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stuffybunnylove Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 13:43:39 Id:06bc88 No. 194343
Been getting pretty big lately. Anyone have any other vids of hers? Her coomer hasn't been updated in months. Here's a video of her chugging a liter of fucking oil https://gofile.io/d/UXTrOA Recently she has on her YT a video of her chugging 3 liters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ges1yPCSyrY Its probs fake but still hot
Hot as fuck. Would also love to see a Coomer update
>>194345 Pretty everything is on kemono. ("Ella") she* pretends* to eat huge amounts. i mean when you write in title "8l milk chug", how is it possible that her belly don't grow that much? where are going all the foods and drinks? maybe she ha a very very poor bely shape, i don't know. I must admit her recent vids are above ok tier, but i can't get rid of this "Chanel latina cheating" vibe
>>194352 she does, i updated the sites on her content for the longest.. when i actually had the time to view a videro in its entirety.. i was disappointed. yury potbelly is probably one of the only feedees that eats large quantities without editing and measures/weighs.
Takeru Kobayashi, reportedly expanded his stomach to hold nearly 10 liters during peak training, and he and held a record where he ate about 53 hotdogs and buns. So it's not Impossible to eat that much if you work at it for years on end (which I think stuffy has).
>>194380 no “he” talk, find a “she” that we can buy from
Whats her kemono name i cant seem to find it?
>>194382 The person above just gave you the name. You gotta scroll down on the website to find it.
Does anyone know if she has any recent videos of her weighing herself?
