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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Lost Fatfur art Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 20:39:21 Id:2a7121 No. 42597
Because every board needs a lost art thread
Does anyone have that old art pack by Jelliroll involving a Lemur at the olympics?
>>42597 If anyone has a non-bitcrunched resolution of these MaoMaos by LaserCosmo3. That would be amazing.
Looking for an artwork by plumpzone of a jigglypyff called, appropriately enough, “jiggly jigglypuff”
Does anyone have the chunky corona-chan piece? It came out in February 2020 and people attacked the artist instantly saying it was offensive or some shit and the artist was forced to take it down. I don’t remember the artist but the avatar of coronachan had like a poster covering her face with Chinese characters (alphabet) on it.
I don't know if that would be accepted there, but I still want to give it a shot... to explain, there's an artist that I've completely forgot the name (because he was difficult to remember, trust me) that nuked his whole account in FA, and made his account on Twitter/X private (which is a pain in the a** to find because goodluck all the ancient link in FA erased because he "erased" his account), he has also an account on DA, but I don't know if he nuked/deactivated it already he made several inflation content, but the only ones I've remember was - a Snivy and Audino stuffed in the same picture - and a Dewott inflating himself with a airtank I know that what I demand to search is quite difficult by how the artist suddenly nuked his account and made some of them private, but please, It's been several week I desperatly tried to find him... so if you have any clue about that, I will look about what you may have find (hopefully)
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Does anyone have any art by TheDelusionalArtist/TheDerangedArtist? The two pieces I’m looking for in particular are one featuring Brandy Harrington being inflated by water from a geyser and Fifi la Fume being inflated with water by Bimbette Skunk. I follow him on Twitter and when I tried to post a commission I got from him, he politely asked me to delete it and I obliged. He’s obviously trying to distance himself from his NSFW/fetish art (which I completely understand and respect) So if you have anything from him that hasn’t already been archived on his FurArchiver, I would greatly appreciate it if you posted it here
>>42597 As big of an ask as it is anyone here of Engine-Baron's Artwork from his DA Gallery and I mean of his OC and the other fat boys he drew as at some point they disappeared
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>>42597 Does anyone have a full resolution version of this pic by SlimeCrime?
Does anyone have Jelliroll’s old art packs from their old gumroad store?
>>42651 Brandy is one of my favorites, so of course I have her pics saved! Don't have Fifi's pic tho, sorry.
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>>43057 I still appreciate this. If I had known that he was gonna nuke his FA and DA, I would’ve archived his stuff myself. At least I still have the commission that he did for me on my FA
>>42597 Anyone got an archive of Meanybeany’s site? There was one on Internet archive but was missing a lot.
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I'm looking for a deleted fat Ankha animation. It started off the same as the original ZONE animation with Ankha, but after a few seconds Ankha gets out of breath and ask if she can take a break. The video was made around the time of the Ankha meme. I'm not sure who posted it but it was on Twitter. She was slightly bigger than this artwork created by Thaasteo
anyone got an archive of Doggomancer's art?
remember an old image of an orange/brown female horse with a massive fat ass, she is begrudgingly looking behind at it, anyone have any idea where i could find?
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but I'm looking for a fanfic of Roxy from fnaf that was on DeviantArt were she has a suit built into her that makes her fatter when she eats
I'm look for kahmary patreon post Although he is already posting some of what was uploaded there i feel that there are more things lost
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ok, It's seems I've only find one picture of the artist I've tried to find a long time ago, however, the compression made it impossible to discern what is his watermark/name was, I will post it there because I need a bit of help to find the name of the artist, any hint is welcome
There was a lot of crazy good Sonic weight gain stories on FurAffinity, does anyone here have them?
>>42767 I'm looking that too.
Anyone have a blobface pic Rouge by pivk00?
>>43133 Where was it posted to?
>>43613 Well hopefully for the both of us, someone delivers.
Does anyone have Neko-Gami's old art that he deleted?
>>43759 If he crossposted to DA and FA consistently you might be able to scrape it all from FurArchiver
i know i asked this before But do you guys remember ManaPuddingFox comic called " Everyone needs a balloon cat " ? i first saw it on YT , but both the video and artist delete it
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>>43770 It was extremely easy to find, the whole thing is 21 pages long
>>43846 where did you find it ? if you can share me the source then you dont have to post each 5 pages ^^
>>43846 also thank you
Anyone know the archive of kahmari/drlazerrage stuff
does anyone have anything by squashy-rolls on tumblr i remember the account was deleted around the time when the porn ban happened here's some of the art from their only remaining gallery that i know of https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/jiggly-rolls/
>>43868 i think you miss one page in there right ? since you said its 21 pages
Anyone know who made this?
>>43897 https://www.furaffinity.net/user/brantonisme/
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Anyone have this?
Does anyone have art from nookistash? (bozosart nsfw alt) his account was recently deleted
ABitToasty supposedly had a secret inflation alt account back in 2020/2021, and posted images in a discord server owned by pixlouie, Can someone send any pics if you have them? (i am aware of jiggledoggle)
>>43940 honestly i never knew jiggledoggle had a main/that it was even deleted, pretty much the only artist worth a damn with an account made after 2021
>>43944 >ABitToasty wait they deleted it ? what happen
>>43868 Page 15 missing
Alright I saw this once on furaffinity but could never find it again, its something about a pokemon "Double Battle" and the guy turns into a fat vaporeon lady because he only had an eevee and not a second pokemon
I'm looking for a pic that was of a fat dragon flying, but he had, like, a HUGE ballsack that was hanging as he flew.
>>43883 bump
Anyone know where I can find Jelliroll's paid content from their old gumroad?
