/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation fetish reaction John_Mordred 09/07/2023 (Thu) 09:01:14 Id:113b60 No. 94926
Hello folks, Are there any videos where women reacting to body inflation videos ? I seen Harlot Hayes on PH where she is masturbating snd watching growth videos. Some content like this with inflation ? Even non porn masturbation ones ? I couldn’t find any.
>>118169 Yes. Fun fact: Ridiculous Cake's pony inflation video on Youtube had over one million views before it was taken down.
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More please
>>118782 Did anybody save this? This was literally one of the hottest videos I have ever seen.
>>118782 Need NEEEDD
>>118782 >>122929 It's been found. Supposedly a nsfw fansly exclusive version with fully groin uncropped is still missing. https://mab.to/t/Oo1m6GmRqhP/us2 May not get re-up, up to you chads to keep it alive
>>118782 She kinda chubbin. I dig it.
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>>122956 Yeah you can see it eighteen minutes in she gets pretty hot and heavy although her bigger criticism is the goofy bits honestly I thought with the way she first reacted she didn't like full blimp and was getting into the three bs pussy and puffkiss portion, but she actually got the biggest arousal from the scene in question in image although a bit embarrassed at how strange it was which is probably everyone's first reaction to ask yourself are you strange? Broken perhaps? A little Looney? And my honest answer is no you're probably normal then most but societies judgment probably just makes you feel otherwise. I DON'T CARE MAURY I LOVE THE BIG BALLOONS! AND IM SICK OF PRETENDING I DON'T!
>>118782 is there part 2?
>>123190 There on fansly the closest thing is a dick expansion breast expansion video thing I think? But other as long as you're not unhinged about it you could subscribe to her page I think she takes paid requests for reactions but I'm unsure
>>123194 could you link to that video?
>>122953 any uh any new upload i never saw it
>>123374 https://mab.to/t/Fg4oMgqEi2H/us2
>>123436 no varus, right m8
nm it checks out thank you anon
>>123436 It's hilarious how she's just as confused as she is turned on
>>118782 I hear she takes paid requests on fansly? Oh I bet if someone sent her his latest video she might go feral! Maybe? I mean don't be weird about it but we might as well send her the occasional fun video finds from the community and pay her well in the process https://www.deviantart.com/imbapovi/art/Ibuki-Douji-body-inflation-in-shower-video-1092805499 But I'm broke ass so in someone else's hands!
>>123506 I mean imbapovi has some sexy stuff when they don't fumble probably their most sexy video to date giving the double hole puffing front and back. Plus normies are always susceptible to the following inflated breasts,butts,thighs,boobs, and belly particularly if you like cum inflation which i guarantee is the average joes favorite type if they like inflation at all! What surprised me like most of you it seams was she was getting into full blimp! Full blimp is probably the hardest to get people into as everything gets round but again imbapovi makes some of the most enjoyable full blimps! The boobs bursting out the top and all the shaking and wobbling is sexy eye candy! It's like imbapovi found the formula to make inflation videos feel like genuine pornos with all the lustful goodness you'd find in a professional porn video? Say what you want about their shortcomings when they do cum they make it hard!
Ok guys. She is not into it actually. Just that h-pump 5 video was more erotic https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=66d1189f02eb6
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>>124042 Just when I think we finally found a woman into full body inflation! Finally not butt cum inflation or boobs but genuinely the whole 9 yards! And that nut in the first video had SUCH PASSION TOO!! you felt that climax! Thought we found a true degenerate balloon gooner. But like tmc and every one else clout chasing in this community for us blow up perverts just another fraud laughing at us like the suckers we are because God forbid anyone humor the balloon loving freaks.. Truly just finding one individual into it would have kept a smile on my face no matter the rainy days. But truly my appetite is beyond soured.. No offense to her your into what you're into but it's depressing she went from genuine feeling excitement to what weirdo gets off to this crap.. I'm not kidding when I say year ruined and I don't trust any mf who say there into inflation at all anymore. Honestly it sickens me how tmc and others in this community treat us like scat loving crap when we just like balloons. Least disgusting fetish possible! Taner than feet! Less gross than eating ass yet we're beyond scum.
