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Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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women in inflated drysuits 05/12/2023 (Fri) 08:10:58 Id:9cc0de No. 85794
post your findings of women in inflated drysuits/wetsuits
i think you mean this video. However, it's black and white: https://mega.nz/file/ucd0SSra#e3Jy8_unKJg0kwHbv0rcPXvhtDmK_2r6oK98sAkKlu4
>>110422 Hi, it's me who inflated the girl in the suit. This was back in 2018. The video has sort of become infamous / urban legend haha. Here is how it went down: Dating app = just chatted with her for 20 minutes. There was something odd about her, so I decided to take a chance. I simply asked her if I could inflate her huge in an inflatable suit. And she just replied: "come to my island, on the boathouse. I am there now. I have this compressor in boathouse we can inflate it with". - so the same night I had to take a friggin boat to her island, with the suit in my backpack. It was not a long boat trip. just 10 minutes. it's like a ferry who goes to the small island around the city where people have their cottages and whatever. So when boat arrives at her island, she stands there waiting. she smiles and we hug and then goes to her cottage first. Don't remember what we chatted about, but I do remember she said: "yes... so shall we go and inflate me in that suit of yours?" So off we went to the boathouse. it was around 23:00 (I live in europe), so it was pretty dark and late. I remember asking her if anyone would come there and might see us, since it was the boathouse of her work place. Her family owned the ferries in the city and she helped with the warehouse and such. She was quite an odd person, like she wasn't 100 % prescent and she constatly kept babling about something, sometimes relevant, sometimes not. So when we got to the wearhouse, we quickly got her in the suit. She took off her clothes so she just wore panties and and a t shirt under it. I cranked up the air compressor to maximum, but that air gun attached to it was with that tiny tip (for blowing away dust and particles), so it did not fit the valve for the suit. I sort of had to jam it in there. If the gun had been more for inflating the tires and such, then the suit would have inflated much faster. As you can hear the squealing sound when I inflate it, it means not all the air is going in the valve. (the suit was from Kinkyking Latex. Bought it in 2008. It's the same suit Taylormadeclips used in her first suit inflation videos. It costed 800 dollars to make. I also had it custom make = extra thick latex with bigger arms and chest area). So by this time the suit was 10 years old. Prior to this I had only used it on my wife (ex wife now). So back to the boathouse... after cranking up the pressure to the suit I decided to test it first. I stood in front of her and just attached it and gave it a squeeze (psssh!) and just in an instant her suit sort of billowed out fast. And it turned me on a lot. But then I was like "aahh I should film it". And I asked her if it was okay and she just said "yeah sure". But since her suit was a bit in an inflated state I had grab around her and squeeze the air out of the suit. She smiled and liked that. She even squatted down to get all the air out. Then I put up my mobilphone on the work bench and the rest is what you see on the video. After the suit popped I gave her a hug and asked if she was okay. and she just said "yeah... maybe too much air? hehe" Then she looked at me funny and asked if I liked it and I said "yeah, was amazing! Thanks". Then she said: "are you hard?" And me like: "yeah!". Then she just turned around and bended over the sofa in the boathouse and I fucked her from behind with the suit on (it has a zipper in the back). She moaned like a whore and I came pretty fast. After we went back to her cottage and I spent the night there and we fucked a lot. in the couch in the first floor, then after when we went upstairs to her bedroom. We watched the film of her getting inflated (put it on a laptop) and I took her from behind and as we both watched the film. And she saying things like "aahh the suit got so big" etc.. (don't remember every word she said). Pretty kinky woman. Long story short = I told her she was strange. The day after when I woke up we had some more sex...but sadly couldn't inflate the suit since it was broken. But she said "get it fixed, we do it again". And I had to got a family party this day (it was a sunday), so I took the boat back to the city and went to the family party. When I came home: she had sent me a friggin boyfriend request / couple request or whatever you call it, and then written stuff on my public wall "thanks for last night Tom. I miss you." But not just one post... many! thank god she didn't mention the suit. But this girl wasn't right in her head, so I deleted all her posts and denied her request. She then got mad and wrote me lot of PM's saying I just used her... well I sort of did I guess... but I don't like to rush things. After that she blocked me. And that was the end of it. Haven't spoken to h er since.
so the seals on a drysuit neck/wrists are basically just a tight rubber sleeve, how much pressure can you actually pump into a drysuit before the air just pushes past it? these aren't really meant to be pressurized after all and are meant to keep water out
>>110511 I wonder what she's up to now? Do you think you unlocked a kink for her? She might be inflating herself as we speak, who knows? I always thought I recognized her. Has she had an online presence with this stuff before?
