/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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A Thread for Water Inflation Water Inflation Thread 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:38:04 Id:c7aafa No. 98793
Water inflation is my favorite type of inflation, so I wanted to make a thread for it. Can also include other water adjacent liquids
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Feels naughty. >Water bends a whole tube of toothpaste up someones ass!
>>98888 Quads. Is this the whole sequence?
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>>109468 sauce?
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Women drawing themselves or their friends is the best thing ever.
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Anyone have the original 6 part sequence? It was originally a Madison Beer blueberry inflation, posted by Blukream/kdayk19 I think? I could only find these which were clearly a face swap, but I want to find the originals
>>114088 Whoops wrong thread, feel free to delete this. Sorry
>>114088 Here’s where I’m confused. If she’s inflating, why is there more juice than a blueberry? Is it blood (now blue?) I like a dry pop.
>>104062 This.
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"water adjacent liquids" blame the thread maker not me, here's a girl getting pumped with beer
How much water can a human take if the water won't cause water poisoning?
>>125470 Not much, just 2 or 3 liters, the solution is eating something salty like chips
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This is the dumbest shit I have ever drawn and I apologize...
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>>130832 Sponge inflation is such a niche passion for me, thank you for your dumb Spongemom drawing
>>130832 You should apologize with more drawings.
>>130832 >>130834 >>130944 Would rather this thread die instead of seeing sponge inflation take over.
>>130971 Honestly why isn't its own thread it feels so unique
>>130832 Funny do the sandy dome scene next lol
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>>130971 You WILL SOAKUM to their absorbency. >>130978 Would there even be enough material besides myself :<
>>130944 >>130980 sorry but I doubt ill ever draw something like this again, it was just a random comm for someone.
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>>130978 I would def comm for that porous sponge texture you know how to render. I grew out of “Spongebob” centric Spongy stuff in my taste so it wasn’t me, but if you ever notice art of Yuri from DDLC spongy. That’s a calling card.
>>130832 >>130834 >>130988 >>131109 How to ruin a thread, and my interest in water inflation.
>>131115 you are WEAK.
>>131115 Cry about it, my bitch will expand soaking it up
>>130988 source? i can't find anything through reverse image search
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>>131651 I’m the source, these are commissions I’ve bought over the years.
>>131788 “Anon! Anon! More sponge girl inflation please!”
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Didn’t realize it was Chun-Li’s bday yesterday or today or tomorrow. But anyways here something I drew a couple weeks ago
>>130988 Where are these 2 from?
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