/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Keroro thread Anonymous 02/28/2025 (Fri) 21:48:22 Id:41e13f No. 82549
I don't know how to write this anymore
(2.86 MB 2536x930 Pururu by chandelarwitch.png)
(1.25 MB 2097x723 Maru by chandelarwitch.png)
(408.04 KB 2688x3128 Fat Chibi Fukiki.jpeg)
(365.35 KB 2256x2496 Fat Chibi Pururu.jpeg)
From the ol' alt draw thread
>>82555 That's right, I commissioned that (with help from a friend on the Internet) a long time ago, then I don't commission the same artist (ProfessorDoctorC) again after that
(492.30 KB 1512x673 119705781_p0.png)
Forgot to write this before posting the image: This image is taken from Subakitsu/Zoro's Twitter account.
(1.56 MB 1295x1346 Tamama fat butt.png)
(1.46 MB 1413x1375 Tamama fat blob sketch.png)
(3.51 MB 5143x2864 tamama fat blob.png)
(1.28 MB 2592x1936 tamama butt thing.jpg)
Have some of these Tamama illustrations I did, awhile ago. I still enjoy the 2nd pic (zoom-in shot of Tamama's massive blobby stomach, moobs,etc). I'd like to do some more art of the cast.
>>82566 these are amazing DANGGGGGGG
(Second image spoilered for popping)
(107.80 KB 750x680 IMG_6535.JPG)
(79.66 KB 1150x1280 IMG_6534.jpg)
(95.88 KB 750x750 IMG_6539.JPG)
(108.88 KB 1879x1060 giroro.png)
>>82566 the third one is insanely cute and hot and i need all of em to get that huge,,,, >>82549 did everyone get nostalgic for this series all at once or did the series revival get even more people back into the anime
(32.91 KB 1665x927 tamama now thats a good album.png)
>>82549 before i go to bed, Have Another
>>82762 Who did this art?
>>82762 >>82744 Aight there are making me want even more a janitor.ai bot of these lil' dudes to fatten up