>>108108 https://web.archive.org/web/20240423214445/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/110018.html
>>85794 See >>57767 Not because I want to redirect you there to save catalog space but to see the cartoon expression of this thread.
>>112312 No I don't think I unlocked a kink for her. That is wishful thinking. There is a 0,00000000000000000000000000001 % chance she is "inflating herself as we speak". She had never had anyone inflate her in a suit prior to me. And what are the chances of that? 1 in a million.
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>>110511 Me on the ferry ride over to stick my bike pump in my GFs ass. Circa 2008
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>>110511 Yeah maybe she had some issues but who knows maybe it was something mild and everything got lost in translation? Maybe she was autistic or something? I'm only theorizing because of the long texts and strange awkward conversations so maybe she wasn't as socially aware as most or maybe again just introverted or nervous? Either way personally if it were me I probably would have at least made her aware and slightly reprimanded her that the timeline posts were a bit too fast it was a first date and all but I would have for sure tried for a second date after I got the suit repaired. (And maybe bought some other inflatables to try out as well) At the very least you would worst case have a few more videos for you're spank bank folder I guess instead of the one and done. The reason I come to this conclusion is more or less just how you go about things of how the night went it's clear you two had some good fun and she was clearly smittin. I don't know again if it were me I probably would have reprimanded the timeline posts and gave her another shot. It's one in a million to find a woman ripe and kinky to inflate like that! Usually that type of kinky stuff requires some convincing lol. And it's almost always at least from experiences I've heard of some awkward stares. At the end of the day what could have been kind of sucks that we didn't get that awaited sequel anon. My favorite part of the story has to be not only how good the butt sex was for the two of you but what kind of perks up my ears is the factor you did buttsex while watching her blow up and she got all flustered watching herself balloon while she took it in the ass! I don't know the idea of finding a partner that is just lustful to inflate even in a inflatable suit prop like that is my dream wife material right there! Fuck imagine watching back a video of your gf blowing up in one of those suits for fun background noise as you have sex and it makes her edge and cum harder from looking so tight! Probably thinking about the fullness as the air inside it squeezed her. That sort of reaction would get me rocks if I were you! I don't know maybe it's one of my side kinks or something as because it's rare that I see somebody indulge themselves in a kink like that as hard as you or I would. I'm trying to simplify it into tldr so let's say it like this if it makes sense? Inflatee is introduced to inflators kink Inflatee is inflated as inflator enjoys. Inflatee becomes infatuated with it. Both inflate and inflator watch back kink video for giggles. Inflator notices inflatee is flustering immensely hard over watching herself balloon and pop while getting backshots. Even moreso than the previous backshots inflator had given her. Yeah I don't know that that explains it but just the idea of both inflatee and inflator getting off hard to inflatees expansion feels unheard of to me? Inflator getting horny is obvious but I say it's a very rare occurrence to see inflatee get borderline flustered to the point of being an emotional wreck over inflating like a balloon . I mean I don't know if it's exactly the wording that you say but the idea of a girl panting like she's taking a 24 inch drake meat up her ass face as red as a tomato OVER A VIDEO OF HERSELF INFLATING! . Damn.. rare sight is all I'm gonna say. For example even tmc videos have girls that enjoy inflation but the only ones I see or the only one I've seen that goes straight full on dog for it is joline. She clearly looks like it makes her wet as hell. You'll be lucky if one in 10 individuals who are into inflation lust over it like water to the human body! I'm talking seeing somebody that thirsty is unheard of for inflation! Tldr her watching back the video of her blowing the suit apart causing her ovaries to burst at the sight is fucking wildin and I seriously think it was a L on your part for not attempting a second date even if she was a bit suspicious. Thirst like that is unheard of in these kinks and honestly I wish it happened more often with our partners. Nothing makes a mother fucker harder then realizing you're partner is down bad for the same shit you are but that's just my personal opinion. Apologies for the schizo tangent I'm tired and drunk.
