/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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a thread where we are only posting sequences Sequence Thread 07/04/2023 (Tue) 20:33:39 Id:a43c22 No. 89957
I usually just want to figure out "How did 'insert person here' get into this situation." Anything is allowed as long it is in a sequence
>>106478 If becoming a gigantic blueberry that constantly climaxes will prevent her from making music, I see this as a win
>>106448 Well tell him he needs to make more that's good! Also it may reuse a shape but it's still looks lar least like original work is involved so if he wants to post it to deviantart I say he should be could probably get some good request or commissions traffic. >Honestly nothing's original in today's age If he or she honestly feels bad enough they could just credit original artist. Regardless of the flack I hope they blow up some more ice spice. I like the weight gain but honey the blimps are gold 🥇 And the face is super cute. Again everyone starts as tracing some art schools tell you to deliberately practice by tracing or rotoscoping as to learn anatomy faster. It's whatever honestly but tell them or screenshot this message repeating to you that I hope this isn't the least ice balloon they do Hell also a Megan thee stallion Bruno or boa hancock cosplay might blimp good as well I know a lot of people are horny for that boa cosplay she did in hee boa video
>>106479 Honestly she has a bubble butt but not the biggest around I think it's the red afro to be honest everyone loves a ginger and your telling me a thick ginger girl with a afro perm exists yeah that's the draw mostly the hair makes her cute as hell. Sadly I don't draw because if I did I would totally draw her in a rubber perverix way minus the Uber face with shiny latex skin all puffy hands and feet all oiled up shiny then I'd take that big orange hair and make it balloon or inflatable like it's inflated with her all puffy squishy squeezable balloon hair. Those puffy cheeks just getting squeezed with my hands as I fill them cheeks with cum. My heart resting on her rubber balloon hair as it creaks and squeaks! Honestly someone needs to draw more horny rubber latex shiny balloon art of her I'm down bad big time
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>>118370 >>118337 More!!! Please
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There's a new artist that popped up on deviant art called burger195 that has my neurons firing at all cylinders
>>118549 burger1985*
Does anyone have first day made by someone on Deviantart?
does anyone got that video from BigSqueakyPermaBlimp
nobody has your desired stuff so far, although please just post actual sequences instead of nothing burgers spoilered for pop alt
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>>125010 I forgot the first part 💀
>>90045 wicked. we need more ghoul school inflation everyone
>>130127 Why doesn't fat club do more women series as well I like there male series but shouldn't the horny formula also effect bi people. Guys who like guys or girl who like girls and guys or girl x girl? Trans or femboys would probably also be effected by fatclubincs inflation formula as it specific effects male or former male adjacent dna if I remember correctly but it also effects those attracted to women so again where's my lesbian variant? So much vast potential yet roads they never travel
Not to mention stimuflation could also effect on different embarrassing kinks for example sissy boy fetish or otherwise Lord help the boy who's down bad for pov inflation he's fucking DOOMED! the inflation itself would cause them to be a self perpetuating balloon growing to its doom.
>>130127 Source?
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