/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Rub her belly fatmisstssbbw 05/09/2024 (Thu) 20:30:22 Id:13bc7e No. 117394
Need more of her around
>>144914 Ehh she'll probably gain it back anyways.
nope - all career and persie stuff shows it won’t be ever back to what it was
>>144948 Nope, being gaslit and being told she’s bigger than ever when she’s clearly lost weight is el problemo ma’am. Plus hiding behind sick instead just saying weight loss is happening is the problem. Anyone can eat a burrito and still be restricting the other 6 days of the week, mark a year from now for how she looks.
big problem? go to other models end of problem
>>144962 On what basis do you say that? On personal side, I doubt she hooked up with a guy who loved her despite her size and wants her to lose. You hook up with a woman that huge, you gotta be FA and want her to maintain if not gain. And if they break up, she'll turn to food for comfort.
>>145084 don't bother engaging with the schizos, trolls, and other obsessed weirdos
>>144997 Bro, she never said she was bigger than ever. Maybe as a fantasy video or roleplay. It's been people on here who have been insisting she's just as big, not her. You genuinely need to calm down.
Yes she did say that on public feabie, vids and personal messages on both platforms. Been a dude keep track of that stuff, just not on here but those who know where know lol
677 still big tho
>>145089 How is it that these boards get so obsessed over these things.... Also, this chick is 677lbs or 308kg... The heaviest NFL player in history was 410lbs. Is she the 700lb person she was, no, because of, reasons, but damn, she's not a petite 170lbs woman....
>>146461 It’s simple really. Weight go down = bad. Weight go up = good.
>>146461 That's fine for real life partners but I don't care about these womens health their images on a screen to me. Once a model shrinks down imo I've no interest in purchasing any more new content from them. These women are obviously free to whatever they want and so am Im I want to see giant growing bodies full of lard not shrinking
>>146461 The guy fapping to NFL players rofl what a loser.
>>146461 For me it's a double edged sword type of deal. On the one hand it's great we got to see some of these models at ridiculous weights, but on the other hand I can't stop thinking about the fact that she maybe should have just stayed lower or gained slowly. Like what does a 700lbs BoBerry benefit me if we only get to see her at this weight for a couple poor quality vids who then slims down to 500lbs leaving her skin stretched beyond repair. It would have been "smarter" to stay at let's say 650 or something like that. Also I won't lie but I don't find overly large weight loss on ssbbws attractive, but I would never shame any model about loosing weight.
>>146481 Forgot to add: I do however realize that this "ideal" peak weight is not easy/possible to determine reliably and the most straightforward way would be just to gain the weight. This however could at any point turn against you as you might just unknowingly cross the optimal point thus forcing you to drop the weight plus some extra shortly after.
Some guys like numbers, there are a lot weirder things to be into based on some of these weird requests or fantasies
>>146586 I do like when the number gets bigger.
She will soon look like a deflated ball
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She used to be an absolute fucking hamplanet
>>146590 Yup. I find growth deeply, absurdly sensual and erotic and love seeing the numbers go higher and higher. Watching a body change and evolve, pushing the limits of what's possible or sane. Tara obviously scratches this itch for me in a lot of ways but in the rational part of my mind I'm not surprised she's sizing down. Girl was unsustainably huge, especially for her age. She probably still eats like a fucking pig but just a couple levels below what was keeping her in the 800 pound range.
>>146711 lol candy topped at 500 I don't know either of their weights now. miss t must have between 100 or 200 lbs on her
I think the problem that I have with her losing is that I don't think she is that attractive a woman except for her extreme weight. So if that starts disappearing, then what's left? Saggy balloons just ain't my jam (and she is deflating more than most).
>>146763 >and she is deflating more than most My guy, I suggest you check the Adeline thread
>>146711 Just how delulu are you, boy? Candy is short as FUCK. Tara is not super tall like Jae but she is not that short, and on top of that her belly is way wider. Tara is still more than 100 pounds heavier than Candy's peak weight. And Candy now is only like 400.
>>146781 My dude, might I suggest you take some basic English lessons. You might learn that "most" is not the same as "all". That said, I do agree that Adeline too is deflating more and more rapidly than MOST, and I have posted there about how she too has made some poor hair and fashion choices that exacerbate how much worse she looks due to the loss of those delicious pounds of fat.
>>146619 >>146624 Can someone post these without the censorship please? It's really distracting and kind of ruins them for me and I don't see why people would really care about some random unidentifiable adults in the background not being censored.
>>146820 Dawg, no. Just crop it if it's distracting.
>>146820 Models don’t usually post photos of their friends/family uncensored????
>>146823 they do this to protect their friends and fam from being tagged on a porn site
Unless leaked new guy gets her to gain. Weird that the family photos keep getting released too. Crossover from the other servers
>>146823 This is from her Facebook, retard. Some white knight faggot edited it, not her.
>>146463 Stonks😂😂
Tara is 5'6 and peaked at 770lbs I believe Candy is 5'1 and hit 501 at her biggest Tara still huge but it ain't the same already.
>>146849 So agressive for no reason lol people probably edited it because it’s an invasion of privacy lol or maybe someone is underage, there are lots of reasons to edit unconsenting individuals out of a photo. You’re being the weird one
Someone seems to be doing a lot of unkind leaks that’s crossing the line into personal with family and personal relationships smh
>>146934 She received millions of views from media, so it's possible someone is doing some shady leaking.
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MAGA marines deploying emergency 92 video Fat Miss T drop! https://gofile.io/d/nvopti
>>148265 Can someone lemme know when she cracks 750 again?
Somebode got her newest sex video?
>>148265 can you reup please
It’s over. Latest shower vid shows she’s lost even more. Definitely under 650 now and needs to update to 600+ ussbbw. Probably an ssbbw by the end of the year, the fat shrinkage game coming in strong. No longer can be excused by sickness.
She’s definitely shrinking, eating 5K McDonald’s to make money on an of video and then eating like a bird the rest of the week will still result in weight loss. But she is over 600 for now, obviiiii
>>148524 >>148640 What did you expect? Being 600+ pounds is not only unhealthy but miserable. Can't move as much, out of breath quickly, have spend more on clothes and thats ignoring the health issues.
>>148671 woah there, don't come here with actual facts on why people quit being this big.