>>110511 Also by chance do you have any other interesting stories to share? Like I'm genuinely curious and hopeful have you found a partner that matches up? Someone new in you're life that fuels the fetish fuel desires in the bedroom for you? And is this the only fun video you have or are willing to share as honestly if you have a library I wouldn't mind seeing some fun greatest hits. Even if it's just sex scenes no inflation especially if there's more fun stuff from that encounter. But I do understand if you do not wish to share those things which to try to keep whatever else is private as possible. If anything less when you perhaps maybe have the non black and white version of her blowing up. I mean it's no secret the non censored more or less kind of exists everywhere. Word of the wise for future if you do want to censor things like that maybe I don't know invest on said partner wearing one of those masquerade masks in future? It's probably easier than having to do editing in my opinion. Take it for somebody who's had the censor for friends before it's a pain in the ass when it's moving video. And if you put a big blotch over it it looks too distracting. Either way and on I hope your life is filled with tons of these adventures. It's quite an amazing story and I appreciate you sharing it again sorry my ass is pretty tipsy and horny as fuck right now lol. So I just be chatting your ear off like a dumbass. I hope my drunk ramblings don't scare you off.
>>113555 I have a story to share about my wife and I inflating in a similar suit and having sex. Maybe if you convince me to not be too lazy, I can share couple fotos and stories. She is not that into the kink, like previous anon stumbled, but she does understand what makes me horny about inflation and I can see that she is starting to like it more herself
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>>113559 She was a bit naive perhaps and an easy lay. She seemed desperate to have a boyfriend. Some girls can't be without a guy and just jumps to the next one. Her personality was a bit simple, but primitive. She talked a lot, but at least she was 100 % honest. She is the kind of woman to everything her boyfriend wants. But I didn't have these feelings for her and I could never be with her. And the fact she wrote this stuff on my public profile told me she was a bit weird / crazy? So I really don't know more than. After all I blocked her and I haven't spoken with her since. I have inflated many women after that in the same suit and in another suit. You see, if a woman likes you it's most likely she will do your kink for you. But also beware = women can easily change their mind depending on the mood and what they feel for you. As an example: A woman I chatted with many years ago (she lived a bit far away), she said she could never inflate in a suit for me. It was too kinky and weird. She was a teacher, a bit older than me, very feminine and a bit too strict and she was also christian and went to church. But we kept in contact, chatted. Then I met her, we fucked and we spent a weekend together. She lived in a hotel. After that she said "okay I can inflate in a suit. I am curious to try it". She said she would do it the next time we met. We chatted and stayed in contact and everything seemed fine. But after a few months she became very quiet and almost didn't respond. I guessed two options = either she met another guy or her feelings for me was over. I was right = she had met another guy and had fallen in love with him. She told me this in a message. No biggie, but a huge bummer... since I believe this woman would be amazing to be inflated. Due to her personality and looks. She had huge breasts, and a very nice figure, slim waist and wide hips. Before this and after I have inflated other women in suits too. Like I said: if she is into you, she most likely will do it. I also tricked a woman that stayed over after a party here. She got very drunk and we started to tank about kinks. Then I told her I like to see women in rubber suits... she said it would be interesting to try. I didn't mention the inflation part. Then after some convincing I got her into a suit. Then I told her to get on my bed on all four and close her eyes. She was like smiling and laughing and was curious what I would do. Then I snuck behind her with an air hose from my air compressor I had in the next room (long hose). then quickly inserted it and inflated her huge like a party balloon. She was like "AAaaahh what the...." it got so huge in matter of seconds. Then as it was enormously inflated, I pulled down the zipper in the back and fucked her. She moaned like a whore. With her I did this many times. She doesn't have the fetish or kink for it, but thinks it's funny and she likes it when it turns me on. She also has another fetish we do = play rape. she likes to be choked and tied up as I fuck her. Her are some photos to prove it too. The reason I stopped sharing stuff her is that this place is that I have seen what happened to that other guy who shared stuff he did with his wife (inflating balloons under her suit etc). The one with purple mask. I also previously had mentioned the same story as I did now years ago and I was met with some bitter envious dudes who was down right mean. So... I don't feel this place deserve much content to be honest. It's infested with lazy and not nice people. It isn't that hard to make your own content = get a suit, get a camera and find a chick. Enjoy. Life is short. Make most out of it. So the first two photos is of the woman I told about that got drunk. The last photo (no inflation) is from a girl I know that do scuba diving: Sometimes she let me inflate her huge in a drysuit she has. it's black, snug and very elastic and gets enormous. almost as big as my inflatable suit. She gives me the most furious handjob as I inflate her. The hottest thing we did was in the locker room at her diving school (she is a scuba teacher): she was wearing the black suit and I just grabbed her hair from behind and reached out and pushed the inlet valve = suit ballooned up huge in matter of seconds (valve on her air tank was fully open). She was like "hahaha you pervert!". then after she was fully inflated I squeezed and hold her suit and she gave me this super fast handjob and I came all over her suit. Dirty fun woman. She is a bit of a slut though. Dates many men and can never settle.
she is a VERY lucky woman.
