/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Lexxxi Luxe Anonymous 10/19/2023 (Thu) 00:17:26 Id:f5c71c No. 97427
She has gotten massive from the past years... Here's some of her videos aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXVqT0hNUjdBRHE= Hoping someone would have her recent vids from May 2023 forward...
>>143268 Based on her streams on twitch I do think she's a bit fatter, but I also think she has no interest in doing porn anymore
Basically if she made feederism videos I'd be satisfied, I can let my mind dream hahaha although if it's that and porn better and if she offers her escort service with everything mentioned above, she would be the perfect woman hahahahahaha
I don't think she's fatter, I think it's the visual angle and the tight clothing.
I do think she's fatter during 2020 2021. Thank god she's still keeping the weight tho, I was worried it'll all be gone when she took almost 2 year break and radio silence
TIL She has a Gaming Twitch Channel. No Bull.
>>144622 yeah we know its been mentioned here many times
She's definitely fatter than she was in 2020-2021.
I think everyone is here for the literature, it was well said that if you have someone chatting together go buy them a drink in a bar or a cafe, I'm here for maximum file sharing to know sublime creature. https://gofile.io/d/rl7ySl
Has she ever done a weigh in? The closest I saw was her stepping onto a 100kg scale in a JAV and maxing it out.
>>144783 no, but on her 2019 video she said she's 365 lbs
>>144879 Which one? Id you forget the name, please describe it to me. Was it MajaMagic?
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Wish I could find the rest of this set.
>>145651 its photoshopped lmfao
>>145651 you really like yourself some hard dark meat, don't you
>>146011 https://gofile.io/d/c4oHr8
found something she looks massive even among fatties Maybe around 2022?
around 2019 ish
>>146222 Lucky bastard! Does anyne have this?
>>146222 is this mysti in the stills or a friend? doesn't look like mysti to me for one thing ive only be seen her with dark hair
>>146238 >>146222 oh nm now i see its lexi
>>146021 Where the hell did you find this!! This is higher quality then the DVD I ripped.
Did she ever mention her cup size?
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only says 176cm on her jav ones she has grown bit bigger after her jav appearance.
>>146445 Jesus Christ I need more of this, she's going full cow
>>147228 God she needs to do another one of these. Love the contrast of her giant boobs swallowing up a small man
Man, she said she has some milking machine before she disappeared back then Does any1 have this Breast Worship kinktober vid from a few years back?
>>143087 1000% wish she would do an updated belly button video
>>147293 she did a little tease here and some on her shower vids https://gofile.io/d/kTpsIZ I really do wish she leans in more into belly contents too, but one can only wish She has one of the best proportion of belly to boobs
But damn, imagine if covid didnt happen.... She'd have more vids on plumperpass, more videos and collab, and most importantly, getting much fatter!
Just wondering if over time if anyone has done the amazing job of making a compilation of the beautiful Lexxxie? Thanks in advance.
>>147534 What video are those from?
>>147571 It's a video from justforfan site, when OF was saying it'll ban porn, she moved there abit before disappearing.
>>147579 could you share it plz? I don't believe I ever seen it uploaded...
>>147670 I would if the site stops declining my card.. I emailed her if I could buy all the contents from jff/dsc0rd but no reply.
>>106793 Reup please
>>147672 What post date is it I'll try to rip it >>147672 >>147672
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fuck me, she's gorgeous
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wrong bust size
>>148171 She may not be my number 1 but god dam I love it when a chick with big tits wears something clearly ill fitting
>>148175 I love it too when fat chicks try to squeeze into smaller size or outgrown clothes https://gofile.io/d/DPhPsg
totally true, but is more hottest when this women grow too much and explode their clothes jajajaja
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Looks like she is pushing her discord account. Good for her. I wish her luck.
>>148293 its 250 for all her content + lifetime voyeurcam
I thought its just 100 from her previous posts.
>>148293 Can't believe she's old now man. Most of all it means im getting old too
Im in dire need of this tit spank video of hers that she posted about. https://x.com/LexxxiLuxe/status/1865817976319918421 Not something im usually into but i like anorei enough that i need to see it lol. So if anyone has a gofile for this i would be ever grateful. Or just tips for getting it.
>>145651 Here's the whole set, without the black dude tho https://gofile.io/d/dgz08K
