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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Animation Anonymous 07/18/2022 (Mon) 12:47:21 Id:fb26a0 No. 18354
(4.54 MB 640x480 5N3Ctg3GApC1-joS.mp4)
(1.50 MB 640x480 q-YuOE_3xlJoqDVw.mp4)
(7.84 MB 640x480 spXMeYATIki5xLb1.mp4)
(420.97 KB 537x624 1579568143.chubberdy_yawn_4.gif)
fattydragonite's animations
(7.99 MB 1920x1080 aaaa.mp4)
(8.42 MB 1920x1080 Foxybloatmain.mp4)
>>18356 Source on this?
>>18407 I got it! https://kemono.party/patreon/user/28485610 And more where they came from will be coming soon!
>>18408 i think he meant the other one, the second post in the thread. i'd also like to have the sauce
(4.47 MB 1192x928 BerrySaluki2.mp4)
didnt say it had to be just wg
(1.17 MB 1920x1080 jun_sunken head.mp4)
(281.05 KB 1000x700 leaking.mp4)
(504.10 KB 1280x720 isaberry.mp4)
(2.33 MB 1280x720 arcadebetlost.mp4)
(2.66 MB 1366x720 vrchatbloon.mp4)
(4.31 MB 1152x720 puffytara.mp4)
(5.58 MB 1280x720 vrchatpump.mp4)
(6.52 MB 1280x720 bunsuitblimps.mp4)
(6.89 MB 1280x720 holiday.mp4)
(6.97 MB 1280x720 milkytity.mp4)
(7.46 MB 2048x2048 shufflestuf_sharkbubble_ych.mp4)
(8.35 MB 1280x720 fizzdrink.mp4)
(8.83 MB 1280x720 heliumtitties.mp4)
(263.61 KB 720x720 ceejayskunkblimp.mp4)
(587.14 KB 808x720 clownraft.mp4)
(643.09 KB 1190x720 melonflation.mp4)
(770.21 KB 1280x720 blowuptara.mp4)
(1.78 MB 922x720 2ndlife.mp4)
(5.65 MB 1000x896 angelblueberryinflation.gif)
(983.36 KB 1000x1090 Noelle.gif)
(599.04 KB 1280x720 fwooph.mp4)
(895.35 KB 1280x720 dawnmino.mp4)
(8.76 MB 1280x720 chocomelternormal.mp4)
(363.42 KB 1648x1248 ezgif-5-23916b3e2c.mp4)
(136.78 KB 270x330 ezgif-5-d07c7227e8.mp4)
(203.96 KB 764x1200 ezgif-5-610f4c3dbd.mp4)
>>19050 I think there's more to that Tawna video
(346.75 KB 850x700 ezgif-4-8b80dbdf3f.mp4)
>>19055 There is more, but only in non-animated form as far as I know. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32677082/
(227.78 KB 1280x960 Zephy_03 Cream Filled.webm)
>>19036 what game is the second one?
>>19077 Second Life
>>19024 Could someone upload the Full Time Juicer videos featuring blueberry Loona getting squeezed with sound? It’s in the public section of Casadecal’s Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/posts/full-time-juicer-52288513
(8.30 MB 1280x720 NoGasNoAssJuiceSmall.mp4)
here ya go
>>19050 What's the source on the second video?
