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Jazz Jazz 06/30/2024 (Sun) 22:03:03 Id:62e7c0 No. 122698
New Jazz thread since last one was locked. Anyone got the new weigh in or other recent vids? https://we.tl/t-S0CAiLOOiy
>>134348 Hell yeah I'd slide between her cheeks
>>134180 The 2nd two aren’t working for me anyone else?
>>134348 So she is 110 kilogramme heavier than what she really weights?!🤔🤨
>>134424 Tell us what she really weighs with proofs then
>>134436 He doesn't have any proof. He resorts to either: 1. comparing her to other people and claiming that if they only weigh let's say 500lbs she must weight the same 2. No one would be able to walk at her weight, so it's obviously fake 3. She is faking her weight by using a digital scale rather than an analog one Sometimes I wonder if he would shut up about all of this if he got to weigh an Ssbbw on a "real" scale of his choice, or what kind of B's lies he would make up to still keep all of this alive i.e. hidden weights, scale manipulation right in front of his eyes etc. 🤣
>>134447 Butt and thighs also weigh nothing to him. he consistently is further off if the woman is heavy in places other than their belly
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New update
If she is going to have a surgery on her stomach, if she not already had?
>>135070 It sucked. I got excited and bought it on impulse. She barely tried to squeeze into those jeans at all. $20 down the drain. Don't be like me.
>>135140 are you willing to share it to save us from that mistake?
>>135140 I would never pay more than 10 for 3 minutes, Maximum 15 for 5 minutes or 20 for a 10 Minute video...the creators have not the power to dictate prices, keep hard and they will often give-in (as I did with Jessica among Others and finally dropped down her high numbers)! Only for real sex I would pay maybe a hundred, but no woman is worthy more than 10 bucks...
I really like Jazz she gets me diamonds BUT I will say on this subject that I realized she only puts in the absolute minimum when I was watching that video of her playing pool with the other model and the guy filming just blurts out "you guys can wrap up we got the amount of minutes we need" at around the 7 min mark or something. Then I glanced at her vids and realized she cuts them all off at that point, even the "stuffing" ones (let's be honest, she barely eats anything she sets out to). It made me appreciate some of the legend bigcutes that came before her that would apparently go the extra fucking mile and do videos of varying lengths
as long as there is support for such content, she will continue to film it it's just funny how she herself turned into a feeder and feeds fans with shit
>>134103 where did I get that she was 6' then?
>>135293 That are just 7cm difference, it could be rounded, perhaps is she someting between, like 1,78 or 1,80m Other models pretend feeding to and are possible like her already losing weight, as Vanilla Hippo and Geparke did
Does anyone know her Instagram by any chance?
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New cooperation these new video looking so 🥵🔥
>>140932 If anything comes from this partnership hopefully another 50lbs on Thickalisous
>>140959 Yah long time from good content
Great, she's losing weight.... Classic. I just wish these models would do some more creative and variety content before they slim down or completely leave the scene. If you weigh over 500 pounds you might as well take advantage of it and act out as many fantasies as possible on camera, instead of being such a low effort cashgrab.
Not much. just dropping my JAZZ collection, just MISSING the video 84 ant the NEW ONES. If someone have those videos, i'll update the link. https://gofile.io/d/pZdO3W HAVE FUN :D
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>>141304 Thanks king! You will always be a gem!
>>141304 https://we.tl/t-NPLG0FXEOj
>>141331 Okie dokie, for now is finally completed, just missing the videos 93, 94, 95, 96 and 97. Here a little update, as always... HAVE FUN X3 https://gofile.io/d/pZdO3W
>>141359 Merry Christmas king! Thank you
Does anyone have the video of her showering where she soaps herself up and also sits down on a stool? Been trying to find it but haven't been lucky
>>142362 Here it is https://gofile.io/d/vQ9el6
>>142424 Thank you king! Do you also have her latest sets? 93 to 97
https://www.instagram.com/reel/DE8vrFNPW5p Stroke? Can’t imagine how many firemen it took to get all that ass to the hospital
>>144568 What happened?
bit of a stretch, but really wish she'd do some hardcore stuff.
>>144956 Previous update is better ......but look way smaller now
>>144568 Time to move on, completely deflated on a instagram story. Might be WLS
>>145006 Wasn't sure if that was the case or something else. With her leaving BC I wouldn't be surprised if this was the avenue. Ridiculous imo for someone who has promoted super sized living including on her friends episode on tlc
Gone are the days of Jazz not keeping up with the trend... when she appeared, Boberry was about 100 pounds lighter than her. Now, Jazz is losing weight while Boberry is gaining weight. Hailey, she is in her own world with no competition. With her 714 pound Rip jazz in ssbbw world
>>145914 Is this fantasy football or jerking off?
>>146002 Bro Luka got traded to the lakers this is reality bro
>>146002 What are you talking about?
She needs to update her site more. She did literally a feature set on her last update that wasn’t even her. I hope she’s still into gaining and all that
>>147311 She posted from the hospital recently, so there's that... Don't know if she ever talked about what happened but she looked clearly deflated, so she's probably done with gaining/maintaining her weight.
>>145914 It's niggas like you that make this fetish weird. The shapes, beauty & mobility are what actually matter... the weight on such frames are just an added feat. Honestly, bad-built blobs like a Hailey or a Luna aren't competitors at all... they're just flat out fat fucks for sick fucks like yourself.
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New site and she looks smaller than ever
Yeah seems she had a health scare and lost weight. Part of it is kasstheblast passing away she was really close friends. Hopefully she fattens up soon she was damn near 700 lbs .
She has the frame to be like 750 lbs she’s an absolute mammoth. Imagine trying to have sex. I don’t think any penis could fit in her ass and she probably gets so sweaty and out of breath.
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132 video Jazz drop
>>148068 https://gofile.io/d/PfChGJ
>>148069 Maaan great drop! Thank you We need another king to step up and drop the sets from 93 to 100. Jazz is such a underrated ssbbw, she's top3 and probably the more gifted for her physical shape
>>147914 >>147923 i have no clue where this way of thinking comes from when she literally looks the exact same?? and even if she did lose a few pounds shes still gigantic LOL come on
She never updates anymore it’s depressing
