/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Caption Request Thread Vol. 2 Anonymous 12/05/2022 (Mon) 15:15:56 Id:d3e602 No. 70796
Last one disappeared without a trace. Time for a new one to begin.
How the fuck did so many threads disappear?
Why is this Thread so empty? Captions of drawn pics are literally the best, cause they add depth, story and unique interpretations of drawn Inflation Art by talented Artists. If someone here has fun writing small stories, please pal, just do it, maybe you can get some good feedback. Im just not good enough with english texts, XD
>>104390 New posters. Can you tell me how to contact admin?
>>104604 URL changed once the website was saved, but the old link was lost, and now a handful of new posters start threads instead of old friends.
>>104708 Thats kind of sad
>>104774 Thats guuci keep youe circle tight
There was a caption image in the old thread of a Balloon Belle being teased by the 3 Bimbettes. I think the art was done by Berryduke96. Does anyone have it?
(889.27 KB 2560x720 Lindsay Inflation Caption 1.png)
(487.76 KB 2560x720 Lindsay Inflation Caption 2.png)
(593.42 KB 2560x720 Lindsay Inflation Caption 3.png)
>>85053 Here you go. Here are some captions of Lindsay that are long overdue. I hope you like them.
(1.29 MB 4096x3072 Curly's Berry Story.png)
(219.75 KB 822x972 Something Something Demons.png)
(2.79 MB 2400x2700 Balloon Birb.png)
(175.63 KB 1940x1755 Matthew Berry.jpg)
I'll throw some pictures in the ring.
Me too, be creative. No need to fo anything of them, but i would love to read some good captions if you make one😄
>>105198 Nice one! Now how's about some Gwen.
wondering if someone can caption this ending with popping
(524.69 KB 2560x720 Gwen Inflation Caption 1.png)
(551.45 KB 2560x720 Gwen Inflation Caption 2.png)
>>105665 Here you go. I hope you like them and I also hope that maybe you'll return the favor by doing one or some of my requests listed here... >>102955 >>94751 >>94624 >>85042 >>84471 >>83545 If not, then I totally understand your reasons why. I just thought that it should only be fair that you do one or some of mine seeing as how I did some for you as well.
>>102955 I've decided to go ahead and tackle two of my own requests. I hope you guys like them and I hope that someone will do one for that Garnet Pic. If not, then I understand their reasons why.
(50.33 KB 1280x544 IMG_3894.jpeg)
(61.60 KB 1280x720 IMG_3893.jpeg)
(52.21 KB 1192x670 IMG_3879.jpeg)
(789.10 KB 965x828 IMG_3860.png)
Didn’t know if you wanted this, posting it anyway
Requesting Miku enjoying or trying to enjoy what you enjoy.
>>101372 Every board should have its own draw, edit&color, write, and caption generals.
I'm gonna shoot my shot and ask for captions of Lae'zel WG
Can anyone want to caption the She-Hulk Inflation? Link: https://www.deviantart.com/kagekira101/art/Too-Much-Hulking-Alts-994674465
>>111803 She-hulk can get it. You have to built like a man though
>>111804 But I’m Built Like A Man. Are you going to caption for my request?
>>111806 You call that being built like a man. You dont want me to embrass you in front of your mother
(106.10 KB 952x850 1712802246454921.jpg)
Requesting a caption for a Gardevoir barely surviving a Drifloon attack and "suffering" an orgasm so intense she'll ask her trainer to catch one.
>>102540 anyone wanna do my request?
(3.41 MB 2400x7498 9df.jpg)
Anybody want to make a caption story based on this? It's possible for each pic to get their own caption.
>>110372 report my post moderators will never understand this 20+ years old wisdom.
>>70796 Archive has banned BBWchan links. I repeat: Archive has banned BBWchan links.
(6.40 MB 2500x4000 Untitled75_20240701032516.png)
My first time adding captions/dialogue to an inflation sequence what do you think :3
>>118856 Very cute.
(83.17 KB 900x873 1680599148421551.jpg)
I think savy747 had to go
Bro chill
>>119138 What is happening?? Which anciant beings are about to get summoned here??
>>119208 Remember /baphomet/?
>>119227 Not really, but doesn't sound that much fun?
Requesting something for this Harley Quinn right here. Maybe she's taking over The Joker's position with her balloon'd bod or something?
Call me Miss Picky, but we need a cool wall for Inflation Art. Some is just seriously uncool with no way it anyhow over time might get better.
(809.98 KB 1800x2663 20240813_132001.jpg)
Guys I need help ;-; I'm drawing a puppygirl inflating herself with a pump and I fr can't think of any dialogue I want it to be dog girl related like maybe she's talking to her master or talking about getting a treat but anything I write sounds mad cringe and I just can't think could you guys maybe help me out and think of something she could say Thanks :3 Here's the sketch
>>122360 Top cute.
Requesting anyone to write a story about Velma inflating into a blueberry, while she's constantly farting and burping blue gas
Almost popped.
Here is my request, I like this and I would like to imagine a story in which Amy ends up this big and inflated, however I am not good at creating stories, so I hope someone can help me.
(122.94 KB 2048x1684 media_GZSZFo4WUAAu3Oc.jpg)
Requesting a caption for this for this wild pic, that's also revy from black lagoon btw. Man blueberries in chocolate pipes are super underrated
How do we make captions on here again? Something happened to The original caption site
>>130751 Source?
Requesting a caption in varying degrees of want.
>>131157 Here ya go https://x.com/Mitsi19911/status/1843266474829651983#m
Requesting a story for Samus.