(5.36 MB 1280x720 lJx6OlPERHgTQ4HP.mp4)
(1.12 MB 1280x720 -U7y1GLiMpmcuvMJ.mp4)
(4.59 MB 1020x720 _amkR4LHZkBuOjGX.mp4)
(428.97 KB 868x720 qoX4CJTqUaUS6nVE.mp4)
(512.63 KB 540x540 whKeIeWTnH_TUD9Y.mp4)
(1.03 MB 1280x720 XpvlqVlJswc72lfa.mp4)
(2.26 MB 1280x720 BknFxMQlpMHd-4NH.mp4)
(1.30 MB 662x360 vEbeNONUeNHtV2og.mp4)
(52.57 KB 640x360 Lf3PWdGfGx1mCDVa.mp4)
>>19039 where on gods green earth is the chocolate fattening one from
>>19506 Lordstormcaller
>>18356 So uhh anybody figured out the sauce for this? It was asked way earlier in thread but nobody gave the right link
Oh and here's some GIFs I found
>>19718 https://twitter.com/applebottomfem/status/1544342777672404992?s=21&t=WwGE8yFrUkB-KPir4iFqzg
(7.01 MB 1280x720 tHOW21eBQGllZTeO.mp4)
Someone get this renamon animation please https://payhip.com/b/NvLOc
(1.01 MB 1016x720 dyVoHrPgEJPmJ_Yb.mp4)
(6.35 MB 1920x1080 Balloona0001-0708.mp4)
(1.04 MB 1920x1080 Bloona0001-0084.mp4)
Two animations I made in SFM after about 1000 hours of practice, even after that, I'm still not good at animating.
(919.98 KB 1280x720 7za1rFPj6r4AmeVg.mp4)
(6.04 MB 1920x1080 InShot_20220808_144447327.mp4)
>>19581 seconding this.
>>19909 >>19909 Boobianubi on twitter
>>19904 SAUCE
(4.75 MB 560x315 tevyscottvday2022.gif)
>>20515 Cuddling someone several times your size and hundreds of pounds heavier than you has it's hazards. You might get smothered by your partner or lost in their belly fat. It'll be really awkward in the morning when they wake up
>>18354 https://www.deviantart.com/mixbift/art/ankha-Inflation-894323375
>>20070 Bump
>>20516 >not having spelunking gear ready when you hug your BBWaifu
(9.80 MB 1280x720 3766195.mp4)
Does animating a series of pictures using photo-edits count? Eh, might as well share this. Twilloon's depiction of Stonershy's blueberry Rarity series.
(1.04 MB 1280x720 FD animation.mp4)
>>18365 How about the one with the Charizard?
I refuse to let this thread die
>>21750 sources?
(3.06 MB 960x720 Octavia to Fatavia.mp4)
>>22011 any idea who made this ?
>>22016 NdelNgin on Derpibooru
>>21760 1st is by spellsx, mein nigger. Quality stuff.
Y'know I've always wondered where to find good anims with sound. In the meantime here's this, The two dragons are by Kibadoglover45
Renamon and the lard is from Calorie Last one is from fruitgremlin
Got any more LordStormCaller animations?
(3.32 MB 1280x720 Untitled (2).mp4)
This thread...shall not die (I nabbed all of these from e621.net)
(8.18 MB 1920x1440 Untitled (1).mp4)
(6.70 MB 1500x1100 Untitled.mp4)
hrrnghhh I really like burps and gurgles
>>26092 hoooooogh this one is super good 😳 Do you know who the original animator is?
Requesting for someone to add sounds to this gif
>>26362 Fucking R9K, well the animation was Calorie's animation of Bea jiggling her belly
I await the day this thread is filled to the brim with sexy animated furry fatties
(25.24 KB 384x512 FPQ-qH7akAIZQtz.mp4)
(36.60 KB 384x512 FQEgLMIagAUdoyQ.mp4)
More anims,. couldn't find that many with sound tho
(7.68 MB 852x480 Untitled.mp4)
(62.58 KB 600x570 20221212_224929.jpg)
Alright I'll say it. why did pressurepurse stop animating? I haven't seen anymore animations on his twitter?
Okay I love this, just amount of fatness is perfect for her! And the jiggly effects as well lol
does anyone have the Two of Everything animation by Kamaugraade?
(7.18 MB 720x480 8mb.video-Vdq-yhVUl6HI.mp4)
Video is by the late MOK850. I added the sounds.
>>28989 Here, have fun. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdldqaE9SMjFhWVdJalozVndWVWxJT0doZlFUZEJWR2RHY0VKSk1rTXdNekUyUzAxSlgyMURPR1ZYVWpSbFUxTnFkM3BHVlE9PQ==
>>29067 What do we uh....use to open it?
