/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Helplessness: "I Can't Move!" 06/22/2022 (Wed) 06:51:56 Id:ebde17 No. 54158
One of the things that reaaally gets me going, and has for the 15 or so years since I first saw The Bizarre Adventures of BerryGirl by JohnnySwell/DocSwell. Like the title says, general complete helplessness, dependency, objectification, immobility, being trapped and bound by one's own bodily bigness. Humiliation, embarrassment, permanence etc. are fun additions too. If a blueberry girl (especially a permanent berry), or girl otherwise expanded into a matured sphere (still with feminine features and developments, namely breasts/butt/pussy) is forced into this state of helpless against her wishes, and not particularly enjoying it, I'm saving it and keeping it ready to go. The biggest indicators and best features of this niche, IMO, are exclamations like: - "I can't move" (immobility) - "Mmmmphhh" (i.e. "I can't speak") - "Toooo Biiig" (I feel extremely large) - "Juice me" or "Roll me" (objectification) - "What are you going to do to me?" (helplessness) - "You mean I'm stuck like this?" (Permanence) - "*whimper* *moan* *nnnnghhh* *whine*" I'm not enjoying this) and so on and so forth. Included some good examples of this, and I'll try to keep updating the thread as I find more. But please feel free to go wild with more examples if you too are a fan of this. Let's avoid posting anyone enjoying their transformation, at least here.
>>70367 What is this from?
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>>86206 Thank you! I love them both on DA, and did find some great stuff in their Twitter accounts. May need to look onto the Patreon next for a month or so. On that note, anyone happen to know of a better Twitter image viewing platform where all the images show up as tiles instead of a slideshow? >>86300 >What is this from? From the artist @Klomb0. It's great work, and the exhibitionism at the end is awesome. I know I'll sound complainy as hell, but I'm getting to a point where the whole thing with magical clothes that perfectly expand to preserve decency is turning into a huge barrier to enjoyment. The aversion to nudity that's present in this distinctly kink-based art "genre" is distressingly confusing to me.
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>>86137 Panavia might tick some of those boxes? Dunno how well they are known or regarded in the community. They don't seem to post as often or actively as others, which is kind of a shame. But I like their perma'd OCs a lot. Want to see more from them.
>>86427 This. If you're going to make fetish art anyway you might as well go all the way into nsfw territory
Good thread.
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>>90777 Sauce, I tried the watermark with no luck.
>>90781 I found it on Disharmony.
>>67242 Thirding.
>>92080 If anyone else who's interested in this "theme"/"genre" in blueberry and inflation art, I might recommend taking a look at my (intermittently) ongoing series of stories - Life As A Helpless Blueberry https://www.deviantart.com/berryliterary/gallery/85796945/life-as-a-helpless-blueberry I have the next 2 chapters all but completely planned out, life has just been too wild lately to lend me the time to actually write them. If you too are someone who sees a list of TW topics like the following, and is drawn in rather than repelled, I hope you enjoy them: "Contains permaberry expansion, nudity, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, body expansion, juice "lactation", immobility, sphericality, semi-public humiliation (TW: undesired/unwilling expansion and nudity)"
>>90781 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107898351
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>>86137 Speaking about Johnny Swell, do you know where we can find these images? They aren't available on the Wayback Machine and I've never seen them before.
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>>92218 Here are the cover and first 3 pages of Issue 2 (looks like page 3 wasn't even there yet in the throwback pic), as well as and the cover art for Issue 4. Can't find Issue 3 Cover in my stash but I do remember exactly what it looks like. Full disclosure, IDK if you've seen it before, but at least on my end, I'd probably call it my single least favorite page of *any* of his art. The cover says something like "In This Issue: Other Forms of Expansion!" and it has two girls in a very industrial-looking (as opposed to candy-filled) factory. One girl's floating, upside down in mid-air, and her buttcheeks are each inflated to the size of overfilled exercise balls with helium. She's barely still in reach, but is holding hands with another girl who's visibly pinned to the floor by her own very heavily expanded boobs, each of which is about a foot less in diameter than she stands tall. IMHO at least, their proportions weren't very ... well ... well-proportioned??? Lol The giant tits and ass they have are not particularly "attractive" and kinda just seem frumpy and *"off"*-looking. Now that I'm thinking back on it, the girls also - for some reason beyond my comprehension - magically have on bland clothes that grew to contain the unreasonable size their sexual features were in the process of swelling to. It feels almost like a bootleg "JohnnySwell at home" your Mom makes you settle for. Something the first issue did an amazing job of subverting for the "genre" was the whole damn trope of clothes that conveniently ensure the inflation victim they contain isn't further humiliated by the loss of her modesty. The cover of Issue 1 even included the detail of showing a seam between her boobs that suggests her shirt was sewn together from two separate shirts.
>>54158 Here's an audio story that not many people know about. I think it checks off all of your boxes. https://mega.nz/file/iihR0RSK#uE5VCtJEyTXjwBKmx82pmPRNdeMRgwaERx0RE9euLH4
>>92801 This shit is gold. Is there more? What’s the sauce? Please upload more omg
>>92822 Its on clips4sale from blow up girls lol. Sadly they don't make audios like this and it's usually irl inflation clips.
>>92801 Source?
>>61157 Do you think he'll do the Dazzlings, like, ever?
Why are there more threads than anons willing to keep them up?
>>95321 Hopefully.
New posters can't use image boards.
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>One of the things that reaaally gets me going, and has for the 15 or so years since I first saw Girls enjoying inflation and grown woman going out of their way to create content because they love it.
>>100848 >bbwchan will never have female posters
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Cuteness overload. Sometimes it's the cute things that make me appreciate the tag.
Please keep threads afloat in case a new poster spams threads.
>>104393 Less threads, more generals.
>>105240 One new thread per day. Autists will learn.
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>>107911 Less that two weeks? That was fast.
>>92302 >The giant tits and ass they have are not particularly "attractive" and kinda just seem frumpy and *"off"*-looking. Now that I'm thinking back on it, the girls also - for some reason beyond my comprehension - magically have on bland clothes that grew to contain the unreasonable size their sexual features were in the process of swelling to. You mean these ones?
The best artist are the ones who don't draw inflation but they draw themselves inflated for fun and hide it.
>>100848 >deleted everything because of a chat getting leaked SAD.
>>54158 https://web.archive.org/web/20240517050827/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/80639.html
Does anyone have the aforementioned Alexpandra comic? I have looked fairly extensively and I feel like it's almost lost content. Maybe I'm dumb.
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Overinflation. With a small enough pump and going slow enough. It's doable IRL. Until then comics will do.
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>>115320 Link doesn't work
>>118684 FUCK.
>>69630 >>69660 >>92302 Just wondering, how did you find these pages in such high resolution? Are the other Berrygirl pages available in this size?
Does this not apply to like...all inflation art?
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>>135448 No this focuses more on the mobility side of the fetish. Stuff like immobility, being rolled, getting stuck, etc.
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