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SSBBW in Media Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 03:42:27 Id:86890a No. 145644
Nothing better than obese women with fat rolls getting fat roles. And I stress that they be REAL fat women, no make-up, no padding, no CGI. Translation: NO FAT SUITS. No silicone, just cellulite. No rubber, just blubber. Fat body-doubles being the one exception. Because they are still real even if you can’t see their face.
>>146242 Sadly, she got WLS surgery after, was trotted around by Oprah, and now she looks like a man. That film was her at her Peak Weight, and beauty.
>>146254 >Stacy Halprin probably doesn't look like a man anymore. Considering she's dead and all
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DQFP5maAbVg One of the greatest scenes of all time from Dodgeball
Norbit. Id fuck the shit out of gilbert grapes mom.
>>146337 The director said they had to cut out a part of that scene that was “too crude” where she falls on him and he gets his hand stuck inside her butt.
>>146242 How about Wbat's Up Gilbert Crape, with Darlene Gates? >>146237 I think she was also in a comedy about feederism, with a fat friend/ Brother, who looked like this shorter jewish Seth MacFarland (curly hair)
>>146245 I've always wondered if her character wasn't loosely based off of Heather
>>146346 Speaking of Norbit, the body double for Rasputia is another hot actress: Lauren Christine Miller. She's only shown up in three other movies. I could only find two of them. Here she is in Internet Dating https://youtu.be/PoUHWtB5B1g?si=cXQdJLwElyODkrh6&t=1080 Also, it seems like she's erased practically everything about her on the internet. You can't even find a picture of her unless you look her up in the movies or the DVD features
There are several BBW double of Whelma (from Scoopy Doo/ The Mystique Gang) in porn satire/ persiflage of it, one of this was Brianna another one the real Veelhma BBW (which attend in another video together with two other BBWs in the forest)
>>146426 link?
>>146427 it are different url, If you search for Scoopy Doo BBW you will find possible Brianna, If you search for BBW Vehlma, you go likely to the Model with this Nick (she has lighter skin)
Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 02:35:45 Id:107e27 No. 146429 I would be curious, If a BBW version of Wizard of Oz exist, I know there is one picture of the Hustler (Larry Flint) of that also would I like an undressed Schlaraffenland (erotic one) also did costuma models as Ursula, but just on photos I think
>>146425 in the later scences she looks like Sentenced Kiss to me
>>146426 >>146428 it must be a difference in regional search algorithms because all I can find is bad Deviant Art porn
Hey everyone, does anyone know where to watch the feed from 2005? It's on YouTube but in Portuguese. Does anyone know where I can find it in English or post it here please?
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Y'all need to be watching Pop Culture Jeopardy right now. There's a hell cute fatty with HUGE arms on the team Personality Hires
>>146435 maybe using Yahoo? It was something about she saw Daphne since long time again, which wondered how much weight Veelma gained, could be also named Mystery Gang BBW and BBW Veehlma you will get to the modle called so
Game of thrones had this pretty fat woman wife of king stanice i believe
Surprised that no one has mentioned 1991's The Dark Backward yet. Teighlor, Eartha Quake and a third ssbbw who I'm not sure has ever been identified. Bill Paxton has an "orgy" scene with them were he's the only one in the nude. The film was a rather lame attempt at creating a midnight movie in the vein of Eraserhead or Rocky Horror, but god, Teighlor looks great in 1930s sideshow fat lady mode. Les Toil was responsible for most of the in-movie posters and product labels.
>>146699 It was lord Roose Bolton and her name was Walda
In Coming to America 2 are the twins of the first part (which rap in it "the dj will just test our boobs") on blind dating scene, at the final party as co-music acts, became big bottomed BBWs (clash the buttocks, while wearing tight bluejeans)
>>146701 >>146450 >https://www.salon.com/2010/04/12/de_felitta_9/ by the way, anyone got the jeopardy episode with Carla?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K4j25DUQLgE Shallow Hal dancing with the hippo
>>146722 First, I must ask, is English a second language for you? Second, pics?