>>44124 Here's a lot of it. https://mega.nz/folder/2ZcDxLCD#tAVx7tRCEMJncUCx202JwQ/folder/DN0UTZpD
Looking for this fat Bugs Bunny artwork from an old FA user named Hungryjackal. Was just Bugs standing in a black background IIRC while also wide as hell
I remember this one image on FurAffinity of this wolfess getting cumflated by this huge ghost cock while a huge ghost hand held up her tail, all while she had both her hands on her head, as if she was overwhelmed by the ecstacy
>>44126 Would it be possible to add to this folder? Because most of Blobin Hood's slob alt has surfaced. >>39743 (Also the last piece of that being recovered would be great)
>>44129 Check FurArchiver if you haven't
>>44180 I did, but I didn't see it in there.
>>44126 Just what I needed, thx.
Does anybody have ABitToasty’s old patreon stuff?
Does anyone have art from ABitToasty’s old patreon?
looking mainly for both leinoti's oc latias comics, but more of his old stuff in general. i've checked wayback machine and furarchiever and only got one pic out of it, anyone's got anything archived ?
Anyone find the webcomic featuring this tanuki? Source: https://www.deviantart.com/randomuser888/art/Mimi-loves-flan-194427892
>>44443 Kitsune kiki is what it's called from what I can remember, the creator went on to make another currently running webcomic called Wukrii.
Does anyone have that jackie and jamie wg drive that axlwsp did?
>>43883 bump
Does anyone have an art paceplusle did of a fat temmie shopkeeper with paint on her belly advertising belly rubs? It was on their twitter but the nuked it because of the whole Elon Snusk thing
>>42871 So, does anyone have it?
>>42648 >>43606 that's 2and2make22, here's the snivy and audino post you were talking about. also his deviantart is likely deleted too since he wanted to stop making fetish art
anybody got an archive of all of roundedpentagon’s older art before he deleted his previous account?
Anyone have aggrestuko fat art? Tadano bellyfucked blob Restuko from pixiv.
Does anyone have a weight gain sequence/comic of a black cat being fattened up until they pop? Semi realistic art style.
Does any one have something like Valerie's Nightmare from Thunderkid92 but with Britney from Lordstromcaller?
This is less of fatfur art and more of inflation art,so I hope that's okay. I'm looking for these two pieces of art by AdDd3/Addde from before they deleted their gassier art. These are screenshots I got from wayback machine. At that,any deleted art of AdDd3's would be nice. Any help would be appreciated,thanks.
There was an old colored drawing by Maxtheberzerker/Cageofmirrors/Mirrorcage of Krystal looking fat and unhappy, possible in front of the mirror (not the same one attached to this post). Wanna say the filename was something like "Ha ha, Krystal." Would've been one of his earlier works. Never been able to find it in any galleries anywhere.
>>46381 Have you tried using Furarchiver
>>46385 I'll try.
>>46387 Found 'em. Thanks,Anon
Does anyone remember or have saved the light fury work of agentelobo91‘s Twitter, Lobo_fello?
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>>46384 was it one of these two?
>>46456 YES! It was the first one (I'm familiar with the second one too). Thanks for responding. Where did you find it? I didn't see it on his deviantart or furaffinity profiles.
>>46493 no idea, i could've sworn it was on his deviantart, but i can't find it there anywhere. i must've saved it way back when and forgot about it until i saw you describe it
>>46523 Fair enough. Thanks again.
>>42597 I'm sorry if this isn't exactly meant for this board (maybe it is, I don't really know), but has anyone saved the full rez version of this thumbnail? It was drawn by RFS421/OsaekomiMax.
Does anyone have zeroghostrei's Amy animations?
IDK if this is lost art or not but I don't know where else to ask. Theres this once Inflation/WG comic I read a while back set in the Victorian Era. Does anyone know what this comic is called?
>>46609 After years of the grueling, fruitless search, I present you this masterpiece in its original form + a binus drawing from the same artist. Enjoy!
Does anyone have an archive of AllyMoodyNeko's accounts?
Has anyone seen the video version of this by Addde?
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There's an old Krystalvix sequence that I've been looking for. It involved Krystal being fed ice cream by a macro before getting vored. I think it was called 'Krystal and the Planet of the Giant Feeders' or something like that. Ring any bells for anyone?
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Need some help. Looking for a piece originally by Sonic-Loser (aka [Txin], Foolishfifteen, Foolishreplika), where Sonic is talking to a very fat Knuckles who is laying on his stomach, possibly somewhere in a forest.
spoilered for inflation, does anyone happen to have this piece from snao/naoki_/tehsean in higher quality? only place I could find that has it is tumbex and its only in this size (slightly upscaled for a bit of clarity, though not much)
So there was a fart alt of this pic in the description of this piece on fA, but then it broke and subsequently got removed. Does anyone have that alt?
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if anyone has any art from carcupholder's deleted twitter (hopefully more of their bunny oc) i would appreciate it a ton, i miss their old art alot and i got sad when i found out their twitter was deleted this is all i have for now, an archive of it would be amazing too but i'll take whatever i can get
>>48264 You can get his old stuff here https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52241346/ https://carcupholder.gumroad.com/l/sketchbook He has a furaffinity now
>>48265 shoot, i thought i went through his furaffinity already but i mustve missed that post, i guess i didnt look well enough lol thank you though!
>>48319 You’re welcome. And if you can, post some of his highlights here. I’m too much if a coward to download it myself
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Does anyone know who made these or have anymore art by them? I can't seem to find it anywhere
>>46066 Bump
>>42629 Anyone got a plumpzone archive?
anybody got a LordStormCaller archive?
