/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Kemono Party Links Anonymous 08/18/2023 (Fri) 23:32:16 Id:e10ca7 No. 93585
A thread for sharing kemono party links.
Can someone update Blurmple's Kemono Page? A new animation was just released. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/73129012
Can annyone please update SugarintheMuffins on Kemono and include new drawings and artwork to be added? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/80694168 https://www.patreon.com/user?u=80694168
Can someone update GaGaLadyLover https://kemono.su/patreon/user/19329394 Zdemian https://kemono.su/patreon/user/141001 Comical Weapon https://kemono.su/patreon/user/18778948 Ultra Muscle Girls https://kemono.su/patreon/user/6557247 Opik Oort https://kemono.su/patreon/user/896281 Manthomex https://kemono.su/patreon/user/704766
Im sure if its true or not but looks like patreon import sevice is down
Can someone please update BE groves kemeno page https://kemono.su/patreon/user/710287
>>125443 is that why almost none of the patreon kemono pages have been updated for the past 3 weeks
can someone add rendal to kemono once the patreon uploader is fixed? https://www.patreon.com/Rendal225
Anyone able to add Kurofusen’s pixiv fanbox to Kemono? https://kurofusensei.fanbox.cc/
>>125443 here's the answer since the site is not working currently i wanna take some time to talk about a pattern i realized since the last year when i started paying attention to it, in my favorites (at least for me) it happense that they update around two weeks, for example the last time it updated was on the 8th, then 17th, then 27th, then the 8th of the next month then 13th then 29th which is the last time it ever updated (29/8/2024) which makes an update each month three times (some might update randomly. more than once or never. but its either ai, or very rare ones) the update might be delayed for a day or two, but never more than a week, if it dont update then the mods or bot or whatever didnt update the content creator, and this update pattern in my favorites are a mix of all site (patreon, pixiv....etc). and the current stop is not something new because everynow and then the site stops working for around 2-3 months and i have been keeping an eye for it and yes it is. so dont wait for it now. so what do you think chat? is it the same for you or did i miss? by Ashamed_Anywhere_930
>>125945 i'd say so for me since a few of my favourites were last updated on 27/8/2024
look, since kemono is only doing report my post imports rn apparently, could someone at least upload qualtoverse's blueberry simulator report my post and berrycowxo's report my post shit too? heres qualtro's page: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/36433184 and here's berrycowxo's: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/70168880
To import the contents to kemono.su, you need to get the session key by logging into patreon. After that, subscribe to the highest tier that has all of the features. After subscribing, then press F12 on your keyboard, then click on the "Application" tab, while you're in the "Application" tab, go to "Cookies". Within the "Cookies" dropdown, select "patreon.com". Now in list of cookies find session_id and select it, copy the contents and that will be the value you will use.
Why can’t y’all update in Patreon at kemono?
>>126449 Importer is broken
>>126570 Same with coomer party. Shit's been broken for months and nobodys done a thing to fix it
>>126449 >>126574 https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1ft7aq3/kemonoparty_update/
I swear if the importers are finally back up in November....
sickstar plz?
Can someone please update Boubouharanyu(KAZUU) kemeno page https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/1060738
Were the importers on yiff much different compared to kemono's? Cause they always be breaking a lot lately
with the amount of REPORT MY POST servers being added/ updated on kemono im surprised that almost none of the inflation ones that i know of have been added, i have tried searching for blockhub and melina's servers but there not there ether
When its possible, can some one upload berryverse's subscribestar https://subscribestar.adult/blueberryverse
Can someone please update the Ikki Fenix page https://kemono.su/patreon/user/24727122
Hey so gumroad is getting updated on kemono so i guess its a start
>>128564 Please stop asking us to update his kemono Patreon importer is still down so just wait until we get an update
Can someone update Browser124’s patreon, mainly his dig dug girl series?
I've also been a JuicyPlusTeam subscriber for quite some time and they are a collective of several artists who want to make a short film. Basically they do variety and that's why I think they don't want to focus only on a fetish audience.
>>128675 >JuicyPlusTeam People are actually subbed to those guys?
>>128676 LOL dunno, at least I and a few people I know like what they do.
While we wait, Drakemohkami has aptreon now. Can someone please remember to give Drakemohkami a kemono page please https://www.patreon.com/DrakeMOhkami
>>93585 anyone noticed the site is now no longer accepting logins, or is that just a problem for me?
>>129055 It's ether just you or the site is shitting itself so just give it a bit and it should work later
>>129068 I think the API is down so the site isn't working properly hopefully this means that the patreon importer will work again soon.
>>129141 ohh true, ya i hope so
Seems kemono might be fully down since its homepage isnt even loading properly
hey, I know kemonos patreon importer is fucked and so is basically every thing else except for report my post and gumroad (which btw, someone needs to upload more inflation report my post and gumroads), I found a site that'll do fantia, subscribestar, and twitter uploads called nekohouse.su. theres barely any inflation related stuff there, but hey, if you wanna add to it, go for it. I'll try to remember to make a list of fantia's and subscribestars to potentially add later this evening but yeah
can someone update sexyblimp’s kemono page?
does anybody have the sxdeluxe marceline patreon pic?
Ladyluckfate been updated the patreon back on
with the patreon importer restored i hope all of the patreons on kemono get updated within the next few weeks
Now that the patreon importer is fixed, can someone please add Valerya5 patreon to kemono.
If only could update Ikkifenix from patreon
Can someone please update Jackurai on kemono? They stopped updating him since the first time the patreon importer went down this year.
Please update Gassychan https://kemono.su/patreon/user/11602811
Can someone update balloonas page. She has a new video
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/349543 Now that the patreon importer If anyone could kindly please, update readyart on kemono.
>>130085 Metalforever and Nerdroid Kemono already working on it Let's forget Pencil-Junkie so his works can be updated too!! https://kemono.su/patreon/user/177612
The Patreon uploader is back online
