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Lana2002 Curvage Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 07:15:00 Id:6f543b No. 110147
Here is what I have https://we.tl/t-BWNPxIG4kZ?src=dnl Post more Lana2002
Anyone have the force feed or the last weigh in?
Most recent weigh in - seconded
I Sae it, she's up to 377 ibs now
She's amazing
>>110220 Any chance you could post it please?
>>110220 hero pls post hero pls
Here you guys go. https://we.tl/t-f6Ep36Ydfl
>>110453 You absolute legend thank you so much!
>>110453 If you have anything for her can you please share
>>110477 Just bought that clip. I buy clips based on how horny I am. I gotta be astronomically bricked to pay almost 20 dollars for her other rarer works.
She's such a fat pig - utterly gorgeous
The amount of food she eats a day would be enough to feed 8 children in a country like Somalia.
>>110147 Any chance for a reup?
Her sleepy eyes and look of utter enjoyment getting rubbed while she eats is pretty hot.
>>110453 reup please good people
Here are a few videos I have: https://we.tl/t-mqF6SQVe5Z
>>111740 legend
>>112063 I don't have any but if you want other model vids such as canii or roxxie i've got some
>>112063 Can you write what model do you want with that we can exchange videos
>>112063 not how this site works, pal
>>112063 No problem U don’t know how this site works lul
>>112099 Sorry my bad. Here are the videos: https://we.tl/t-epYwYsfb8h
>>112068 But if you have Greedy Sow or bloatedbarbie videos it would be nice if you could upload them
Can anyone re-up her recent weigh in video that was posted earlier in this thread?
>>112441 Yes, here it is. I have also added some other previously shared videos: https://we.tl/t-yC4WszW6NX
can someone reload the december weigh-in please?
Anyone got any of her stuff
can someone please reup, i've been looking for her content for months and I now only found this sub
Re-upload on her weigh-in video aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LThWVENLVlRuS24=
thx legend
i’ve known abt this vid a while not sure if anyone sent it already tho, enjoy https://spankbang.com/5z9tq/video/pretty+fatty
Here is just a reupload of the videos I posted above: https://we.tl/t-BdY1Apq2aV
Happy Friday lads. She's one of my favorites and this is her best vid I have. Double wrapped YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlXYTFSck1HNWhWbk5yTWk5MWN6ST0=
>>114047 You absolute legend thank you so much man
>>114047 Wow thank you for this vid
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>>114047 reup?
>>114503 Here you have the Video: https://we.tl/t-aQ5a6x3wZV
Any reups?
Any reups?
>>115661 Where are those from? Post the vid if you have it
her coomer needs an update anyways
Anyone has her latest weigh in? Seems I misses it. In case, I have all her older weigh ins
>>116448 same i always find it mad that theres girls this young into this fetish. so hot
>>116643 it is pretty nuts how much she's been willing to ruin herself...20 years old and a BMI nearly in the 70s already
BMI 70+ works for me ....
Some new stuff on this Chlamydia ridden cunt W(3)SgzKVNnektVaFNNR05JVFRaTWVUa3pXbE0xTUdKRE9UQk1WWGd5Vm14T2RFMTZTazFsUlZFOQ==
>>117210 how did u encode this bro i can’t get shit from it?
The same way you decide anything else… worked for me.
>>117230 Used b64 and got nothing, could just be me maybe
>>117210 >>117227 >>117232 delete the (3) and it'll work
>>117988 https://we.tl/t-Sp4WZWx68M
>>117988 One more https://we.tl/t-jxIQPBKcne If someone can upload some new stuff that would be nice
>>117998 you are awesome!
Any more re ups? Just discovered this beauty
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LU9QV3ZVZGZ4UFo= The new video here
There is a mega with her content? If not, guys could u up the videos u have and I make it
Forever grateful if anyone has that pizza sex stuffing video
>>119309 https://we.tl/t-LTKWZXG4sT Are you telling me this
Anyone have one these?
