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Kamylla raynnara y manuela 12/01/2024 (Sun) 22:09:28 Id:481053 No. 138917
I recommend their Instagram https://gofile.io/d/1v4jC5
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Weight comparison of her each year since 2016. 2019 was when she really started being large AF. One of her oldest IG posts is noting a 25 kg weight loss in 2016 ironically
I wonder how much this woman must weigh?
>>142269 Apparently way more than the poor bike that visibly struggles to carry her around: https://www.instagram.com/kamilaoofc/reel/DEYRVIpxDbo/?hl=de
>>143082 Of course. A bike like that weighs around 250lbs. She's probably pushing 450.
>>143084 Given her height (she towers almost every other person in her videos) I estimate her to be well over 500.
https://gofile.io/d/Pj8GBb NEW VIDEOS
>>143085 She is taller than average but she hangs around some really short people. The girl might be an actual midget given that she barely comes up to the roof of a small car. Even the guy isn't much better. The car behind them looks like a Fiat Uno which is only 5 feet tall lmao.
>>143287 The main guy is also probably born with a brith defect/scoliosis which has given him a very crooked back which is seems self concious about/tries to compensate by lifting. In some clips we can catch a glimps of his crooked back. https://www.instagram.com/boladoslk/
>>143085 Average height in her region is quite a bit low.
>>143266 She's gorgeous but I just don't get who these videos are even for. They're too goofy to fap to. I don't understand why you'd waste a fairly hot chick for these lowbrow gag-real flicks. I know normies like the occasional fat joke but surely it can only be carried so far on what I assume (not speaking the language) is mediocre comedy at best.
Vids from Instagram, That's the normal thing I notice right now
>>143339 She has no OF, no Fansly, no C4S. The only place where we can see her content is on IG, so, yeah. Wth did you expect?
He just has to put a Instagram link No Need for a GoFile , that's my POV
>>143338 Speaking as a Brazillian, It's just fat jokes on her and the other fat lady expense, using dialect from her region (which makes it more funny or less ymmv). And not even good jokes, just low hanging fruits. "haha le obese lady thinks she hot" "le obese lady think she thin while everyone laughts at her size" "le obese lady is the crazy jealous type, her bf is screwed haha" "le hot fit man actually like le obese lady how funny haha" Some videos brings a lot of likes and views, It brings attention from a bunch fatphobes of course, but thats attention nothenless. The endgoal, seems to just become famous enough to get sponsors (she does sponsors for casino scams).
>>143365 Gotta respect the hustle ig.
>>143399 They're in that vid at about 25mins in. Have no idea what it is or what is being said.
We gotta convince her to start an only fans or something. She's already showing major skin and swell angles. And if you follow her insta stories, damn does this chicken love to eat.
>>143405 Skip ahead to minute 23 and maybe try automatic subtitles teacher to English.
>>143406 I support that motion!
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A great message ladies.
Manuela (the second fattest girl) is the best-looking of the female cast, even compared to the slim ones
>>143405 Brazilian coming to the rescue. Its just an interview with the actors that does the skits. Including the couple that is the organizers and mind behind the scripts. Their part in question is they answering about their characters. They call themselfs the japanese sisters, Tsu and Nami. Tsunami, cause they are big and fat (get it?)
>>143689 How could we ask them to become an onlyfans or something like that, if you are Brazilian, maybe you can get closer or suggest it to them.
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>>143832 Somebody asked her "Ph?" which I'm assuming is shirt for pornhub. She the replied the following. Any Brazilian wanting to translate.
>>143835 >Somebody asked her "Ph?" which I'm assuming is shirt for pornhub. PH is the acronym for Priscilla's Hall, a famous concert venue in the city where she lives. About the text in the image, she talks about the refusal to have gastric bypass surgery
>>143841 Haha somebody made a wildly off guess for Ph
>>143835 You could have just used Google lense to translate this yourself. It's 2025 my guy
https://gofile.io/d/Pj8GBb news!
>>145068 >https://gofile.io/d/Pj8GBb THANK YOU!
look at that whale!! I have uploaded two new videos on the gofile
>>145584 Her sister is a hot fatty too, they attend in several video together, like these ones with the motorcycle
>>145739 I think if you're referring to Manuela, she's not his sister, they just act together.
>>145759 Kamylla named her sister, in the subtitle of video and tags (keywords) several times, on TikTok Even in one recent video is it named, she and her sister found a boy who likes gordas
>>145884 Do you think those IG sketch videos portray real life? Also, they look nothing alike (besides being obese Brazilians).
>>145886 Why should she call her sister in the video and not just friend? Or is it an official movie series, like on Nollywood? The are apparently no one-egg twins, but gibblings doesn't have to look the same mostly, while they have both colour-changed hair (possible each natural darker, as brunnet) Julia Roberts sibblings have less in common with her (not only the much older brother, but the sister was obese) Or Nicolas Cage does not appaear as a Ford-Copperdot...
>>145890 Idk but here in Germany tend tend to call their close make friends brother. So teens could then say something like "Bruder, was geht?!", which would literally translate to "Brother, what's up?!". Some goes for English and words like bro/sis. I believe it's just to try and make the sketches even more funny with this whole idea, ah that figures that the mega fatties are sisters or closets of friends(I'm no Brazilian, so idk?).
>>145905 this has no connection to putting tags and keywords several times on it, titled sister and by the was it is mainly used by Turkish people and These with Arabic Background in Germany, namkng anybody brother, the so called kanacks (or muschkotten), which speak not very well German, rather poor and this mostly young people, as tweens, it is caled "Assi-German", for anti-social folks
Bumping with a bunch of clips downloaded from her insta and tiktok: https://gofile.io/d/qpSlVs Does anyone manage to download this vid? https://www.instagram.com/kamilao_kwai/reel/DGG--wEx5ES/ Seems like it's being redirected to a different completely unrelated clip ...
>>147711 https://gofile.io/d/EmsW4s
>>147927 Holy shit, someone needs to do a comp of her gain
Notice she's doing more pics of just herself rather than skits, she's probably gaining a lot of confidence with the positive attention on her
>>148266 Wish she'd start modeling officially already. I'd kill for an OnlyFans. Let's let her know.
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>>148527 https://gofile.io/d/FBCh9m
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Manuela is a very large beauty
