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Ella Eats 2bitwonder 03/31/2024 (Sun) 15:57:58 Id:f82a98 No. 113783
Last Thread has been bumplocked for like a month now and im surprised none of yall noticed lol. Any-way Im making a new thread with some videos. Hopefully some of yall might have some new videos or her g00gle drive vids. https://gofile.io/d/lu6D7Y
>>123508 She should hide my meat under her belly
>>123535 That’s if she can find it without a microscope.
>>123326 My guess is that she films videos on her iphone in hdr.
>>123544 He could fuck her belly button tho, smaller ones are perfect for that shit
Can we get a re up
>>129321 oh wow she's really big now
>>126296 Here u go https://gofile.io/d/rkxUwi
Why isn't Ella more popular? She's got quite possibly the best face in the business, incredible body shape, and a cute personality to top it off.
>>129335 Well the only social media she post on regularly is tumblr and unless ur deep in the trenches with this fetish ur not gonna know. She doesn't have an only-f@ns anymore and she only uses M@nyvids to post content soo....yeah
>>129321 Look at those arms, damn
I think this chick has some kind of downs but its not visible
>>129376 Does every girl with a baby face has Down syndrome now?
>>129387 What does not visible mean to you?
some people on this board didn't get hugged enough as children so they enjoy spending their time insulting the models
>>129389 E whores arent models, if these hedonistic sluts are models then im leonardo da vinci.
>>129392 Just because you, out of some or no reason at all, decided to call web models e-whores doesn't make anyone follow that sorry practice. Don't expect anyone to follow that sorry practice in the future as well. They are models and you are irrelevant.
>>129394 People like us don’t care. We fuck chicks like this or jerk off to them. That’s all their good for
good luck getting anyone to actually care about you with that mentality dude
>>129398 >We fuck chicks like this Nigga you aint fuckin nobody. don't lie to us.
>>129333 Adding more vids right now omg i leave for one day and y'all are posting unhinged shit. its not like ur gonna fuck her so who cares
>>129398 your hand needs to take a day off sir. how do you call her? veronika?
>>129398 Found the incel
>>129398 This is true for normal people but keep in mind most of the people on here have parasocial attachments to the models which is why every thread has dozens of spergs arguing about them and gossiping about their social lives.
so sexy. she's in my favorite creators. I wish she would do a video highlighting those jaw dropping arms- watching her bulging out of the sleeves of a t-shirt then lifting her arms up to take it off... talk about a visceral response.
(335.10 KB 1920x1080 vlcsnap-2024-09-22-14h55m52s024.jpg)
>>131883 >https://gofile.io/d/iw5UuR hot dumb lazy and morbidly obese, nothing else like it
>>131883 she looks like Venus, which is camgirl on Chatrubate, but claims to ne from Chile
>>132057 can you give out her full username?,i can't find her account.
>>132086 It is one of the very few models which has as parameter #ssbbw in her profile She is mainly naked, that we can adore her big belly (this she doesn't have as keyword yet) and often does vaginal mastrubation, is in early or mid twenties
>>132086 I believe he's talking about venus_queen_ on chaturbate.
https://www.cambro.tv/1142140/ella-eats-cake-fat-chat/ this video is so hot
what an impressive hog, she's getting even more huge
>>141023 I’m not surprised. If you look at her Tumblr she posts her meals and they’re honestly obscene. She’s eating huge meals like 2 burgers, a big fries, a whole tray of chicken and then like cookies and shit with a big milkshake multiple times a week. And she says she’s basically snacking constantly. I do believe it as well she posts these kinds things all the time. How anyone eats like that without feeling horrendous 24/7 is beyond me but she’s blowing the fuck up and I’m here for it
she is wildly sexy.
Can someone upload her newest couple of vid? https://gofile.io/d/QB7sxR
(3.07 MB 1920x1080 EllaEats - Shower video.webm)
These have been posted in this thread already
A compilation I made of her: https://gofile.io/d/v2JqSj
did she move platform? her tumblr seems inactive atm
o wait nvm i just checked, shes back
She clearly lost weight and a lot of it :/
>>147796 People like you are so annoying, “judging from this 5 second video that doesn’t show her full body and that she’s wearing clothes in, I can clearly inquire that she’s lost weight”
She definitely did lose weight.
>>147803 She absolutely lost like 50 pounds at least
We all had her pegged as silly for wanting to get to, what was it, 600lbs? And then lose it as if it was never a big deal? Either she got sick over her hiatus and her appetite took a hit, or she learned this wasn't going to be a sustainable path for her. Either way, gunna be hard to explain that away when she inevitably denies and avoids a weigh-in.
>>147882 She barely posts as it is. She’ll probably just fade away TBH
>>147883 If you follow her tumblr it should be obvious that shes not going to be doing this forever. Shes back in school to be a teacher. She slowly stopped posting for while because of how busy she was. Nothing last forever just enjoy the ride.