I'd love her end of 2022 weigh in Or even just to know what she weighs now ??
>>119407 I believe this is it but i havent checked. Its one of her weigh ins atleast aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXN6UEl5VVV5OVk=
Heres a dump of some of her content aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXhreDBya3VBT1k=
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>>119520 Yeah dude great drop, appreciate it a lot.
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>>119664 literally me :3
Why does she get such a brown skin colour between her thighs and ass? It get so little air that it start to rot? Never understood why.
>>119704 She’s fucking gorgeous
>>119704 insulin resistance and chafing leading to hyperpigmentation. most morbidly obese women have more or less dark thighs and brapper i find it hot as fuck
>>119732 ik and shes like 20
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>>110220 gentlemen, she is only 5'2 so according to the chart she is already an SSBBW why is still her forum at the bbw one???
>>119755 Because that chart was created by hyper autists who feel the need to spread their own mandates of what categorizes fat bitches
>>119757 You could argue splitting the site by /Bbw/ and /Ssbbw/ is the same
I saw that chart on Mochii's thread. Good standards imo. Anyway if we have two subforums we need to establish the limit in an objective way
Bloody hell, just realised this girl liked me on WooPlus a few weeks ago.
>>119767 that app is such shit now after the past few "updates" and "improvements" can't even send a hello without paying now and unlocking who liked you is completely randomized and reblurs them after so you it's a dice roll and you'll end up seeing people you already "unlocked" multiple times. app got it's basic features paywalled into oblivion.
How do these Links work, I just get send back to bbwchan?
>>119755 >>119757 >>119761 stuff like this is usually my idea, and sometimes it backfires. I think /ssbbw/ has been a huge success the goal of the split was to stop people arguing endlessly about who was and wasn't a bbw, and get all the ssbbw fans to stop shitting all over bbw saying girls weren't fat enough for the site arguments like this crop up once in a blue moon, instead of like 5 times a day like they did before /ssbbw/ existed TLDR: the chart is nonsense, there's no specific rule about who goes where, people just use common sense
>>119828 aham, and my common sense tell me that Lana2002 is indeed an SSBBW, casually as the chart states, so imo is a good tool
>>119840 the common sense is about how much shit random posters are gonna give you for your choice, and also where fans expect to see girls, lana has been popular in /bbw/ for a long time if she graduated to another board her fans might have trouble finding her, but eventually yeah the fan collective can shift TLDR: You want a model to move boards? make a super duper high quality OP in the target board :P but you won't because you're lazy
>>115661 Anyone have this / reup?
>>120187 Some old vid https://we.tl/t-HG1tNWqDfc
good stuff on her coomer
Can someone reupload some of the content they have…i just discovered her and shes so my type
https://mab.to/t/vf6OCl5VJJm/eu1 All vids that I have enjoy it
>>123147 thx king
Latest OF vid https://we.tl/t-boVangNTGe
>>123748 Awesome, ty
>>124049 Damn this released yesterday, a true hero 👏
>>124049 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVFpaUldvNGFYbEJSVFE9 Cant play the video
>>124078 its h.265 encoded some old arse devices dont support it.
>>124078 My dude, it's 2023, if you don't have VLC installed on every device you own, you're either 100 years old or 12.
I guess you are a fucking virgin if you have VLC on every single device of yours just to jerk off :D
>>124220 >>124208 Is MPC still superior doe
can someone reup something? find her too late to download anything(((
>>124274 MPC's Windows only. It's probably the most popular piece if software of all time. It's not open source though and you need to download codecs seperately. There have been security concerns in the past sorrounding both VLC and MPC. Like most security concerns in the west these are largely kept on the hush-hush by some groups that probably deem themselves more wise than the rest of us.
