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Rapid/ spontaneus weight gain tread Road to immobility 05/23/2024 (Thu) 08:10:17 Id:074e8d No. 118658
If you have videos or content of spontaneus weight gain, here Is the place where you can share it!
>>118757 For me it's those arms. Obviously the rest is fantastic as well, but those arms are like enormous Christmas hams. Yum!!
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talking about massive arms…
Do you have a link to ber curvage? Having trouble finding it even with the huge watermarks in the vid lol
>>118973 Assuming you mean Hayley, then https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/172948-gingerbunny/
>>118663 do you have the first two invasion of the body fatteners?
>>118992 https://gofile.io/d/F5qPyD
>>119592 here you go, unfortunately I only have the first and the third one https://gofile.io/d/KnfGvb
>>119714 Dude, I've been looking for these forever. I owe you big time, king.
>>118959 Dude, fetish stuff aside, she has a gorgeous fucking face. Like her eyes and her smile just kill my boner but absolutely makes my chest feel funny. If she wasn't taken I'd figure out a way to ask her to hang out
https://www.deviantart.com/blucoal/art/Spellcaster-II-1988-The-Fat-Lady-Scene-1082317195 Just audio of a supposed scene from a movie where a wizard makes a lady explode weight wise into a blob who thinks of nothing but food
>>126522 That was quite the sound artist. Even sounded like Adam Ant. Now they just need to get that Audio artist together with one of the AI Animation artists and put some visuals to it.
>>126551 I kind of almost wanted an ending where the lady's husband comes home and she explodes. There was also a missed opportunity for stomach noises/belching
Anyone know where I can find content about a girl getting fatter as she has sex? I remember there was one story on tumblr where a girl was magically gaining weight as she was fucked, and of course, there’s the FoxyRoxxie vid. But any and all related content would be appreciated.
There was this old video that was on youtube for the longest time called "over eating" (think it was originally on clips4sale) it featured Sydney Screams in it as a fat girl who "couldn't put her fork down" and is fed cupcakes that eventually make her blow up into a 500 pound hog. She's continually fed until she explodes Really low budget, but still kind of hot
>>126698 Also had Tiffany-Cushinberry as the obese version of Sydney
>>126698 Is this the one where she's fed cupcakes by the woman who says "No one will ever take you to the prom, Ms. Fatty Fatty Foo Foo"? Easily the funniest fetish video of all time.
>>126698 It was actually called "eat till you explode"
Anyone know if there is a mail order fat feedee bride service. I feel like it’s time to settle down and I don’t want any of the upity bitches that sell content. Give me a docile, mute girl with the capacity to grow.
>>127101 Yeah I think that’s called buying a gimp.
Found one the preview on StufferDB of "My Boyfriend Secretly Fattened Me", kind of want more https://stufferdb.com/picture?/544378/search/448163
>>128272 Damn this is hot
>>128272 Fucking hot, wish they made more vids like this
>>129799 This, waking up fat and thin to ssbbw transformation videos are the best. Fat girls converting thin girls to feedism and feeding them are also hot as fuck
One time came across a tabloid story of this Australian girl who got really depressed or something, started binge eating, gained like 100 lbs in a really short time. She claimed that she gained weight so fast that she could feel pain from stretchmarks forming. Wish I could find that story again!
1939. Woman gains 240 pounds in three months. Qualifies for a spot in Ripley's Believe It or Not.
>>134051 Average Hispanic girl turns 25
here's your wankbait, now fucking contribute. (gofile wouldnt take it, someone else can try to upload it there) https://we.tl/t-qSfoy7b79e
>>134688 Who is she?
>>134692 Idk about the skinny one, but the Ssbbw goes by Xutjja https://bbw.wiki/Xutjja
>>134029 Got you! https://mediadrumworld.com/2018/07/06/28876/#google_vignette
>>137358 Thank you. Been looking for this thread and noticed it was deleted. Appreciate the upload🙏
does anyone have the tubbytoni/nyanfat belly expansion vid?
Yo, anyone got the Broadening Horizons Compilation Vid out yet? https://fetishfemdom.adult/hfg-multimedia-broadening-horizons-compilation-a-collection-of-3-clips-featuring-a-weight-gain-clinic-for-fattening-feedees-into-ssbbws/
>>134688 Wait, was this the one posted earlier with her, the one about the BF secretly fattening her? Because I missed this drop
found it https://streamtape.com/v/wY3Jq14yyYUGZX
>>134688 Can you pls reup on gofile?
>>139984 Holy Shmolly, thank you kind anon. You guys rock.
>>139985 gofile straight up won't take the file no matter how many times I try
>>140070 its also not a good clip at all, you sincerely aren't missing out on much
>>139984 How do you download it from streamtape?
>>140294 Have you tried using a video downloader browser addon?
>>140294 JDownloader is slowly downloading it for me but i havent yet seen if its actually downloading the correct thing. If it does and i remember ill put it on gofile like a sane human
Something to bump this thread because I'm into this stuff. Cursed c00kie jar has two girls rapidly fattening up but fat suits. Audio quality is horrendous. https://gofile.io/d/CSzF6T
>>126522 Looks like the link is dead, anyone know where else this audio/artist can be found?
>>147846 link appears to be empty.
>>147898 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/57618159/
I’ve been looking for two clips that nika/scarlett venom did with hfgmultimedia. One is called the paw: three wishes, and the other is called The Cursed Compass. Here is a link of one of my fav clips to share though, it’s a bratty girl rapidly gaining weight. https://tr.spankbang.com/5366q/video/bbw+eating
>>118661 This is the worst post-nut clarity I've had in my entire life.
