I didn’t even touch the topic of the most recent mass shootings in America being perpetrated by trans people. If you want to get into that though, we can. Statistics don’t lie. They can change all the time sure, but when your statistics are constantly increasing, that means you have a problem.
>>137191 You can call me all the names you want…but you didn’t say I was wrong. A preview if you’d like? Black crime based on total yearly percentages: (These are all based in total yearly reports) Murder: 51.2% Robbery: 52.7% Burglaries: 28.8% GTA or vehicle theft: 28.6% Prostitution: 42.2% Drug related arrests: 26.1% All these numbers are from the FBI Uniform Crime Report, table 43…..but I guess the FBI is lying huh? I can link you to more case studies and proof if you like? Or do you just want to be all edgy and throw around buzz words to make yourself feel better? Either way, it doesn’t change the truth.
>>137191 >>137192 Not sure where you’re coming from with that. I never mentioned anything about anyone being a victim. You should probably go back to BlueSky or Reddit if you want an echo chamber on that topic?
>>137195 We jerk off to balloons here sir
>>137195 You’re not beating the allegations of having a tiny low testosterone body that’s an insult to the male gender. Does it make you angry to know you’ll never know the touch of a woman who’s attracted to you? Did your dad touch you? (We know from statistics that child rape and incest is rampant among whites).
>>137199 Where did I claim to be a male? I may be tiny but if I had extra testosterone, I would have to go compete on an Algerian boxing team. Not as angry as you apparently when confronted with facts.
>>137200 Hahaha what a strange cope from a manlet. Did you address the hundreds of years of criminal behavior from white poeple? Do you even know what the largest form of theft is in this country, faggot: wage theft. Think about that when you produce stats on “enforcement” not “offending rate”. Otherwise there would be a lot more white pedos in jail.
>>137202 Manlet now? You know what, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Sounds like you’re just mad at capitalism but ok. I’m sure than communist flag on your wall reassures you. I mean, you’re arguing semantics are that point but If you want to delve into that I’m open for it (hint: you’re still going to see similar numbers) unless you’re talking just pedo stuff…in which case Middle Eastern and North Africans take that crown via the immigration surges. We can go down that rabbit hole if you want….or you can just keep calling me names. It’s up to you?
>>137203 Idiot inbred waste of genetic material. Hopefully Dr. RFK sends you to one of his wellness camps and removes whatever physical and mental diseases you carry from the gene pool. Which race is commiting the majority of theft therefore? Who’s the prime pedos? It’s white people— most of whom immigrated here illegally. Your statistics argument is just dressed up phrenology and I’m pretty sure you smell like piss and stale crackers— take a shower bro.
>>137204 Uh oh, someone has the big mad 😡 You ok? Everything good at home? I’ll refer you back to some case studies and you can see for yourself? I can’t say anything at this point as you’re just upset and nothing will register. We can read them together when you calm down :)
>>137160 You can say not all as much as you want but it doesnt matter because the face of your group is what is shown on social media. Theres no major pushback from based trannies decrying all of the insane ones for giving them a bad name, everyone either isnt bothered with it enough to try and stop them, or agrees. Like >>137194 said, if your statistics are constantly increasing, its your side that has the problem. Its not our problem for noticing the trend.
