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Supersizedbombshells/Bighotbombshells Anonymous 05/03/2023 (Wed) 18:22:24 Id:509fc4 No. 80716
Well I guess this is the end of SupersizedBombshells and BighotBombshells. Been trying to archive as much as I could before their immediate shutdown. But if anyone has any past site-rips, just drop them here. Also here are some sets in return. Loves Bombshell: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGIoTG92ZXMpQzkwTFRabU4wRkRaM2RFU0VRPQ== Astra: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlMoQXN0cmEpNTBiQzkwTFhkc1p6QmtSbGR2U1ZVPQ== Taffy: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGIoVGFmZnkpQzkwTFROM1FraFJWa3BrY0dZPQ==
>>136074 Since this thread is more active for Jenni discussion than her own thread, maybe you or someone here could answer the latest questions of that thread. Basically, why was her last 2019 video so weird? Or, do yall even think it’s weird? Something else I’ve been wondering is can anyone comment on experience of when you were a member of her site back in the 2000s and 2010s? What was it like and how did fans interact with her back then? She did a few request videos. I’m wondering how the lucky few fans got their wishes granted. I’m also wondering: why didn’t Jenni do customs, and never the things that fans begged her for such as weigh in, collab with certain models, etc? Has she ever done a fandom q&a? If not why not?
>>136195 Jenni had a really good job and only ever did the site as a fun thing to do and in the early days was just an easy excuse to go hang out with her friends she never did much fan interaction. modeling was just a way for her to have fun. She never did customs or anything overtly sexual because she was never in it for the money. Modeling was just fun for her it was never a serious income thing she wanted to stay the line of being extremely softcore so she would not mess up her actual job
>>136199 There was an article posted here talking about Jenni in the 2000s and she seemed very eager to make $ lol. I don’t think she would have went through the effort she did with BHB and her supposed other sites if she didn’t at least somewhat care about the $. She didn’t do hardcore but I think her content still would have raised eyebrows of colleagues. They could overlook her more sfw bakini pics but many of her pics she’s straight up nude, and often bent over or ass up, nevermind her videos. Sexual erotic stuff even if not hardcore and without dudes. She straight up collabed with Brie Brown a pornstar. What I was wondering was how did the few lucky fans go about requesting videos from Jenni and how did she see that and decide upon them?
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Does anyone have these please?
>>136203 Who claims Lushes has a flat booty?🤨🤔
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Does anyone got Marie by any chance kinda missed out on the glory days 🤧
Looks like Jenni’s thread is gone. Why is it gone and where is her new one at?
>>81233 Could you plz re-up the RubieG folder so that i can reminisce her beauty?
>>136203 Everything I have https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/122q_Rl9-9jP6_ddtdlCXuK6Ft65dbIkm Anything more would be appreciated!
>>136203 >https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/122q_Rl9-9jP6_ddtdlCXuK6Ft65dbIkm In the video of the set with the two other models is it clear that Misty has a more volouptous booty than Jenny! Anybody has the video where she is walking around the swimming pool, from around 2002, with two smaller BBWs (each of them in bikinis), both white, one was young too with short hair, the other older, with long hair and pear shapped? At that time was Lushes fatter than now, especially had she much more and softer belly rather than currently. I think since 2011 has she lost some weight.
From Diva
>>136333 My hero. Been looking for more of Lushes. Thank you.
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Someone I was chatting with said they had sex with Jenni which I doubted but then they send me that pic and it’s got me curious. That doesn’t look like one of her set pics because it’s too low quality and doesn’t have Bombshells logo. Her butt looks much smaller here compared to usual. I’m wondering if it’s a very old like pre 2010, or if it’s a very recent pic and Jenni has lost weight. Thoughts?
Maybe my post was deleted but anyone have any Cammee?
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>>80716 I was in love with her. we talked a lot when I was living in Palm Springs in 2016. If anyone knows what happened to her or if she's still modeling it would be cool to know. thanks.
When did they claim to hook up with Jenni and are there any other candid pics?
>>136539 Who is that on the right in the second pic??
>>136540 This is what the guy said word for word at one point: “Yes I had sex with Jenni in her peak weight days when she wasn't posting she got up to 300kg. The heavier they are the more sex they want. Las Vegas and California are full of obese ssbbw and ussbbw women eager for sex.” It sounds like he’s making certain things up but I’ve never seen that pic before and I’m a Jenni content connoisseur. I think there’s a good chance they fucked given the pic, and I think it was in Las Vegas probably at a bash. However I don’t think Jenni ever got up to the weight he mentioned. Perhaps this dude is Jenni’s ex. I asked if he had her nudes or sex tape but of course he didn’t give me those
>>136592 If Jenni just came out and confirmed whether or not these things happened that would put all this to bed. Does anyone have contact with Jenni’s ex? If anyone has any of her nudes, other secret pics, or tapes, it would be him. I just wish Jenni would officially announce whether or not she’s retired, and if she is, that she’d release her weigh in video and her missing clips, and maybe do one last goodbye final video of some kind. If the stars align and she somehow comes back to do a final video, what would yall want it to be realistically?
>>136534 >>136592 I want to Believe too but the pic quality and the way the guy is talking — which doesn't sound like Jenni or really any woman on earth — tells me it's a buttload of bullshit. >>136594 Lingerie, walk around the room, then roll around in bed. I always liked her sexy side.
>>136557 radiant renee
>>136633 Yes, extremely underrated BBW, got quite huge before she disappeared. I've got a few vids of her, anyone interested?
>>136661 Interested ! She is hot.
