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Feedism / FA Documentaries Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 09:58:15 Id:1e26d3 No. 100247
I remember we used to have a thread for depictions of FA/WG/Fat Fetish/Feedism documentaries here before, so Figure might as well revive it. Here's a real blast to the past with My Big Fat Fetish from 2013 https://we.tl/t-4pSH8IRALu I know there's been a few circulating around here in other threads, so see something FA related in a Doco? Post it here
I know of this video but am liooking for the full episode, not clips. Looking for the full miss thunder thighs episodes along with the full version of Gargantu Gut and Thunder thighs. Like if someone taped it long ago and uploaded to the internet or got a copy from Richard Bey's site before it ended.
Uh no, it's from the 90's I'm hoping to find full episodes as the Thunder Thighs and Gargantu gut episode gave us plus-size women stripping down and wrestling each other. I thought that would be of interest to those in these circles.
No a lot of sources cite it from the 90s not 70s, maybe it used some 70s influence here and there. Plus some state that Richard bey was probably doing what Jerry Springer was doing. The sources I found site Richard bey as '93 and Springer as '91. It was probably at the beginning when these sorts of talk shows were becoming popular. The freak of the week so to speak. The people with weird lifestyles who show off their weirdness. Why is it hard to accept that this was from the 90s?
How many 70s talk shows had freak of the weeks doing weird events in front of a studio audience?
>>128121 That's one of our undermedicated schizos. Note the random/irrelevant references. Richard Bey was early-mid 90s, I watched his show regularly at the time just because he had a lot of fat people on, doing crazy shit. That was how we got our jollies before the internet, kids.
>>128273 No I meant that Richard Bey started in '93 and was made in the 90s, perhaps as I said there is some 70s influence in fashions and hairstyles but this came out in the 90s when freak of the week shows were gaining traction. I also remember another show, Jay Leno, when he had the padded lilies (a plus-size swim troupe on his show), wondering if someone has the episode and I remember the troupe appearing in a fat documentary and apparently two movies. One is called Weightless, and another called Buoyant. If anyone can find the Leno episode and/or the movies I mentioned, do post links to them.
I imagine for why the quality is bad is probably because the clips are VHS rips and I'm sure there's tons of VHS rips of shows/movies that are in bad quality. The Richard Bey site did have the episodes in Better quality. I also imagine there's tons of VHS rips of shows that are in bad quality. Aren't there 90's cartoon rips that are in bad quality?
>>128396 The Richard Bey show aired from 1992-1996 on UPN in the U.S.A. Freak of the week stuff might have originated on another show earlier, but it definitely got its hey day with this show and Jerry Springer both in the 90’s.
I don't doubt freak of the weeks did happen before Jerry Springer. I wonder if it started with the 60's revival of Dragnet and its focus on hippies. Those crazy kids with their long uncut hair, and drugs and free love and talks about dismantling capitalism and living indepently from mainstream society. I imagine they did pop up more and more over the years. With talk shows giving ample opportunity to indulge in this and later cop shows. For our freaks, the comic book fans, the Gamers, the Tabletop RPG players, the LARPers, the occultists and wiccans, the eco people, or the people with weird sexual interests. The people who are into BDSM, the adult babies, the polygamous couples, swingers, Furries or something we're familar with here in these circles, the fat fetishists and feeders. How weird is it that a man can love plump women? How can he find fatness sexy? Or the idea that he wants to fatten up his partner with food and massage her fat? I saw that Jerry Springer came out in 91 and Bey was 93, so the latter was riding in the fame of talk shows with weird people with weird lifestyles.
The other portrayal of those different in these shows is how their interest is their whole personality. Like how a comic book fan is into comics 100% or brings them up all the time. Or a BDSM enthusiast always wears leather and brings up BDSM terminology and mindset into everything. With the portrayal of us in these shows is that we think about fat women always. We always talk about how to fatten up women and talk about how we'd go out with some thin hottie if she puts on some weight. ANd our houses are decked with plump women paintings and sculptures and books with naked fat women. That's what these shows run with. It never occurs that a fat admirer could like things beyond fat women or engage in this as a sometimes thing. Doesn't anyone have lives beyond this? Don't you have friends, family, hobbies/interests that don't revolve around plump women? These shows aren't into that, they need people who are weird and different and to say their interests are all they are. They aren't interested in them as people who have different interests/lifestyles.
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Episode "Zahra & T" of MTV's "Catfish: The TV Show" has someone who met her catfish "in an unconventional way, on a website for people into feederism" I'd wager that T also visits here
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>>129546 (some episode guides list it as S09 E04, but it was E08 in the torrent I found)
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>>129547 https://gofile.io/d/ZKKo4W
>>129546 How ironic that a nutritionist supervisor wanted to get even bigger
>>129605 I mean Casey is a doctor of some sorts and is fattening up, so it’s not like stranger things have happened within this fetish lol.
