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Glow up? SpanxBeluga 01/02/2025 (Thu) 23:26:37 Id:f32c38 No. 142363
I stumbled accross this video: >GIF related https://www.clips4sale.com/de/studio/64833/30291529/spanxbelugas-650-lbs-vs-the-board-view-1-mp4 Like when did she became so heavy? Shes underrated af, but GODDAMN did she blow up... Heres a look at her belly (from Coomer) https://gofile.io/d/PUVggf
She's a total shoe-in for the 700 club... We thinking she'll hit Echo/VanillaHippo territory in the 800 club and beyond? Girl can EAT! Believe she has a feeder/enabler too 😎
>>145772 2025 immobility is hitting her.
>>145771 I think when you’re 20s are over and you’ve been a fairly well worn porn star for them…it’s gotta be hard to find a man who’d be willing to wife her up without getting the death fat sorta experience. The trick is to be his sick fantasy, get him to fall in love, then have a health scare prompt weight loss, but keep the caretaker simp: it’s what basically every model did or is doing. Look at VH, Roxie, MBB or anyone else.
>>146146 >>The trick is to be his sick fantasy, get him to fall in love, then have a health scare prompt weight loss, but keep the caretaker simp It's crazy how accurate this is. Only missing part is that half of these models are in complete denial about their husbands being feeders.
>>146147 They only deny it on social media. They know the drill
>>146147 This shit is as much of a sick fantasy for Spanx as it is for whoever is feeding her. She legitimately gets off to being a disgusting blob slob and being called a dirty sweaty stinky obese barn animal
>>146219 no, that's the fantasy you're paying her for.
>>146234 Exactly. Imagine the amount of delusion and denial these women to have to be in to 1) be aware of the fetish and that they're taking part in it, 2) know there's enough guys out there willing to pay for it to make a (decent) living out of it, but then 3) the one guy they marry, who puts up with allllll the shit you have to deal with to marry a feedee, just so happens to NOT be into the fetish. "Never underestimate the power of denial."
>>142455 She doesn't look very intelligent. How do you know?
>>146255 You can tell pretty quickly in person. She speaks eloquently. She's one of the fat girls who got fat by being insane (severe bipolar maybe) so anyone fretting a missed opportunity with her shouldn't feel so bad. Amazing sex though. She's the only feedee I've ever been with who was clearly confident indulging in the fetish in person.
>>146261 LARP HARDER
>>146265 She's slept with everyone in Boston. Its not an achievement to fuck her.
>>146253 how tall... or short I guess? like in feet and inches or meters if you are european
>>146267 She's 5ft 6 so two inches above average for females in the USA. But I guess 600lbs+ women tend to be somewhat taller than that even.
>>146266 Even if that is the case, this person got that far with her. A lot of Boston women are mentally unstable so kudos to this guy for navigating that water successfully and coming out alive.
>>146255 >She doesn't look very intelligent. How do you know? Intelligent for a white woman means she’s smart enough to pay $300k for a cupcake BA degree in psych/english/art. Smart for white women means: “reads young adult fiction” and collects funkopops. This woman is retarded, you can tell by the fact she’s disabled herself to sell porn online.
I sometimes wonder if some of the guys in this site even like ssbbw 's! Spanx is fire and getting hotter with every pound. 5'6 - 660+lbs and seems genuinely into it, she's top tier
>>146347 I've met fupatrooper. She's average to slightly above average intelligence. Relative to the average intelligence of the models in this fetish, she's a genius. But relative to the actual population, she's probably a little above average. I give massive props to fupa for owning her food fetish and not being in denial about her eating addiction like 99% of the other models. >>146260 >>severe bipolar And alcoholism.
>>146349 > I sometimes wonder if some of the guys in this site even like ssbbw 's! Spanx is fire and getting hotter I’d wonder if you even like women. Spanx has smaller boobs than most SSBHM have moobs at the same weight. Also her face is jacked up, like 2-3 genetic mutations away from normal. It’s ok to jack off to men, trans and nonbinary people who are too fat to function, it doesn’t make you gay. She’s def in that class of “it’s not gay if it’s for the fetish”.
>>146358 small boobs on a fat girl can be pretty cute if they've got a nice ass, which she does. Her belly overshadows it so people overlook but her butt is CAVERNOUS. Her thighs are crazy too, and her fupa. She's a top tier super fat and you're retarded if you think she's not. And boy you're out of you're mind she's not busted, shes straight up street gorgie
>>146363 No. None of that’s true. You’re just gay and too much a bitch to admit it. The lady is handsome at best and shaped like a poop emoji.
>>146358 Small boobs on a ssbbw is gold. It’s THE top tier. Divine females have that. It takes a lot of time and effort and effort to find a lass like that. Even more so to get her to like you. Plebs can be satisfied with titmonsters, only those with refined taste seek the perfection of boob-less ssbbw. P.S. Spanx has amazing build and she has character. It may be not the easiest character but she’s unique.
>>146385 "You're actually secretly gay if you like this top-tier SSBBW" Bro, what?
Did we ever get that second trampling video?
>>146438 I have it, but I don't know how to share it.
>>146438 Second? Did someone share any other trample vids? >>146446 gofile.io
>>146476 >>146438 aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ienU1d1Q=
>>146524 >Did we ever get that second trampling video? +++++ Its greate! Impossible clip
>>146510 >>146508 The question wasn’t if your gay, it’s weather or not you’d find anything attractive at this sorta weight. She’s manly as fuck and my obese brother has bigger tits.
>>146476 >aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ienU1d1Q= Not sure I would say she looks manly, but would admit she is not the most beautiful woman (but not ugly either). Would dispute that her body is manly: not the biggest tits, true, but I have never seen a dude with thighs like that. Those are DEFINITELY all woman.
The gofile with the trample vids doesn’t work :(
(595.45 KB 864x884 Screenshot_20250203-1757522.png)
Does anyone know if there was a video made of this?
https://we.tl/t-WYCmMrw0bk Can someone kindly reupload the trampling video. I purchased and sharing this one. Thanks guys!
>>146146 Hell, I'd sign up for that. Is there some application process to be a caretaker simp husband for a giga obese porn star
>>147164 She has two sex videos but you have to ask her for them.
anyone know if she does squashing sessions? and if so how to contact her about it?
anyone know if she does squashing sessions? and if so, the best way to contact her?
That last wetransfer is down what was it? Can't wait for her to hit 700!
>>147736 "SpanxSnacks.mp4", Here you go! YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGIvL2RlbC8vR1V1YVc4dlpDOXBZakZ0WWxJPQ==
Jackpot! Thanks man that was fire
>>147615 Thank you man
had a dream i did a session with her... i need her badly, bros...
>>148926 Better get after it, bud; in one of the latest videos on her OF she said she’s basically immobile at this point and isn’t going to stop gaining.
>>148932 i really gotta know if she does sessions, fairly certain i live near her area (according to her feabie)
>>148936 Just ask! You're not going to get anywhere asking us!
(287.21 KB 1054x1524 IMG_6950.jpeg)
>>148932 Yeah they all say that shut up you and i both have been around long enough to call the cap we know that aint happening
>>148963 Can’t believe she and Fupatrooper were the same size when she started gaining and Fupa put on plenty herself.
>>149162 Thank you king