Not exactly furry, but does anyone have necron-ex's art? I know he posts to Discord, but I'm not in a server with him.
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>>48718 Seconding, including his non-furry art?
I'm desperate, anybody here got an archive of art by FA user ElizaElephant? They deleted their account, then undeleted it, then re-deleted it and now its been too long to restore it. They did a lot of stuff with the elephants from Dumbo, especially the Matriarch and especially still that scene of her getting stuck in the train car, and now that stuff is gone and it's getting harder and harder to find their stuff again...
>>49021 https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Gallery?artist=elizaelephant&page=1
>>49022 HOLY SHIT DOES THIS SITE DO THIS AUTOMATICALLY???? Oh my God, you're amazing!!!! Thank you!!!!!
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Found this in a Youtube compilation, anyone know the original source? It's from the 2000s and may be deleted from FA these days.
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Does anyone have a full res of this image or know the artist? I got sent this in a random discord dm but don't know who the artist is.
Not lost but I can’t find this one artist, I think they might have deleted bc I can’t seem to find any of their stuff on DA/FA or they were just on twitter They drew exclusively in pencil and did inflation/WG stuff typically of Sonic characters and Coco Bandicoot iirc. Two pics I remember is one of Rouge as a giant hedonistic queen surrounded by gold and the other of her being inflated in her Riders costume
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does anyone have this pic made by whybro101 in higher res?
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>>49107 Found the source. I don't think the res is much better if at all though https://twitter.com/ThatRavenousFox/status/1619619287647539202
Here is a collection of Belt-Buster/Gjesp art that was on FA before he deleted his account https://mega.nz/folder/WnBSibAD#QL1T9wQZ4TpMsdRsFezPjQ Remember that you can access any deleted art from FA with this link http://g6jy5jkx466lrqojcngbnksugrcfxsl562bzuikrka5rv7srgguqbjid.onion/fa/[artist name here]/ You will need to use Tor Browser though.
>>48625 bump, I also want to know this because this is actually well made.
>>51121 Is there also something similar on Tor that could help you access any deleted DA art?
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Anyone have さしみ醤油(@lAi0N78LlWxmLI2) deleted Nanachi art? https://x.com/lai0n78llwxmli2?s=21&t=BTuuiR7NlpUwrKoQVfVJvQ
Does anyone have some of Roarythefygar’s old art from back in the day? She purged her DA years ago, and I think some stuff was even posted here before it was moved off overtime.
>>48625 here's also an archive of their works https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Gallery?artist=asskeldama
>>51799 Thank you so much for this. Their gallery was pretty tiny, but it was still worth checking out
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Anybody got Fatfoxlower's old art?
Not sure about the artist’s name so I can’t use furarchiver, but does anyone happen to have this on piece of a plump bee girl sitting on a stump in some autumn forest? Think she may have had a green sweater on, used to be on FA but now it’s gone.
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Anyone know where to find Mellowhen's older, slobby Fidget art? Literally the only one I can find still floating around
>>53099 Took some digging to remember their old FA name (kittygurl521). After that, furarchiver pulled through.
>>42623 >>42630 >>42767 >>42871 >>43072 >>46609 I don't understand why you link OP.
Does anyone have blackfox85’s art that was posted to nathanounce’s tumblr?
>>54001 Has anyone seen a top-to-bottom stuffing sequence of a wolf girl with short hair, lipstick and some kind of a pride flag badge standing in front of a table with all sorts of fast food on it, lamenting that she can't eat it because she's on a diet, but then decides to take "just one bite". The last panel depicts all of the food gone and the wolf girl trying to pull her shirt over her swollen belly.
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Does anyone have an archive of Inflat-o-rivus? A lot of old stuff's been lost.
>>55239 What is happening in the sketch sequence, is that her clit?
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was there ever another part to this wg drive? can't remember. by catscranny on x
Any art/videos from TrashofThisGalaxy’svInkbunny account?
Archive of old art from whaatzit/spatazm?
>>55239 How about this >>55618
I'm looking for a art from a while back, it was of Ankha, if I recall, she was being served a buffet and after she finished she responded with "It was acceptable"
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>>56335 https://twitter.com/GrindaViking/status/1465929450831245317/photo/1
>>56354 Thank you
Might be a long shot, but does anyone have any art from TikkaBowTam on Pixiv? They closed their account a while ago.
>>51121 Noticed this Coco piece isn't in the mega folder I'd also suggest reuploading all of these to E621 if possible, I know Derpibooru has some of Belt's MLP pics.
Does anyoen here have a pack of Nemo art from FA?
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Any archives from this guy's DA? Wayback Machine doesn't help
Does anybody remember a expansion comic were some bunny girls (at least I think they were bunnys) by a pool? They had a water gun fight where each time they got splashed they expanded, and one fell into the pool and got really big. Wonder if anybody has that comic.
Anyone got HighlandHeifer's art packs before they deleted their Gumroad?
Searching for a weight gain sequence involving a snake/some kinda lizard lady in a mostly white (maybe whitish-bluish) suit. There was also a weight counter at the bottom which started at around 150 lbs. Saw it on twitter the other day but can't find it rn.
>>56889 Anyone here have the coco bandicoot and cream sequence that was made by XanderDWulfe?
>>48097 >>57765 That's in the "furry shotas and lolis" thread on this very board.
>>57768 Where is that again? I can't seem to find it.
>>55064 Apparently, it was a drawing of Lagartuz/Lagartuz_gartuz's OC Angela. Tried looking through his DA and Twitter galleries, but still couldn't find it. It was strikingly similar to the drawing attached to this post. Has anyone saved it?
