/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Bigcuties Marilyn Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 02:50:31 Id:e8d8cc No. 118736
Here's videos 150-179 I have slow internet but let me know what sets you want https://gofile.io/d/xyD27B https://gofile.io/d/vM9gLJ I'm just sharing because i have everything but if anyone has videos from models similar that would be cool
>>135413 My favorite video of hers was when she went to Red Lobster and ate like 2 appetizers, 2 baskets of bread, the biggest meal they sell, plus dessert. The best part was her belly got soooo big it was firmly squeezed against the stationary booth table, and every breathe she breathed the table let out a creak like it was dying.
>>135417 These sort of comment have to be the models themselves trying to sock puppet attention on themselves. She’s not beautiful, in this fetish she doesn’t need to be. She not butt ugly but she’s not good looking, but at least she’s morbidly obese and then some.
>>135421 I don't understand why people like you are here. You realize people "in this fetish" can find people beautiful, right? Why do fucking people have a need to have others conform to their own bar for this or that? Don't like the model, don't post. Don't like the board, don't post. Hate yourself? Well. I don't know what to do about that.
>>135423 100% agree. So she’s not someone cup of tea. Plenty of us still find her smoking hot (and yes beautiful).
dude she is pretty, by other hand ivy is ugly as fuck jajaja but i like the personality and she push to keep gaining weight but she is not blessing by the nature like Marilyn, the weight distribution, her round boobs, round belly, the arms, her fat face and if she keep gaining i bet her ass becamed amazing too, and i agree with the video eating until bloated, that is really hot, best example was mochii babii, i wish more model make that kind of content but the need to be real gainers and i love whe are too full to move, when belly grow so much in one meal like layla, the gassy burp and the other side... fuck is hot
The regular accusation that random dudes simping for an online model they find attractive must be the model is one of the most narcissistic things I see on the internet.
>>135714 Right? >>135421 You’re an idiot
Can we get a reup of 193?
There is a reason why it is called BBW, it's "Big BEAUTIFUL Woman", lmfao
One of G.O.A.T.s, registering and subscribing to her Big Cuties as I post this. Hoping I post some videos soon.
>>138440 ah man what a legend! if you're taking requests? sets 283, 284 and 289 all look amazing
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>>138440 Latest looks good!
These are my ideas or it seems that he is regaining the lost weight, I hope that in 2025 he will not only regain it but that he will improve and surpass his old maximum weight
Wow she’s looking good! That profile shot is amazing
>>138440 Where you at?
>>139197 Always had a crush on this woman. Huge boobs, huge belly, really pretty and great personality!
>>139541 Ok… she’s actually gorgeous but I don’t want to white knight here
Wish she had onlyfans, not sure bigcuties is worth the sub unless she starts getting back to her peak weight again (set 195 was her best imo)
The Dumplin new thread
>>139661 Ignore this was trying to make a new thread
>>139429 Dying of Cancer. I subscribed and no idea what the User or PW are...
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>>139913 It's TRUE. I'm dying with Cancer, hence I am uploading things onto Gofile for BBW-Chan. Tried to get some Marilyn and I fucked up...
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Hoping I get User and PW later this afternoon or something... Requests? I kinda like the more Candid ones she does, like when she goes Red Lobster.
>>139917 Any of the most recent vids please Sets 285-292 ideally
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https://premiumbbwcontent.com/5263-ssbbw-bigcuties-marilyn-siterip-leaked-205-vids Came across this. May grab some of these and post before I die...
>>140410 Don't, I have all of them plus more. They aren't new videos. Give me some time because I'm already uploading a bunch of stuff, but I will try to upload everything again (Australian internet speed, 1MB upload)
>>140410 I also have most of the one's this site is offering. Which ones are you looking for specifically?
stay strong brother
55 (weigh in) and 60 (shower squeeze)
>>140515 gotchu homie https://gofile.io/d/aftcmI
>>140475 189a please (notthesamefag)
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Lest we forget that Marilyn is the GOAT
>>141062 Mmmmm yummy Any idea which sets those are from?
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>>141062 Would love to get her back to this and then add quite a bit more. Love those huge tits and enormous belly
>>146917 Agreed. She would make bank if she started an OF.
>>147527 That would be fantastic. I'd love to see more of her outside the bounds of BigCuties.
>>146489 Skin is looking loose and face is looking aged.
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Belly is still looking good.
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Looks good
So bigcuties now sells AI pics on bigcuties bonanza? Bigcuties got so bad over the years, what a downfall
>>149314 NGL that is pathetic. I go to their site because the women are read and you get some so so vids. Ai shit is a dime a dozen. Unless you have someone who is a master at prompts and knows what they are doing its going to be shit.
Where can I find the photosets? More recent the better
>>149331 https://gofile.io/d/5R6g5e videos 1-262 and photos too, not very recent tho
Here is an update on the last batch does anyone want to be the hero to complete the sets?? https://gofile.io/d/p1mMhj
We don’t need a Hero we need MR Trump
