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For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 01:49:05 Id:932779 No. 101874
Any Ganjafreak enjoyers?
>>130898 which is zero experience, yes
>>131081 Definitely not smaller just sitting. Maybe you should find the real thing to get some perspective
>>130898 My girls house is a pigsty, she’s barely able to reach the ground so it’s a mess. Confirms. She gives the best sex. Messy ogres give sex like goddesses.
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>>131816 Holy shit. Every time I see someone an enormous as that, I always wonder how on earth they managed to become so massive.
Goodness those arms and back fat!!! 🍆
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She’s like a stuffed sausage.
>>132119 The skin tone contrast Does she think it looks good?
>>132145 I think it looks good
>>132119 NICE. I'm used to seeing her blurry pix and videos that float around, but theyre still hot - got more pix of this great little blob??
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She’s such a whale.
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How did she find a tattoo artist to tattoo her belly rolls? I would be too embarressed it looks badly done.
Bigcutie summer was the first model to have a belly tattoo not all tattoos are bad if you don't like them thats your preference but it's their body they can get done whatever they want.
>>132373 Ganja is my latest obsession. Gloriously fat in every way, that fucking belly is epic. I’d wear my dick out in no time. Thanks for the drop!
All her tattoos are embarrassingly bad
Wonder when this ball of lard is gonna cover those flabby upper arms in shitty tattoos.
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Absolute meatball
>>132510 Honestly the more time goes by the hotter I find the absolutely awful trashy tattoos these women corrupt their bodies with.
>>132531 Ditto
>>132531 You know what yeah you got a point. There's an appeal to trailer trash fat bitches I really, really dig
Trashy makeup, trashy tattoos and a trashy diet. What’s not to love.
>>132514 Where is this photo from? I was trying to find her on Instagram but can’t.
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More content thats better quality needed for sure, I love that blubbery body but could live without the belly tat - she's probably got a great waddle tho. Anyone got any better pix? or anything
She must be too fat to fuck at this point. All she’s good for is eating now.
She reminds me a lot of SSBBW Brianna
Zamn she's a whale but fat in the wrong places, also ugly as fuck rofl
>>132608 Her arms are a big or bigger than he thighs!
>>132629 as a blob conoisseur, she looks perfect
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Shes not bad at all - blob perfection to me too. I dated a short chick who peaked at about 500 but was a little under 5 foot tall. Similar body to Ganjafreak, completely enveloped in blubber, most in her belly and back. yeah, she was too fat to fuck missionary, mostly because she couldnt breathe well on her back. yeah, messy house too, her mom cleaned up every few days, she couldnt do it.
>>132680 She's definitely beautiful. She has some of the best arms I've seen.
she is goddess
>>132680 give me more of this obese native, this girl has got all the tickets to the gun show
>>132734 It's babyshlama
https://gofile.io/d/EfTIpo Reup, with two new vids
>>134641 Thanks for the share. She’s so fucking fat and delicious lol. Would love to know her body fat %, has to be comical.
>>134642 I wish she would do a weigh-in. She has one of the most interesting fat distributions out there! An inspiration to nut to.
When I moved back to my hometown for a few years during the pandemic, I lived literally a few blocks from her. We matched on Tinder and other dating apps, but she never responded when I tried reaching out. It was really disappointing. shes so my type, we're the same age, and from I've seen on her yt channel we share a lot of hobbies. But I get she probably would get a billion messages on apps
When I stayed in New York, I messaged her on Feabie or TikTok and got no response
Bumping with some of her newer content: https://gofile.io/d/3lTqxI
Could anyone provide a link to her Youtube channel, please?
>>142609 Nvm, just found out she goes by Babyshlama there. It's abandoned, I hope they return someday.
She’s losing weight it seems. Posted on her personal IG about a health journey with a side by side of her looking really fucking fat and slightly less fucking fat.
>>142579 Can't download or preview these, anyone else having trouble?
>>142646 We all know how that ends up. Give it a couple months of "effort" but then she's just going to balloon up even worse after she spirals out of control.
>>142646 Ah the losing weight trend has been blowing up since ozempic usually give her a month and she will give up they always do.
>>142926 >takes ozempic consistently for 1-3 years >loses a shitload of weight, maybe even enough to become a typical thin gal >stops taking it because "I'm thin (enough) now, I don't need it anymore" >weight balloons right back up again thanks to old bad habits returning, plus new ones from eating plenty while on a drug that's no longer in her system and can no longer offset the intake >ends up the same size as pre-ozempic if not even bigger, and notably jigglier thanks to the loosened skin being refilled with new flab Mark my words, this is gonna happen not only to her, but to many other fat girls who try to "cheat" their way to weight loss, and it's gonna be glorious to witness. It'll be especially fun with the ones who end up enjoying getting and being fat all over again.
>>142646 I'm curious what her wakeup call was. Before, she genuinely didn't seem like she cared about being so big. Must have been something pretty scary/embarrassing
>>143341 she does it already since several years
>>143341 Ganja is so bug its insane how her side profile is