>>29095 https://mega.nz/file/Z8NGmZab#gupUIH8h_A7ATgFpBI2C0316KMI_mC8eWR4eSSjwzFU take this
(698.00 KB 1914x1818 ezgif-2-50fe820d9c.mp4)
Found this animation of Nicole Watterson turning around, made by calebcaribou
(21.97 KB 939x238 Clipboard Image.png)
>>29095 for the future: get MIME tools for notepad++ and Base64 decode such strings (might have to decode multiple times) you could also search for decoders online but i rather trust my own device
>>29028 any archive of MOK850's work? this stuff is gold
(7.12 MB 720x480 Bigger Chungus.mp4)
>>29157 Try this: https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Gallery?artist=mok850 Just to warn you Anon, most of his animations used Flash. As for sound IDK if they ever had any to begin with, but 99% of them have no sound and like two just play loud static. I'm still working on adding sound to them but due to a lack of motivation, and questioning the morals of it. I kinda put it on hiatus. Anyways if you guys do like them I could probably try and put audio over more of his work.
>>29160 thanks anon! +10 internet points!
>>28124 Would you like a free slurpee????!!!!!!
>>30219 I had forgot how ugly cats are. Thanks for this.
>>30322 source?
>>30325 Pewbutt
Tall order, I know, but could someone please upload Ridiculouscake’s pool toy inflation alt video where she becomes a ball? Can’t find it for the life of me.
>>30200>>30199 I'm gonna have to ask for source, and maybe more of these if you got em.
>>30480 Spinneborg https://spinneborg.newgrounds.com/
>>30457 I'm a dumbass who doesn't post often, so idk if there's a better way to bypass the size limit besides dumping the video link https://wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/v/mp4/f9c6daa3-635c-40b6-bff2-eb1ef5acca29/df0t0ai-a0f15845-4525-4b4e-83f1-b5403855d5fb.1080p.c0c9f42dbd4741b5a24ed46c81e12fef.mp4
Animation. It takes a lot of skill to animate. That’s probably all I am going to say, but damn, some of these are alright.
>>33504 Does anyone have a sound?
hell naw, this thread ain't gonna die on my watch
(6.74 MB 1280x960 8mb.video-NFk-n6mmd0Ub.mp4)
>>33414 Shame he don't inflate like jinx from teen titans dose
>>36186 You can't just drop that without a sauce
(7.04 MB 1280x960 8mb.video-bW9-A68qWPjB.mp4)
>>36198 Punt the poodle
(5.94 MB 1280x960 8mb.video-3wt-oy2SWWHR.mp4)
>>36200 Bonus
>>36201 Loving the POWERFUL sound effects. Really sells the heft and bulk of her surging expansion.
>>36226 I'm glad somebody's enjoying it, imho
(40.36 KB 566x304 darkcresentskymin.gif)
(304.71 KB 846x748 calorie02.gif)
(384.53 KB 1000x1000 dragon-powah.gif)
(735.11 KB 1440x720 calorie.gif)
(5.79 MB 967x720 ridiculouscake.gif)
(534.18 KB 600x600 ThaddeusMcBoosh.gif)
I'm looking for a number of weight gain .gifs made by the same guy featuring Muffet from Undertale. They all look kind of like pic related and are very good. Tube feeding is a central theme. I must emphasize they they are very similar to the gif I am posting but they have her grow even bigger as well
>>39193 Give me a moment anon, I know the guy personally, so I'm sure I at least have a nice bit of them.
(180.77 KB 500x500 muf.gif)
(1.28 MB 3840x2160 clayvis_breathe_1.gif)
(1.07 MB 3840x2160 muffin_v1_f1s.png)
>>39193 Here's what I got anon!!! Hope you enjoy lol
(4.38 MB 3840x2160 muffin_v3.gif)
Wait hold on, the last one was just an image, here's the whole thing
>>39274 this is precisely what i was looking for, thank you so much my friend
>>19048 I love this one so much, could anyons try to add audio to this one? I feel it's got lots of potential
(1.17 MB 480x270 1497205808918.gif)
(1.04 MB 720x540 lita_peanutbutter.webm)
>>41098 What's the original clip, it sounds familiar.