>>57979 wh- The first number in that post, dude. >>48097 just click this
Artist called KG88_ on twitter nuked their account a while back. Does anyone have more of their stuff?
Probably a long shot. A few years ago on Deviantart I saw this one image of a Pokemon trainer and their Lopunny. Digital, decently drawn. They had beaten the Elite Four and the Lopuny was very horny and pressed up against the trainer. Dumbass me didnt save it and ever since I have not been able to find that damn image, and its driving me crazy.
Does anyone have highlandheifer's old art packs? They took down their gumroad when it went to shit, and I was wondering if anybody had a chance to get one of their packs.
Anyone got Fawxen's art of Noelle/Susie?
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Can't find the artist who made thise comic. Help me out?
>>59636 it looks like Colbob111's style but i can't find it on their account
>might as well post here because I'm curious if any of my fellow autists here remembers >when I was younger I remember seeing this really good flash animation posted on YouTube of ozkangaroo getting air inflated until he popped >it has compressed audio and shit like that but the shape and scenario was glorious >one day I decided to look this up recently >gone >it was in the sorta style as this image right here >does anyone remember this animation, or am I dreaming shit up?
>>59637 > Colbob111 there sonic stuff is hidden on da you can see it on FA
Does anyone have a picture by smokii of a white rat with a plug in and Tattered gray clothing? I think it got buried in his old twit and doesn't show up in the media tab.
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Could be the more difficult to found because he deleted his patreon but let's try it
>>60107 Why not ask him yourself on his thread? >>60160 Did this comic ever come out?
>>60160 >EdTheShapeshifter OUGH >>60161 How long has it been since Ed deleted his Patreon?
Anyone have the animation where the lamb (from cult of the lamb) gets fattened up or inflated really round via a ritual? I can't seem to find it.
>>60169 Around 2020-2021
Does anyone remember a sequence from Furaffinity with Sally Acorn getting fatter and fatter and getting corrupted by it? One of the pics was named Blorped Sally? I forgot the artist who made it though.
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Does anyone have any of DuoRadon's art? Or Mick's Quest by faf?
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>>42600 It's in the art archive linked here: https://mega.nz/folder/2ZcDxLCD#tAVx7tRCEMJncUCx202JwQ/folder/uds0mRjD
>>61917 How many 15 yr old delegates do it take to run into your truck to talk shit on a image board! All of em
Does anyone have any art by iaido?
There was a comic involving Julie Sue being expanded by the master emerald created by berty-j-a did anyone save that or know were to get it?
I've been trying to recover some art from GalacticExpand (he was on Deviant Art before nuking his account) in the Wayback Machine by any way possible because they where posted in BBW-Chan, however, the thread in the Wayback Machine didn't get registered properly, so please, if some people have still some other sequence or picture from GalacticExpand, this would be amazing (PS : I remember some sequence implying Rouge the Bat, a Glaceon, Krystal and Fay. Some of theses sequence are already there, but the one about Rouge the bat is Missing.)
Anyone have Smokedstacs/Stacpac old thread achieve or art?
I remember this one slob pic of a bull dressed in a white cowboy outfit, anyone know what I'm talking about?
>>62427 I also think the artist for the pic also drew another slob pic but of a deer in redneck clothing chugging a beer keg from a hose.
>>62427 >>62434 Fluffylai
>>62439 Thx :)
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Esylacopa art
The burp and fart threads got bumped out, anyone have an archive of them
Gonna say this again since no one read it. Anyone have the animation where the lamb (from cult of the lamb) gets fattened up or inflated really round via a ritual? I can't seem to find it. (I don't know the artist either sorry)
>>58148 it says "not found"
Does anyone have a collection of Overlyspecificart's stuff, such as some pics from his Ask the Plus-Sized Regular Show Girls tumblr blog?
Does anyone know this one Twitter artist that did really huge, uber-y inflation art? I don't remember their name, but I knew they had a toony mouse OC, and did screencap edits of inflation scenes from Tom and Jerry Tried searching through my Twitter likes for anything of theirs but the page refreshed back to the top after like, a half hour of scrolling
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anyone know who made this or has a higher res?
>>62547 nope
>>62656 Whats in vegas lol
Here's an odd one: Anyone got those pics of Unikitty as a blob...but they were actually made from real lego?
>>62689 That’s in the lego construct thread on /bbwalt/
There was this one thread where it was belly painting and I couldn’t archive it in time The main photo was a black furred anthro with a pumpkin painted on its belly
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Can someone post this image?
>>62774 I think it may be too old to have been caught by furarchiver before it was removed. Where did you get that picture?
>>62783 Over here, but if someone made it to save this image, I'll really thank you so much cause i really need that PIC for my collection. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/797275.html
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I swear I saw an animation of this character casting a spell, turning into a pooltoy dragon, and inflating into the sky can someone pls find it for meeee
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>>43071 Pst hey anon for what it's worth he's still around and goes by SilentJack8 on Twitter. They don't really post any inflation stuff publicly anymore but I think they're still ok with commissioning if
>>60169 This comic never got past page 2. I was on his Patreon until he closed it and he never worked on it past an intro.
Not sure if this is the right place or not, but I'm looking for an image of Millie from Helluva Boss being tf'd into a cow (though it's just her with the black/white cow pattern), anyone know what I'm talking about?
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Anyone got this pic in higher quality?
Looking for this inflation and stuffing comic where a poodle lady becomes a blimp spectacle to a crowd and a fox lady stuffs herself to gargantuan proportions as well. The comic was written in rhyme and made to look like a book from the 17th century.
