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For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Letakelsie / scotiansmiles Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 14:54:55 Id:4dfd01 No. 79392
Leta’s thread went down again. Any idea why? Someone posted a link I didn’t get to just yet.
If by “biggest” you mean the fattest, then yes
Anyone know what Leta weighs at the moment?
>>126064 Her last weigh in was 515, and she doesn’t look like she’s gotten bigger. She posted something a few months ago about losing a bit of weight intentionally but by the looks of things, she has either gained it back or didn’t lose it in the first place.
>>126064 She's not in the scene anymore. So we won't know. But she clearly let's people fly her to their city for a weekend of fun. I hope Jamie in Toronto got to hit it.
>>126069 To my knowledge, her highest weight was around 550, but that was a while ago.
>>126204 I think she was near 600 at one point, but that was years ago. To the best of my knowledge, she's been holding steady in the low 500's for the last few years
>>126204 561 is her highest recorded weigh-in according to the vids
>>126217 Judging by her latest pics, she's probably high 400s at the absolute lowest. Girl is a TANK.
>>126229 I'd guess she's in the low 500s right now. With her build I actually don't think she could ever go sub-350 without medical intervention.
>>126227 Do you have the vid at all?
(5.77 MB 1290x2796 IMG_6728.png)
Kinda blurry from the zoom in but looking large
>>130141 She's absolutely fatter than ever. I don't think it's close.
(1.44 MB 1080x1722 Screenshot_20240908-203247.png)
Fuck's sake, her thigh is as big as her chubby friend. Whatever diet she was on before, it's well over now.
Her upper arm is the size of her friend’s waist
>>130141 >>130183 Goodness gracious she’s attractive rn🔥
>>130183 It is called lypedima
>>130279 it's called fat. My gf has too bigger diameter in thighs than my waist and calves allmost as thick..
>>130281 She’s built different
>>130290 My school had a girl like this when I was growing up. Leta's just built big. Big frame. No matter what -- even with WLS and Ozempic -- Leta would never be "small". Linebacker body. It's a big frame + a lot of fat.
>>130281 That are lymphoedems, you can google it... Anyway it is not true, that slimmer friend is almost twice as wide as the leg
Possible comeback inbound
>>138011 She always comes back. Must be feeling lonely again
>>138108 She's a nutter. She's totally using this as a ploy to get back at her ex, bringing him crawling back out of fear she'll go back on OF.
>>138112 Along with a selfie? It's totally this. They stopped following each other on IG, but he unfollowed first. Christ, the way she goes through men? There's no chance she's stable.
>>138112 Who gives a fuck about why she’s coming back?
>>138120 She's almost certainly not coming back. She's trying to make her ex jealous, knowing that he'll see all this speculation and drooling about her.
I hope she returns to the bbw world however, she has to overcome that little problem that she doesn't like being fat, you saw that figure 96% said she should come back but that means getting fat again, while here I will cross my fingers that that happens hahahaha
>>138112 Newsflash, these girls are all nuts. Either depressed food addicts, or narcissistic freaks (who are also addicted to food). Their mental health is irrelevant to us. If she makes good porn is good. If not, who cares.
>>138148 Go to therapy
>>138146 >getting fat again Like she ever stopped? Girl has been over 500lbs for a while and probably won't change that.
>>138962 When ? And where ?
>>138962 Imagine dating this Girl, and she sends you this nude in the morning... wtf
>>138984 I'd cancel whatever plans I had and head straight over to rawdog her
>>138991 She never had a coomer. Her foray into OF was pretty brief (6 months in 2021?).
>>138979 That GIF is great!
>>138999 Stop posting this stupid link istg I've seen this brainrot link posted on at least 2 other threads. Nobody gaf abt your stupid braindead video
(8.68 MB 1284x2778 photo dec 12, 10 47 32.png)
(494.17 KB 1284x1299 photo dec 12, 09 35 03.jpeg)
(189.14 KB 1188x2208 photo jul 11, 13 00 39.jpeg)
(7.73 MB 1284x2778 photo dec 12, 10 47 42.png)
(242.37 KB 594x1104 photo jan 03, 20 47 19.jpeg)
(337.69 KB 1284x1234 photo mar 13, 09 54 24.jpeg)
(236.34 KB 1135x1900 photo jun 08, 20 16 29.jpeg)
>>139086 On two of these photos appear she different (in the face)... Who is the other fatty on the right next to her?
That’s her sister
>>139134 Why is his brother filing his wife ass in front of children should be criminal especially in front of children
>>139134 >>139135 What the fuck are you on about???
>>139136 Why is his brother filming his wife ass in public infront of small children is beyond me. Lock him up for child pornography. Disgusting her ass isn't even big or phat enough to sneak in a candid video 😂
>>139138 There isn't a single picture in this thread that contains what you are describing.
>>139133 Does she do erotical content as well, like camshows or at least bikini pictures? She appears familar to me and them seems lookalikes of each other
Gigi and her sister are very similar to each other as well
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