>>146768 It's kilotroll.
>>146768 one of several languages, but autocorrecture makes it more difficult I is just a cameo appearence, in the last 5 minutes, but they showed their round butts, in trousers and sung about that but not supersized, rather thick
>>146742 What? This is a thing?!
Might as well chime in with one of the hottest plaintiffs ever on Judge Judy (wish I knew who she was! incredible back fat and overall beautiful woman). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyfCLwaKArM&list=PL4azvb5t1YVNpKbKUf8Svjl-vezg9AqN6
>>146814 goddam she's like Amber Daniels, amazing looking woman
>>146814 does anyone have a higher resolution quality version of these clips?
There is a movie called Blubberella, directed by Uwe Boll (yes, him!) Plot: an obese half vampire hunts Nazis. And Uwe Boll is nothing else than the fuhrer himself
>>146818 Damn if you're not right! Not her though - I don't think Amber was that fat at the time (she was fat even then, but not that rotund), and she doesn't have that level of back fat. Also, Amber's upper arms are fatter than the woman in this video (goddamn them for covering up her name!) and her accent was never southern like this woman's. Would still love to find her and see how big a ball of fat she is!!
>>146857 Meant to add: but that was close enough that I had to really look hard to spot the differences (labor of love, mind you), so again, good call!
>>146858 Yeah I never thought she was the same woman except for maybe a split second, but she does have all of her same beautiful stunning qualities
Shout to to this thread, it is awesome! So many good recommendations and reminders! Thanks guys, keep it coming! A small contribution... the mill mother's from Mad Max Fury Road! A bank of about 6 bbw/ssbbws who serve to provide milk for the bad guys. They can be seen at the beginning and end of the movie
>>146371 Almost definitely, or a composite of different Big Cuties. The home screen on her site is very close to BC.
https://ww1.m4uhd.tv/watch-movie-oddly-coupled-1970-282306.html This is a 70s film called oddly coupled, we're getting Vintage BBW. It's of an obese nymphomaniac who gets excited from hearing the word sex
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>>146703 The third one is Layla LaShell, OG BBW porn star from the 80s. The film is lame indeed but the Les Toil connection is cool.
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>>146742 Jeopardy s20E118 - 02.18.2004
>>147092 Yes she was in that movie but I don't recall it as feedism parody, you might be thinking of something else here's the movie Muffin Man she was in, she does go topless in one scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKD-9sNvDow&pp=ygUQbXVmZmluIG1hbiBmaWxsbQ%3D%3D
>>146703 >>146703 >Surprised that no one has mentioned 1991's The Dark Backward yet It was like the 3rd or 4th comment in this thread bro
>>147139 That's NOT goddess patty
The original Hairspray was a huge part of my FA awakening. Funny how HUGE Ricki Lake seemed in 1987... https://gofile.io/d/G64oVf
Here's the Amber scene from Road Trip. Yes, it's tiny, sorry. I don't even remember when/how I ripped this. https://gofile.io/d/mEGNcG
>>146768 One of them is named Peachez, they have their names on chains around their necks (therefore in the first part they sung; my name is Peachez and I can it the best, but the dj will only do boobs testing)
>>147102 Angela looks smaller here I thought there was something with a pizza delivery, but the boy is also not the one with the jewish-curlies (who plays often nerds) Though I have watched this before
>>147214 Maybe it was a short film she was in. If I look through her filmography, I could find the name of the short film, maybe I can find it online maybe not, I don't know. Saw she was in a bunch of short films, I'll try to find it.
>>147503 I sometimes mixed her up with Pleasantly Plump, (although she's outsizing her by a lot, despite head), but when was Angela bigger, like on this Morning Today Show, where she got fatshammed
So there's a filmmaker on Vimeo named Joe Sherlock who has made horror flicks some of which gives us nude BBW scenes. One of them is called Thingz, anyone has it?