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anyone got all 30 parts?
>>63493 Took me a bit to remember what it was called. Ballon Pompereille by sharpt00th and aurelina https://hentaiforce.net/view/116247
(270.30 KB 890x890 F0O4AqpagAAMP9X.png)
>>63492 best i could find, not much bigger sadly
(Warning, farts) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NH9aPHvj6yUvdIP_s1lkzrLBTQ5YRPOb/view Here's an odd one for y'all. Just send as many pics as you're able to find.
anybody remember stylus animations and vore? and does anybody have any of his old work?
Need help finding an artist. They mainly did inflation art of various game characters, their art was kinda pixel-y, but it wasn't pixel art, more like close-up brush strokes, and the most notable thing I remember about them is that they quit doing sonic art around 2022 I think.
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If anyone somehow has this or anything like it, I will be in your debt forever
>>65118 This it? Rule 34 says it's by someone named slypon
>>65201 Anyone have this?
Does anyone somehow have a sketch of Tails as a Blueberry Reaching for a Pill? It's not colored but I saw it on FA around 2019 but can't find it anymore. Does anyone have it? He was like on his side/belly
Someone had DuoRadon Old Art?
any1 got an archive of mermalademan/gelatingent?
Inflat-o-virus. https://web.archive.org/web/20240613152431/https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/55618.html
Any archive for Maxandpumperinc’s stuff?
Full comic?
There was this drawing one drawing i saw on twitter long time ago of an extremly fat black cat lady who was stuck in doorframe and sweating profoundly, wasnt able to find it ever since
does anyone have that one fan animation of Wile E. Coyote getting inflated by a hose? The person who uploaded the animation on Twitter nuked their account and I didn't download it in time.
Anyone have that pic of Gumball Watterson as a Couch-Filling blob?
(815.29 KB 1496x927 1429163469.jimman_sxammies[1].png)
Ok, here's the thing. I'm looking for this piece Trinityfate made a few years back, it was of two male rottweilers with Huge butts, they were smacking them together, it had a nice squish to it, it was called "Backyard Dogs"
looking for an old Inflation comic with Amy vs. Rouge, I think it was made by AlanEs?
So I actually found JerryTTheOmegaFox/SpikeTheFoxyYoshi's lost Yoshi inflation sequence, but it's only in very low res archives (except for part 4). Anyone have higher quality versions?
>>62620 That appears to be SumiSune's art style. If you or anyone still needed that.
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Does anyone have this art pack?
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Does anyone have a picture of Betilla from Rayman being transformed into a frog-like bubble dreamer creature, something like this image except the background was yellow? There was a corresponding story to it too.
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Does anyone have Mintoyatsu(FurAffinity artist but deleted all) art? I want to see the picture of the fat Mimiga from Cave Story again.
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Ok, i know i’m gonna sound like a complete fucking schizo and probably isn’t what the thread is about but i swear there was an intro for bubblebox sponsored games at one point where the dino inhales a bubble and gets inflated from that, and i cannot for the life of me track down any of the games with this intro
>>42597 Anyone go a pic that had a few feral snakes inflated and drunk off wine?
(467.97 KB 1920x1080 tinywow_bubblebox_60576110.webm)
>>69693 found in pretentious game 5's intro>>69693
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Anyone got NeetBean's stuff from twitter before they deleted it? I went to a Discord DM and noticed they were gone
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Does anybody have EffectBlooms deleted Rouge art?
There was a pic I remember from years ago that was called "First to Burst" and it was two immobile furries where one was being forcefed a conveyor belt of hamburgers, and the other had a tube of water in their mouth. Does anyone have that one? Don't remember the artist. Thanks
A bit of a long shot, but I remember around 4 years ago seeing a short mutual weight gain comic on deviantart. It was about this thin yellow rabbit and her super fat blue dog boyfriend. The pages started out with her trying to help him lose weight I think, but she ended up getting fat herself. I explicitly remember one of the pages was of the rabbit at work and she was struggling to button up her pants, and one of her was commenting on her gain. Also, the comic ended with them getting married and having a kid together. Again, it’s a bit of a long shot because from what I remember, the account that it came from wasn’t very popular, but I’d be super grateful if anybody here had anything from it. :)
does anyone have a decent archive of smappa's various art?
>>70624 I will be alerting my homies about this. But first, I gotta ask you this: How old are you now?
>>70634 https://www.reddit.com/r/fatfurs/comments/1eh32va/please_find_this_pic_for_a_poor_soul/
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>>70642 I just left.
By chance, does anyone have or know where to find the complete sequence of Cream and Coco bandicoot drawn by XanderDWulfe? Months ago someone mentioned that it was in a specific thread, but it was deleted, and I can't find it anywhere and for some reason it won't let me upload one of the images I could find so you could know which one I'm referring to
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found this in my drive. artist seems to have vanished higher res would be appreciated
Does anyone have anything made by fruitgremlin/veggiegremlin- specifically of their oc, Gasper? They deleted most of their stuff out of the blue, including pics and a really good animation.
Hey does anyone by chance have some animations saved from BigFattyNinja before they nuked their account on Twitter last year? (Yeah, the same guy that did the Bowser Fart GIF xP)
>>71052 >childhood You're still a child. Get off bbw-chan. Go outside. Play with your Skibidi Playtime action figures.
>>71054 Actually, I have a question for lucastheshaunthesheepfan11. How old are you now?
>>71086 >I have a question for lucastheshaunthesheepfan11 >Replies to me, a literal anon Suck on a lead pipe.
>>71095 I was not replying to you.
>>71124 What's the severity of your autism?