>>124208 It's 2023, not 2013. VLC is now exactly what it was trying to replace: a bloated, substandard media player. .>>124078 Don't listen to that out of touch loser, get MPC.
heres some new stuff from onlyfans https://we.tl/t-Q5VGZ7kjXL
Anyone got some of her lastest only fans stuff? Latest video https://we.tl/t-e7di4zZ1yU
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Dying for that 20 min vid
Anyone have these ? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/23986-fatty-eats-entire-birthday-cake-12l-of-weight-gain-shake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/15783-dominoes-stuffing%F0%9F%8D%95/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/18865-weight-gain-shake-chocolate-cake/
just updated her coomer. Have fun.
>>129915 good stuff thanks
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love her dark brapper
Here is a reup of some of her videos: https://we.tl/t-ZmczKapE6P
YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMKEthbnNhc1J1bGVzKVVZNVJFeHpOMWN5TjFVPQ== Some of her latest stuff /\ H265 encoded and 7zipped up for your pleasure
>>131537 Thanks dude. Almost bought it
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>>131537 >Out 2023-09-15-14-00-11.m4v did you crop and edit video this video? looks awful. >H265 encoded and 7zipped up for your pleasure please just upload the source footage (and to https://pixeldrain.com/) next time also, compression does basically nothing to video files. put the compression level to store (none) so it extracts faster next time, thanks https://coomer.party/importer/
>>131577 https://we.tl/t-0KMNuhuwRm Here
such sexy long straight dark hair, esp in contrast with that lush pale bod
Anyone have these ? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/23986-fatty-eats-entire-birthday-cake-12l-of-weight-gain-shake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/37167-40-cupcakes-challenge/
I am updating the coomer as we speak
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Bruh I need her stuffing videos is that so much to ask ;(
>>135952 Dont worry yall here too the rescue YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGIoQ29ybmRvZ3MgYXJlIG5pY2UpQzkwTFhCa09VY3lNako0ZWxvPQ==
>>136072 You are a myth for that recent cupcake video boss would you happen to have these as well: https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/23986-fatty-eats-entire-birthday-cake-12l-of-weight-gain-shake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/18865-weight-gain-shake-chocolate-cake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/15783-dominoes-stuffing%F0%9F%8D%95/ I wish I could offer something in return but I have most of the vids you posted unless you need the force fed dominoes
Here are her last two videos: https://we.tl/t-HD8O6Lnu4M
>>137533 Thank you!
Anyone got the latest drunk stuffing video?
>>138232 I might do. Ill have to have a look when im home from work
>>137658 Anyone have pizza hut stuffing in bed or her force feeding vids?
anyone has the last drunk stuffing?
>>139808 Anyone could send me all the videos with her, I would be very grateful)))
How much does she weight
Anyone have her new video on Curvage?
I have Just bought her latest video and some others. I have never seen such lazy crap on curvage. Anyone know how to get your money back from them? YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWihTd2VhdHkpUzUwYkM5MExXZHBSRkZyU1V0VFN6Yz0=
>>141284 Honestly that drunk stuffing video wasn't that bad. But for the price and all the time she spent hyping this up you'd think they would have done more. And unless I missed something, the hottest gif in the preview was nowhere to be seen in the vid.
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Stuffing and try on https://we.tl/t-GxSuyi95wc Any new vids? She’s looking bigger
I'm late to the party, can you please reup?
>>141284 she so sexy bww can you please reupload i love her weigh gain
Does anyone have these ?? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/23986-fatty-eats-entire-birthday-cake-12l-of-weight-gain-shake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/18865-weight-gain-shake-chocolate-cake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/15783-dominoes-stuffing%F0%9F%8D%95/ In return here’s a re-up of some recents https://mab.to/t/wOWeYvUquA0/us2
Updated coomer recently. Fat slob
>>144861 https://we.tl/t-Fsvde2WIWq Enjoy
https://we.tl/t-mNcssfgma4 /\ Yall aint ready for this drop
>>144873 >https://we.tl/t-mNcssfgma4 >>144876 >https://we.tl/t-mNcssfgma4 Thank you. GREAT!!!
