/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(642.33 KB 1125x1013 feeling_the_pressure_by_awittyn.png)
Puffy Faces Thread Anonymous 08/26/2022 (Fri) 18:56:24 Id:e835b9 No. 60251
ITT we're gonna post inflated girls who let whatever they're swelling with puff up their face as well. Most anything goes, puffy cheeks, lips, entire face, yknow the deal. And yeah, uber's fine too, I don't really mind. Post whatever, pic, fics, vids, animations, yknow the deal.
(2.61 MB 3464x3464 IMG_0651.png)
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(82.37 KB 828x1083 IMG_3485.jpeg)
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(2.53 MB 1200x1600 IMG_3487.png)
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(849.57 KB 2650x4218 IMG_3496.jpeg)
(6.53 MB 2224x2224 IMG_3497.png)
(481.12 KB 3343x2529 IMG_3526.jpeg)
(131.42 KB 2328x1149 gremlinblimps.jpg)
(204.11 KB 1800x1200 intothefan.jpg)
(891.55 KB 3867x2804 limit test.jpg)
(2.06 MB 1300x1000 marinablorbblimp.png)
>>98572 Make puffy faces fall under humiliation or overinflation.
(71.46 KB 1280x1088 IMG_0773.jpeg)
>>104412 There's only an overinflation irl thread.
(300.82 KB 1531x2048 GHSlDf6XAAAjF4S.jpg)
>>106393 Let's make them.
>>60251 Uber inflation thread. >>9650 https://web.archive.org/web/20240325155412/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/9650.html
(115.68 KB 1192x670 IMG_1501.jpeg)
(207.64 KB 2353x1930 cheekgrab.jpg)
(305.70 KB 2048x1513 marshmallower.jpg)
(306.05 KB 1851x1691 marshmallow.jpg)
(147.74 KB 1902x1902 peachstretchd.jpg)
puffy cheeks AND lips
>>113191 How does undercover work? If the plaintiff see your every move. Lol
>>113193 Private investigators easy to spot. Sit in parking lots for no reason at all odd hours.
Private investigators love target parking lots & walmart parking lots. Easy to spot them. Sooooo easy.
(862.67 KB 3425x3500 cyberblimp.jpg)
>>114288 POV: when I have to massive shit.
(232.66 KB 1500x1529 fantinafloatie.jpg)
(221.20 KB 2184x2160 wobblymakoto.png)
(717.30 KB 3419x4096 superfull.jpg)
time to save the thread lmao
(317.90 KB 2048x1707 purahcosplayberry.jpg)
(2.31 MB 7133x2694 2022-07-08 - Panty.png)
(201.12 KB 1700x1558 bigbaal.jpg)
(161.07 KB 2048x1896 airpump.jpg)
(479.34 KB 4096x2383 callieberry.jpg)
(1.93 MB 4096x2383 swollencallie.png)
(96.00 KB 1500x1500 royalballoon.jpg)
(789.71 KB 3255x2048 Twitter berry drive5.jpg)
(905.44 KB 3255x2048 twitter berry drive6.jpg)
(3.88 KB 343x235 cutout.png)
(9.57 KB 447x313 cutout2.png)
(833.89 KB 4096x3914 jpextremeblimp.jpg)
>>128425 Sauce for that?
(1.18 MB 2035x1349 witchblimp.jpg)
(104.28 KB 891x572 zelblimp.png)
>>130884 Got a source?
>>130990 BonBon01,I believe.
(56.64 KB 741x555 heliumface.jpg)
(111.69 KB 2048x1533 berrysideup.jpg)
(457.21 KB 1800x1800 puffed.jpg)
(293.79 KB 1500x1027 99_bloat_5.jpg)
>>134555 source?
(523.61 KB 4000x2800 lolanoseboop.jpg)
(1.41 MB 4096x2731 sueblimp.jpg)