>>57765 Seconding this one
Does anyone have a backup for all of fruitgremlin/veggiegremlin‘s art?
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Does anyone have any of her deleted art? She was drawn by an X-user named さしみ醤油 https://x.com/lai0n78llwxmli2?s=21 In the deleted picture, she is fatter and eating cheese
>>71403 seconding this, all their stuff has randomly disappeared
(1.94 MB 1800x2400 v1qfh5lnacq91.png)
Looking for the rest of this comic where they get fat and cum from being so fat. It was made by Bunnyesque and commissioned by u/sparklingpup on reddit but it's now deleted. The first panel was the only one I could find.
Any deleted art from RoyalJellySandwich?
I remember seeing it posted on this board before, don't remember when, but there was a black and white sequence of someone summoning a deer lady demon that gained weight from multiple times of being banged and came in. Anyone have that or possibly able to find that?
does anyone have the MP4 + sound version of this piece?
Looking for an art done by smokii/smokedstacs, it was two blobby wolf girls arguing against each other and all sweaty. Hoping someone has it
does anyone have art pieces that are sprite edits of the Star Fox 2 characters but fattened up?
>>44141 Once again asking about this lost pic, if anyone has any information
>>73531 Never mind I fuckin found it! YES! https://www.weasyl.com/~iko/submissions/309613/ghost-fuck
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consider these lost, cause i don't post art anymore :) sorry for the low quality, these were made for a game jam game.
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Anyone here have all the missing parts of a weight gain sequence from jinenji89 (where this colored image came from)? Only it was uncolored and that this character started out as a human first before slowly becoming an animal like in here. I remember it existing on his DA page before removing it or something.
I'm looking for this one pic of a Scottish Terrier teacher with a balloon belly, anyone care to help me find it?
>>73747 Found it. (P.S, Learn dog breeds)
Does anyone remember or saved this one work of a bunch of fat pokemon having an obese orgy with three dark-skinned bhm from pixiv? I think I remember it was done by the artist rarebelly
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Anyone have Ruby from Jewelpet drawn by Smokii? It was drawn in the request thread.
Anybody here have the original picture or the name of the artist who drew it?
>>74566 Following this, they also had a surge drawing that was only up for a few moments. Anyone might have that?
Any art by Ultrahand?
Anyone have the two Hypette series from Lesang on deviantart? Tried coming back to it today, only discovered his stuff got nuked some years ago, everything in his galleries gone...
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WiishyIshii did a wg drive with Toriel and Asgore that had at least 3 parts. They removed the posts because the tweets mentioned Patreon and said they'd reupload them on FA after they finished the last part. That was like 3 years ago and they apparently have given up finishing it. They haven't even reuploaded the parts they've already done. If anyone has them, pls send
Does anyone have fat monstercat mascot fanart?
Does anyone have the version of this with color?
Looking for a piece of art I can't remember who drew that featured two Yordles from League of Legends, one skinny and one (Poppy I think) massively fat, with the smaller one pushing themselves into the larger one's backside. I remember it being black and white.
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I remember there being a comic dub of Water Works by Kleiny and it feathered @MegTheLovableDork as Lucille in it. I thought I remember it was Ample Expansion who made it. Does anyone have it or have it arrived?
>>75360 this maybe the answer to your question fellow anon https://e621.net/pools/22390
>>75469 No, not the actual comic but a comic dub and it featured @MegTheLovableDork as Lucille (the brown fox) in it. I thought I remembered it it was by Ample Expansion.
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>>75590 >The Zamari Johnson >LordStormCaller Zauner?
>>75590 What? >>75591 Not me this time.
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>>75590 If you're requesting this to be edited so that Clover can be in her cat form, you can do so at >>54042.
>>75590 https://nitter.poast.org/ZamariJohnson4 Genuinely can't tell if this either a child or retarded, but the Gacha Life shit is enough of a red flag for me. >>75594 >Not me this time. stfu
Anyone know of a sequence in which Cala Maria lets herself get eaten by this tan, fat, blonde chick with glasses? Asking here because I remember it being both on FA and DA, but now I'm convinced that it got deleted. If the sequence can't be produced, knowing the artist's name might help.
>>71839 bumping, really liked fruitgremlin/veggiegremlins stuff, especially their veggiegremlin stuff.
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>>62542 damn! didn't expect to see my old art here! here! you can have more of my hidden art :)
Many years ago, in 2017, I remembered this image. it was my little pony like Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory with someone in the characters of My Little Pony who played the roles of the other characters in the movie. Pinkie Pie was Willy Wonka, rarity was purple, CMC was the Oompa Loompas, in fact I don't even think Equestria Girls existed yet, because I remember the next one, Twilight Sparkle, was black. The rest of the characters were white... Well, except for Rarity who was a blueberry. I mean, rainbow dash and Fluttershy had wings in this one with white skin, kind of like the MLH animations. I mean it looks like a coloring and pencils with only one page with 3 parts in it. the first two parts are at the top and they were small, it's mostly included of Twilight talking to pinkie Wonka, I guess I didn't understand what they were saying and the third page, the rarity was a blueberry wearing Violet's costume with the 5 girls looking at it and the CMC rolling it. I guess that's it for me, really, I mean I like to get that back one day because I really want to rediscover my whole childhood again. (and to see what Twilight was talking to Pinkie Wonka?), I hope you can help find it? The artwork looked like this Reddit - https://preview.redd.it/crimcb8dd6rd1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec3da993a9f82b57ed345d57a468744f18370d66 And this is how I remember it: Reddit - https://preview.redd.it/uzf1ylbkd6rd1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775bda9af9dbd1c1c60ebc82dfbf4256455bfc83 Let us therefore spare the word: #FPWCS or #FindPinkieWonkaComicStrip
(21.76 KB 338x424 uzf1ylbkd6rd1.webp)
>>76312 Okay.