Ok, I’ve held my tongue long enough. Why can’t I watch any MP4 videos on this website any more? It’s been like that ever since 06/01/2023. All the vids from before that date work just fine, so I know it’s not a problem on my end. Does anybody else have that issue?
>>41105 Y’know, I’ve kinda have had the same issue. I can watch gifs and other bits and bobs, but the only thing I actually can’t watch is the videos that come up on here.
>>41106 >>41105 I’ve been using this new app, VLC to see them. >click “open” >download >send to VLC hope it helps
(682.63 KB 1000x715 1521481489898.gif)
(1.23 MB 320x240 3YrlX7d.gif)
(101.85 KB 200x200 1457817099043.gif)
(302.45 KB 1920x1920 H-T0BlbroZsYajKh.jpg)
Does anyone have Dinopon3 / Hyperwave's animation access?
by @RaweWolf on twitter https://mega.nz/file/VmdzWTqY#i_MmhHkElSDcniOqLVS9bJrMQwkxrE6q0rQPkq66gT8
>>19034 What is authors name?
>>19039 Hey who's the animator of 2nd one
>>42804 Contribute or let the thread die.
>>42804 RevyTeaChai
>>41936 anyone?
Eagles and chickens - weight gain and vore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q52pIV2WjqM
Can someone post Catsikune's Dandy planet?
Does anyone have the finished gif of loona feed n fuck by cascade cal on patreon?
>>18354 How difficult is 3d?
I was so CLOSE!!! somebody finally updated Modnaryug kemono.party page after a long time and I was about to watch the unfinished butt battle finished only to find out that it's a extm3u file!
>>46573 It is very difficult. Espacially if you want to create your own 3D characters. When you look at 3D artists that do very obese characters, then they often create them from scratch. If you download premade characters and want to make them fat or inflated, then they wont look that good, because you have to edit their mesh (the topology of polygons the are made of). You can only distort their meshes that far, before texture runs out of resolution on the most expanded polygons or until you can see individual polygons. If that happens, you will loose that round or squishy appeal and everything will look spikey and blocky. This is why people like Imbapovi inflate their characters only to a certain size before switching to a mix of spheres with a matching texture, that are intersecting the 3D character model. You can get away with that, especially if you want to have a very cartoony or stylized look. Otherwise it will look horrible. There is a reason, why there are so view 3D artists making fat or inflation relating content, because it is a lot of work for what you will get comapred to 2D Art, and there is a whole complex modeling-, texturing-, rigging-, animation- and rendering-pipeline you have to master first : ( But hey, you can trace existing 3D characters of your choice in a pose you like and inflate/fatten them in a 2D. That could probably lead to an appealing artstyle. (Sorry for the long text and weird english).
can someone convert this extm3u into a mp4 file and post it here? https://kemono.party/patreon/user/7889727/post/77291305 #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:5 #EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1222566,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=1222566,CODECS="avc1.64001f",RESOLUTION=800x500,CLOSED-CAPTIONS=NONE https://manifest-gcp-us-east4-vop1.cfcdn.mux.com/6IBRV9tO8PUQm4mBBqQNscEzuDHO3SYvla8fQ76U1y02U018CKb9unMdkPQOOTdM2PdnXv0000HiZ0200N2mWE3O5Y9Fd1pVXLlwny/rendition.m3u8?cdn=fastly&expires=1696892400&rid=Ir02FmqsqUnMIpEqH89MdlvWa15QwOo6dCnelCtSI9YI&skid=default&signature=NjUyNDg1ZjBfMTI3MDA4MTIzNDIyMzg5OTcyZDMzOWQzMzA0YjJmYzM2ZTA5OWRlYjUzOGExYzAzZDg5OWYwNDZmMjEwNzA1Ng==&vsid=hMXfawcuE005vgoniZQVYm8NGb8HmPdjUU3ukrRjIC01uGSDd6sOCvgxq2VygFlM4xT7tg2eMY701w #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=717593,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=717593,CODECS="avc1.64001f",RESOLUTION=576x360,CLOSED-CAPTIONS=NONE https://manifest-gcp-us-east4-vop1.cfcdn.mux.com/02r01J9gHzmf00EdrqdP4cV8h344y00FcsshxSauOI7Brb500UArYQqdyxQKORgWYSPLgpgnd2uzapO7YFx6H7JTyb01LTDMq7WTmsjmMKhqYRP6Y/rendition.m3u8?cdn=fastly&expires=1696892400&rid=Ir02FmqsqUnMIpEqH89MdlvWa15QwOo6dCnelCtSI9YI&skid=default&signature=NjUyNDg1ZjBfNzYwMzM2YjhjNDdmNTg0YWY3NGYwODUxZWQ4MTJkMjgyYzdhNDk4N2VkOTdkM2NhZWE3OWVjNzNmMWRhMjFhOA==&vsid=hMXfawcuE005vgoniZQVYm8NGb8HmPdjUU3ukrRjIC01uGSDd6sOCvgxq2VygFlM4xT7tg2eMY701w #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=452307,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=452307,CODECS="avc1.64001e",RESOLUTION=432x270,CLOSED-CAPTIONS=NONE https://manifest-gcp-us-east4-vop1.cfcdn.mux.com/P35TJiZonFR00EkQnxEZYwQMdt9OdIbHS02eQAAF0146TDrvZNON1YH1j238WLoOZhGls6WnL7I8lhzHVqQf7AOZV2a9Y01YOqfL/rendition.m3u8?cdn=fastly&expires=1696892400&rid=Ir02FmqsqUnMIpEqH89MdlvWa15QwOo6dCnelCtSI9YI&skid=default&signature=NjUyNDg1ZjBfOTUwNDgxZTJjMmIyOWI1M2FmY2E1NWZhYmYwM2Y0MzZlZjczNDMyNDNjMjY5YTMyOTE1N2I4OGUzM2IxYWE4OA==&vsid=hMXfawcuE005vgoniZQVYm8NGb8HmPdjUU3ukrRjIC01uGSDd6sOCvgxq2VygFlM4xT7tg2eMY701w
(2.18 MB 1172x1280 FQ26CNlXoAEg_Uu.gif)
>>18354 Reupload of Tashoelle's deleted animation. Sperg - 0; Anons - 10000
Does anyone know that super old Sparkalloon video of "Larus Has a Fattening Adventure"? I'm trying to find the video with the edited sound in it. Wondering if anyone has it downloaded or linked
>>47993 second
>>47993 Somehow i hold on to that extreme old stuff like a crazy goblin, because some of the very old art is actually really good and ages like fine whine. It is very sad, that it slowly fades out of the web when artists close their accounts or delete all their stuff. When Sparalloon's channel got nuked, a lot of that old art got lost forever.
>>47993 Forgot to send the link, because i am an idiot... https://mab.to/t/X5AncRcC3zp/eu1
>>48212 goated, thanks a lot
>>48212 it says it doesnt exist
>>48212 re up pls
>>48528 https://mab.to/t/x1UFFtNv3zn/eu1 There you go!
Someone does know the animation or artist name about a fat bird that enters on his home with a lots of bags of food and then she does sit on his coach and she starts eating too much food and gaining more weight, does some known that vid?
>>48624 bro just upload it to catbox, not whatever this putlocker-ass site you found with a google search is
>>27447 BE should stand for Belly Expansion and not breast expansion, prove me wrong
(211.36 KB 997x2000 Mirror.gif)
(221.68 KB 999x2000 Mirror 2.gif)
(9.32 MB 1168x720 z4Aua1CftwXxbtA4.webm)
God fucking damnit I am NOT LETTING THIS THREAD DIE!
give me fat furs (slobby and burpy ones preferred) or give me death damnit On a side note does anyone know the source of the toriel one? cause I got it from the toriel thread
Does Anyone have the Jackurai SWF animation Planetary Fattening of Queen Nala?
>>51049 Who made the first animation?
>>51109 I think that's Dawmino
>>51196 Correct . My cousin from boston
Here are some by PotateyMatey
(233.88 KB 560x315 SPOILER_Growing_Beth.gif)
Actually started doing animation myself the other day! Been frequenting and lurking, but here's my contribution
My friends we must not, let this thread die.