>>113653 You said porn. Like thats a good thing. Lol kids involved you strongly said it was porn like thats good. Awww let me do it all.
>>113653 She has no idea. But its ok no worries lol
>>113617 Very interesting adventures anon personally though the only thing that ever scares me off is the whole choak play stuff. I don't know nowadays and with how fast people are willing to throw out crazy accusations I don't think me personally I could ever be down for it without at least at minimum a legal NDA lol. Just to protect my lively hood and honestly I highly recommend the same to you just for safety people are crazy nowadays. But I'm always open to new things. I'm very pervy myself like believe me pulling hair backshots and particularly just like you I find it particularly entrancing when you find a girl who's a submissive pet play puppy dog that wants you to feed her face with a cummie snack and she's got her tongue open wanting to swallow all your load no matter how big is even if it fills her like a balloon till she bursts at the seams! All that good shit gets me pent up and thirsty. A thirsty submissive guy or girl is like no other get you a girl or even a feminine guy in some stockings on there knees there's nothing More submissive now I know you're probably not gay but I will say for those who are the great thing about guy on guy has to be a submissive guy knows those urges you have super well as they have them themselves and when it comes to dick sucking or other sex stuff they know those pressure points so if there's any benefit to a femboy I'll say that has to be number one! I'm drowning on my bad though but I'm also adversely too kind and submissive my damn self on some sexual stuff as well like I feel like I'd probably choke up if a woman asked me to choke her or especially fantasize grape because I don't mind pretending or being a bit forceful but some scary people like I say can and will use that against you so always be safe. but outside of that whole handjob shit sounds like something that would have me shook and down bad lustful! Only thing I could imagine being hotter would have some sort of inflatable glove rig so you can feel her puffy fingers expand and tighten around your dick. Stuff like that is something I can only dream of doing with a tomboy or maybe femboy or honestly any girl or guy that looked cute enough would allow. Sucks you didn't get video of it or photos of the locker dick suck that would have been hot as hell to see! But damn you're living dreams higher than most of us here lol! Honestly such lucky encounters! But you know I do end up saying that all the time same as you, it's not hard to simulate inflation in any form. Breast and belly can be done with balloons and the cheapest inflatable suit that exists practically everywhere is drysuits as they're mandatory for diving and you can get some fucking huge ones! The hardest part is finding a partner to do it with I do feel like best bet is find a kinky girl who loves you for you and they'll do it regardless just because for them they get hot when you're at your hottest. But the dream is finding someone who's into it as well as honestly from the one or two experiences in life I've had where someone's wanted to be a submissive bitch and was into this shit it's the hardest most exhilarating feeling in the world because that person is able to understand it the same as you. But it's UNBELIEVABLY RARE! you will probably I have a better look at winning some small lottery. Still all we can do is try and I agree with you my best recommendation is get out there and have fun! You never know what you will find unless you try.
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>>113617 But damn anon the storytime has been a blast I do hope you occasionally share with us some more of your stories in Future. I wish there was a way we could talk more privately somewhere share interesting stuff with one another or even see some of your uncensored stuff you don't wish to share publicly but I understand that's probably not possible. Just overall wish I mean if you have a place in mind I don't really personally feel free to link it to me below and I'll happily chat more about private stuff. Otherwise I do hope to see more interesting shares from you in future and just overall hear more stories from you and from you in future endeavors on here. Yeah I know you're always going to find internet idiots who are going to bitch and scream at you or have their opinions but just know for every one of those there is equally a person who is genuinely interested in what you have to say and just wants to sit down and hear some interesting story time. So don't let those bad experiences deter you. But I do hope this just the first of a few many that you share over maybe the coming months of just stories in general are always fun to hear again I always appreciate a good horny tale of horny experiences. But I wish you well anon I'll be lurking around.
>>113617 goddamn thats hot got photos of her in the drysuit?
>>113617 Hey man, I’m the other married guy you mentioned (wife inflated in the purple suit). Agree with your sentiment but loved these stories. I’ve had that boat house vid saved for years.