>>144878 yes, good stuff - thanks, king!
Shes just uploaded this to OF https://we.tl/t-RNB8G3iHkp
>>146116 a lil reup for you bro be fast https://we.tl/t-6oYVhm3Fus
Could you guys reupload some stuff 🙏
>>147380 https://we.tl/t-2Gexmn3ZAn No problem mate
New Weigh in https://we.tl/t-z2Ik6GiG9N
>>148466 You are a legend
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She's bigger now but this picture is so fuckin' hot and I think it was when I first saw her. Would love to see her do pictures in super tight belly- & thigh-hugging pants like this waaay more often
>>148525 She so hot, shame she’s so low effort lmao
>>148536 I'd spend so much money on her if her content was half decent.
What’s he new weight?
>>148568 392 >>148536 Shes stated before though on insta that she just goes with the flow. The less she posts the more she makes. Its a shame though as all her content is utter crap. As soon as she ages out of the looks shes gonna realise she needs to step up.
You think it is a fake weigh in though?
>>148606 Bro that’s what I was thinking she doesn’t look fucking bigger at all from the last weigh ins…
>>148606 She's lied and edited pics for years. Badly edited at that. To the point there's ones on curvage where there file names are still in line with a phone photo editing app. She's hot but clearly a compulsive liar
>>148623 The fact she didn't measure or show full body on scale. 5'2". She looks more like 320 than 390.
>>148627 She is absolutely not 390 in any way shape or form lmao
>>148606 She's big but she's not 392 big, specially at just a hair under 5'2. She posted a pic of her with 3 fellow fat friends and she wasn't even the biggest in the group. And I'm not even sure if the biggest one there is over 400 herself.
There's nothing worse than faking weigh ins I don't even bother looking at Kayla Paolini since she admitted faking - although I have a tiny bit of respect for her eventually coming clean about it
>>148787 She's looking massive nowadays. I think it's best to go by sizes, measurements and height rather than weight. To easy to fake weight.
do these girls think we're that dumb or what ?
>>148803 Lana has always been far up her own arse from day one. She's got some serious delusions going on from what little I've spoken to her.
Can someone reupload some vids .btw i am working on a automating my home server to upload some content in this server and maintain the content online
Any reupload will help i start collecting the content for the server i might provide also a torrent format as i dont have to deal with sites
>>148978 contributions are welcome. make sure to read the part about torrents. https://bbw-chan.link/.static/pages/globalRules.html
can someone reupload i lost mine and i need some help .Any legend???
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>>149068 https://we.tl/t-Spt1k1rQR8
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I have returned to update the coomer Heres some content btw, ive probably shared most of it before: https://mab.to/t/ei6jQYX7Pd4/eu1
>>150650 Always a pleasure
>>150650 why did you post a demon? Are you trying to tell me to leave this site to save my soul?
Anyone have her new vid ? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/44856-eat-with-lana-angel-cake-custard-ep1/
>>153363 Seconded
Can someone reup her newer stuff?
Can someone reup Weigh in 2024
the weigg in is on coom, the new was great
While Lana has gotten hotter as a personality and content creator she has gotten worse. The fame has created a massive ego and a lack of care for her work. Enough people paying her for nothing. The last weigh in was by far the worse and a lot of the recent videos are not very good a little sloppy. Lana has to be one of my favorite the decent is sad.