Understood. Have this one I just finished (the strut) and another one from a little bit ago (the tubefeed)
>>53885 I agree, this thread should stay
Does anyone have the original video of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkTHGy5VC2c
Does anyone have this??
Can AI generate 2d's yet?
Can anyone post Modnaryug's unfinished butt battle animation? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/7889727/post/77291305
(1.52 MB 1280x720 twittervid.com_288c2a.webm)
>>57866 Artist?
Does anyone have the gif of the elephant inflating the deer?
>>58008 https://twitter.com/JstGluSphs2Getr
heres a archive of ridiculouscake https://kemono.su/patreon/user/223471/post/63642338
>>33504 Does anyone have Vanilla Inflation with audio by Spootz?
>>46685 Do you think Koikatsu or Blender are any good?
(9.09 MB 1160x720 oXtylAmxBpMQEAV1.webm)
(5.39 MB 1080x1080 Fnci09Rm0HQbhiiu.webm)
This is going to be great, when the animater do more whit the model https://twitter.com/Zoidrawz/status/1776682671764087264
(3.21 MB 640x396 oXtylAmxBpMQEAV1.gif)
(9.21 MB 720x720 TVHOKlG2cMt3RhmB.webm)
(819.95 KB 600x600 ezgif-3-effbf5c992.gif)
(7.73 MB 720x720 yoyw5OJnMayHxLJp.webm)
(4.40 MB 1280x720 6jhyQ71dKMvPuJcK.webm)
(2.74 MB 1920x1080 Untitled-design.webm)
(2.48 MB 1280x720 WobblyWinterWeight.webm)
(1.73 MB 1280x720 FloppyFoxy.webm)
(8.67 MB 1280x720 BellyBurningBunny.webm)
(564.83 KB 1280x720 Cat N Mouse Final.webm)
>>61707 We GOTTA find a way to steal this model for ourselves
(1.61 MB 1280x678 eLBcq7YmdloXALvP.webm)
(2.39 MB 1280x710 31AaPVX0r0Nh0mIS.webm)
(2.29 MB 1280x692 GIrm1-ZtjyIj_b5k.webm)
(1.82 MB 1280x682 YgiFW2DsIE9kEd7u.webm)
(3.78 MB 1280x684 sW9MKPxZpLW32zyS.webm)
Anyone got that one 3d animation from Twitter with a fat, blue gummy bear sitting on a shelf, shaking their belly? I've seen it about a year ago, but can never remember who made it.
(8.48 MB 960x540 1.GillpandaBattuWG.webm)
(8.46 MB 720x960 x2uRkrLLbrMfWk5t.webm)
(2.44 MB 800x450 medium.gif)
(1.04 MB 1280x720 3w0WFmslfOfvFuEV.webm)
(2.25 MB 1280x720 tcP8xu8ef7J_MKB6.webm)
>>66160 Sources?
(9.73 MB 640x480 K3T5gxObm0JjdFGM.webm)
(1.50 MB 1920x1080 Bubblebelly.webm)
(951.59 KB 489x560 1718657145629209.gif)
(9.91 MB 1000x700 jfztqjgw1osc1.gif)
Anyone have the full version of this from their patreon by chance?
>>67082 seconded it looks amazing so far
>>67085 User: Mabocorescant
>>67747 The kemono page for mabocorescant needs to be updated.
(1.09 MB 640x360 JxxVs7Je9bPTODbT.webm)
(1.11 MB 1080x1080 Hazel_Nude_Deer_FCZcgQA.gif)
Look at this blubber-clad butterball, quite possibly my favorite FattyDragonite OC. :) Sidenote: I'm a writer who's been trying to write weight gain stories, and I just so happened to get permission from FattyDragonite to use Dennis in stories.
>>68405 Nice to see ya!