>>113754 A video nice ^^
>>86413 Anyone got anymore Japanese cuties in dry suits or inflatable suits
>>113754 Shame that this community is so toxic, that you and other chads cannot share that content anymore. I also have a bunch of content with my wife inflating me and me inflating her and having inflation shenanigans, that I am not comfortable anymore to share here. As if though if only we had like a small closed forum to share this kind of content between us, but that is starting to sound more like a private swinger club and I don't know how I feel about that.
>>114025 Here is us
>>114028 Couple more snapshots of forced inflation and orgasm of us both
>>114028 I remember that bed hopping one floating around such a hot image. Is there a video of that by chance? Honestly I wouldn't mind a private form too but all I can think of is maybe a report my post server
>>114025 FWIW - we post stuff to fetlife and set certain inflation content to friends only. I’ve been on there for probably 15 years and it’s not exactly my favorite spot, but it’s easier to control who sees your content there…and most of the conversations I’ve had are more mature. Don't have to deal with all of the 4chan type BS. As to the swinger thing, my wife and I are non-monogamous and have had great luck with finding play partners on different platforms…but that’s all non-inflated related. There’s something about the online inflation “community” that attracts social incompetence. It’s either the sort of thing you get on here or a bunch of people with anime PFPs on Twitter.
>>114028 I have seen these photos long time ago. I must say some of them are a bit confusing / blurry / out of focus (especially the second one. What on earth is going on here? hehe). Also personally for me I don't like seeing dicks since I am heterofile. Also I dont' like seeing straight into a pussy (reminds me of the facehugger of Alien) it's a bit too vulgar for me, but that's probably just me haha. Seeing a woman's facial expression to what is happening to her suit when it gets inflated is the most arousing part. And it has to be geniuine, not some bad acting shit like Taylormadeclips are doing. 99 % of her videos are garbage I think. But I still buy them anyway. For me, it seems that TMC don't understand inflation fetish and what it is about.
>>114025 Also a perfect suit inflation movie could be like maybe 20 minutes long, or maybe even 1 hour long, and no inflation stuff happens just until the end. Like a big build up. Like two women going on a diving suit trip together and we know this other woman wants to inflate her suit but will wait for the right moment. I think that would be awesome. When Fetisheyes and TMC just inflates there models right off the bad with bad acting, it's like we don't care or feel for them. They are like not real persons in a scenario or story. It all feels so wasted and pointless. Some money is coming my way soon and I will quit my job and thinking about starting up a website where I will sell suit inflation videos, but those will be quality work I guarantee. Hiring some women who can actually act etc. But this won't be a reality in maybe 3 - 4 years time.
>>114059 All of those screenshots are mine, of me and my wife. Some of them are a bit shitty quality because I don't want to share the parts, where our faces are seen, especially on degen site like this. SO some of them are in motion, so sorry. My wife is not into it as for the inflation part, but she like the bondage aspect of it, helplessness and that feeling of loosing control as the suit gets way too big for her to move. Though she doesn't get aroused by the inflation, she does understand completely why it does arouse me and she does an amazing job on teasing me and driving me over the edge. Like brushing the end of the compressor hose near my face while I am tied up to the bed in the suit and then blowing me up. Or hooking me up to a milking machine, turning the valve and leave the room, because she "forgot" something important to do. Or the best is riding me while I inflate and saying that either I will cum or I will pop. Maybe couple years back I was keen to share those videos, but now after all that happened here to normal chads, I am not eager to share more than couple stills from those videos. Sorry
>>113617 I am curious anon where did you get your suits from? Specifically looking for one where you can inflate it huge but it still has a zipper in the back for fucking. Recently opened up more about my fetish to my fiance. She's not into it but like you said she likes how much it turns me on. She asked how else we could incorporate it into our activities. I think a suit and or breast plate would be a good way
>>114096 Shame
>>117507 source??
>>113617 I have an offer can u share with me a video of you inflating her ? I can pay
>>120337 I really doubt that the dude will agree. I am author of other videos of similar content and wouldn't agree to any money if I already made decision on not sharing those videos to the public.
Live, thread, live!
>>120401 I mean I can't argue here but hell if the pay is good why not take it I guess but it's personal if each person's opinion
https://x.com/KinkySplash/status/1829467786126438832 The reason I ask is because I can't buy it from my country. I also tried to buy it through manyvids.com and also their own website. Clips4Sale doesn't work either.
>>113047 This.
I'm thinking or renting or "lending" (buy and return) a drysuit. Is there a good way to inflate or would a bike pump suffice? Anyone ever tried?
>>85794 See >>129944 Do you think morphers can take you images?