>>76313 that's the drawing of how i remembered it, that's not it.
Looking for art of a blob Mistress Splinter (Rule 63'd TMNT Splinter) that I think milk-knight drew at some point.
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Does anyone have the high quality?
I got one that I'm try to remember so far i recalled there was a Japanese artist in Fur Affinity. It had two art i recalled 1.ex HTF petunia being water inflation by flippy with a hose and the other one is a fat queen swap her weight with her bunny servant.
does anyone have an archive of orukaniumu's suspended twitter? pls
>>76451 How's this?
>>76861 Perfect! Thanks!
>>76861 Artist?
Anyone know what happened to allymoodyneko? Also anyone know where I can find the donation inflation with kallen from code geass?
looking for a pic of a fat unicorn and a fat Pegasus being bitchy to eachother. May have been Big Horse or ShottsyArts
I'm trying to find back an art of a Shortstack white Kitty with pink bow ribbon and clothes, but Il' cut short of what you may think : no, it's neither moot nor hello kitty, it's a complete OC with her own name from an artist that I've been trying to find since I've first saw it, but despite the many attempt on X, no result so far the last pictures I could describe of the art seen is, that the OC had different X-ray showing her more or less nude with different layer (no gore or anything) I would be glad if someone could find it...
>>77063 https://nitter.poast.org/Nightsome5/status/1795984174467219868 Your description fits Nightsome5's Lilly, as well as the Xitter post linked above due to you having mentioned the "X-Ray".
>>77064 many thank's Anon! you saved my day!
I'm looking for a picture where Rouge the Bat is fucked as an inflatable toy by a blue dragon and she gets bigger and bigger because of the cum and then explodes
>>76031 holy shit ty, hey do you still have the hollow knight art you drew for your old twitter account
Does anyone have fat monstercat mascot art?
Anybody know the name of a story? It was about a squirrel tricking his grandma who worked at a bakery into giving him more cake than he would normally be allowed. I think her mind was failing and he’d gaslight her into thinking she hadn’t already given him some. Ended with her feeding him until he burst, I think. Thanks in advance. :)
Does anyone by any chance have the full version of this? Artist name Is ABitToasty/Jiggledoggle/Wobbledoggle
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>>76427 Not blob but ehhh pretty close.
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This is an Uber-specific picture and I have zero idea if anyone is gonna know who made it but I’m trying to find this sketch page of Zoe Monroe from Beat Bangers. One of the drawings is her inflated and the other is her pants inflating. I have zero idea who drew it but I’ve been going through FA like a madman trying to find it so I’m assuming the artist deleted it
there was alink that show all the jelliroll past art in Mega can anyone share it on here please ?
Someone will have part 2 of this sequence, since I have looked for it in many places and I have not found it. If anyone has it please send it to me, I am missing this piece of art. The artist is Garuda_six
(1.20 MB 1540x1227 fatlyss.png)
dropping atlyss fatty here aswell
Any of Fawxen's old Noelle art?
some cettus stuff since i cant find his stuff anywhere anymore
Anyone have さしみ醤油(@lAi0N78LlWxmLI2) deleted Nanachi art as they deleted all there stuff out of nowhere after making a bunch a month ago.
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anyone got this? (screenshot from a yt vid)
>>77815 Pretty sure he's on Itaku now
>>77669 artist?
Looking for a transformation sequence about a woman being fattened into a cat-cow hybrid of sorts. I think SweetnessAdmirer was the artist of it.
>>78026 Found it!
Looking for an Aurelina piece that had a fat anthro horse wearing a bdsm outfit.
>>78056 Nevermind
(21.21 KB 400x124 [email protected])
(35.88 KB 400x124 [email protected])
Somebody can find these in high quality these are from thebigroundguy in furaffinity But I can't find it with better resolution
there was this old piece; it was a man who started a double battle, but didnt have another pokemon, so he turned into a fat female vaporeon, This was originally on FA but I can't find it anywhere nowadays, I just want to see it, to know I didn't imagine the whole thing
Not exactly furry, but does anyone have bluethebot/bluebot888's lost art?
>>78279 They have an FA, don't they? Have you tried furarchiver?
Does anyone have any of spaghettiz' fart stuff? Ive seen some here and there but its mostly pretty much lost from what ive seen
Anyone have the original of this?
He deleted all his fat stuff on furaffinity and now I can't find any of it
Im sure this is a dumb question but is there any way for me to view the images on this page? Wayback machine doesn’t work and architect.coffee only goes back so far http://bbw-chan.nl/bbfurries/res/3306.html
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Someone has a sketch of @rattiesteps where is a primarina laying down rubbing its belly? i can't find it.
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>>78750 Here you go, I didn't remember drawing this
>>78768 Great do you have more primarina stuff?
>>78523 He has an archive of all of his art, as well as a private twitter account https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/hnd0ziqy8sep81mbf3h6k/h?rlkey=n6ea86q8lg198pjl3tw2t5jsg&st=2cybggma&dl=0 https://x.com/epicdestroyer91
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Does anyone know who drew this sketch of a female version of Munch from Tribal Hunter?
>>78805 nevermind that I found out it was official art, though it was fanart or something, oops
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>>78792 Maybe just this, this is very old stuff
>>78927 Ok what about one o these super sized cuties?
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Probably no chance, but does anyone have merkurscorpio's art? They were a new artist on furaffinity that popped up for a few weeks and then suddenly deleted everything. Only managed to save this from a discord post.