Whenever someone complains about a model "getting an ego", you know you are currently recieving weapons-grade incel 'chat' (see also 'lying about gains')
>>153424 All I got this month leave me alone
>>153363 >>153367 It should be coming on the coomer when it syncs with my of
>>153436 Thx king
>>153436 Don’t think it ever uploaded …
>>153436 Bro lied smh
Short but good OF clip. https://gofile.io/d/1NOTbw
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>>154389 >>153798 Sorry coomer wont upload my shit even though ive resynced the keys. Heres the vid in nice mp4 form https://gofile.io/d/EPvpco
>>156636 Yeah, it's not on your side though.... Coomer has been down for 15+ days, so no new vids have been imported
>>156636 >>156640 I’m not sure as none of her full videos have ever been put on coomer, at least the ones from curvage since they’re ppv. The preview for this vid uploaded before it went down but never the actual video. Thank you tho boss. Can you upload these as well ? Should be on her of https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/23986-fatty-eats-entire-birthday-cake-12l-of-weight-gain-shake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/18865-weight-gain-shake-chocolate-cake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/15783-dominoes-stuffing%F0%9F%8D%95/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/18533-burps-belly/ Heres some new and old videos https://mab.to/t/Ze9SIS00862/us2
>>156655 Some great drops here today. Here's Burps & Belly: https://gofile.io/d/VmXclW
Has there been any of her stuff with other bbws cause some of them look lovely as well
New video https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/46890-pizza-hut-stuffing-5543-kcal/
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>>161307 >>162300 https://gofile.io/d/I5GHHp Here you are y'all
What is the last weight ? this is a SSBBW or not ?
>>163369 legend
>>163372 >https://gofile.io/d/I5GHHp 395 i think but she says shes gained since.
Has she posted anything worth buying recently?
>>167436 No not really. Everything recently made has been posted here anyway. I've got all her recent stuff if you want something
I want some of it
>>167470 Yeah if you have it we'd def appreciate it king
>>167470 Ah damn, she used to post fairly regularly and it'd be decent content every time, seems like it's really slowed down lately. If you're willing to post some stuff we'd all appreciate it
>>167556 >>167514 >>167489 My public service is done for the month https://gofile.io/d/z0f6bO
>>167588 thank you!
395 ? Oh god ! Road to 450 maybe 500 ? You think ?
>>167588 Thanks we appreciate it
Such a shame she barely posts
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Does anyone have this full video of her?
>>169109 https://gofile.io/d/yZJfpb
>>169115 Thank you!
>>167719 >395 ? Oh god ! Road to 450 maybe 500 ? You think ? 500 ? More like 600, then 750, then maybe 800, otherwise what's the point right ? She'll never be able to stop the Androids with such low levels
https://gofile.io/d/MG24uk last one
>>169409 You are an absolute legend. What a drop.
If you watch them in reverse order, she gets fatter as you go ;D
ohhh king!! great video!
https://gofile.io/d/TnG4vG Heres her latest stuffing /\
>>172754 Thank you very much partner!
>>172754 wow even her face is full of fat now
Lmao I hate that ik exactly which Trailer Park Boys episode that is
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She hasnt posted in almost a month and even longer since she regularly did content. I think its time to start accepting she aint coming back. Here is her latest stuff: https://gofile.io/d/ZaMOiF Has anyone got her older stuff?
>>174717 Thanks partner!
(1.26 MB 1170x2532 IMG_1814.png)
You were saying
>>174953 Heres the video https://gofile.io/d/hxdsLN
>>175624 legend
Fyi she has the shittest OF
she is really, really sexy though.
>>178361 Your moms is worse
>>178512 I feel like my mom would update more than once a month
>>178901 Damn she looking huge
Pretty sure thats a fucking dorm room she's filming in.
>>179616 She’s sound that age makes sense
New vid looks so hot… she clearly grew
Dose anyone have the new Lana video? Could you please send the link?"
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Lana has such beautiful, fat upper arms, so hot.
Is she becoming ssbbw?
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Nooo 😭
Damn. And we never even saw her reach 400
>>182755 Damn that sucks.... She has already removed all her posts and made her of subscription price free... No more chance to update the coomer 😭
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/53354-chocolate-overload-2l-chocolate-milk-chug/ Any way someone can get/post this before she scrubs her curvage account too? I think it’s the only video of her’s we’re missing as a community that was never uploaded.