>>136631 Yeah his wording was stupid but where or who did he get the pic from? The low quality and lack of Bombshells logo actually make me believe the encounter with Jenni is somewhat legit. I can tell it’s not one of her set pics for those reasons. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Also notice the setting of the pic. It isn’t in a store or a typical public setting where a candid pic would occur. It’s a hotel room. If the guy is lying about it, maybe he was in contact with whoever actually had the experience with Jenni. Do you think Jenni’s deflated ass means the pic is from her early modeling days or its pretty recent and she’s lost weight?
>>136666 https://gofile.io/d/baVAlr https://gofile.io/d/u19zO7 If anybody has more of her, please share!
>>136592 you guys are very deep into role-play and live apparently in a dream world...
Can someone please do us a favor and link the new Jenni thread here when it gets made? I’ve noticed with other models who get different threads that no one thinks to link in previous threads for whatever reason, the search will not let me find the new thread for days or even weeks. Then when it finally pops up in my search, the thread has already been active for several days or weeks. Wft internet?!
I’d pay Jenni a ridiculous amount of $ to see Jenni do this: https://www.redd.tube/video/6483f596c107b012d37ed2ef882648f19c4e3f46 I wanna see other ssbbw in general do this but especially Jenni to do it
>>137517 Knowing Jenni, it'd be ten second long and pixelated as fuck. She's gotta have the most wasted potential out of any model from her generation solely on the basis of how short and shitty her videos were. If Stu hadn't been such a cheapass and shelled out for professional photographers, Jenni would have a substantial back catalog of quality content. Instead we get *gestures vaguely at BigHotBombshells*.
>>137579 Tbf Jenni did butt clenched in a 2022 video and the clenching itself lasted like 30 seconds. However the angle was way different. That Randalin video came out a few months later and ever since then I’ve wanted to see Jenni do a video the same way. Ssbbw in general too. Surprised to see it’s not common. If anyone knows of similar videos please link them! Anyway, what years were Jenni and Stu together? I noticed Jenni had a video quality boost around 2012 which was also when she gained some weight. 2012-2015 were her peak content years. Before that she was too small and the video quality was too shit. After 2015, her content was way less frequent. I’m wondering if that was around the time her and Stu divorced?
>>137579 Do you at least think her 2022 videos were a step up in quality or no?
>>80717 So of the hundreds or thousands of people who have been here, there’s not a single person who has Jenni’s full site rip content? I find that hard to believe. One of you has it. Come on. At least just share her missing videos please. You know which ones they are. They’ve been mentioned several times on bbw chan
>>138019 there's an entire Bombshells site rip torrent around, I remember I had it but my hard drive died and I lost the torrent file. But others downloaded it all here
>>138117 Are you talking about this?: https://premiumbbwcontent.com/4211-ssbbw-supersizedbombshells-jenni-bombshell-siterip-228-videos It still doesn’t have the missing videos and even if it did, they’d be behind paywall. Where are you talking about if not that link? Not to call you out specifically but I notice the guys who ever responds to the where’s her content question always say something along the lines of oh I had it but my hard drive died or something like that. Like, why even say that? It’s just salt on the wound lol
>>138124 nope, the torrent I remember had everything from Bombshells, not only Jenni but other models as well. I agree it's salt on the wounds, I feel the same way
Does anyone have a Paulee Bombshell/plumpestpaulee.com siterip? Been trying to locate her stuff for ages and I can never manage to find it aside from random videos on porn sites.
>>138019 why dont you start to colaborate too or shut up, moron beggar? nobody is here to serve you king nothing
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Any Bonita?
Anyone able to talk to redditor ElegentTreacle on Jenni’s subreddit? He’s Jenni’s content guy. I’m very curious why he teased Jenni’s weigh in only to never actually put the weigh in up for sale anywhere. What are your thoughts on this?
>>138850 Was this ever answered? The one thing fans always wanted from Jenni was a weigh in video. What was the weird plan of releasing just a gif of the weigh in but not the weigh in itself? Honestly a stupid move considering it would be a best seller of Jenni’s. I wish we as a community could let Jenni know we want to see her again. I’d pay and support her even in her 60s lol I mean she’s already mid 50s what’s a few more years? She looks about 10 years younger than she is anyway. I swear it looked like she barely aged over her career despite that spanning 15+ years
>>139410 Suppose she is around 58, but she rather looked when she was in her fourties or late thirties older than she was, so this may make your view to estimated younger, because she did not much change in the past 15 years, but is was in my opinion due to she appeared with mid fourty already like being in the fifties
Jenni’s goons keeping quiet, i see
https://bbw-chan.link/ssbbw/res/140057.html New Jenni thread
Do you think a petition could Jenni back in the game? I’m running out of ideas here
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Hi, I just want to know if anyone has any content of Gayla Neufeld. I've been looking for content of her, since for me she is my holy grail in terms of BBW women. Also, the links in this thread are down, I just want to know if anyone has videos and photos of her.
>>141951 https://gofile.io/d/M02uJH
Do you have a question or are there videos of Gayla Neufeld? I want to know if there are any
Barbie Bombshell is such a mysterious figure in the online ssbbw models world. Such a short career. The content that got her to reach mainstream popularity never got leaked. She only collabed with Jenni once. Barbie disappeared after 2018 and again in early 2020s then all of the sudden she was active on X last year and was implied to be doing content and new (for her) things yet from what I’ve seen, no one has talked about it or leaked any of it. What gives? Anyone have any answers to these Barbie mysteries?
>>141951 She had a short career. I don't have any pics for some reason but I believe this is every video from her site and a Barcroft doc: https://gofile.io/d/dhnVez
>>85581 Probably a long shot given this is from a couple years ago, but does anyone have these two videos? This thread is the only result reverse image searches return for them.