>>124046 Like Ive genuinely lost hope in finding a life partner into this shit after this that video gave such a bad faith taste!
>>124042 I got blue balled hard. Now I feel like shit.
But here is some hope. Based on this one : https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=6641a2331bfbd Especially when the boobs got bigger she said she like that and new kin unlocked. unfortunately as per comments she finds inflations videos poorly made with 0 plot but I think she will like h-pump 5 video as it’s kinky, erotic and with plot / story. Only issue she doesn’t take pais requests only proposals from report my post, so we can propose and propose but it mihht never be chosen
*proposals from report my post
Proposlas from di . Sco . Rd seem to be protected to write the full name of this site 😄
>>123506 i bet that's how it is for most people discovering something new to themselves like inflation
>>101177 How about this. >normies discovering inflation.
Bumped for more. I wonder if ordinary youtubers have reacted
On youtube there are some movie reactions which means sometimes you see reaction to some inflation scene. Fir example these are good: https://youtu.be/1c33fXE6g1E?feature=shared https://youtu.be/37G6Jy0ernc?feature=shared
>>118782 Anybody re-up this one? Her reaction is maybe the hottest of any girl reacting to inflation ever that wasn't part of the fetish itself
>>122953 Btw, did anyone ever find the ‘supposed’ nsfw version? I looked through her fansly on coomer.su, and I couldn’t find anything, but I wanted to see if anyone else had any luck or if it even exists.
>>127395 Second from the left has the look of either "Don't get horny! Don't get horny! Don't get horny!" or ".....New fetish unlocked." During the infamous scene
>>127369 You're welcome https://coomer.su/fansly/user/607056145869185024/post/662090478258233344
>>127401 Thanks dude! I don’t know why she didn’t put an inflation tag on the vid, but great job finding it.
>>124047 Don't loose that hope! I have met the love of my life, who never had this fetish, but was insanely in to the bonding stuff. So I told her and explained how body inflation can be restrictive and loosing your freedom as you inflate and now she is indulged in this. Even thought she does not dig the inflation part as I do, she found her fun part in getting me or herself into a full body latex suit and blowing up into a huge balloon version of ourselves with spread hands and feet, not being able to move an inch. If she is madly in love with you, she will want to understand your fetish and find her fun part in it.
>>127511 You have won in life, man. I wish you two have fun.
Hello folks ! Just seen this reaction and proposed h-pump 5 video reaction in the comment. I think we can get some interesting reaction similar to exotiqfox one. If you want to help to get reaction please like the comment on PH or add some comment on your own to support this proposal ;) https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=671198e86673e
www.youtube(dot)com/@MacPechugas So this woman has been around a while, and not only makes her own comics in the past and now animations of wg and some expansion/inflation but she's also doing reaction videos to AI exp/wg now. She's pretty hot and despite it being in spanish she's fluent in english and all the videos are translated. She also has absolutely massive inflated looking tits that are real. Hope that's good for somebody looking for female reactions.
I love it when youtubers react to inflation scenes
>>118782 reup pls
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Blueryai just found out what inflation is. Give him hell boys! 1:45:00 in. I repeat the blueberry bagel has found inflation fetish https://youtu.be/rNE-fbM2agM?feature=shared Clip it. Spread it!
>>130266 >Give him hell boys! Not your personal army, faggot.
Streamers should react to someone playing Dig Dug or Bakery Blowout.
Reacters getting into it would be too good to be true.
>>134335 still, we NEED to make requesting fansly & onlyfans streamers react to expansion animations the new meta. even if she's not into it just seeing her eyes widen or any other body language is enough sometimes.
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>>135047 Yeah....no. The majority of us already have a hard enough time online being inflation fans. We don't need you degenerates going around hounding and pestering people to make content.
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>>135056 good, because i didn't say to do that.
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Let's try something new. What reactions can you expect or would surprise you?
>>137019 >expect i guess... "oh what this is crazy lol" if its in a porn context, then "this is silly! I can see why you'd like it with the titties but otherwise..." what would surprise me? one of them having a total awakening and furiously mastubating or saying its "so fucking hot".