>>111735 What did those men say about Jenni? Can someone translate? Also there’s another documentary somewhere out there supposedly where Swedish tv films Jenni when she’s in a swimming pool but I’ve never seen it. Anyone got it?
>>135271 Feeders, Fat Lovers, and Fortunes (Part 1 and 2): https://gofile.io/d/vGrMuW >>135295 Taboo USA Extreme Obesity: https://gofile.io/d/qYqhns Don't have that elimination show. Would like that if anyone else can pick it up,or any of the other obscure feedism/fa-related material here
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>>129546 Kinda wanted to bump this thread, but do more than a lazy "Bump" Here's the MTV Catfish episode reuploaded it's a bit schlocky and cheesy, but there are some funny and interesting things here https://gofile.io/d/QafUTJ
The "Feeders, Fat Lovers, and Fortunes" is surprisingly positive, thanks for sharing I would love see this Sex actually episode about feedism
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Does anyone happen to have any episodes of the German TV show from the mid 2000’s called Generation Fett per chance? The episodes seemed to vary in the subject matter, byt there did used to be clips available some years ago, mainly of a great episode that featured both Goddess Patty and Jenni Bombshell. Many thanks if anyone can help, I’ve been trying to find that episode again for ages!
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>>141833 Here's Sex Actually reuploaded https://gofile.io/d/J6qEiv >>141908 This seems interesting. Seems definitely a hard find, but interesting none the less.
Thank you very much for reuploading this episode of Sex Actually
>>141908 I would like to see the first episode/ pilot of Abenteuer Afrika - Deutsche Teens specken ab This was maybe from around 2006 or 2009 broadcasted on RTL II, mainly about obese German teenagers going to a village in Namibia In it dropped Jasmine Berlin her huge belly into a sink at beginning (she was the only one, which was already into her mid twenties) At the end of it got she kicked out of the camp/ series, but was in multiple daily reality soaps (as Frauentausch, Mitten iim Leben) partly even about herself, but never showed any of her rolls uncovered again
>>141908 Not german, but swedish (on tv3) https://utanextraallt-blogspot-com.translate.goog/2010/08/skippa-allt-och-tjana-pengar.html?m=1&_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=de&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp
>>142203 the blog is German, not Swedish
>>142213 No ist not, its just a translation into german by google Original in swedish: http://utanextraallt.blogspot.com/2010/08/skippa-allt-och-tjana-pengar.html?m=1 Translate by Google in english: https://utanextraallt-blogspot-com.translate.goog/2010/08/skippa-allt-och-tjana-pengar.html?m=1&_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp
We need to find this Video
Does anyone have a copy of My Big Fat Fetish from 2013 and Feed Me (2021) from Connor Luke Simpson?
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>>142253 Here's My Big Fat Fetish: https://gofile.io/d/JkvaoR And here's Feed Me: https://gofile.io/d/LGc2vr My only request is people keep the Deathfeedism/morbid thread that was (incorrectly) moved to BBWAlt alive with new posts.
Does anyone have a copy of fat girls and feeders from 2003 and fat love from 2015?
>>142296 Fat girls and feeders is still on Youtube. You could just do a mp4 transfer and get it
But what about fat love from 2015
Austrian couple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNqdO56oY1U
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I know this lady, she did an episode of Dr. Phil. Last I heard she hasn't lost any weight and she's single.
American duo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV9aVKRaBYU
>>144797 She’s sexy! Anymore photos of her?
>>144906 https://youtu.be/tDX-BkoxFNY?feature=shared Her segment is about halfway through the video. I know she wants a SSBBW admirer because she has absolutely no interest in losing weight.
>>144907 She does get weighed towards the end of the episode. She was 472 pounds.
>>144912 I know she's only gained since lol
>>144907 Are you talking about the small fat or the ssbbw? I did not see her talk about wanting to stay big and find someone who wants her at her size.
>>144972 She never ended up meeting and training with Brooke Burke. I'm just going off what I know about her. Hasn't lost weight, would rather live off disability
>>144990 You personally know her or know of her situation? So she likely is over 500lbs then. Has a great shape.
>>144993 Yes I personally know her, she is over 500 lbs now and immobile.
>>144797 >https://youtu.be/tDX-BkoxFNY?feature=shared She is amazing beautiful!
>>145052 Please post
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Does anyone have the full definition version of Half-Ton Killer (Mayra Rosales)? It’s on YouTube but terrible definition.
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Hi guys, does anyone have the episode of Nikky's My 600 lb Life? I can't find the episode. I would really appreciate it if you could share it.
this is basically the full episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZOOI0vx62g youtube has a lot of this sort of content if you search for them
