/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Transformation and Weight Gain Anonymous 01/26/2023 (Thu) 00:48:06 Id:d70278 No. 31042
A thread for any sort of pic that involves a transformation of some kind into another species where weight gain is involved.
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Primal roar characters should have been more popular so more people drew wg/tf of them. Side note: what search terms do i use instead of wg/tf or tf/wg when searching on DeviantArt/fur affinity?
Sploon 3 is great
(139.60 KB 1280x827 1456532336.jelliroll_hen.jpg)
Don't forget Furries into other furries!
I think this was from an old thread, but does anybody have the gourgeist transformation image? It supposed to be like a sequence drawing.
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>>31100 who made this?
>>34494 Who made *THIS*?
>>35718 inkykinks
(6.18 MB 1920x1080 Year of the Pig.mp4)
Does anybody have nolovehugeplebs pics of transformed crystal gems?
>>37559 Sauce on the first?
>>37562 no clue, got this a long time ago
>>37578 but it’s cropped from a sketch page.
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>>37562 That's boot. I have the full pic lol
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did any of you see the new mario trailer with the new powerup? anyone into elephant tfs are gonna be eating well for a while!
>>38520 It's begun
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>>36871 Whats the sauce for that monkey shantae one
I was wondering if a transformation board exist?
>>38600 there was an old one from 8chan. but that enough said there
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i nearly died
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>>44198 fuck it, tummy edit
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>>44836 source?
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This is the longest fat fur weight gain I know so I’m posting it here. Creator is fatio_catio btw
>>49106 sir, this is the wgtf thread. your fatfur has to change species partway through to qualify for this thread
>>49113 It says tf and weight gain, so it can be either or
>>49306 and means both, retard. it’s tf AND weight gain, not tf AND/OR, delete your regular wg and move it to a regular wg thread where it belongs. the starting POST LITERALLY SAYS TRANSFORMATION INTO ANOTHER SPECIES HAS TO BE INVOLVED. ASLAN H CHRIST YOU ARE DENSE
🖕 I’m keeping it here suck it 🖕
>>49337 Don’t give a fuck look at my message above
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Does anyone have a picture of Betilla from Rayman turning into a big fat frog woman that's leaking soap out of her breasts? I remember there being a story attached to it as well.
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i forgot who made this, only remember that they took it down afterwards and nuked their account.
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>>59070 is peach supposed to have become a birdo? if so, hot
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Jack was at the pub with his friends like every friday afternoon after work. the conversation shifted to judging the women in the bar out of 10. Jack's friend pointed out an overweight woman sitting with her friend at the other end of the pub and asked jack "What about her then?" with a smirk and a chuckle. Jack laughed and replied "Her? Nobody would date that fat pig!" and the table erupted in laughter. A woman sitting at a table behind them overheard the entire conversation and had just about had it with their ignorant and objectifying comments. Suddenly her form magically warped from a generic, unassuming middle aged woman to a green skinned young witch with red eyes and a wide brimmed floppy hat. Her mouth contorted into a creepy grin and she waved her wand towards Jack. Jack noticed sparkling particles appearing around him and orbiting his body. his skin rapidly lost all body hair, turned pink and his fat began to redistribute to a more female pattern. he also gained considerable amount of weight to his arms, legs, belly and backside. he felt his chest explode with 2 large breasts and his butt became rounder and plumper. his hips widened and his thighs thickened and jiggled. his fingers conjoined together and formed pig-like hooves. his face warped and became more round and chubby. his cheeks grew heavier, his lips became thick like the girls he liked to screw and his eyes grew wider. his nose grew and reformed into what was unmistakably a pig's snout. his hair grew and flowed down his back. It changed from black to blonde and was magically tied into a ponytail. his ears moved up on his head and changed into floppy swine ones. His penis and testicles were absorbed into his body in an instant and replaced with a vagina, uterus, ovaries, the whole shebang. her clothes were quickly ripped away and replaced with a green tank top with the words "HUNGRY GAL" written on it in orange, denim shorts, purple panties, white and green hi top sneakers with white socks. Jack was left stunned and confused about what had just happened in a matter of seconds. she looked down to see his new braless boobs saying "What the..." before being interrupted by another spell wrapping around her. She was blinded momentarily before finding herself in an unfamiliar room strapped into a chair. "HELLO??" she screamed. she shocked herself with her new voice. she felt her new bangs tickle the sides of her face and her boobs and belly jiggle as she squirmed and shook in an attempt to get out of the chair "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME? WHY AM I FAT PIG WOMAN?? CHANGE ME BACK!!" she shouted. A purple puff of smoke appeared to the right of her. "Change you back? but we haven't even got to the fun part, porky!" the creepy grinning witch