>>68413 Thanks! So, two stories I'm involving Dennis in, is him becoming a sumo wrestler, and him noclipping into The Backrooms. I dunno, I have a thing for wanting to try and blend fatties with horror scenarios, specifically The Backrooms. Here's my first story involving Dennis, the story name? "The Sumo King" Part I: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xb4ncuT3GrJ5czV_sPsrQGWTuJNriIh69ZLtKcs1ag8/mobilebasic
>>68437 You're welcome!
>>64069 Question what is this song in the first video the one with a tedy bear? I want to find it
>>68437 If anyone would like to discuss, my reddit is u/LukeTheFoxx_45.
(463.90 KB 720x720 bMHPu9DPkWfk54_9.webm)
(3.39 MB 720x1280 J2jZA6OIjxU_pN__.webm)
(7.02 MB 1280x720 Fw5RFHedKb0mF5Wt (1).webm)
(6.36 MB 1280x720 _tTyWclpCxCfhmyb (1).webm)
(418.93 KB 872x720 7NxVjc8IQ9JyCMJX.webm)
>>68620 >reddit You have to go back.
>>28415 Sauce?
>>68948 sauce?
>>69020 https://x.com/i/status/1713602736732934315
>>64069 Question what is this song in the first video the one with a tedy bear? I want to find it
(3.53 MB 3000x4000 c8ptbrhdqd7d1.jpeg)
>>69052 go crazy https://youtu.be/2LOmFBBq4T0?si=QH3hPIZuMjWp8NRD
>>69059 Thanks
>>69036 link doesn't work, what's his username?
>>67082 Someone hurry up with finding this ffs
(7.93 MB 1280x720 QlzJ2Hgnv0kMOvHz.webm)
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Is there any way someone can get the kemono of big steak
This is the link https://www.patreon.com/Bifsteak
>>28074 sauce on the arcanine?
>>70260 Sauce/creator's name?
>>70775 Who made this? This was awesome!
>>70863 big steak on fa or da
>>70264 I hate how BE stands for Breast Expansion, it should be belly expansion damnit, where true bbws are made
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyqpR17ocC4 https://wormhole.app/b1BqO#Ab2GQzC28JqkGSgG3LD4Ig
>>71248 How dare you bring this shit back here.
>>71252 Green
>>71248 Nice assembly kit.
>>71248 Bruh I missed it. :(
https://www.patreon.com/Bifsteak Anyone got a kemono for this?
(302.07 KB 400x225 Untitled design.gif)
>>70775 Needs sound
(9.74 MB 1920x1080 WtD53tclq7cOBln2.webm)
(6.45 MB 1920x1080 aFkTX9ekFOy0KvkS.webm)
(7.78 MB 1920x1080 sand.gif)
(11.04 KB 306x222 Untitled.png)
Your parts off Saving.Bikini.Bottom.The.Sandy.Cheeks.Movie.2024 https://gofile.io/d/4Ot7MY
>>71453 Come on, literally just a $1 to join the Patr3on
(2.39 MB 1108x948 capture-1.avi_000011933.gif)
(6.43 MB 1024x768 ko.gif)
(1.57 MB 720x964 ChtMm-4hycZmgCj-.webm)
(1.03 MB 720x784 6IkFA-EunBuKXElj.webm)
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>>28074 Sauce for the Arcanine?
>>70257 Sauce/creator's name??
We are NOT letting this thread die. Everyone needs to see them animations.
(1.61 MB 720x720 cuRGqghDg8RVW9QE.webm)
>>74078 Sauce???
(1.82 MB 720x720 LcjxuXtrupNItxH1.webm)
>>74083 https://nitter.poast.org/AbsoluteGoofny/status/1832029648797966544
>>74110 That shit's cursed. Dark, even.
>>74115 >Surely they're not cursed. You just shortened my lifespan by 50 years.
>>74115 These are fucking abysmal bro
>>74120 >>74117 >>74113 What was posted I missed it
>>74121 Ai slop
(8.31 MB 1920x1080 vanilla_inflation.webm)
Vanilla the Rabbit goes Roger Rabbit! With sound.
