Hey imbecile, "big frame" has nothing to do with the body's ability to produce new adipocytes on demand that can store fat safely. There are big people with big frames who as soon as they gain a few pounds, their bellies balloon up from all the visceral fat, a significant portion of which goes to their livers and pancreases and they start feeling noticeably worse and tired because all that fat inside their organs sends them down the road of prediabetes and other metabolic diseases. This is all because the excess energy has nowhere to go as their bodies can't create new fat cells under their skin. It's genetic and age related. Below 20 years of age, most adolescents can create new adipocytes as they gain more fat, but not all of them can create enough, hence some kids still become diabetic. In adulthood, some people retain this ability, like pretty much all the big women this boards are about. Let's not fool ourselves, most adult people won't make it past 300 pounds without dying.