>>137168 "I'm gonna prove I'm not a phobe by dragging out a racist stat instead I'm so smart" like jesus christ dude, way to give your position away! But then that's also a really good similar point, right? Because yeah, when the legal system is rigged against black people and has many laws on the books specifically to target black people dogwhistle style, when a black person can be thrown behind bars for jaywalking while a white person can get elected to office for embezzling million$$, when it's totally legal to be a junkie when it's all paid prescription pills but pot gets you a cop's knee on your neck, oh goody you can say that black people commit 50% of the crime! It's so easy, just redefine crime to target black people! Same thing here, it's all goddamn rigged. This "avoidable" disease can be spread through other means, dumbass. And good luck talking to your doctor about your weird symptoms when you can get arrested if someone *thinks* you're gay. That used to happen, you know. Reagan pulled this shit on purpose, AIDS was a tool to kill off gay people, all they had to do was pretend it wasn't real. Suicide rates? Yeah, when there's screaming whiny assholes out there TELLING YOU TO KILL YOURSELF constantly you don't think that might affect your mental state? But you don't give a fuck, you want people to kill themselves and then you get to laugh at them for it and it's all this cozy feedback loop, nice job bucko. Oh and if you want to kill off a group for being kiddy diddlers why not start with the republicans and the bishops but ohhhh nooo that's not what pedophilia is, being a pedo is about telling kids it's okay to hold hands with other kids, while having all the boys change in the locker room together with their sweaty coach watching or telling 13yo girls they need to marry grown ass men because their eggs are too precious to waste is just normal fucking biology, see how that works? Just gotta redefine it all to make you the saint and the people you don't like the scum of society. Jesus christ do you even know what gay means? A grown man wanting to fuck other grown men. Fucking hell. A man wanting to screw a child isn't gay, he's a US senator.
>>137214 1. He needed a similar comparison, I gave it. 2. Explain to me how that statistic is racist or anything that I’ve said is racist for that matter. Enlighten me. You’re just cherry picking there. There are plenty of instances of people of all races being unfairly treated by law/cops. There are plenty of example of minority people in government being corrupt (Maxine Waters, Ray Nagin, Kwame Kilpatrick, I could go on) just as much as “the whites” or so you claim. I’m aware there are other ways to catch diseases. By that logic though, it’s not predominantly unprotected gay men fucking each other, it’s gay men sharing needles or swapping bodily fluids etc. That or public toilets where all these gay guys frequent are absolutely filthy. Ok? That doesn’t change the fact that to this day, in 2025 it is still widespread. Firstly, nobody should be killing themselves. Talk to someone if you’re having those thoughts. Having said that: Turn off your device then if you can’t handle it? Stop waving a flag in peoples face or shoving it down their throats? Most people don’t give two shits if you’re *insert whatever you identify as* as long as you’re not obnoxious about it. (And this is coming from a lesbian by the way) So don’t try and pull the “you don’t get it” card. Most of my friend group I’ve made since I moved to a new city, had no idea I was even “in the community” You can be proud of who you are but you can also be modest about it. ….what in the hell are you going on about with this point? I….don’t even know where to start with this one. You’re just taking extreme hyperbole and trying to pass it off and fact. I do actually! See said explanation above!
the fact that i can't make fun of Andrew Motherfucking Dobson because that would count as friendly fire
>>137230 Nah, he's always free game.
>>135290 >thread is about trans people and politics 2016 is back. Anyways, if you guys should understand you'll be viewed in pretty much the same way for wanting to jerk off to inflated women in physically impossible and cartoonish scenarios. This thread is probably also 90% autistic or ESL judging by the basic grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Perhaps it's impossible to convince any of you, given your own mental disabilities, and total commitment to a given stance regardless of your lack of political foreknowledge. So I won't try. Probably, you should look around and understand that this shit isn't going anywhere. It's been around, it'll stay around. You're gonna need to make peace with it instead of flying off the handle every time you see a trans flag or some shit. It's just like someone posting about how they're black. We've had this shit since the 90's and beyond. Please, for the love of god, be normal for once in your lives about other people's decisions.
always a joy to see this thread explode when it was obviously linked in someone's dick cord and the one ID posters come pouring in >>137230 hell no lol that dumb motherfucker burned ALL his bridges
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>>137234 >friendly fire No such thing.
>>137230 That's only for this fetish. Commenting on Dobson's inability to accept constructive art criticism is fair.
I fucking hate how NavSaka types. He has to actively go out of his way to "Ah" instead of I like a normal fucking person, it takes LONGER to type that. I don't really have an opinion on him outside of that. Fuck his typing quirks.