(6.75 MB 1920x1080 vanilla_balloon.webm)
New RidiculousCake's video.
https://thisvid.com/videos/hotdog6/ came across this, unsourced unfortunately. any idea who the artist could be? i tried searching the signature but i think i misspelled it or something as nothing turns up. yes, i know it's kind of mediocre, but god damn it i am desperate.
>>74269 Gochu bud https://x.com/TubbyTanukiNomm/status/1835040057885180056?t=DlwVlP5nmW_-fRp1ToxGhg&s=19
>>70260 Source/Creator's name?
>>74256 Officer: 9-1-1, what's your emergency? Cream: Hi, my mom is inflating and floating like a balloon. Officer: Wait, are you try to prank? Cream: No wait, i'm serious! The officer hang up Cream: Hello? Hello? Vanilla: Cream... help me... Cream: Don't worry, mama. I'll go get help.
(65.23 KB 640x640 sonic.webm)
>>74219 source please?
Archive of mok850’s work (use base64): aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9Jd3RWamFMUyNzUExWWjhjRFZRTl9uU0l2ZENtcTVn
>>74536 Thank you for this. How did he die and when was it again?
>>70260 Can ANYONE tell me the source or the creator's name?
>>74593 IDK who this even is but it helps to actually look at the watermarks and URLs in the videos. https://x.com/TuRuptis https://boosty.to/ruptis
(1.96 MB 720x720 I0M-ZBYeH8j1M1sK.webm)
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I wish someone would make a furry version of this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L14ooh0JQi0
does has someone the lardizard binge video but improved?
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>>67082 Here y’all go
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>>76094 Link?
>>66160 des anyone know who made that animation on the left with Lola?
(2.46 MB 1400x800 Balloon bar 22.webm)
>>76785 Do you happen to have Loonas air transfer animation?
(853.04 KB 1340x720 jYh47warUaU1G62W.webm)
(1.34 MB 662x1064 GaNyKT8WsAA-MiK.webm)
(1.51 MB 1112x1168 GaOySOYXwAAamjd.webm)
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(5.41 MB 1280x720 0F7CedfV8QtRu7Fw.webm)
(6.31 MB 1280x720 nqD4T-DlDx5nfY9D.webm)
(4.22 MB 960x720 LLioDnCmbqOYceVy.webm)
>>76903 She just wanted to get bread that's all she wanted
>>76929 Take my upvote and get out anon
(6.84 MB 1280x720 FxFqKWbHhuyhF5mt.webm)
>>76929 >>76959 Why the fuck are you trying to samefag on a board with post IDs? You could've at least reset your router and replied to yourself with a different post ID to make yourself not look like a total schizo.
>>76247 guys?
>>21144 HOLY SHIT the animation here is Disney level quality, it feels like it was taken directly from a real animated movie from another dimension
>>76247 Both are made by the same person which is Fernkarry on bsky/twitter/furaffinity
>>76859 I would like to know the sauces on the last two images, pls?
>>76785 Sauce?
>>77445 What makes this "furry"?
(9.86 MB 1440x1440 Zoroark-Modjo-_Nude_ (1).webm)
(9.55 MB 2560x1440 Hel-x-Zoro-_2K_.webm)
>>77408 (very late reply, sorry) thanks man!
Looking for a video from Twitter where a yellow fox? Dog? Woman eats a ton of hotdogs, eats the hot dog stand, then starts eating buildings
>>77773 https://x.com/TubbyTanukiNomm/status/1835040057885180056 Found it
(210.72 KB 720x720 1632560075901468673_2.webm)
(45.22 KB 480x480 522.webm)
I need sauce for this
>>77584 Stop posting skinny shit, we want fat bitches
>>78078 https://www.furaffinity.net/user/flamboyantone/
(7.72 MB 720x720 HzyzgkciXzm5bWAv.webm)
>>78347 Do you have the alternative angles
>>27588 Okay this has gone too long! I've searched everywhere and no results finding the artist! Who animated that first video? I remembered their animation was a female dragoness gaining weight!
>>78738 AppleBottomFemboy is the name you're looking for
>>32121 Isn't the third one the cat lady from a Milf Quest comic?
>>79208 Sorry I meant the second one
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