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Plump Paradise Plump Paradise thread 01/31/2024 (Wed) 21:07:57 Id:e21b3f No. 108227
Anyone know much about her? Found her stuff on Feabie and Curvage. Damn she's hot.
Edited last time by g_janitor on 01/31/2024 (Wed) 21:41:20.
I don't know about you but for me she is my new favorite. A little dance for you https://we.tl/t-vqoKxkhTe9 Does anyone have anything?
>>111893 Thanks king!
>>111900 >>111910 If I had it, I would post it. Check back next week
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...Phat Phoebe, from a few years back
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>>111920 a valid comparison, thanks. i hope Audrey will stick around for a good while. i don't like ranking people, but she's clearly one of my new favorites, too.
>>108374 Any chance you can repost?
>>111912 Check back what ?
>>112614 I was gonna buy a new clip this week but I forgot and don't feel like it
>>112630 Where is this from ?
Plump.paradise and HarmonyHips
>>112630 eww that nail on her left foot wtf
>>111920 Shame she only did some guest stuff. Hot in a very flyover state way.
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Audrey is back
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>>119278 where? there are no updates on any of her profiles?
>>119278 I got all her vids and that shot isn't in any of them so it must be new
She’s been posting on feabe and those pics were private content I purchased from her. You’re welcome
If there's nothing new by July I guess i'm going to dump her content here and not expect any updates anymore
>>120743 No worries brah I'm uploading everything now (except for the stuffing video that she posted like 12 hours ago). https://gofile.io/d/HrB5vy
>>121794 Not everything will be uploaded off rip but give it some time, they should all be there before the day ends
>>121794 I uploaded that (and kept it quiet for a reason).
>>120743 She has an expansive, luxurious bathroom with a large tub. She mentioned that it's her personal bathroom and that she's just indulging in this for fun. I'm curious about her background—what does she do for a living, or whom did she marry? It's surprising because most models typically showcase their work from hotels or more modest homes.
>>108347 Reup?
>>121810 that's for the special guests
Someone mentioned Phat Phoebe earlier (great pics) I came here hoping someone had some archive of her. Any help?
Any1 have her last stuffing or new weigh in?
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showed upon clips4sle
One of my favorites rn but her videos r kinda expensive at least compared to other models, anyone have her newest vid? https://we.tl/t-xuyZyxTyQ5
>>124869 Nvm looks like a lot of her prices were lowered from what they were
Anyone have this? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/49376-plump-paradise-costume-role-play-tease/
Reup or anything new?
Plz reup
can someone re upload everything shared in the thread, ik it's dying and she hasn't posted in a month but i would greatly appreciate it. here's my link i posted in the share thread incase anyone hasn't gotten to it yet https://gofile.io/d/EPHNyf thank you.
SHE'S BACK https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/53383-plump-paradise-burp-and-chat/
Reup plz?
Here's what I've got (https://gofile.io/d/yg2lTq). Hoping for this (https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/53383-plump-paradise-burp-and-chat/) and this (https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/49376-plump-paradise-costume-role-play-tease/)
>>134996 THank you
From her insta, seems like she definitely gained and posted a new curvage vid.
Damn she might be 500 now or at least a few pounds away. Hopefully she weighs soon
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On OF and posts short clips on tumblr and reddit
>>139906 is it a different woman or why is the head covert?
Please tell me someone has her new video She looks bigger than ever
With how huge she's looking lately, I'm hoping we get a G to upload her newest videos
>> 5bd919 that’s not her
...on Gigatribe who shared some Plump Paradise. His name is Davee and his contributions, however acquired, are appreciated. Perhaps the Gigatribe thread could be resurrected- can't take down personal shared files.
