/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Nude Inflation Thread Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 16:34:53 Id:943ce1 No. 87209
Post some arts with nude blimps and nude blueberries/fruits.
Does anyone edit this? >>117200
Can someone edit Applejack and Rarity to remove the swimsuits to be full nudes?
>>87209 Bump
We need more nude balloon girls and nude blueberry/fruit girls!
>>119973 Of course we do! But everyone wants to consume but no one is willing to supply. Love Anon Edits.
(597.12 KB 2048x2048 round_flutterhsy_edit.png)
I edited Boman100's art to remove bra and panties for Pinkie Pie and add vulva for Fluttershy
(3.38 MB 2893x2039 1721114088891.png)
Does anyone have a nude version by SugarintheMuffins on Patreon?
(252.39 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_1.png)
(305.08 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_2.png)
(274.81 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_3.png)
(259.66 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_4.png)
Can someone edit remove Applejack's panties, remove Rarity's clothes and shoes to be full nudes?
(216.12 KB 1600x900 FlutterPieSlingBikiniDrawn.jpg)
(261.44 KB 1800x2200 sunset_shimmer_sling_blimp.jpg)
Can someone edit these pics to remove bikini for be nudes?
(849.92 KB 4096x3929 1643776665288.jpg)
(1.16 MB 4096x3929 1643776712526.jpg)
Edit request: I'd like edit Peach and Daisy to remove all clothes and gloves to be full nudes. They will be so hot~
>>116641 artist?
(2.91 MB 4096x3929 DaisyBlimpNude.jpg)
(2.91 MB 4096x3929 DaisyBlimpAndPeachNude.jpg)
(3.54 MB 4096x3929 PeachAndDaisyBlimpNude.jpg)
>>122939 Made two versions of the first image, one where Peach has clothes and one where she doesn't.
>>123110 Good shit
>>123110 Looking good and hot, thanks!
Figured I'd throw in a few, too. Could someone make me a nude edit of the last image, please?
(728.52 KB 2803x1982 nudeberry.png)
>>106277 Here I also wanted to do >>105619 but the lines make it impossible to properly edit, since any lines you add would look wrong due to not matching.
(584.95 KB 2160x2040 AppleRare.jpg)
>>117200 I made it, but god damn I am terrible at drawing feet
>>123625 Could you try edit this? >>119016
(1.04 MB 1998x2400 RareApple.jpg)
>>123708 Can you edit these pics, please? 102674
(1.40 MB 1920x1080 1761129.png)
(520.25 KB 2160x2040 RariJack_2.jpg)
>>123625 There, i fixed the feet
Remake art
(86.90 KB 1280x800 image.jpg)
>>127712 Original art
(944.69 KB 1920x1080 sailor_blimp.png)
(1.10 MB 1600x1000 40% - Spectators.png)
>>127908 Sauce?
>>128269 I love Antoine17's stuff, he a nice guy and good artist
Edit request: I'd like to edit Rarity to remove her clothes and shoes to be full naked >>89194
Does anyone have more nude arts?
(274.77 KB 1961x2048 68342431.jpg)
>>133393 Be careful with the juice, he will turn into blueberry.
(828.83 KB 2400x1920 suntwibondage.png)
Can someone edit Sunset Shimmer to remove the bondage?
(483.29 KB 4096x3325 megapuffy.jpg)
(198.63 KB 2048x1583 juicing.jpg)
Who wants to be the absolute chad that posts all the Sugarinthemuffins nude alts from their Patreon?
>>133643 Yeah, we tried to tell them to update SugarintheMuffins' Kemono page, but It’s been a whole years without being updated.
Hello? Does anyone edit this? >>133402
>>133984 Try the edit general.
(1.20 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuftedit.png)
>>87330 A little edit to remove the hat.
(1.06 MB 1800x1900 Mai P-Balloon [N].png)
(503.02 KB 1800x1900 Mai P-Balloon [PN].png)
(618.53 KB 2400x1920 3529865_edit.png)
>>137249 Holy shit nice. How much skin do you need for a nude edit or can we give you any clothed orb?