>>182755 "My career" These girls are diluted into believing they can do this stuff for a while, make money, and then "shut it down" and lead a normal life where nobody can see their history 😂 are you kidding me????
>>182783 This might hurt you're feelings but the world is bigger than you think. You think everyone knows that she did porn irl. Especially fat fetish porn?!? Ha that's hilarious. Your acting like she was on the cover of brazzers. I'm not trynna white knight but she started doing this in college (based on some of her vids being in dorm)..it wouldn't be surprising that she's graduating soon and realizing that she doesn't want to do this forever. Y'all mfs gotta enjoy the ride instead of thinking they'll do this shit forever. Kinda crazy how alot of models who started in 2021 are "retiring".
>>182788 Your**
>>182780 https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/25046-cake-stuffing-on-all-4%E2%80%99s-no-utensils/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/23986-fatty-eats-entire-birthday-cake-12l-of-weight-gain-shake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/23986-fatty-eats-entire-birthday-cake-12l-of-weight-gain-shake/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/18865-weight-gain-shake-chocolate-cake/ Missing these too. I have pretty much most of her other content lmk if y’all want something. Damn shame we were supposed to get a stuffing series from her just ruined my day.
>>182780 >>182794 Here's the shake & chocolate cake one. Share what you have, I guess. https://gofile.io/d/tABobB
>>182788 You do know what a background check is right Like I'm not trying to cause an argument or troll but Jesus Christ when you hire new employees that shit absolutely does ping. If it's on the internet for a brief moment, even if you "delete" it, the data is out there forever, you can't ever actually get rid of it
>>182803 Yeah no shit. Doing porn isn't the end all be all for all careers. ReyBbw is popular and she has career and she hasn't hinted at people at her job knowing that she does this shit. Same with Udderly adorable..she mentioned once she works in the tech field. When I said the world was big I was referring to people recognizing her in public and etcetera.
>>182803 I think you are massively over stating how in depth a "background check" is. A lot of employers can't even be bothered to read resumes. But here you make it sound like companies are hiring Private Investigators to hack their search history. You can probably just entirely negate the issue by using different email accounts to separate work and personal stuff (which you should be doing anyways) The vast majority of people dont even use the internet beyond google searches. At the end of the day if quitting porn and getting a real job didn't work, then these models wouldn't be doing it.
Rip Lana, the writing has been on the wall though for a long while. She will come back once she realises that a job aint gonna be nearly as easy as this. Heres her latest stuff: https://gofile.io/d/4KNaPV
>>182823 Long as she isn't trying to be a government employee or make over $90,000, or have a anything to do with a job entitled with a 401K, sure. That gas station isn't going to run itself I guess.
>>182803 Lmao you’re clearly just mad you weren’t able to make $ from porn and then quit after some time for a normal job. I guess it makes you feel better to assume every employer will effortlessly find out about their incredibly niche fetish porn
>>182831 The UK is different in that regard. Anything what requires any sort of security, is done by a DBS check. This is purely just criminal and other similar things. Her porn career wouldnt be covered by this. On the other hand, all employers even those petrol station style gigs Google their employees. I doubt it would be hard to find her porn career from her real name.
>>182796 >>182826 Cheers legends
>>182796 >>182826 Appreciate y’all. I’ll drop some Re ups later.
>>182755 so sad she was one of the sexiest up and coming bbws, at least shes not getting wls, working out, or is on ozempic
>>182906 Let's be honest she's probably gonna be on the ozempic in no time.
>>183195 Nah, you can tell she well and truly hooked by this kink
>>183224 she might be, but shes also eaten her way up to a 70+ BMI at the age of 21. If she's sensible enough to want to focus on her career, i'm going to guess shes also decided she wants to do something about her health too
What a shame, she was one of the best imo. Will dump all I have here in a few days.
>>183687 Will he deliver?
