/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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PPear Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 12:04:18 Id:e2c090 No. 59242
New Pearshaped curvy bbw
>>114269 Eh, at her most recent biggest she was straddling the line between bbw/ssbbw. Really thought she was going to finally embrace the fat and start modeling full time. Looks like she just wanted to make a few bucks before she deflated again, The repetitive massive weight gain/loss is much more unhealthy than simply being fat.
>>114219 i'd love to know what thread site you were referring to. Indubitably not simpcity nor socialmediagirls
>>115154 on a scale of ghettoness you're a f!ng 10
she's live right now
shes looking thicker on her tiktok, anyone have a coomer update?
>>119508 Post it here bruv
Anyone else think her face is hot but also not at the same time? Idk it’s hard to explain. Something’s weird about her face. Still sexy tho
I love her figure, but when I saw this pic, my cock has never been so hard, one of the greatest BIG BUTT pics I've ever seen... https://bbw-chan.link/.media/054cdc2e1cb454aed1ad4552e491ef9f0582bd2130df52b9ff9d4e54092bf11d.jpg
>>120366 Those socks are hella dumb. 0/10, would not fap.
>>120393 She's covered in disgusting tattoos yet it's the socks you don't like?
>>120414 fortunately on these pictures the dirty tats and her general scratchpad-like looking style is not so eye catching
I agree with the rest. Not a ssbbw at all. Get this outta here. Look at the loose skin! I swear you guys have something wrong with you. You shit take the fattys and as for more of this. What the hell!
>>114283 Slim-ssbbw? You mean like how you are lightly-retarded. Get this shit outta here and at least under bbw. I’m tired of people confusing bbw and ssbbw.
>>120393 >>120414 Why are there so many autistic retards on this site?
>>120858 Tell your carer you aren't allowed on this site.
>>121251 This is probably just a Coomer rip there's no way that her full OF is only 1 GB together with the PPVs. Also, don't share premium files.
>>121326 How ?
>>121326 damn, she is growing!
>>121731 I thought she was losing weight
>>122148 She says she is losing weight but she looks way bigger in her last posts.. I really hope she is just lying. Her ass is amazing and she has the potential to be a crack in the game
Does she do request videos and/or meet ups?
>>125336 you mean if she has a group on meetup.com? perhaps
>>122179 She’s on ozempic bud
>>122179 she also has a crack in her butt, it's called a buttcrack
Dae think she’s pretty/hot but also not those things at the same time? Idk, her face kinda weird. I just can’t quite pinpoint what it is. She still sexy tho
>>128821 I think her mouth is very large and her teeth are sharp and overlap. Then she has that look or vibe of emotional crazy. I just get the feeling she might be really mean. I am an expert on finding this type.
>>128821 she has had an obscene amount of fillers injected
(4.72 MB 400x711 3ed3c51d.gif)
Does anyone have this one?
>>129317 it was shared here already under some of the links. i remember it as she was naked wearing socks while riding the dildo
It's on cambro, but not the best quality, anyone got it with better quality ?
>>129545 Share the link
Does she do request videos or meet ups?
>>128821 I actually understand what you mean completely. She's a little homely but also kind of irresistible?
She has gained SO much weight and itis SO amazing.
>>145362 She announced she is losing weight soon unfortunately. It was good while it lasted.
>>145395 She’s announced she’s losing weight about 5 times in the last two years. And she’s only gotten bigger. It’s not happening.
>>122148 >>122179 She wrote in a recent Insta post "getting the waist smaller while getting the 🍑 bigger." Hoping this means she eats like a pig and tries to think of some way to get it to her ass lol
>>145643 Yeah working out is not for me so I unfollowed
anyone got the measuring video? I have this, enjoy: https://gofile.io/d/qjbI5i
Does she custom videos/request vids?
Man that Ass is Phat..but that face🤢 Sid from ice age lookin bih
>>149479 Bait used to be believable, do not feed !
In the latest video from 2025-02-26 on her coomer her ass and legs look huge, she must be almost back at her biggest but the weights redistributed to her legs and hips.
>>149523 Gastric bypass/lipo doing work. Now she's all ass and thigh
Does anybody have the measurement video she did earlier this year?
How much do her PPVs usual cost?
