/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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storytime animators/youtube animators inflation thread Anonymous 08/20/2023 (Sun) 19:45:30 Id:aaaa8b No. 93658
the other one got taken down so heres this new one for people that get off to animators getting blown up like big balloons!
>>110156 Pretty sure it’s Angstrom
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Minecraft yter aphmau has a belly stuffing thumbnail for Roblox not sure if that counts
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>>117198 This is not an edit but better share it before it catches more dust, later will do the mom bod or another edit like the jaiden ones
>>127653 More diving rebecca
>>127653 Well I believe and I paraphrase she said she knows how it feels to be a DeviantArt blimp ever since gastric surgery. That's gotta be weird getting your stomach inflated for surgical reasons. Know that feeling. Then google search your name to see thousands of balloon edits of yourself and be like huh.. relatable.
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Anyone got any kirbyy.pie
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WIP I was planning to do jaiden squishing someone else with her body, still thinking who could be the other one, but maybe i show this if anyone still interest on this thread, if not then meh. let it die definitely i guess This could get to some time to be done, have been busy the last few months
>>131033 Yeah anon cute idea I say go for it
>>131044 Yeah will do when there's time but not so long so this dont die hopefully If someone have ideas for Jaiden and Rebecca (for now) can say and i'll check them out to do maybe sketches, cool things involving inflation, maybe TF's and WG, that could make some change of ideas here
>>131144 an idea that would be interesting is seeing rebecca inflated in her witch outfit >>111600
>>132128 bring me more booba jaiden
its literally just a stick girl how do people like this
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>>133793 Let me explain needs more inflatiors
>>127653 If you ever finish this do let us know wouldn't mind seeing the colored final product
>>119105 I forget she's basically a gummy bear made of jello probably pretty stretchy for a marshmallow candy woman!
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>>133793 popping version of this drawing
So resent aligations against nutshell animations allegedly uses a team of almost 20 animatiors outsourcing the work for their content So reason I'm saying this is if you're willing to work for $50 per 8hrs who knows what sneaky inflation fueled or otherwise fetish adjacent comedy could be created. Anyways enjoy probably my favorite clip I'm levitating which is becoming scarce to find at least for me as all I'm finding is head inflating replacement animations which gives me the impression these are either fan interpretations or new edits because they caught on to the bait. Although make no doubt this animation is canon nutshell animations content not fan made! Well one of the 20 people working for them made it so if one of them is a fan I guess that counts?
Anyone got any Jocat?
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>>116371 Been a while since i do one of these, trying to catch up with a couple in here
>>135723 Do you have a gallery or something with more pics like this?
>>136306 No, the ones that i do are in the thread but im saving then when this one gets blocked and someone makes another one and keep going, but i dont think i will upload them to other place
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yoo new jaiden video dropped and its been a little while since i was on here sooo heres some screenshots if anyone wants to edit them to make her look inflated
>>137726 Gonna use one of these definitely for later