>>184019 I've been crazy busy and all my stuff is on another machine, give me a few days pls lads
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So she's nuked her OF then started posting again at 5.99/month. Odd. Looks like she isn't quitting fellas. Her comparison through the years is hot af
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>>184842 Update:
>>184842 good news, and shes still going to be gaining! Hope to see her get extra fat this christmas! That gain is so hot and shes still in her early 20's
>>184981 Does anyone know if she's started posting new content yet?
>>185067 Sorry girl we got our own shit to deal with.
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She’s getting massive
>>188997 it will be fake anyway so
>>189004 You're not wrong. Video suss af
>>189007 yeah the entire videos fake. There’s a part where she shows her body standing up and you can clearly tell where she starts to photoshop (video shop?) her belly. Shame it’s entirely too obvious
I don’t think that’s true..I dont see any proof of editing and tbh I don’t think she’d know how to do that video editing is very difficult. She has worked hard I’ve followed her for years and she has been 350 for so long why would she lie she has been trying to get to this number for a while and I, super proud of her she definitely looks massive!!
>>189045 If you've been a follower of hers for years have you ever noticed how the scale fluctuates wildly and she never lets it settle? The video just ends.
I don’t know about you but I definitely see the scale stop t 4001/2 for like 2 seconds?? Also she explains why the scale fluctuates its natural with weight gain. A true fan of weight gain would understand that. She’s still sexy as hell and looks huge!!! Be proud of her
Her last weigh in was 392lbs at the end of 2023 so it’ll be interesting to see if she’s gained. I think she’ll be over 400 now. She’s definitely blimped up this year, so hot
>>189075 That weigh in was a scam.
>>189075 >>189052 It is one of the fakest weigh ins ive seen in years. She honestly sounds like the next Big Booty beauty. Same energy and the obvious photo shopping of pictures doesnt help
Mate it was a real weigh in. A shit one yeh but gotta remember how short this woman is. And look at last year's she Def looks bigger just stfu and have a wank she's gorgeous
>>189713 She's likely 350 lbs.
>>189713 any weigh in of hers I've seen always ends the same. The scale bounces around wildly then the actual video ends when it hits the number she wants. She never lets the scale settle because she's probably wearing a backpack full of stuff to make her seem heavier
Idk she has some where you can see her full body and there’s clearly nothing on her, like a back pack?? And nothing on the back of the scale I struggle to think how she’d cover that up when her full body’s in frame (in previous weigh ins) Also she definitely looks 400! Stop complaining have a wank and just appreciate her body it isn’t that deep😂 also she got stuck in a Maccies booth on insta so I’d say she’s defo at 400+ for that to happen 😍
Whaaa plz tell me you screenshotted it
How are we ripping things of OF atm? Whats easiest way?
actually the coomer has been updated for those who didn't know
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Not again
>>193130 She posted yesterday, then this out of the blue.
>>110147 Last thing she posted (yesterday): https://gofile.io/d/6W6wn9
>>193143 Is the video completely green for anyone else or just me?
>>193144 All green here too
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I just looked and her OF is normal
>>193144 >>193146 It looks like onlyfans has patched the way i download videos. How are we meant to get them off onlyfans these days?
>>193274 Try the Soul browser
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>>194089 Didn't she say that everything was gonna be free on her of?
Her new video does look good to be fair, may have not posted a lot recently but the wait seems worth it. Hopefully someone can share it before I give in and buy it
>>194126 Yes she did. Another empty promise
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Tbf her bio does say all her vids are no PPV except sex videos and this is a sex video right?
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So here is her statement regarding the pricing on the new squashing & s3x vid
>>194240 I think its good deal than most
Anyone have that new vid?
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One can buy it on CURVAGE Link https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/57867-dominated-by-her-weight-a-squashing-fantasy/
>>194206 If by sex you mean penetration, i guess you could say it had that, except for the fact it was only 8 seconds long cus theres no way the dude couldve reached in
>>194365 You've got the video? Would you mind sharing?
>>194369 We need a way of getting drm protected stuff from Onlyfans.