exclaimed. "Since you so easily judge every random women you lay your eyes on by their fuckability I think you'd learn a bit of humility and well, basic decency if we put you in their shoes for a while. well maybe not exactly their shoes since you look like a freaky pig human hybrid now but i did that to drive the point home y'know haha!" the witch said happily with a cackle. "Okay okay I'm sorry I won't judge women again or whatever can you turn me back now?? Jack pleaded. "God you really are a scumbag haha!" she laughed as she pulled down some kind of nozzle and forcefully shoved it into jack's mouth. "Now ms. piggy here comes the main event! open wide!" a thick brown liquid began pouring down the tube and into Jack's mouth. it tasted vaguely of chocolate but was tainted by some other nasty flavour. She tried his best to spit the tube out but to no avail. it was like it grew inside her mouth and stuck itself to the sides. She tried to stop the liquid from going down her throat but she ended up almost choking so she relented and ingested the strange liquid. "That's melted chocolate mixed with lard Jack! well... maybe Jill would suit you better now hahaha! Jill felt her stomach reach its limit with the liquid but to her horror her belly started to grow in relation to how much was ingested like a cartoon character. "Yeah your new body won't burst it'll just keep getting fatter isn't that awesome jill? you're gonna be rolling around like a beached whale when we're done here! fat grew exponentially all over her pink body as the endless amount of chocolate and lard filled her up. her boobs began tearing her tank top and the fabric roughly pulled across her sensitive nipples. her belly entirely spilled out of her tank top too and swelled like a water balloon. her thighs thickened to a ridiculous size and ripped holes into her jean shorts. her face grew wider with fat, her cheeks grew bigger and double chins formed under her head. the rapid changes to her body made her sweat profusely as she tried to shout through the nozzle. her arms got so flabby that the restraints created bands of fat around each strap attached to her arms. she tried again in vain to get out of the chair, wriggling and jiggling her weighty rolls of growing fat and flab as she did it. tears formed in her eyes as she gave up and let herself grow fatter and fatter. "THATS IT KEEP SLURPING PIGGY! I WONDER IF ANYONE WOULD DATE YOU NOW? HAHA! the witch cackled as she watched Jill continue to grow.
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there was this one sequence i saw a while ago, but i can't remember the artist's name. it was similar to this one but had multiple pages
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>>64410 One thing I wasn't expecting in recent years was TailBlazer continuing to make absolutely degenerate art after gaining a sizeable audience from just drawing big asses.
>>64410 >>64890 Got more? And how so?
>>31042 This can be a thread be a general thread for any sort of art that involves a transformation into something or another species where weight gain is involved.
>>65173 there’s already a food tf thread
>>65191 It's gone.
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Bumping so the thread doesn't die
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>>65763 Who is this artist?
>>65917 I believe that's NKEN
anyone have nken art?
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>>67217 We all know the rule: "Never have two or more people use the same teleporter at the same time". But Coco is one to try and undo those rules. And sure enough, one of her experiments is going to ensure that this cliché trope will be a thing of the past! Too bad her experiment only re-enforced it. Next thing the girl knew, she was rematerialized within her VR-Chamber, shrunken in size and fused with the object she brought with her. Now with buttery thoughts clouding her mind, all she can do is sit and wait for someone to send her back, and hopefully undo this buttery fusion of hers. Fingers crossed she doesn't melt before then.
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>>70571 >Koopa Peach HOLY OUGH
Just some pics I found on DA
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I remember there being a sequence by jinenji89 with both transformation & weight gain of a female character going from a human to a horse, which this drawing was a part of, from many years ago. Only it was uncolored.
From artist AtlasTheGargoyle on Instagram and Deviantart
Very hot!
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Plot: “Anna” Artist: Inksplot on FurAffinity
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>>74487 no species’ were changed during any of that, how is this a transformation thing?
>>74493 She became from a fox into a dragoness
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>>73666 This sequence?
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>>74507 Yeah, but there was an original first sequence, where instead of being an anthro horse to begin with, she started out as a human first and then gradually after each part, she became more horse-like. That’s what I remember. Similar to this other transformation sequence, done by the same artist. Except instead of a cow, it was a horse. Made at around 2017-2018.
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>>31042 Don't forget food/inanimate object tf!
>>74625 Isn't that just an inflated dragon dressed up like a soccerball?
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Not letting this die just yet!
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Bumping. Not letting the thread die.
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i want a (bbw) hippopotamus (gf) for christ-maaaas
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