/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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ICD IZM JAV BBW Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 06:13:43 Id:e5e07c No. 89194
https://gofile.io/d/ecP5pj I am having some uploads there. Here is Miyabi Hayama, she can be seen in ICD-138. Check back regularly and maybe add your own contributions.
Here’s a relatively new Shizuko in hopes of adding more. You can really tell she’s bigger here. https://gofile.io/d/cq8mTt
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>>118169 Honestly amazed at how big she's gotten
>>121247 Thank you
>>121578 what a porker~ must be hard being an obese girl in japan, but with every new fatty comes the hope of it becoming more normal to see japanese waddlers.
>>121645 >Not as difficult as one may think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrgAMlfIdtk&list=PLIapEdn_8ON5vRWayoXphkFp0-LaCBRZ5
>>121654 Wow. What a good fatty. It’s amazing how 220lbs is considered an obscene weight.
>>121654 Yeah its pretty normal just like everywhere. Nevermind the fat girls who are actually pretty, I see the ugliest fattest slobs pushing strollers with 4-5 kids in it every single day where i live. In japan you only hear about the weird asian dudes who make their gfs fat so nobody else will date them in some kind of weird asian mentality thing.
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Does anyone please have IFD-03, 04, 05, 06, 08? Or at least where can I go to buy them online in the
>>125785 Not public. Can you fix please?
should be public now https://gofile.io/d/SttFrR any yui igarashi would be appreciated
anyone know how to get icd 246 without ordering it from xcream
OP you're a legend >>102587 out of all the new ICDs im most desperate for these
one of these videos had Amazon Cinthia in it. cant track it down now. while id love an upload, id be just as psyched if someone could name which one it was so i can track it down if need be
https://gofile.io/d/tcoqOL icd 231 Anybody have 372?
>>127081 do you mind reuploading this or something? the file seems to be corrupted, there’s huge parts in the middle of the video where it just freezes and there’s no audio playing. it’s essentially only the beginning and the end of it that works
Looks like the file got corrupted transferring it to an SD card. No longer have a copy of 231 that isn't fucked.
>>131933 https://mega.nz/folder/8yBhlIgI#JwGfidWJ8kTozTSRB_3cdw
Is there anywhere I can see recent stuff from Shizuko Fujiki, or any sites her recent videos are released on? I know about xCream but wondering if there's anywhere else. If not, any other jav stars like her? Going through this thread but wanted to see if anyone got some recommendations
>>135880 not sure, If I have them I'll put them in. My hard drives aren't exactly organized sadly so I just put up what I find
https://duga.jp/ppv/izumu-0020/ Does anyone know if there’s a way I can find this full video for free?
>>135880 I do have ICD-326 I could not find any of the other ones in my collections. https://we.tl/t-R2aZe9veVZ
>>135990 Sir, this is /ssbbw/
>>136088 NTA, but hopefully she makes it to 150-250kgs eventually
>>136175 I hope she gets to "ICD" level size
>>125668 https://xgf.nu/6xin8 https://xgf.nu/ZDXT0
>>137382 >>137382 I have ICD-434 but not ICD-402 https://we.tl/t-BzgRSaNgLJ
>>137520 thank you so much dude, you’re legend!
>>137799 IFD-09 https://we.tl/t-KlHQ86yJzZ
>>137520 How do I miss this every time?!? Grumble
>>135842 wow that site is full stop unusable
I heard Rose Aoyama was making recent content under a different name, anyone know what her alt name is if true?
>>138252 Neo-505 Mika Aoyama
https://www.xcream.net/actress/%E9%8F%A1%E7%B4%AB%E7%A9%82 Found out Sara Aikawa has been making vids under a different name .. Will try to buy and post here at some point
I’ve got over 200 IZM pieces y’all can’t even touch—pretty much everything that’s ever been dropped online, no joke.
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>>145480 Anything that's particularly fetish focused and not sex focused among those?
>>145511 Thanks Tony Awesome work man
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Anyone knows what video this Pic is from? I'm almost sure it's from an old ICD video but idk which >>145519 ICD 117 is more fat and squashing focused, I can upload it later
>>145519 >>145597 Here you go (plus some extra videos that I had) https://gofile.io/d/rfwTZp
>>145510 Downloads are blocked.
>>89194 I need more vids of Miyata Hinano. She is one of the hottest models I have ever seen. Reposting a previous upload of hers as an offering. https://gofile.io/d/oTnwD2 Miyata Hinano
Ami fukomori is so underrated , she is only viral in videos where Sara or someone else is there too . i dont understand how all that fat can be ignored she probably have the biggest belly of them all and her ass is as big as that of Sara
Ami fukumori is probably my favorite jav actress, cant get enough of her body shape. If anyone has any of her videos id be very thankful
she's my favorite too!!
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>>145735 here's everything i have of her: https://gofile.io/d/3gZVkU >>145717 I love Ami too, but in japan, her flatter ass and apple physiogonomy is less unique than Sara's massive, round butt. Perhaps more importantly, is that Sara debuted almost a decade younger than her too If anyone can fill the holes in my collection, I'd sincerely appreciate it!
>>145621 Miyata is just the name of the Amateur studio (Used to be Pochakawa) Here's a couple vids of Hinano-chan, added it to the same folder: https://gofile.io/d/3gZVkU She has 5 (!!!!!) new videos that came out in the last two months - does anyone have them? https://adult.contents.fc2.com/users/pochakawa/articles?sort=date&order=desc
God fucking bless you for the ami fukumori videos
