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Snowangelcake 07/18/2024 (Thu) 05:26:14 Id:3c30d7 No. 124598
Anyone have any content on this chick that isn't already on coomer? She has an amazing set of legs and belly but asymmetrical tits, but if you don't care about that she's not bad. https://gofile.io/d/Jnjivw
>>141911 is she the one replying on feabie or rather her community manager aka feeder?
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>>141984 bruh, I'm glad she takes this BS in her stride. I don't even get how you come to this site hating instead of getting your nut and being satisfied. You have to be levels of fucked up/lonely. If you don't feel her, just move on.
She begged me for money on Tumblr even I'm not a fedee
>>142985 Warning!!! I believe she mentioned a couple weeks ago that she does not have a Tumblr page, so it's most likely a scam!
>>142986 Is absolutely a scam lol She’s said it multiple times.
>>142985 not her fault you're a moron. she posted a few weeks ago abt being impersonated on tumblr
>>143376 The tiny little eunuchs that enable there crazy, lazy whores are the morons...
>>143379 please seek help for your crippling autism, incelus
>>143379 Ok try typing that again without crying this time
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Old videos of SAC getting fucked. I hope someone has longer versions or any boy/girl content of her
>>143722 Do you miss it
>>143722 jesus christ
Just a reminder this bish is huge. She seems really sweet too, it's nice to see
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>>146148 God I love giant women
Does anyone know if shes a gainer or just big?
>>146834 she's definitely gained quite a bit of weight since she first started posting but idk if its deliberate or just incidental. She doesnt really talk about weight gain on her socials/coomer so i doubt its intentional.
>>146845 I think she flip flops with it. Now that ewhoring is super common, she started dabbling in something more broad and just wanted to be the curvy girl. Lately she started to lean more to the base giving her the most attention.
>>142754 Woman turned me lesbian. Bish is a trophy.
>>146988 First of all, why are you even here? Secondly, if you can't wrap your mind around the fact that women can have fetishes and desires that don't align with what you *think* women are capable of then you need to expand your pea brain. Get some perspective. You have no idea what goes on in people's minds.
>>146848 Hi Snow Angel Cakes
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>>146845 >>146877 The only socials I trust as actually being her posting are Instagram and Twitter. Onlyfans and Reddit definitely aren't her doing any of the communication, so I'd take any feedee chatter on either of those platforms as meaningless. I think she was warming up to the idea of intentionally feeding/gaining throughout 2024, then has recently put the brakes on it. It may be because her doctor has informed her she'll be dead by 40 if she continues down that path. Who knows for sure, tho.
>>147057 Why would she even post that if she wasnt doing the "doctor visit" thing that FAs like.
>>147061 i mean normal fat women complain about this, too
Well there goes the dream of her getting to 600
>>147057 These fully clothed posts have shown just how damn hot she is. I bet that doc was already shocked at her weight on chart, then walked in and saw how huge her legs are. She keeps looking better, hope she keeps putting lbs on.
>>147243 I used to feel this watching clips of udderlyadorble walking around in normal clothes, the things that chick had to wear just to cover her ass.
>>147254 seeing the size of her in person around her peak i can tell u it was amazing
>>147272 Jealous, how did that go down?
>>147274 nuthin went down just saw a ridiculous ass walking around the city and did a double take when i realized it was UA
>>146148 Never seen an ass be huge and flat at the same time like that before
She grows more beautiful by the day
>>147357 Guess you've never seen Jae.
>>147440 She has not missed any meals. All those worries laid to rest
>>147448 And gingerbunny, from the back she is as wide as a double door fridge, and flat as a double door fridge rofl
>>147500 I heard somebody say box butt for girls like jae, but at least jae and snow's ass still has a consistent full shape from top to bottom, unlike gingerbunny and like..jae, who look weird as hell from the side, their asses going concave below their lovehandles.
>>147513 unlike jackie I meant
>>147057 The thought of the doc seeing nearly 400 on the patient chart and then seeing how gorgeous she is…
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This is your content president, 210 video drop coming in for all patriQtic gooners: https://gofile.io/d/jzFXgJ
>>148393 thanks king.
>>148393 Thanks again Mr. President. That's what I'm talking about!!!!
>>148393 It’s really cool to see how much fat she’s gained since her Peachyqueen days.
>>148393 god bless you mr president
>>148436 its not like she doesnt change her online alias every three months.
>>148393 Tyvm!!!!
>>148393 Now this is what I voted for.
Anyone has anything new from her
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>>149490 Just this ig story post today that affirms she's been eating well
