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Kellie Kay Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 13:42:40 Id:ddc564 No. 136871
Prime Kellie Kay was a top 5 ssbbw , sad to see no love for her here. https://mega.nz/file/gR1BiCYb#qT0tVx1LSYOM3m8Sep6nIyHt9DKBBJAeg6Nwk2enlM8
>>136920 God you’re one gross fuck to be sexualizing children and projecting it onto her.
>>136907 She and my wife keep up with each other on insta and it's so tragic to watch those kids go from vulnerable kids in need of support to rainbow freakshows. She's so blatantly forcing her insane ideology and lifestyle onto them. They're gonna be messed up for life.
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Remember when we all came here to post content of fat ladies we’d like to boff? Good times, those were.
>>137068 Her and Reenaye both
>>136989 If you think white women can't date black men and still be racist, you're retarded. Like, actually worthless, braindead subhuman. You belong in the camps.
>>137068 Did not know she was doing this. That is tragic. It'll take one crazy fan to collect all the evidence and get cps involved. Sad state of affairs
Post content or shut the fuck up
>>137097 What's a black man? You mean ape right?
>>137097 Nah you're the only retard here, bullshit like that doesn't even matter, black people are just a racist, they just won't admit it. Cope
>>137094 is this Bill Cosby in the middle?
>>136871 Kellie called her husband a hard-r at Jersey Bash.
>>137141 No, that's Cleavon Little in one of the greatest movies of all time (Blazing Saddles).
>>137214 So it is a western from mid of 20. century? But the nose and colour appears like an early Cosby
stfu mayo monkey >>137128
>looks inside any bbwchan thread >no bbws, just retards infighting
>>137221 >never heard of blazing saddles >it's a black dude, so it must be cosby Please stop huffing airplane glue. It jacks up the price for the people who use it properly.
>>137068 She can live her life and raise them how they want it's the kids choice no one is forcing it on them they can chose when they get older some of you people are very close minded. Yes she is polyamorus which means she can have multiple partners and it's no it's not polygamous that is for mormans who still practice it. Polyamorous is about love on top of love you can love more than one person he is her nesting partner which usually is her main partner.I wouldn't judge someone's lifestyle onto others unless you live it she probably tells him who she is dating but jealousy is still a thing they probably have boundaries too or he might be getting some on the sidebut i'm doubtful of it. She much have an active sex drive to be with multiple people.
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Could we get a reup on that dead Mega link or some actual content drops? Heres 22 gb of her content
>>137271 https://gofile.io/d/GyH0m5 forgot the link kek
>>137272 My format, I have no format. Im just a renegade, unplayable in the net.
>>137272 dude none of these videos work
Sorry guys, the drive I took them from had physical damage. Most of the content I pulled from it has been fine thus far but I guess the Kellie Kay section was fucked.
>>137273 >>137274 K guys I checked and the videos on both the og drive and the backups I made and they seem to play back fine on my machine. Gofile seems to be having some issues and wont let you dl some files, but using a VPN has let me download the ones that get the "server overloaded" message.
>>137272 Gofile cannot decode flv or wmv Just download it you idiots
>>137250 >>137221 Not exactly a western. Primarily a comedy that takes place in the wild west. I heartily recommend it.
>>137271 Since no one else said it, I’ll say it. I appreciate you my nigga.
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>>137272 Great Post!
Man. To me, she is the GOAT. No one could touch her from like 2010 to 2016. I don't think anyone else has come close as far as publicly sharing their efforts/goals/strategies for gaining, and truly enjoying the process... at least not to the scale (heh) that she was. I befriended her at a bash over a decade ago, and can say she was the real deal; I'm sure she'd still be on the gain train if her body and life circumstances were more cooperative. I remember she said at one point that she was proud of how in-shape she was at her size (it's true, she could get around so much better than the other heifers at the bashes) and it meant that she had the eventual goal of hitting 700, then however much more weight it would have taken to max out her mobility, before losing back down to a more 'sensible' 550. I wish we could have seen her attain those goals, but good on her for putting her own desires aside to be responsible when life came calling. I genuinely struggling to think of another model who was as open/committed to the gain as she was.
>>137402 You have to remember they are always playing it up a little for the camera but I tend to agree that Kellie definitely enjoyed the kink more than most girls. At that time there weren’t that many girls at all who were so open about feedism and erotic weight gain as a lifestyle choice. Kellie was an OG.
>>137414 spanxbeluga is slept on but she's closer to 700 than 600 and actually gets off to that shit. She just doesn't have the work ethic Kelly had for putting out content
>>137444 She doesn't looks so old...
>>137444 She's also got a busted ass face, shitty tattoos, and is built like a fridge. That's like going up to a bartender, asking for something like Jameson, and getting served a shot of Kentucky Deluxe.
she fine very pretty cool lady did fat porn long time not need trash her.
Do you know what happened to her? Why did she lose weight?
>>137399 What video is this from?
>>137693 had to take over raising a relative's kids and got a regular job
>>137699 Thought it were the children of her sister or brother in law...
>>137778 which part of 'relative' did you not understand
>>137790 The one you edited (from partner)...
>>137699 I suppose having an onlyfans is practically a regular job these days....
Has anyone ever made a weigh-in compilation for her? I would love to see her progression from the late 2000s up to her peak in ~2016!
>>137698 Secretary vid
She might look a little deflated but she hasn't lost all of her fat she is probably around 250-300 lbs range she is still incredibly sexy and always liked her personality.
>>138232 She does but personally I don't think they are anything to write home about. I placed them into that 20 something gb gofile drop right here: >>137271
It's actually here haha I did it again >>137272
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Kellie Kay drop now deployed thanks to based patriQts! https://gofile.io/d/zX82E1 Download! Download! Download!
>>148243 I fucking knew Q liked fat girls, you could just tell by the syntax in his drops
>>148243 In my opinion, I would be missing one in which Kellie is seen as if she were a giant, first playing with a kind of doll and second as if she were crushing a city
>>148243 As the creator of this thread, I would like to thank you on your most heavenly drop. This is a truly joyous occasion