>>70183 bumping for this one
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>>78929 I think I've done Delphox, Lopunnies are the ones I occasionally draw
>>79215 Can you make Tsareena or Salazzle? 🙏Please.
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does anyone have the rest of this sequence by grindaviking? twitter's search function is shit and i can't tell if it was deleted or just buried. the only part i could find (pic) was on a sketchy image reupload website and none of the other parts were there.
Looking for an image I saw a few days ago of before and after a rat girl found some large donuts.
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Anyone able to get or pass on all the e-junkei packages from meanybeany?
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Someone save the next part of this sequence that was uploaded on telegram?
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i'm trying to find the animations that go with these thumbnails. i know they're all by mok850, but i couldn't find any of them in his MEGA archive, and the google drive links he posted on his furaffinity don't work anymore. i know the alkora one used to be on youtube, but i'm not sure if it still is or what it was even called. does anyone have these or know where i can find them?
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>>76031 >>62542 More of Esylacopa’s art that I like that I imagined to recover
There was a video of an anthro bunny rubbing her belly in a soda factory, where shortly after, her belly expanded a lot and she had to stumble to pick herself back up. Does anyone have this video?
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Does anyone have the sixth and seventh part of this sequence? It was uploaded by Mary Draconis (saintdraconis) on Twitter
>>79215 Let me see that delphox or braixen.
(757.98 KB 438x360 COLA BELLY.webm)
>>79660 it's still on youtube with the title COLA BELLY, but here
>>79820 Ahhh! There's an audio version that nobody seems to have anymore though!
chip n Dale Rescue Rangers by jackuri
Does any one have that rouge blueberry comic byTheBigRoundGuy
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I remember there being a full sequence but now I can’t find it, does anyone else remember?
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Can anyone tell the name of the artist?
>>80527 Rchammer5
>>80528 Thanks!
Does anyone have that two panel sequence of a Mawile girl? The first panel was her going up to and opening a fridge in the dark and the second panel was her waddling away from it with the fridge being completely empty and having bites taken out of it.
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No Idea who did this
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anyone got @uka_tal / @toy06.bsky.social art? they recently nuked both accounts, these are all i have saved (third one was from a shitty google images preview)
Superspoe once made a weight gain art of adult Anais from Gumball somewhere in 2016-2017 and now it’s gone along with several other his old art. Does anyone have it?
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>>80725 It was this one, managed to find only the preview version. Anyone has it in full quality?
Someone has a short sequence where dixie kong is eating a lot of bananas i cant find them.
Does anyone have Lasercosmo3's pic of an obese Vector the Crocodile being fed cake by Vanilla the Rabbit? I was hoping I could find it on Fur Archiver but it's not there, and I've really wanted to see it again
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Does anyone have fat Ogerpon art drawn by 肉の塊(Niku-No-Katamari)? It's been deleted from his fanbox
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Does anyone have Xero/Purringpastry’s really extremely gross slobby art?
>>81054 It’s on his tumblr, I believe https://www.tumblr.com/official-shitlord/153543560376/wg-sequence-commission-of-an-older-anais-from?source=share
Looking for 2 pics I saw on FA a year or 2 ago. Forgot the artists and none of my search terms are giving any results. First was in a kinda cartoony style and kinda “dark” showing a cat trying to goad a rat or mouse into entering a special restaurant or club for rodents then a cutaway view of the inside of the building where there were a bunch of other rats/mice chained up and being force fed melted cheese and fattened up (although it might’ve also been a rat fattening up cats in an ironic twist of fate or something). One of the characters I think was a pale blue-ish color and I think one of the characters inside might’ve had tears in his eyes. The character being guided towards the building looked kinda nervous/suspicious like they knew something was fishy about the offer too. The other was a more detailed painting style by a different artist and it showed two female characters sitting on the floor in a convenience store/gas station or buffet. They both looked super stuffed and I think were sitting back to back or slumped against a countertop. One was trying to tell the other she thinks the owners called the cops, but can’t seem to get her friend’s attention. Her friend that isn’t listening is underneath a soda fountain or ice cream machine drinking from the nozzle and looks ready to burst, seemingly too zoned out to stop before she does and unable to notice her friend calling her name. They both had pretty red bellies, and I think pretty severe and highly detailed stretch marks.
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Anyone remember this comic? think I saw it on twitter, but can't remember the artist
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>>81385 Proxibody's Just Pitch It! immediately came to mind, but I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for.
>>81392 Yes! That's the one tysm!
>>77242 I actually was close friends with them since '21 I have that, along with quite a few others they never posted, add me on discord @ gourmandscug since I don't want them being shared elsewhere
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Im looking for a scat/fart variant of this pic, the artist goes by Jovanboy on deviantart and the name of it is “FOUR-BBW-ANTHRO”. if anyone has please send it my way.
(5.65 KB 200x200 [email protected])
I'm looking if anyone has the full collection of "I want a Fez "THIS" Big". It was a 20 Part Inflation Sequence made by Fancy Fez before he nuked a portion of his gallery. Parts 1-8 can be found on waybackmachine, but the remainder was locked behind a mature rating. Also, this is one of the pictures in low quality. If anyone has it, I would greatly appreciate it.
>>81550 Sent request
>>81933 if you go to furarchiver and look him up it's there in its entirety
>>82413 Well damn, I did not know that existed and that it also has both the picture and description. You’re a lifesaver mate. Thanks a lot.
I can't remember who made it, but i think it was a color pencil image of Sally Acorn and Amy Rose sumo wrestling. The only major detail i can remember is that Sally was three times the size of Amy
