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Another Plump Princess Thread Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 17:46:39 Id:5721fb No. 138804
Needed to start another thread for this beautiful goddess https://we.tl/t-ypwg4e4JAo
>>146652 Holy shit, her cankles are crazy hot
Looking forward to 2/31 for that cake roll video
What's so special about 2/31?
>>147158 A users gonna drop her Cake roll video
>>147155 >>147158 >>147163 I regret to tell you guys the month of February only has 28 days lol.
>>147167 It's gonna happen, way would a anonymous poster lie about that?
>>147168 Read my post slowly, with a calendar next to you.
>>147176 OH I see you were being a dick. Haha good one ;(
>>147180 Well fuck here here is the cake video then https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
>>147186 I'd recognize that url anywhere Good to see people still remember the classics!
>>147180 I didn't make the original post. I was trying to be a hero and let folks know they were being rolled.
>>146649 What vid is this? Do you have it?
Would Plump Princesses new Stuffing Little Cakes Video My Offering of a retired SSBBW Stuffing Twinkies https://gofile.io/d/qOCrxn
>>147317 Here it is https://gofile.io/d/CBvfIe All clips on c4s are on sale today. If anyone was considering buying something, now is the time.
>>147459 Bruh … I thought this was the fucking cake video.
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>>142070 This was definitely written by Courtney or her bf. Her face is looking rough af and is shaped like a weird giant egg. It was never particularly pretty at all, even when she was younger. If you’re not an idiot, it’s obvious that she uses VERY heavy filtering on all her photos and probably videos as well. She’s 40, obviously she doesn’t look like those filtered pics that give her those big lips and sparkly eyes- generic FaceTune features . Whenever you see her unfiltered, she suddenly has no lips, actually looks 40, and is average at best. Still better than all those comical filters, though imo
>>147521 you HAVE heard about this invention called MAKEUP? dating back some 5000 years? and few more recent ones, like properly lighting your photoshot and taking several thousand photos and only picking the ones that look good, which is not necessarily the effect that you get when you just take a random video in an underlit bathroom? at least we can agree though that filters / AI BS is deplorable zillenial idiocy
>>147530 Obviously makeup and lighting are going to play a role here. But I’m sorry- if you can’t see that she *heavily* filters her pictures, you’ve gotta be blind or delusional. Makeup can do a lot, but it doesn’t give you *way* bigger lips (and I mean- completely different), 100% smoothed-over and airbrushed skin, much brighter/ larger eyes and just an overall totally different face like this. I know a FaceTune face when I see one, and hers is painfully obvious. Most of these models are using some degree of filters, it’s 2025- not much on the internet is “real” anymore. BUT, some use it a hell if a lot more than others. Plump Princess and Hungry Little Kitty are great examples of when it becomes so extreme it’s an actual different face and just comical
>>147530 Man sickened to learn what a real woman looks like. Porn has rotted your brain, my friend.
Also I'm apparently too retarded to quote the right message but hey ho.
Whole lot of begging for this video Hopefully this will satisfy your lust Always enjoy the beautiful princess https://we.tl/t-drkxN8KS8x
>>147540 “Real” women don’t actually look like insanely heavy beauty filters that completely change their whole face and give them all the same features. Is the point. Hope this helps
>>147540 It’s actually a sign of having a functioning brain and knowing what women actually look like to know when obvious filters are used. Porn- rotted brain is thinking these photos of her face aren‘t fake as hell
>>147547 Thanks OP It's been so long since you last showed up here
>>147548 Bro is functionally illiterate.
>>147552 If you can’t understand that statement, you seem to having reading comprehension issues . Real life women don’t look like these insane beauty filters. PP does not look like her photos, which are heavily filtered. Hope this helps
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>>147521 Theres a clown thread on /inf. it seems like thats closer to your preference.
>>147547 As always, appreciate the drop man!
>>147657 >>defends and/or is totally oblivious to very obvious over-editing and filters >>accuses others of being into clowns BBW chan “logic” at its finest
https://gofile.io/d/XjklHM Re-uploading the cake roll video
Thanks once again OP this thread was basically dead
457.4lbs was the last weigh in
>>147906 Ok…so she’s still at historically fat levels even if she isn’t at her peak of 470
>>147963 And according to someone on the previous thread, her pre holiday weigh in was 449, which makes it an 8 lbs gain. And an 8 lbs gain is relatively good based on her history. She'll get back to her peak before we even see it
>>147963 What video was she at her fattest?
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Can’t believe this whale isn’t shared more here. I’ve spent so much on her PPVs already. She is so hot
>>149119 Couldn’t agree more. Despite a lack of “results”, I could stare at her jiggly curves all day. She plays up the gainer part well even if she’s not constantly growing. You don’t stay this size without being incredibly indulgent, and that’s extremely hot.
>>149120 I agree her body is extremely hot, and that she's definitely gotta be eating like a pig to maintain that size. I do just find it a little repetitive how when she's doing eating vids, she always say like "oh my god this is gonna make me so fat tho" and whenever she does a weigh in she's only gained about 5lbs. And then the next time she's on the scale she's smaller
3 things she really needs to do: Hit 500lbs Do full nudity Get railed on cam
>>149163 I doubt she will do any of those things she is on the last leg of modeling. most of her content is kind of boring the best video i saw of hers is when she got tied up and force fed snack cakes She might retire in the next few years.
I doubt she is retiring, where else can she make this sort of money just sat on her fat ass being a slob
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>>149261 weight loss surgery scars?
>>149282 She had appendicitis
>>149296 Sadly, it can only happen once...
>>149282 Galbladder removal probably. My ex wife had to undergo surgery like that at 420 lbs.
>>149440 Marks from keyhole. She said she had appendicitis so I'm guessing appendix removed. Doesn't life with no gall bladder fuck you up? Can't digest fat properly or something?
MD here She had appendicitis Anyway you can definitely live without gallbladder and it won't impact your fat digestion and absorption. Adeline underwent gallbladder removal and got up to 700
